Web Porn Online

Web Porn Online


Web Porn Online
Estimates of how much porn is on the web vary widely
Most people now turn to the web to see pornography
ISPs are being asked to filter porn to limit who gets to see the material
The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.
Many things in porn are exaggerated, including the statistics regularly quoted to show how much pornography is on the web.
The need to get a good sense of its size and reach has sharpened as British politicians, pundits and the media debate what influence pornography is having on children, teenagers and their understanding of what sex is all about.
A lot of different statistics were quoted in those debates. However, few stand up to scrutiny.
One figure that cropped up again and again is that 37% of the internet is made up of pornographic material. Many of those people who quoted the figure took it from a press release put out in June 2010 by net filtering firm Optenet.
A spokesman for the firm told the BBC: "The statistics are not up-to-date and I would not use them to reflect the reality of the web nowadays."
That might just be because there is a lot more data around.
According to estimates from Scandinavian research centre Sintef , 90% of all the data the human race has ever produced has been generated in the past two years. That explosion is due to the rise of the web, smartphones, social media and the "big data" projects in which businesses, governments and scientists are involved.
But it is worth asking if 37% was ever accurate, even in 2010. Optenet said the figure came from a "representative sample" of about four million URLs taken from its database of web content.
However, that same year the largest study ever done into human sexuality published a very different figure for how many of the web's most popular sites were devoted to porn.
The academics behind the research based their results on analysis of the million most frequented sites in the world.
Their estimate? Just 4% of those websites were porn.
While the two studies do not measure exactly the same metric - Optenet counted pages, the academics sites - it's worth noting that the number of pages on a site says nothing about its influence or audience. As other studies suggest , porn sites are likely to be disproportionally large as they trade on giving visitors new content and, as a result, create hundreds of new pages each day.
So, suggest these studies, porn sites have huge archives but the number of pages that people actually view is relatively small.
This means that it is better to measure visitor numbers rather than site size, said Dr Ogi Ogas, co-author of the huge 2010 study, A Billion Wicked Thoughts.
So, why do people pick the big numbers instead?
"Big numbers are more sensational and make for good press," said Dr Ogas. "But those big numbers have always been an urban myth."
Three years on, the amount of porn online was likely to make up even less of the total, he said, thanks to consolidation in the porn industry and the rise of sites that duplicate and syndicate content.
Claims about the total amount of porn online are worth questioning because further analysis suggests the same about figures for how much traffic those sites generate.
An article in Extreme Tech is regularly quoted for calculating that 30% of all net traffic is generated by porn sites. It reached this figure by estimating how much traffic one popular porn site generated each day and multiplying that by the "dozens" of other similar sized porn sites it said were out there.
However, there are problems with its maths. To begin with, it underestimated how much data travels across the net every day. Extreme Tech claimed daily data totals were half an exabyte in 2012. Figures from network hardware giant Cisco said the figure was 1.4 exabytes. At the very least, porn traffic is part of a much larger total.
There are also reasons for querying its traffic estimate. Extreme Tech said its example site got 100 million visitors a day.
However, for a different story about porn sites, the BBC was told a much lower daily visitor total for that site and many others, all of which are overseen by porn hosting firm Manwin.
Across all its sites, Manwin said it got about 70 million visitors per day. This figure may also be inflated because, as other studies have shown , porn sites are built to be click generators. Every mouse click on a video or still can kick off many more as a viewer is re-directed to affiliated sites, adverts or pop-ups.
So, visitor numbers for those sites and consequently how much traffic they generate look likely to be a lot lower. A blogger at the Ministry of Truth blog reached a broadly similar conclusion when they analysed the 30% statistic and many others in a series of posts. That blogger concluded that porn accounts for a few percentage points of overall traffic and is dwarfed by YouTube and the bigger social networks.
They described facts and figures about online porn as "zombie statistics" because, like the undead, they refuse to lie down even when effort was made, time and time again, to kill them off.
Few people took the time to look into the source of the statistics, said the blogger, which explained why people continued to quote figures that date from the days before the web existed or come from marketing materials, small unrepresentative surveys or off-the-cuff comments.
The dubious provenance of statistics about porn are well-known inside the tech industry.
"We are aware that a number of statistics are being used in relation to online safety and have concerns over their accuracy," said Nicholas Lansman, secretary general of ISPA, which represents net supply firms. Anyone quoting stats should check their veracity, he said.
"It is vital that any decisions in relation to online safety, like any other policy area, are based on evidence rather than myths and assertions," he added.
What is worth remembering is that even if there is a lot less porn online than many people claim, there is still a lot out there, said Dr Ogas "Fourteen per cent of searches and 4% of websites devoted to sex really are very significant numbers, when you stop to ponder it."
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Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam (A Billion Wicked Thoughts)
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We know folks are out there on the web sometimes looking for some pretty weird stuff. We’re not judging. Everyone’s had a bad Saturday night.

And all that nocturnal research has dawned a new era in sex online. Porn publishers have started to watch what we look for very closely in order to find weird new fetishes. It hadn’t occurred to anyone to pay porn stars to pretend to be in the same family until they started seeing “stepsister” show up in search bars (probably with a verb and maybe a pronoun attached).
Data collected by sites about visitors has given porn makers ideas for films we were afraid to ask for, which is nice in its own way. Some of us would prefer to err more on the side of the fear than the desire.

There’s a tiny, four-year-old adult content search engine designed from end-to-end around protecting privacy. BoodiGo doesn’t track users, log IP addresses and it requires encrypted connections to run.

“A lot of web surfers, including some who probably hadn’t given their online privacy much thought in years past, are starting to look at the issue more closely, and they’re increasingly flocking to platforms they know they can trust to secure and maintain their privacy,” the site’s co-founder, Colin Rowntree, said in a press release. The site hit one million unique visitors this month.
It’s not large, but it has a few features that make it worth highlighting, including an encrypted search function that protects users against prying eyes at home.

BoodiGo’s front page and its search results are safe for work. It focuses on text results. Rowntree told the Observer in a phone call that he wanted to “make it a nice, clean source of information.” He runs a number of adult sites. He keeps customers coming back because “they know they aren’t going to get bombarded with pop up windows.”

The feature that got our attention is toggled on and off beneath the BoodiGo search bar, where there’s a switch a visitor can toggle on the “Encrypt Search Beta.”
The search encryption function creates a new URL for search results that protects them from spies scrolling another person’s search history.

So, for example, if I searched for “nice people” on Google, it would generate a search URL that looks like this:

The words “nice people” show up right there. Super privacy friendly DuckDuckGo does the same. The same search yields the following:
BoodiGo does as well, if the search encryption feature isn’t on. Without it, the search yields:

The fifth result on that search revealed a fetish to me that I can’t now unknow. That’s why it might be useful to turn on the encrypted search feature, which resulted in this URL when I ran it:

By the time anyone clicks on that link, it will just resolve to the main BoodiGo page. The site gets rid of the search key after a short amount of time. So, a spy scanning a browser’s history might find a bunch of BoodiGo searches, but the links wouldn’t reveal anything about how someone feels about nice people or anything else.
BoodiGo declined to explain if the string in the URL is an encryption of the search or if it’s simply a key that corresponds to a self-erasing database (or something else). In short, though, it’s a self-destructing URL.

Of course, anyone who clicks on any of the links without scrubbing their history has another privacy threat, but BoodiGo can’t do anything about that. The web surfer is in someone else’s hands after they click a BoodiGo search result.

The only other search engine we found that offered similar protection was StartPage .
It’s also worth highlighting the site’s privacy policy itself. It runs just 450 words, and it has been written in plain language. For example, under “information sharing” it states: “As Boodigo does not collect information, we have no information to share. We are here to protect your right to privacy.”

Privacy policies are typically documents so daunting few people even try to digest them (though a few do ). This one could be a model for bullshit-free explanation of what it does and doesn’t do.

One caveat for the extremely security conscious: BoodiGo may not collect data about visits, but it is currently using Google Analytics to track its stats. Google Analytics is a free and ubiquitous stats serve that lets Google see where its users go after leaving its search results. Many privacy aficionadoes use tracker blockers in part so that Mountain View can watch them browse non-Google websites. We flagged this for Rowntree and he said that he’s open to exploring alternatives.
In May, Cornell University Libraries explained why it shifted from Google Analytics to another stats service called Piwik . Piwik has a self-hosted option which allows site owners to collect easily readable stats without sharing the data to a third party cloud.

Ironically, the main way people discover BoodiGo is through Google search. “It’s got a very strong ranking for ‘adult seach engine’ and ‘private search engine,'” Rowntree said. “We get a lot of traffic coming off of Reddit,” he added.

There has been solid progress in privacy and porn lately, with all the major tube sites moving to encrypted connections with users , but BoodiGo has been a small, quietly running privacy protecting option for several years now. “We saw a big ramp up in traffic happen right after the election, and right after Trump was inaugurated,” Rowntree said.
BoodiGo is a product of Wasteland, Inc. , which now runs a few different paid porn sites, including Sssh.com , founded by his wife, Angela Rowntree, a pioneering paid-porn site for women.

If nothing changes, it’s just a matter time till our unique kinks become an open book , so it’s nice to have a way to find something lustfully compelling without letting the world know what’s on one’s mind (or on whatever).

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