"We must recognize that the world today seeks the unity we have long desired... The new world takes the form of a global community..." Brzezinski, New York Megezine .3.03.1975 

"We must recognize that the world today seeks the unity we have long desired... The new world takes the form of a global community..." Brzezinski, New York Megezine .3.03.1975 

Ͳɦε Ɗαʝɭγ Ɠαʐεʈʈε'ʂ 'Βεɾϻμɗα Ͳɾʝαηɠɭε Ѕαγʂ'🎙

Rockefeller Center is a complex of 14 buildings around 70- a 560,000-square-foot skyscraper with a total area of 560,000 square meters, built on an area of 65,000 square meters, leased by the Rockefellers from Columbia University. Columbia University is the alma mater of the father and son of the Hammers, and the head of the section responsible for the formation of the self-named office of Soviet Russia in the United States, ludwig Martens-William Malissov. Columbia University has its own website http://www.goaskalice.columbia.edu. for the sexual education of students "Ask Alice!" 

The site will explain any kind of sexual entertainment, up to the "literate" to have sex with animals. We have completed our "education" on the page with the description of the "right approach" to the Sado-Masochistic games ... 

A child is a white page on which you can draw everything from heaven to hell. A little cute human animal can be inoculated with all the flowers of both trees of paradise. To his right, the invisible, stands the angel of light, but on the left is a black demon. The angel brings seven radiant gifts of St. Spirit, versatility; the demon brings seven dark gifts to the inviduous spirit of self. Thus, from the cradle itself there is a struggle between the Christian revolution and the pagan reaction, and my battle between light and darkness can be seen in a small child. 

St. Yves D'Alveidr Archiometer

There is such an institute of health and disease prevention (Netherlands). The editors believe that he is headed by one of the former priestesses of love and stallion of love from the former red light district in Amsterdam . 

There was a time, later the project was closed, Sexologist S. Agarkov became the author of one of the school programs of sexual education (237 hours, starting from the 5th grade), where the history of prostitution, pornography, etc. should be studied in detail. I. Kohn, the chief consultant of the international project "Sex Education of Russian Schoolchildren," received a grant of 50,000 dollars for the promotion of homosexuality in Russia. The experiment was conducted in Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Arkhangelsk, and somewhere else ... 

We know that in some European countries - Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden, compulsory child sex education. And if parents do not allow their child to have safe sex, it may be a question of depriving such parents of parental rights. As was the case in the German city of Salzcotten, where at least eight Russian families were fined large sum for refusing to send their children to compulsory primary school sex education and the fathers of those families sentenced to prison. In addition to refusing to send their children to sex education, the parents also resisted attempts to involve their children in the school play "Mein Korper gehort mir" (My Body Belongs to Me), in which young children were told how to engage in sexual intercourse, according to the Christian human rights organization International Human Rights Movement, which protects religious freedom and the right to home schooling in Europe. After the authorities failed to force the parents to comply with the fines, they resorted to the short-term imprisonment of the heads of each family. As Joel Thornton, the President of the DFHR, stated, "such persecution of Salzcotten families by the state demonstrates that the officials of the German education system firmly intend to punish families who insist on home education, and all other non-members of the law on compulsory education, even if they protest against just one obviously dubious subject." Mr Thornton said German officials "regarded children, especially school-age, as state property" and therefore placed parents' beliefs and their rights to children below the interests and orders of the state.

Someone asked from the Germans what did in Italy in the summer of 2020 this like the German Chancellor woman 👩, with a gold bracelet on his hand, belonging to the wife of this guy on the left, an Italian actress . In the arms of the couple's child. 

And what are the strange RUS inscriptions? 

The photo is taken from his story, a photo collage on the wall and a ring with his fingers from the Editorial Board. 

interests and orders of the state. 

In Germany, Christian parents trying to take their children out of public schools are under incredible pressure from the government. After all, it is illegal both home schooling (declared as such in the law that has been in force since the Third Reich) and the parents' attempt to take the child from specific lessons they regarded as contrary to their Christian values. The voluntary activities in the Social European Charter were not mentioned, as it should be, in civilized countries such as Sweden, where sex education is legally carried out from kindergarten without parental consent. At the time, the Austrian psychiatrist W. Frankl wrote: "The dangerous in terms of the prevention of sexual neuroses is the coercion of sexual consumption emanating from the education industry... Sexuality is broken as conscious focus and attention to it increases. We, psychiatrists, constantly see in our patients how much they are under pressure of this "education industry" ... feel obliged to aspire to sex." In addition, drawing the attention of the teenager to intimate issues of sex, prematurely violate his "latent sexual period" (S. Freud), which leads to the painful deformation of his psyche, when narrowing the concept of "sex education" to sexual education, they thereby demean the human dignity of the future man and the future woman, put in them from childhood a low level of self-awareness and self-esteem, pushing schoolchildren in the reservation of mental delay." Gender issues are extremely sensitive matter. No wonder this side of life is called intimate, that is, a secret hidden from prying eyes. 

Public mussing anatomical and physiological details is not so harmless as the theorists of "sex education" try to assure parents. Boys are especially vulnerable, because they are, strangely enough, more squeamish and impressionable than girls. The teacher's seemingly innocuous accounts of puberty can cause boys disgust and horror, the consequences of which will be a begins even in adulthood. Henry Kissinger's National Security Study NSSM-200, prepared in April 1974, stated: "The key factor in the effective use of existing contraceptive techniques has been and remains the problem of education ... Without reducing the efforts aimed at the adult population, it is necessary to concentrate on the younger generation - those who are now in primary school or even younger!" 

Keys managed to work on 5 points. And no one can blame the Editorial Board for the archaic monastic traditions. We ourselves who want to teach such that and say 🗣 uncomfortable, among our readers very young hearts are, we will not prematurely corrupt them remotely. Everything needs action, individuality, delicacy and intelligence. And in such subtle cases all the more so. You can't 🚫 the state so brazenly climb into every family and we know that for sure, better than the UN 🇺🇳 and Kisa including. The state in general needs to get away from the privacy of citizens and children. You have too much of a self-in mind and taken on an unbearable burden, and today everyone is paying for your boundless audacity fellow Democrats. 

Nobody was embarrassed by the question of "safe sex"? You should know that nothing is safe in principle, including sex in a condom.

 Should we take over your sexuality education yet?

 Besides the nature of fascism?

 Wouldn't there be a lot for one Edition?

 The promotion of condoms among adolescents, on the contrary, provokes an epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases. The pores of the latex rubber from which the condom is made are fifty times the diameter of the AIDS virus, and for many other viruses they are like a sieve [52]. In addition, scientists from Israel believe that condoms, which are supposed to protect a person from a variety of sexually transmitted infections, can become sources of bacterial infection. The results obtained shocked scientists - 80% of condoms printed in absolutely sterile conditions were found to contain such microbes and microorganisms as, for example, staphylococci, which can cause rosepsis, diseases of the genitourinary and cardiovascular systems [59].

 In Switzerland, there was a huge exhibition with characters from the popular comic book titoff. The headline of a news item on the website dedicated to the announcement of cultural events in Switzerland: "EXPO: Titeuf et son zizi sexuel enfin en Suisse!" [Exhibitions: Tityuf with his sex piss finally in Switzerland], followed by a description and the phrase “A ne manquer sous aucun prétexte” [Must visit!], Explain how to “do it”. People go there, take the children ... and thank the organizers. Intruding into the mind of a child in this way is tantamount to putting poison in candy. The sponsor is the Hans Wilsdorf Foundation, named after the founder of the watch company producing the famous “Rolex”. Recently Swiss newspapers came out with shocking headlines that "Now 12-year-old boys will not be afraid to become fathers." The publications reported that under the auspices of the government in Switzerland, a study was carried out, which revealed that it is better to fight early pregnancy in children not with propaganda, but with concrete measures. One such concrete measure was the production of condoms for children. According to statistics from the State Committee for Youth Affairs, the number of children aged 12 and older who are sexually active in Europe has grown significantly over the past 15 years. The absence of strict censorship on television and in the press gives young children access to information that they want to try out in practice. For this reason, the number of early pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases in adolescents who have not reached the age of majority is on the rise. However, children, for obvious reasons, cannot use adult condoms. But the Swiss authorities decided to come to their aid so that children could "safely enter adulthood" and decided to launch smaller condoms into production and sale. The idea of ​​creating children's condoms belonged to the largest contraceptive manufacturer in Switzerland, which quickly responded to the problem voiced by the researchers and put forward a proposal to the government. The company does not plan to remain on the national market and wants to conquer the whole world with its innovation soon. According to experts' forecasts, this brand is expected to be a dizzying success. It is obvious that, in full accordance with the rules of modern marketing, demand will begin to form in all prospective sales markets. It is not known whether the German Ministry of Family Affairs has received appropriate kickbacks from Swiss condoms, but they are clearly and very energetically preparing potential consumers of their products. The ministry has produced and is distributing brochures encouraging parents to give sexual massage to children between the ages of 1 and 3! Two booklets of 40 pages each, approved by the German Federal Center for Health Education, are aimed at young parents for two age groups of children - from 1 to 3 years old and 4-6 years old. “Fathers do not pay enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. While caressing their daughters, fathers pay little attention to this area, while this is the only way girls can develop pride in being girls, ”says a leaflet for 1-3 year olds. The authors seem to justify themselves: "when the child calls his parents, they touch all parts of the child's body, the father must do the same." This brochure also advises to allow and encourage unrestricted masturbation for children, except when it leads to physical disabilities: children should know that there are no shameful body parts. The body is your home to be proud of. For children aged 4-6 years, the brochure recommends teaching the Kama Sutra. Another brainchild of this federal center is a book for children from 4 years old, which contains songs calling for masturbation. Here is the lyrics of one song included in this songbook, which, by the way, is called Nose, Belly and Butt. “When I touch my body, I know what I have. I have a vagina because I am a girl. The vagina is not just for peeing. When I touch it, I feel a pleasant tingling sensation. " At the moment, this booklet is already mandatory in 9 German regions, in nurseries, kindergartens and primary schools. Ironically, this booklet is recommended by organizations that officially fight pedophilia. These booklets are sold in millions of copies throughout the country. The publishers indicate that parents, educators and child psychologists were interviewed before they approved the publication of this booklet. 93% of them gave the go-ahead. So, the German authorities, practically, with the full approval of parents and teachers, purposefully deprive German children of innocence, corrupt and pervert their consciousness [53]. Representatives of the Confederation of Fathers and Mothers of Schoolchildren have already expressed their dissatisfaction with the program for teaching adolescents to masturbate, launched by the authorities of the Spanish region of Extremadura. 14 thousand euros have been allocated for "the study of one's own body and the disclosure of the sources of pleasure," according to "Details" with reference to The Daily Telegraph. The campaign targets 14-17 year olds. The program publishes brochures, magazines and leaflets that describe self-gratification techniques. In addition, adolescents can attend special master classes [64]. In the Russian Federation, this madness was suspended on June 2, 2008.

 The Concept of the Law on Sex-Role Education, which is included in the package of bills attached to the Concept, includes: "The bill is aimed at ensuring conditions for the education of children's moral attitude to future family and sexual life by establishing standards for teaching children about family life." The law implies a ban on "the use of foreign educational programs and teaching aids in educational institutions related to the prevention of HIV / AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases." These programs were distributed in 1996-1997. and negatively affected an entire generation [65]. But this is for now, after the reform, education will be presented to the invisible hand of the market and everything will be like in the enlightened West, where processes are currently taking place that lie not only beyond the framework of morality, but also beyond the boundaries of elementary common sense. And there is no doubt that their result will be the complete degradation and death of the peoples covered by them. It all starts with "EXPERTS", "INDEPENDENT CONSULTANTS", "PUBLIC COMMUNITIES", etc. In the UK, a SPECIAL PANEL OF EXPERTS has advised the Department of Education to add sexuality education lessons to the curriculum as soon as possible. The developed program is divided into several steps, the first of which is lessons for children 5-7 years old. [60] The measure was, of course, introduced under the "good" intention of "reducing teenage pregnancies." New NHS school guidelines explain to teens that they are “entitled” to sexual pleasure and that having sex or masturbating twice a week can have a beneficial effect on their cardiovascular system, educational package includes the chapter on male-male and female-female relationships. [61] For too long, the authors of the document believe that the sex education of adolescents has been limited mainly to promoting "safe sex" and consistency in relationships. It ignored the main reason many people have sex - pleasure. The slogan of the booklet "Enjoyment" became the expression "one orgasm a day - and the doctor will not be needed" - a pun referring to the saying about healthy eating: "one apple a day ...". One of the authors of the brochure, Steve Slack, director of the Center for HIV and Sexual Health at Sheffield Health Services, argues that the document does not promote early sex among adolescents. Instead, he says, leadership should encourage schoolchildren to take their time with the loss of innocence and only start having a sex life when they are fully confident that they will enjoy it.

 Meanwhile, Anthony Seldon, a psychologist from Wellington College in Berkshire, called this approach "regrettable", writes the British Times. The Daily mail newspaper, in turn, reports that the activists of the British movement for the preservation of family values ​​have condemned the document. However, the British Ministry of Health has supported the innovation, stating that "having a frank conversation about sex" is an important part of the formation of a healthy sex life [62]. As it should be in the colonies of the "Invisible Hand of the Market", no one is interested in the opinion of the people there, remember at least 100 years of the British struggle against vaccination. "In Cambridge, pcs. Massachusetts, first graders are read a fairy tale about a girl who had two lesbian mothers. In the third grade, they talk about the marriage of two homosexuals ... "[23] There, in the United States, where sex education has also been at the age of 5, this case is lobbied by gay activist Kevin Jennings, who is responsible for the safety of education in the Obama administration (Office of Safe Schools chief). It is he who recommends giving stories in the classroom with detailed descriptions of homosexual practices, child molestation, cohabitation of an adult with a child, the search for casual homosexual relationships, etc. He does not hide his hatred of religion and his desire to put condemnation of homosexuality and any mention that this way of life can be left outlawed. Jennings' Gay, Lesbian, Straight Educational Network (GLSEN) believes early sexual initiation is good for a child, and therefore the openly obscene images and stories that children have always tried to shield from should, on the contrary, "help the child discover own sexuality ". Therefore, "teaching materials" appear in the classrooms under titles like "The Childhood of a Bugger," "My Lesbian Childhood," "Thirteen-Year-Old Blue," and so on. Jennings was formerly part of the Go! Gay activist group. ("Act Up"), "famous" for openly terrorist antics. The most sensational of them is the disruption of the Mass and the desecration of the church where the head of the American Catholics, Cardinal O "Connor, served. This happened exactly 20 years ago - on December 10, 1989, on Sunday. During the service, fighters for abortion and for" gay rights "gathered outside the church. "dressed in parody-priestly vestments. To begin with, they simply shouted accusations and curses at the cardinal under an obscene image of Christ. Having thus brought themselves to the desired state, they rushed into the church, shouting blasphemy, began to jump on the benches, shake their fists , toss inflated condoms into the air. One of the "wrestlers" grabbed the consecrated wafers and threw them to the floor. Their accomplices in the street, meanwhile, raised posters with slogans like "Keep your church out of my fly" and "Kingdom of Heaven to Cardinal John O" Connor - RIGHT NOW!"...

"New York impressed me because it best expresses the spirit of the modern age... I went to Europe with the feeling of a man who only looked inside the forge with one eye, where the fate of mankind will be forged..." 

L. Trotsky. "My life. The experience of autobiography" 

"Made in USA" was to be the name of the final part of Lars Von Trier's film trilogy, which was started by "Dogville" and "Manderlei." When, in an interview with the director, Stig Bjorkman asks why he addresses the topic of America in his work, he notices that we have long been mostly Americans - whether we like it or not. 

However, the "Americanization" of society, as a phenomenon, is no longer a secret. D. Coleman writes: "What makes America unique is its desire to experience the future, whether it is pop art or LSD. Today, America is a creative society, while others are consciously or unconsciously imitators." 

His book "Committee 300" can be treated as odious, but it has been written for a long time, and many of the questions from it: "What are the goals of this secret elite group?" - have long been the answers. 

"Establishing control over education in the United States with the aim of its complete and final destruction" 

D. Coleman


- The United States is the penultimate place in the world in general education and, in particular, the last place in the world in physics. 

- 44 million Americans cannot read and record texts at Grade 4 level. About 60% of Americans do not read books at all, although as far back as 1982, 60% were the opposite of reading. 

- In 2003, illiteracy in the United States reached 20% of the population and continues to grow rapidly, today 75% of American school graduates do not know how to read enough to pass the final exams. [3] 

- only 25% of American high school graduates receive a full-fledged general education. The rest never studied algebra and trigonometry, geography and foreign language, physics and chemistry. 75% of students in the X-XI grade have only three compulsory subjects - native language, social disciplines (most often U.S. history and civic studies) and physical education. Next to choose household courses: personal hygiene, cosmetics, mathematics SYSIDA, family economy, driving cars, caring for sick at home, canning products, etc. 

- 20% of adults in the United States cannot name any of the European countries. Among Americans between the ages of 18 and 24, one in seven can't find their own country on the map, and one in four can show the Pacific Ocean. 95% of college graduates make mistakes in writing words, half do not know how to make a simple sentence. 

"In The State of New Mexico, 16 percent of the population is illiterate and 20 percent are unable to "make the simplest arithmetic in their mind to calculate the total amount on the bill." 

-Furthermore, 20% of Americans believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth, and 17% of those surveyed rightly believe that the Earth revolves around the Sun, but are convinced that the full rotation of our planet around the Sun takes place in a day, not a year. 

Statistics from the Higher Education Institute show that reading and writing skills in high school students in the United States are now MORE than children did in 1786. 

D. Coleman 

"I took a comprehensive test for fifth graders in 1886 and offered it to the teachers of the American school in 1996. None of the teachers answered half of the questions. What does that say? The fact that the U.S. secondary education system is destroyed in a way! I did a survey -- they don't know how many planets there are in the solar system, at what temperature the water freezes and boils. What is the government doing? For the last 30 years it has consistently disarmed the nation" - Alexander Gordon "The Last President of FUSA", aptly, by the way, the word "disarms": 

"The triumph of obscurantism is an amazing feature of the new millennium, and for Russia - a suicidal trend, which will lead to the fall first of the intellectual and industrial, and then - and quite quickly - the defense level of the country" 

Vladimir Arnold, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 

In the American educational system there is a system of tests, when there are three answers to one question, you just need to choose the right one. This system destroys the whole knowledge! A person no longer turns to his knowledge, there is no reason - he begins to either guess, or somewhere something heard similar and puts a tick. 

Alexander Gordon 

"Moreover, the tests themselves are made by idiots. They don't test anything but the ability to take these tests. They, however, can be prepared by paying some money to a private company. And yet, these tests are not so easy to pass. They are designed in such a way that you need to have a lot of small meaningless skills to quickly and accurately fill the cells and tick. Tests are checked anonymously, no one looks like the student tried to solve the problem. I ticked it in the wrong place - I made a mistake. Teachers are not even allowed to explain incomprehensible names to children... The level of knowledge being tested is monstrously low. Children in high school are checked to see if they can read and understand the meaning of what they have read. At first I couldn't believe my eyes until I saw the assignment for graduation: John went to the store, where he met Sam. They bought beer and chips. The questions to the test were: "Did they go to the store or the opera? Who did John go to the store with?" etc." It is said from across the ocean (unsurprisingly, tests are riveting in Korea). That is, on the one hand, ETS usurp education, on the other hand they are so, in fact fictitious, that education turns into zero. 

"If a lot of children in a school or in a class have passed the test badly, then teachers or principals can be fired from their jobs. As a result, the main and main occupation at the school was the preparation for the test." "Free competition in schools leads to a crumbling school, with half-starved children, like cockroaches attacking the salesmen of educational companies. Directed by the Ministry of Education, they conduct endless presentations of miraculous programs consisting of cards, manuals and tips that will "help" schoolchildren..."" - the last two quotes clearly indicate that if the director continues to stay in his place, he will choose from the salesman the educational system is simpler, with a greater guarantee of a positive result on the test ."

Why do we mourn what is so obvious? Our education system has been programmed to self-destroy. 

D. Coleman 

This historical anecdote belongs to the President of the Royal Academy, Nobel Prize winner in physics Sir Ernest Rutherford. One day in a physics exam, a teacher asked, "Explain how you can measure the height of a building with a barometer." The student's response was: "You need to climb up with a barometer to the roof of the building, lower the barometer down on a long rope, and then pull it back and measure the length of the rope, which will show the exact height of the building." The student was then kicked out of the classroom, but then appealed, based on the fact that the answer was absolutely correct. An independent arbitrator was called in to resolve the problem. I asked the student to try again. After giving him six minutes to prepare, I warned him that the answer was to demonstrate knowledge of physical laws. After five minutes, he never wrote anything on the exam sheet. I asked him if he was giving up, but he said he had several solutions to the problem and he just picks the best. Interested, I asked the young man to start the answer, without waiting for the expiration of the allotted period. The new answer to the question read: "Climb with the barometer to the roof and throw it down, measuring the time of the fall. Then, using the formula, calculate the height of the building." Then I asked my colleague, the teacher, if he was happy with this answer. He finally gave up, acknowledging the answer as satisfactory. However, the student mentioned that he knew several answers, and I asked him to open them to us. "There are several ways to measure a building's height with a barometer," the student began. "For example, you can go outside on a sunny day and measure the height of the barometer and its shadow, as well as measure the length of the shadow of the building. Then, having decided a simple proportion, to determine the height of the building itself. 

"Not bad," I said. 

Yes, I do. There is a very simple way that I'm sure you'll enjoy. You take the barometer in your hands and climb the stairs, applying a barometer to the wall and making marks. By calculating the number of these marks and multiplying it by the size of the barometer, you will get the height of the building. 

"If you want a more complex way," he continued, "then tie the shoelace to the barometer and, rocking it like a pendulum, determine the magnitude of gravity at the base of the building and on its roof. From the difference between these values, in principle, it is possible to calculate the height of the building. In the same case, by tying the shoelace to the barometer, you can climb with your pendulum to the roof and, rocking it, calculate the height of the building by the period of precession. 

Then I asked the student whether he really did not know the conventional solution to this problem. He admitted that he knew, but said he was fed up with school and college, where teachers impose their way of thinking on students. This student was the future famous physicist Nils Bohr, also later a Nobel Prize winner. 

There is an opinion and it does not belong to the Editorial Board alone, that according to the plan of the "invisible hand of the market" the influence of the state should become insignificant. Then the "invisible hand" itself will become a state, and it will somehow deal with the population...

Some American colleagues believe that the low level of general culture and schooling in the United States 🇺🇸 is a conscious achievement for economic purposes. The fact is that, having read books, an educated person becomes the worst buyer: he buys less washing machines and cars, begins to prefer them Mozart or Van Gogh, Shakespeare or theorem. The economy of the consumer society suffers from this and, above all, incomes - so they seek to prevent culture and education, which still prevent the population from being manipulated as a herd deprived of intelligence. 

The assumption is true not only for the U.S., in this material removed a whole layer on the territory of Russia. From personal long-term observations, the Editorial Board declares with full responsibility as a fact: such a huge number of sheep as today, in its creative biography, we have not met before. This trend of the last twenty years is being exacerbated rapidly, and that is why the project of the crown 👑 has become possible. 

People have given up on knowledge of human activity for centuries, people have given up science 🧬 and history, people have given up the experience of professionals and entrusted themselves to social networks, producing hundreds of tons of ravings of crazy day and night for years, fueled by reposts of inexhaustible nonsense began to live, and good to make. It's like a fairy tale by Ivan the Fool. You can put any name, do not make a mistake. 

And the fact that the rockets 🚀 Elon are still flying, is for now. We don't see the horizon of planning multi-vector strategies for society (large masses of the population) for 50 years from anyone, it is an extremely sad sight ...

You see, not so much scary what we call Henry Kisa, but scary this 👇

Henry Alfred Kissinger was named Heinz Alfred Kissinger at birth. 

born 27 May 1923, Furth, Bavaria 🤔

We have written many times, you can transplant the heart ten times, you can replace the vessels, move the liver and other organs. But you can't replace the brain or change its structure 🧠, the same age as the first Russian Civil War. It's nature! 

It is very important to understand and pass a law on restrictions. At the age of 70, everyone needs to deal with their own garden and vegetable garden, write a memoir, after checking and approval of national commissions consisting of writers, historians, philosophers, only after these procedures work is published. So that we would never again go into a large circulation literary works of collective neo Marx - Swabov . 

Everything we say is quite objectively understandable. First of all, you don't have to embarrass yourself and your family. Secondly, it is harmful for the country, for which everyone is so baked from the screen. 

And also, if there is something to say without a piece of paper and an earpiece from the category of useful and sound mind, it is fine to do lectures and transfer knowledge and experience to the young. This is how the successors of thought 💭 and wisdom arise. 
Here's what we have to say: 

«... but Russia is my romance." 

              Armand Hammer 

The need for business centers in Moscow, where foreign companies could be located, arose in the 1970s, at a time of defusing international tensions and rapid growth of contacts with the West. The initiators of such a project were the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the USSR and the American businessman Armand Hammer.

- Yes, yes, it is Armand Hammer. 

Since then, it is a branch of the KGB of the USSR (FSB), it is crammed with everything that can be stuffed with walls and so on, including service personnel. 

In the late 70's low (1.68 meters), gray-haired, immaculately smoothly coiffed old man, in glasses in a thin frame approached the Lenin mausoleum in not quite urch for inspection of the mummy of the leader time - about 23.30. The Kremlin guard was extremely astonished, so late by the visitor, and despite the persuasion of the belated visitor, he and his entourage were not allowed into the mausoleum, advising him to come to the chief tomorrow. Then the comrade took out of his pocket a paper, which in the unfolded form testified: This is the subject of this permission to enter to me at any time.

Ulyanov (Lenin)". 
The familiar autograph prompted the head of the guard and the Kremlin commandant to contact the office of Comrade Andropov, from where came a quick answer: "Let in." An old man with a small entourage entered the mausoleum and stayed there for about half an hour, which he did in the Leninist tomb at exactly midnight next to the mummy and who were his entourage is not known - and not surprisingly, since all the documents on Armand Hammer's activities in Soviet Russia - the USSR are classified to this day. It is known only that he was born on May 21, 1898 in New York in a family of Jewish immigrants from the south of Ukraine: Julius and Rosa Hammer. The family had three sons: the eldest was Harry, the youngest - Victor, and the middle father gave the name Armand (from Arm and Hammer - hand and hammer). His father, Julius Hammer, came to the United States from Odessa in 1875 after graduating from Columbia Medical College, opened five pharmacies and founded the Allied Drug and Chemical Pharmaceutical Factory in 1915, which traded in skin care products. Another family hobby of the Hammers was the communist movement, Armand's grandmother was a socialist, and his father, along with Bertram D. Wolf and Benjamin Gitlow, became one of the founders of the Communist Party of the United States at its congress in 1919. The Bolshevik wing of the Hammer party was organized with the support of aspiring Hollywood actor and countryman Leo Bronstein. As it should be changing images of the man of art, in the future, Leo will unsuccessfully try on the family-lya of the Russian nobleman Trotsky, and even make it in essence a household name. Thanks to Trotsky, there was a 10-minute meeting of the party ticket holder of the U.S. Communist Party No.1 Julius Hammer and Lenin, who will be awarded the winner of a party ticket with the same number only in 1973. The audience lasted about 10 minutes, during which Ilyich managed to call the American "the hope of the world revolution." "Hope," but did not pay off. Son Armand followed in his father's footsteps and also graduated in 1919 from Columbia College, 

L. Bronstein in the film

 "My Official Wife" 1917 

(Vitagraph Films, later Warner Bros.

having received a bachelor's degree. Either out of scientific interest, or even from what in his spare time from the main business family contract laid on illegal abortions. The fascination ended with Julius Hammer having a fatal abortion and was sentenced to 12 years in Sing Sing in 1920. According to another version, which came out after the death of the younger Hammer, and outlined in Edward Epstein's book "Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer", the operation was done by Armand Hammer, and his father took the blame. After his son took over the family business, he became the first American to earn a million dollars as a student. 

On the fact, imprisonment for the device of clandestine abortion "hope of the world revolution", Vladimir Ilyich snapped: they say, Julius "is accused of illegal abortion, in fact revenge de for communism". Representatives of the young Soviet Republic in the United States made persistent but unsuccessful attempts to secure the release of Julius, and Ilyich himself became the first in the world head of state, legalized abortion law of 1920 "On abortion", in a word somehow unevenly breathed all this communist fraternity to abortion. Armand's student years ended in 1921 with a doctorate in medicine from Columbia University, and he immediately went to Moscow, though not to improve abortion practices. As a result of his meeting with hammer, Rockefeller decides to provide financial support to the Bolshevik state, which, by Trotsky's definition, can "deploy a banner with a hammer and sickle over the White House". , a Odessa tribesman and close friend of the Hummer family. So close that Ludwig Martens, who is usually called the first ambassador of the Soviet Union to the United States, lived for a long time with the Hammers before becoming vice president of the design and technology firm Weinberg and Posner. Why the "ambassador" services were in New York, not Washington, was not explained, it is assumed that his main goal was trade, not diplomacy. Why would a trading office in its staff, in addition to understandable commercial and technical department, economics and statistics, have separate structures responsible for medicine and EDUCATION (led by Columbia University graduate William Malissov) is no longer clear. Any way. The bureau quickly issued a call for U.S. trade with Russia. From the letter of the National City Bank to the U.S. Treasury Department concerning Ludwig Martens, you can see what position dr. Julius Hammer held in the Soviet Bureau: 

National City Bank Of New York, April 15, 1919 The Honourable Joel Rathbone, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury of Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. Rathbone: I dare to attach to this letter a photograph of two documents that we received this morning in a bespoke letter from Mr. L. Martens, who declares himself the representative of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic in the United States, as evidenced by Dr. Julius Hammer as acting chief of staff. ... 

With sincere respect, J. H. Carter Vice President 

But on May 7, 1919, the State Department banned business mediation in favor of the Bureau and refused to recognize Ludwig Martens, the Soviet bureau and the Bolshevik government of Russia. However, ignoring the facts of the embargo and non-recognition of the Soviet Republic by the official U.S. authorities, the Soviet bureau moved to prepare contracts with American firms, providing financial support to the nascent Communist Party of the United States. In response, on 12 June 1919, representatives of the Lasca Committee of the State of New York searched the soviet bureau and found correspondence with American businessmen representing almost a thousand firms. This captured material was based on "Special Report 5 (Secret)" dated 14 July 1919, prepared by the Intelligence Directorate of the British Ministry of the Interior (?). Ludwig Martens appeared at a congressional hearing, and by the end of 1920, Martens' bureau was closed and its head expelled from the United States, leaving unrealized contracts and debts. During the investigation, many members of the U.S. Communist Party were sentenced to prison for anti-government agitation or deported to Soviet Russia, followed by Armand Hammer. It didn't go far, perhaps because the list of Staff of the Soviet Bureau available to Scotland Yard differed from the one in the Archives of the Lasca Committee in Albany, New York, in one nuance: the British analysis included the name Julius Hammer, while the Committee's report, Laska Hammer, was not neatly absent. 

At the request of U.S. Department of Justice edgar Edgar Hoover, The gunman was arrested during a transfer in Southampton, searched and questioned. The cruelty with which he was treated showed that the path of the father chose his son thorny. Finally, Armand is released on an unexpected instruction from above (!), and he finds himself visiting Alexander Martens, who now holds a responsible position in the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the Russian Federation. 

Martens voiced Lenin's proposal: to charter several ships in Riga, to load them with black caviar, furs and other Russian goods that are in demand in the West. Funds from their implementation will have to go to the purchase of American wheat. Accepting the conditions, Hammer for three days marinated in the Kremlin's waiting room, before he was able to get to the chairman of the "sovnarcom", once he complained about the bureaucratic order of the young Soviet Country. Then angry Lenin, having made a stern reprimand to the secretaries, issued a young companion the same mandate, on which many years Hammer "with a small retinue" (?) visited the mausoleum at night. The meeting between Hammer and Lenin lasts four hours and its contents are unknown to anyone, from the features, some ..... Lenin and other Soviet leaders have been printing only retouched photos since the meeting. Anyway, on October 27, 1921, the Foreign Trade Narcotics Committee of the RFSR and the Hammer Allied Drug and Chemical Corporation signed

Translation of the inscription:

people devouring each other from hunger are not cannibals.

cannibals are those who do not want to convert church gold into bread hungry 

As a result of the signed agreement, Hammer became the exclusive representative of almost all American companies in Russia. Armand's commission, which did not invest a cent in the operation, was unnecessarily large - more than $100,000. At a total transaction price of 600,000, Hammer's contracts also include the Soviet authority's obligation to provide his firm with premises, transportation and security. Soon, on the subject of such terms of the deal, there was a conversation with Dzerzhinsky, dare I assume, it was about hammering in the use of special channels for the sale of Russian gold, icons and jewelry. At the very beginning of the Nep, the destroyed Russia was in dire need of goods, medicines and technical equipment. Since the Bolsheviks could not restore the production ruined by the revolution, they decided to buy everything they needed abroad. In return they offered gold, works of art, museum collections, up to the crown jewels of the Russian Empire. The aspect of the sale of Russia is also reflected in Lenin's letter (19.03.1922), which uses blackmail by hunger for total "removal of church values." Note, the Bolsheviks regained the gold reserve of the empire in the early 1920s, did not particularly need "church values" that amounted to only a thousandth share instead of Lenin's expected "hundreds of millions" or "billions" of gold rubles. In addition, the Bolsheviks issued decrees on the nationalization of the entire property of Russia, as well as the confiscation of property not only from the Church, the bourgeoisie, immigrants, but also on the confiscation of gold and jewelry from the entire Russian population (decree of 16.04.1920). 

Read the teachings of neo - Marx Schwab 

'The Fourth Industrial Revolution' 

Hammer under your...... 🪑 will be put in the second part of the material.

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