We are fixing the whole internet.

We are fixing the whole internet.


So I got this issue https://instantview.telegram.org/contest/totalnews.com.ar/template26/issue2/ reporting an identifiable cite not formatted with <cite>.

But it's just another one-off case on this site. Because that article is copied from https://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/la-negociacion-secreta-entre-macri-y-lavagna-que-termino-en-fracaso-nid2230630.

Here's a screenshot on totalnews site:

And here's the page they copy from:

That's why this cite has a class .fuente but without any css rules defined in css file, all them have is those crazy inlined styles.

And this is not the only article they copied, most articles on this site were copied from other sites.

Check this page https://www.totalnews.com.ar/index.php/mas/tech-mas/63-tecnologia/1769-las-tecnologias-mas-innovadoras-y-exitosas-en-los-50-anos-de-historia-de-la-feria-de-electronica-ces, it has a blockquote with cite:

the weird part is there's no css defined in css files again, all styles are inlined.

And guess what? It's copied from bbc https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-38496768:

And this page https://www.totalnews.com.ar/index.php/secciones/60-informacion-general/2882-descubren-un-sistema-solar-con-seis-tierras-que-podrian-albergar-agua-liquida has a cite in .gris-medio:

Similar case as the one above, and it's copied from abc https://www.abc.es/ciencia/abci-descubren-sistema-solar-siete-tierras-zona-habitabilidad-201702221728_noticia.html:

And there were already some similar issues reported:

  1. https://instantview.telegram.org/contest/totalnews.com.ar/template25/issue1/
  2. https://instantview.telegram.org/contest/totalnews.com.ar/template3/issue2/
  3. etc.

All these could be one-off cases since they are copied from any other websites.

Now we have three options here:

  1. don't try to fix the whole internet
  2. fix the whole internet
  3. <del>remove this domain from contest</del>, no, I don't like this option at all.

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