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Weapon spread is the most important modifier to damage. All ranged weapons have Weapon Spread (even beam weapons, which physically could not) a cone-shaped area from the weapon's muzzle, widening to the limit of it's firing range. Different weapons have different spreads, ranging from the tightest, sniper rifles and beams, to the broadest, such as shotguns. For most weapons, the wider the weapon spread at the point of contact with a target, the lower the damage. A sniper rifle would deal most of it's damage at any range, while a shotgun or automatic would deal most to a single target at point-blank range, and much less damage to multiple targets at further distances.

Weapon Spread is also increases with the player's movement speed and rate of firing; the aiming reticule will expand to indicate how much Weapon Spread is modified by these factors. A single shot fired from standing point blank will deal closer to the weapon's listed damage value, but rapid-fire bursts at the limit of the weapon's range while running may deal negligible damage.

Accuracy reduces Weapon Spread, so a character build with higher Accuracy can deal weapon damage more reliably at longer ranges and faster running and firing rates.

Weapon Spread does not have any influence on non-damage effects such as the Grappler's grappling, the Puppet Master's mind control, or the HARP's shock or shield override



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During World War II , scientists in several countries performed experiments in connection with nuclear reactors and fission weapons, but only the United States carried its projects as far as separating uranium-235 or manufacturing plutonium-239.
By the time the war began on September 1, 1939, Germany had a special office for the military application of nuclear fission , where chain-reaction experiments with uranium and graphite were being planned and ways of separating the uranium isotopes were under study. Some measurements on graphite, later shown to be in error, led physicist Werner Heisenberg to recommend that heavy water be used, instead, for the moderator. This dependence on scarce heavy water was a major reason the German experiments never reached a successful conclusion. The isotope separation studies were oriented toward low enrichments (about 1 percent uranium-235) for the chain reaction experiments; they never got past the laboratory apparatus stage, and several times these prototypes were destroyed in bombing attacks. As for the fission weapon itself, it was a rather distant goal, and practically nothing but “back-of-the-envelope” studies were done on it.
Like their counterparts elsewhere, Japanese scientists initiated research on an atomic bomb . In December 1940, Japan’s leading nuclear scientist, Nishina Yoshio, undertook a small-scale research effort supported by the armed forces. It did not progress beyond the laboratory, because of a lack of government support, resources, and uranium.
The British atomic weapon project started informally, as in the United States, among university physicists. In April 1940 a short paper by Otto Frisch and Rudolf Peierls , expanding on the idea of critical mass , estimated that a superweapon could be built using several pounds of pure uranium-235 and that this amount of material might be obtainable from a chain of diffusion tubes. This three-page memorandum was the first report to foretell with scientific conviction the practical possibility of making a bomb and the horrors it would bring. A group of scientists known as the MAUD committee was set up in the Ministry of Aircraft Production in April 1940 to decide if a uranium bomb could be made. The committee approved a report on July 15, 1941, concluding that the scheme for a uranium bomb was practicable, that work should continue on the highest priority, and that collaboration with the Americans should be continued and expanded. As the war took its toll on the economy, the British position evolved through 1942 and 1943 to one of full support for the American project with the realization that Britain’s major effort would come after the war. While the British program was sharply reduced at home, approximately 90 scientists and engineers went to the United States at the end of 1943 and during 1944 to work on various aspects of the Manhattan Project . The valuable knowledge and experience they acquired sped the development of the British atomic bomb after 1945.
After the war a formal decision to manufacture a British atomic bomb was made by Prime Minister Clement Attlee ’s government during a meeting of the Defence Subcommittee of the Cabinet in early January 1947. The construction of a first reactor to produce fissile material and associated facilities had got under way the year before. William Penney , a member of the British team at Los Alamos, New Mexico , U.S., during the war, was placed in charge of fabricating and testing the bomb, which was to be of a plutonium type similar to the one dropped on Nagasaki , Japan. That Britain was developing nuclear weapons was not made public until February 17, 1952, when Prime Minister Winston Churchill declared plans to test the first British-made atomic bomb at the Montebello Islands , off the northwest coast of Australia; Churchill made the official announcement in a speech before the House of Commons on February 26, at which time he also reported that the country had the manufacturing infrastructure to insure regular production of the bomb. On October 3, 1952, the first British atomic weapons test, called Hurricane, was successfully conducted aboard the frigate HMS Plym , with an estimated yield of 25 kilotons. By early 1954, Royal Air Force (RAF) Canberra bombers were armed with atomic bombs. Under a program known as Project E, squadrons of Canberras as well as Valiant bombers were supplied with American nuclear bombs—until early 1965 for Bomber Command in the United Kingdom and until 1969 for the Royal Air Force in Germany—before being replaced with British models.
The formal decision to develop thermonuclear weapons was made in secret on June 16, 1954, by a small Defence Policy Committee chaired by Churchill. The prime minister informed the cabinet on July 7, arguing that Britain needed the most modern weapons if it was to remain a world power. A discussion ensued that day and the next to consider questions of cost, morality , world influence and standing, proliferation, and public opinion . Cabinet agreement was reached later that month to support plans to produce hydrogen bombs. More than six months would pass before the public learned of the decision. Minister of Defence Harold Macmillan announced in his Statement on Defence on February 17, 1955, that the United Kingdom planned to develop and produce hydrogen bombs. A debate in the House of Commons took place the first two days of March, and Churchill gave a riveting speech on why Britain must have these new weapons.
At that point British scientists did not know how to make a thermonuclear bomb , a situation similar to their American counterparts after President Truman ’s directive of January 1950. An important first step was to put William Cook in charge of the program. Cook, chief of the Royal Naval Scientific Service and a mathematician, was transferred to Aldermaston, a government research and development laboratory and manufacturing site in Berkshire , where he arrived in September to be deputy director to William Penney. Over the next year the staff increased and greater resources were committed to solving the difficult scientific and engineering problems they faced. The goal was to produce a one-megaton weapon. Megaton was defined loosely, and boosted designs (with yields in the hundreds of kilotons) were proposed to meet it. To achieve a modern Teller-Ulam design, a consensus began to form around a staged device with compression of the secondary. These ideas were informed by analyzing the debris from the 1954 Castle series of tests by the United States as well as Joe-19, the Soviet Union’s successful test in November 1955 of its first true two-stage thermonuclear bomb. Precisely how the essential ideas emerged and evolved and when the design was finalized remain unclear, but by the spring of 1956 there was growing confidence that solutions were close at hand. The British thermonuclear project, like its American and Soviet counterparts, was a team effort in which the work of many people led to eventual success. Among major contributors were Keith Roberts, Bryan Taylor, John Corner, and Ken Allen.
Sites in the middle of the Pacific Ocean at Christmas Island and at Malden Island were chosen to test several designs of prototype weapons in the spring of 1957. Three devices were tested in May and June at Malden, the second one a huge fission bomb, slightly boosted, producing a yield of 720 kilotons. Though the first and third tests did demonstrate staging and radiation implosion, their yields of 300 and 200 kilotons were disappointing, indicating that there were still design problems. On the morning of November 8, a two-stage device inside a Blue Danube case was successfully detonated at 2,200 metres (7,200 feet) over Christmas Island, with a yield calculated at 1.8 megatons. Britain now had an effective thermonuclear bomb. Further refinements in design to make lighter, more compact, and more efficient bombs culminated in a three-megaton test on April 28, 1958, and four more tests in August and September. Conducted just before a nuclear test moratorium that began in October 1958 and lasted until September 1961, this final series of British atmospheric tests solidified the boosted designs and contributed novel ideas to modern thermonuclear weapons.
From 1962 to 1991 Britain conducted 24 underground tests jointly with the United States at the U.S. test site in Nevada to develop warheads for several types of aircraft bombs and missile warheads. During the 1950s the RAF’s “V-bomber” force of Valiant, Vulcan, and Victor aircraft was introduced into service to carry a variety of fission and fusion bombs. In June 1969 the strategic deterrent role was transferred to the Royal Navy’s Polaris submarine force, and in the 1990s these boats were replaced by Vanguard-class submarines carrying American Trident II ballistic missiles armed with British warheads. RAF aircraft continued to serve in other roles until March 1998, when the last British nuclear bombs were withdrawn from service.

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