Web Design, Development, UI & UX: Entailing the Difference 

Web Design, Development, UI & UX: Entailing the Difference 

Website UX & UI are the terms you often get to hear while deciding on creation of a website. Similarly web designing & development strategies become a substantial part of your website building plan. If you’re new into determining a web address for your business you are definitely going to face problems differentiating between these 4 terms namely- Web Designing, Web Development, Website UX & Website UI. Though the ultimate aim of all these approaches is to provoke user attention but the respective website building operations these 4 concepts depict are quite different from one another. 

You have to specify such differences so that you don’t get confused regarding your website building plans & determining your corresponding workflow. Following this we have created this post to explain the difference between the 4 terms. Going through the same you’ll get to understand how you can specify your website creation goals & objectives. You’ll get to learn the basic principles of web designing and how you can allure user engagement with your website appearance & functionality. 

User experience (UX) is also very important to be achieved consistently through your website building efforts. When users visit your website, they don’t collect products & services but experiences too. These experiences help them decide to come back to your website or not. Hence, we suggest you pay adequate attention to all these aspects for a better website creation outcome. The more considerable outcome you have, the more enhanced business development strategies you can build for the future. 

You can recognize us as SFWP Experts, your Custom Coded Website Designing & Development Companion based in San Francisco. Our world class Custom Coded WordPress Website Designing Services simply suggests to you the best ways you can optimize the visitor experience on your website and represent your products & services exceptionally!

What is Web Designing?

Starting with the foundational part, web designing is the core to which other 3 approaches are connected. Web designing is the website building technique with the help of which you can adorn your website frontend not just aesthetically but functionally too. Both website UI & UX are the 2 main objectives that a web designing campaign is supposed to achieve. If your website design is not capable enough to deliver an exceptional user experience you should better change it or remove it from your website frontend. 

As a web designer you’re also supposed to promote art & craft along with innovation that suits the contemporary market trends so that more & more users find your stuff quite considerable. You’re also expected to represent your web page content & other elements in such a way that the users are motivated to take actions & click on at least a button & use a specific functionality. While hiring a web designer you can follow these guidelines:

  • Consider the portfolio of the designer representing his expertise appropriately
  • Specify your designing prerequisites & website building objectives. You’re further supposed to specify the website category you want to build 
  • Evaluate the skills & experience of the website designer you’re going to appoint. For this you have to dig deeper into the designing product of your respective web designer and review the Typography, Page Layout, & Readability delivered by him so far related to other projects
  • Review the softwares & tools your web designer often uses for creating appealing web designs. Some of the renowned softwares in this context you can rely on are- Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, etc
  • Specify if your web designer has got a specific workflow to establish your web designing project

Web designing can also be performed without a web designer. You need to approach a website builder tool and you can handle your website designing campaign yourself. WordPress is a fine website builder tool you can consider for exercising self designing. However, you must know it is not applicable on all kinds of websites out there. 

Understanding Website Development

Web development is the foremost aspect involved in the designing of a website. Moreover, it also serves the database maintenance associated with your website and promotes foundational alterations you can perform on your website from time to time. Your website needs such alterations & modifications so that a particular matter of user convenience could be achieved. Web development can be divided into two categories based on your website database:

Frontend Development

Frontend development is entirely focused on your website appearance that is seen & operated by your target users. It is simply what resides on your website for visitor’s use & functionality. But the founding codes reside behind the curtain, just like an opera show. That’s Frontend Development. You can’t perform it yourself using a website builder tool. You need to have hands-on experience regarding Frontend Development and you can come up with an online existence even from scratch. 

You can make use of CSS & HTML languages to create codes regarding Frontend Development & add special functionalities & web page elements for user convenience thereafter. 

Backend Development

Backend development is not dedicated to special web page elements that are used by the visitors on the front of your website. However, backend developers reside behind the scene associated with database creation & maintenance of your website frontend. Your hosting server decides what you can post on your website & how innovative frontend you can deliver your website visitors. In this way, your backend developer specifies & optimizes your database & data transfers for frontend development too. The developer makes use of languages like Python, Ruby, Java & PHP to handle your website backend organization. 

Furthermore, you can also appoint a full-stack developer for your web development operations if you’re looking for both frontend & backend services. You can also reach out to SFWP Experts if you think that an open source CMS is the perfect solution for your website building goals. Here we suggest the best solutions for your Custom Coded WordPress Designing issues!

Website UI

Website UI is a web designing concept that suggests you to include controls & functionalities that are easily understood by the users. It also specifies your website layout & web page elements in an easy to understand manner so that the user immediately determines where & where not he needs to head on. Following this, website UI requires you to determine the enlisted principles & web page standards for better UX:

  • White Space
  • Page Loading Button
  • Web Page Pagination
  • An easy to use Scroll Bar
  • Thumb Zone for Mobile Responsiveness
  • Icons for Specialized Navigation
  • Icons for Mobile Optimization

Website UX

Website UX is nothing but a consequence of your Web Designing, Development & UI all together. We may call it user experience and it could be good or bad depending upon your designing, development & UI operations. For better experience you need to hire a UX designer who can specify what your web designers & developers are expected to create. Web designers & developers are generally not concerned about the end result until they aren’t working as a UX designer too. 

They create what they are authorized to. You can also understand your user tastes & preferences regarding your website design & functionalities and further talk to your designing & developing experts. 

Final Thought

In the end, we’d like to suggest that you should go for a web designer, UI, development & UX designer depending on your website category & the business vision you want to project through your website. If you’re still confused about whether to go with a website building expert or an online website creation tool you can contact SFWP Experts anytime & get rid of your doubts right away. We’re a trusted WordPress Website Designing Company based in San Francisco. Share your thoughts!!

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