Web Jav

Web Jav


Web Jav

Java Web Start is included in the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) since release of Java 5.0. This means that when you install Java, you get Java Web Start installed automatically.
The Java Web Start software is launched automatically, when a Java application using Java Web Start technology is downloaded for the first time. The Java Web Start software caches (stores) the entire application locally on your computer. Thus, any subsequent launches are almost instantaneous as all the required resources are already available locally.
Every time you start the application, the Java Web Start software component checks the application's website to see if a new version is available, and if so, automatically downloads and launches it.

If you use an application frequently, you can create a shortcut on your desktop or in the Start Menu. Java Web Start may ask if you would like to create shortcuts or an entry in the Start Menu. If you reply Yes, all future launches of the application can start without a browser.
Java Web Start also provides an Application Cache Viewer which you can launch from the Java Control Panel. The Cache viewer enables you to directly launch applications that you have downloaded.
You can also launch an application from a command prompt by typing javaws jnlp_url where jnlp_url is a url to the jnlp file of the application.

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Web development is known as website development or web application development. The web development creates, maintains, and updates web development applications using a browser. This web development requires web designing, backend programming, and database management. The development process requires software technology.
Web development creates web applications using servers. We can use a web server or machine server like a CPU. The Web server or virtual server requires web application using technology. Web development requires server-side programming language or technology. Mostly Java, PHP, and other server-side languages require for web development.
Java web development creates a server-side website and web application. The majority of Java web apps do not execute on the server directly. A web container on the server hosts Java web applications.
Java distinguishes between two types of containers: web and Java EE. Additional functionality, such as server load distribution, can be supported by a container. A web container supports Java servlets and JSP ( JavaServer Pages ). In Java technology, Tomcat is a common web container.
A web container is usually a minimal need for web frameworks. GWT, Struts, JavaServer Faces, and the Spring framework are common Java web frameworks. Servlets are at the heart of most modern Java web frameworks.
Java web development creates applications and websites using static and dynamic resources. The static resource refers to HTML pages with images, and a dynamic resource refers to classes, jars, Servlet, and JSP. Java web development uses several packages, files, and online links. Java web development requires web archive files known as a WAR files.
Java web development works on three main factors. These development factors show below.
The above three factors create, update, remove, display and operate data or information.
Front-end web development : The front-end technology interacts with the user and Java interface. It helps to insert and submit data. Java web development uses JavaServer Pages or JSP for the front-end form or table.
Backend web development : The backend technology maintains and updates data of the database. Java uses Servlet, spring, and other advanced technology.
Servlet, filter, filter chain, servlet config, and other interfaces are available in the javax. Servlet package. The capabilities of servers that host apps are increased by using Servlet.
The request-response model is used in web development applications written with Java servlets. From initialization to garbage collection, a servlet has a life cycle.
Servlets are useful for various tasks, including collecting data via web page forms, presenting data from a database or any other third-party source, etc.
Servlets are Java programs that run on a web application and send client requests to databases or servers. After talking with the database, the servlets help process the client's request and provide results.
The JSP technology pieces code to control web information and moves dynamically. A JSP page comprises static data written in HTML, WML, XML, and other markup languages. Special JSP tags simplify Java code into HTML pages, making web development user-friendly.
The JSP technology allows embedding bits of servlet code in a text-based document. JSP is a popular Java EE technology that allows programmers to create complex dynamic web pages quickly.
Within a Java program, the JDBC driver allows to perform the following tasks:
JDBC is a set of methods and queries for accessing databases written in Java. Clients can use web applications using JDBC drivers to update any information in the database.
JDBC drivers connect to databases in four ways: JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver, Network Protocol Driver, Native Driver, and Thin Driver.
For web development, the Java Persistence API employs object-relational mapping. This mapping connects a database to an object-oriented model. Java Persistence makes it simple to manage relational data in Java web applications. The Java Persistence API aids in database data management. This API sends data to a database and retrieves data from it regularly.
Large amounts of code, proprietary frameworks, and other files are not required. JPA gives a straightforward technique of database communication. A database is an object-relational approach for interacting with Java web development. JPA is a set of lightweight classes and methods for interacting with databases.
JavaServer Faces is called a JSF Technology. This technology provides a framework for developing web-based interfaces. JSF provides a simple model for components in various scripting or markup languages.
The data sources and server-side event handlers are coupled to the User Interface widgets. JSF aids in the creation and maintenance of web applications by minimizing the time and effort required.
The JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library or JSTL abstracts common functionality of JSP-based applications. We use a single standard set of tags to incorporate tags from various vendors into web applications. This standardization enables the establishment of Java applications on any JSP container. It supports JSTL and increases the tags to optimize during implementation.
Messaging is a way for software components or apps to communicate with one another. A messaging system is a type of peer-to-peer network. In other words, a messaging client can communicate with and be communicated with by any other client.
Each client establishes a connection with a messaging agent, facilitating the creation, transmission, receipt, and reading of messages.
The Java Message Service (JMS) API provides a strong tool for resolving enterprise computing problems by integrating Java technology and enterprise messaging.
Enterprise messaging enables the secure and flexible sharing of business data. The JMS API extends this by providing a uniform API and provider framework that facilitates the building of portable message-based Java applications.
Java programming language is easy to handle and programmer's first choice for web development. Java web development has basic rules apart from operating data. This technology does not need an extra operation or advanced programming.
Java web development creates multiple web applications using a single type of code on multiple pages. If we know the working procedure, then JAVA technology develops any application.
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public class MyClass {
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
. . ( "Hello World" ) ;

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Web Development Using Java Technology For Beginners
Difficulty Level :
Hard Last Updated :
24 May, 2022
// Java Program to Illustrate JDBC Connection In Oracle DB
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver;
// To communicate with the database
// Note: This class is to be used in Application class
// where moto of this class is connection object
    // Declaring connection class object and
    private static Connection connection = null ;
    // Static method that connects with database
    public static Connection getConnection()
        // Try block to check for exceptions
            // Loading and registering drivers
            // using DriverManager
            // Setting instance as Oracle driver
            // This implies database is Oracle
                new OracleDriver());
            // Passing DB- URL,username,password
            connection = DriverManager.getConnection(
                "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe" ,
                "username" , "password" );
        // Catch block ot handle DB exception
            // Display the line number where exception
            // occurred using printStackTrace() method
        // If no exception caught database is connected
        // Display message successful connection
        System.out.print( "Connection established" );
// Java Program to Illustrate JDBC Connection In SQL DB
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Try block to check for exceptions
            // Setting database type for connection as MYSQL
            Class.forName( "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" );
            // Loading and registering driver
            // MYSQL database iul with DB
            // name, username and password
                = DriverManager.getConnection(
                    "username" , "password" );
            // If connection done with database this
            // statements will be printed otherwise exception
            System.out.println( "Connection established" );
            // Closing the connections
            // using close() method
    // Catch block to handle DB exceptions
        // Display the line number where exception occurred
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In order to create a java web-based project with which the knowledge is up to programming language then you can follow the simple flow explained below while creating a project being a beginner. The first step geek in order to create such web development projects requires the knowledge about the web technologies carried forward to other frameworks. There are many ways to create such Java web projects, where there are many frameworks spring, maven, hibernate, etc depending on the requirement of the project. For a naive user knowledge will be missing out for Collection, framework , and web technologies but still, if someone wants to develop a proper java web application, the least idea of how to proceed further will require at least a combination of technologies to use with clear concepts of programming in any language preferably be it java or python as these days most of the tools are developed using these languages. So in order to combat these languages are preferred these days. 
Here is an approach or technology as a combination of technologies that one can follow for a simple web application who is having a basic knowledge of core java and a bit of knowledge of advanced java working with the database. In order to create a project one must be clear about the two ends, this includes frontend and backend. 
Consider an architecture of a mall in which people working on building it by piling on bricks as cells as per the instructions received to them. These set of people are called frontend builders while the sets of people working over laying layout on a piece of paper later on dealing with science in order to give maximum stability to the foundation which is to be laid further involving research and development over it are called backend people. These people have sent instruction to frontend people after doing research, development and testing. 
Now coming back to the project, for the frontend or UI(User Interface) one can either opt for swing or JSP . Here taking JSP for the illustration part out of swing and JSP which stands for Java Server Pages
 JSP stands for Java Server Pages. If you know HTML, CSS you are less far to Know JSP(a java server page), where you use HTML tags only with extra features for which JSP acts as a dynamic web page. You can use HTML pages as well instead of JSP if you want to start with a simpler approach.
The input from users can be collected through the forms of a webpage by using JSP and the records from the database system are able to appear in the form of view respectively. In order to retrieve the information containing data from the database system, the available tags of JSP are used and these tags are used for different related functionalities like going from one page to another and similarly for other means as well
Implementation: Suppose you have a webpage like a form field, the data entered in the field(by the user) will be accessed by java programming with the help of Servlet.
Example: JSP pages are helpful to retrieve the information from the database and show it on the web pages to users.
In the above example below tag is the action that defines the servlet it will direct to after the button is submitted. Servlet example on login will be seen in the latter half.
Back-End : It does involve a programming language where here java is taken for the illustration part.
As you are making a project on java you should have knowledge of java definitely to work on the logic like accessing the data from the database and working on it then sent back to the server in the UI part etc, this is the main backend section where the logical part will be implemented.
Java will act as a medium that will connect UI(need to know about Servlet) and database(need to know about JDBC) with its logic. One has to install IDE for java such as Eclipse or Netbeans, etc. 
Note: Eclipse is more preferable if using jsp instead of swing if used in frontend
Servlets are the Java programs that run on the Java-enabled web server or application server. They are used to handle the request obtained from the webserver, process the request, produce the response, then send the response back to the webserver. Though it is a java class, required in a web project. Suppose you have a webpage like form fields, the data entered in the field will be accessed by java programming with the help of Servlet. Servlet helps to redirect from web pages to servlet and these servlet classes will help to connect with other java classes.
There are some common functions you’ll require using in servlet:
Implementation: HttpServlet class is used here
Example: It is provided on the basis of JSP page example as shown above
Database : Most web apps require a place to store data for which database is used,e.g., suppose there is a webpage registering as a new user. Now think, where all these data will be saved? Here we can use a database that will store the data of the user, which will be accessible all the time. However, these data will b
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