Wd Spread Spectrum Clocking

Wd Spread Spectrum Clocking


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For enterprise storage requirements, the jumpers can be set to enable spread spectrum clocking or power-up in standby modes. WD SATA drives are shipped from the factory either with or without a jumper shunt in the spread spectrum clocking (SSC) enable/disable position (on pins 1 and 2).
Can a WD SATA drive use spread spectrum clocking?
Can a WD SATA drive use spread spectrum clocking?
For enterprise storage requirements, the jumpers can be set to enable spread spectrum clocking or power-up in standby modes. WD SATA drives are shipped from the factory either with or without a jumper shunt in the spread spectrum clocking (SSC) enable/disable position (on pins 1 and 2).
superuser.com/questions/343069/should-i …
How is spread spectrum clocking used in electronics?
How is spread spectrum clocking used in electronics?
Spread Spectrum Clocking Introduction Spread spectrum clocking is a technique used in electronics design to intentionally modulate the ideal position of the clock edge such that the resulting signal’s spectrum is “spread”, around the ideal frequency of the clock. In timing circuits, this has the advantage of reducing Electromagnetic
Is it best to leave spread spectrum clocking disabled?
Is it best to leave spread spectrum clocking disabled?
However, SSC is not well understood by many people. It is usually disabled by default. You have the option of turning it on or off, but it's best to leave it disabled. Digital systems such as computers synchronize the activity of multiple elements through the use of a clock signal or a pulse.
superuser.com/questions/343069/should-i …
Do you need a shunt for spread spectrum clocking?
Do you need a shunt for spread spectrum clocking?
WD SATA drives are shipped from the factory either with or without a jumper shunt in the spread spectrum clocking (SSC) enable/disable position (on pins 1 and 2). It is not necessary to add or remove the jumper shunt on the drive for workstation/desktop use.
superuser.com/questions/343069/should-i …
WD SATA drives are shipped from the factory either with or without a jumper shunt in the spread spectrum clocking (SSC) enable/disable position (on pins 1 and 2). It is not necessary to add or …
Many hardware devices that put out enough electromagnetic interference, or EMI, to interfere with the reception of TVs and radios have a feature kn...
I would leave it as it came to me, unless I had special needs, then I would change it. I do not believe that in this situation that any speed diff...
It really depends if you need to use it or not. If you will be using sensitive equipment such as in a lab with the computer then you should use the...
"Spread spectrum clocking" (SSC) lets a SATA-III (default 6 Gb/s) HDD be recognized by a SATA-I (1.5 Gb/s-only) computer.
15.08.2019 · Why is WD hiding the fact that newer drives support enabling spread spectrum clocking (SSC)? Unless of course the newer drives no longer support SSC? If that’s the case, are the jumper …
16.03.2006 · Spread Spectrum can also cause problems with overclocked systems, especially those that have been taken to extremes. Even a slight modulation of frequency may cause the processor or any other overclocked …
Spread Spectrum Clocking Introduction Spread spectrum clocking is a technique used in electronics design to intentionally modulate the ideal position of the clock edge such that the …
12.10.2007 · According to the Western Digital Web site, jumpering pins 1 and 2 enables spread spectrum clocking. Maybe so. I found that with those pins jumpered, the drive is recognized by …
12.08.2007 · What spread spectrum does is take the sharp clean tic signal of your clock generator pulse, weakens it and spreads it into a flattened underpowered group of smaller blurred spikes of similar frequencies. Example: Instead of having a solid and clean 3.6GHz processor clock speed you will have a lower powered clock …
The Spread Spectrum setting is used to reduce the measurable amount of EMI a device may cause. In a computer, all devices (CPU, RAM, PCI bus, SATA, IDE, etc) operate at a multiple/fraction of the system clock. …
The Spread Spectrum setting is used to reduce the measurable amount of EMI a device may cause. In a computer, all devices (CPU, RAM, PCI bus, SATA,...
"Spread spectrum clocking" (SSC) lets a SATA-III (default 6 Gb/s) HDD be recognized by a SATA-I (1.5 Gb/s-only) computer.
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Spread-spectrum clock generation (SSCG) is used in some synchronous digital systems, especially those containing microprocessors, to reduce the spectral density of the electromagnetic interference (EMI) that these systems generate. A synchronous digital system is one that is driven by a clock signaland, because of its periodic nature, has an unavoidably narrow frequency spectrum. In fact, a perfect clock signal would have all its energy concentrated at a single frequency (the desired clo…
Spread-spectrum clock generation (SSCG) is used in some synchronous digital systems, especially those containing microprocessors, to reduce the spectral density of the electromagnetic interference (EMI) that these systems generate. A synchronous digital system is one that is driven by a clock signal and, because of its periodic nature, has an unavoidably narrow frequency spectrum. In fact, a perfect clock signal would have all its energy concentrated at a single frequency (the desired clock frequency) and its harmonics. Practical synchronous digital systems radiate electromagnetic energy on a number of narrow bands spread on the clock frequency and its harmonics, resulting in a frequency spectrum that, at certain frequencies, can exceed the regulatory limits for electromagnetic interference (e.g. those of the FCC in the United States, JEITA in Japan and the IEC in Europe).

Spread-spectrum clocking avoids this problem by using one of the methods previously described to reduce the peak radiated energy and, therefore, its electromagnetic emissions and so comply with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations.

It has become a popular technique to gain regulatory approval because it requires only simple equipment modification. It is even more popular in portable electronics devices because of faster clock speeds and increasing integration of high-resolution LCD displays into ever smaller devices. As these devices are designed to be lightweight and inexpensive, traditional passive, electronic measures to reduce EMI, such as capacitors or metal shielding, are not viable. Active EMI reduction techniques such as spread-spectrum clocking are needed in these cases.

However, spread-spectrum clocking, like other kinds of dynamic frequency change, can also create challenges for designers. Principal among these is clock/data misalignment, or clock skew. Consequently, an ability to disable spread-spectrum clocking in computer systems is considered useful.

Note that this method does not reduce total radiated energy, and therefore systems are not necessarily less likely to cause interference. Spreading energy over a larger bandwidth effectively reduces electrical and magnetic readings within narrow bandwidths. Typical measuring receivers used by EMC testing laboratories divide the electromagnetic spectrum into frequency bands approximately 120 kHz wide. If the system under test were to radiate all its energy in a narrow bandwidth, it would register a large peak. Distributing this same energy into a larger bandwidth prevents systems from putting enough energy into any one narrowband to exceed the statutory limits. The usefulness of this method as a means to reduce real-life interference problems is often debated, as it is perceived that spread-spectrum clocking hides rather than resolves higher radiated energy issues by simple exploitation of loopholes in EMC legislation or certification procedures. This situation results in electronic equipment sensitive to narrow bandwidth(s) experiencing much less interference, while those with broadband sensitivity, or even operated at other higher frequencies (such as a radio receiver tuned to a different station), will experience more interference.

FCC certification testing is often completed with the spread-spectrum function enabled in order to reduce the measured emissions to within acceptable legal limits. However, the spread-spectrum functionality may be disabled by the user in some cases. As an example, in the area of personal computers, some BIOS writers include the ability to disable spread-spectrum clock generation as a user setting, thereby defeating the object of the EMI regulations. This might be considered a loophole, but is generally overlooked as long as spread-spectrum is enabled by default.
Ich habe gerade das Western Digital Caviar Green (WD5000AADS) erhalten. Ich habe bemerkt, dass es eine Jumpereinstellung " Spread Spectrum Clocking" hat.Ich habe irgendwo gelesen, dass …
Soll ich "Spread Spectrum Clocking" auf meiner neuen Western Digital Festplatte verwenden? Ich habe gerade das Western Digital Caviar Green (WD5000AADS) erhalten. Ich habe bemerkt, dass es eine Jumper-Einstellung " Spread Spectrum Clocking …
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I just received the Western Digital Caviar Green (WD5000AADS). I noticed it has a jumper setting "Spread Spectrum Clocking". I read somewhere this is a trade-off between speed and reduced electromagnetic noise.
DuckMaestro 1,687●55 gold badges●1616 silver badges●2727 bronze badges
Many hardware devices that put out enough electromagnetic interference, or EMI, to interfere with the reception of TVs and radios have a feature known as spread spectrum clocking (SSC). However, SSC is not well understood by many people. It is usually disabled by default. You have the option of turning it on or off, but it's best to leave it disabled. Digital systems such as computers synchronize the activity of multiple elements through the use of a clock signal or a pulse. This signal usually exists in a narrow band of frequencies. If it's intense enough at those frequencies, it can violate FCC rules about how much EMI a device rated for certain use can put out.
SSC tries to get around this problem by shaping the emissions -- i.e., varying the frequencies used -- so that instead of the clock using one narrow frequency range, it's spread out over a number of different ones at a much lower
Moab 56.2k●2020 gold badges●107107 silver badges●167167 bronze badges
The zone.ni.com and wdc.custhelp.com links are most relevant/trustworthy for me, I think. Plus this link (wdc.com/en/library/eide/2579-001037.pdf) from Psycogeek's answer. The best answer for me would cite just those three, but your answer comes the closest. – DuckMaestro Oct 10 '11 at 21:53
I would leave it as it came to me, unless I had special needs, then I would change it.
I do not believe that in this situation that any speed difference could ever be seen between the two different settings, even after advanced benchmarking repeatedly and averaging the results.
WD SATA hard drives are factory set for workstation/desktop use. For enterprise storage requirements, the jumpers can be set to enable spread spectrum clocking or power-up in standby modes. WD SATA drives are shipped from the factory either with or without a jumper shunt in the spread spectrum clocking (SSC) enable/disable position (on pins 1 and 2). It is not necessary to add or remove the jumper shunt on the drive for workstation/desktop use. For enterprise storage enviroments, use the following advanced settings:
SSC Mode (Default 1): spread spectrum clocking feature enabled or disabled. Default 1 setting is disabled or jumper shunt placed on pins 1–2. Removing the jumper enables the spread spectrum clocking feature.
SSC Mode (Default 2): spread spectrum clocking feature enabled or disabled. Default 2 setting is disabled or no jumper shunt placed on pins 1–2. Adding the jumper to pins 1–2 enables the spread spectrum clocking feature.
Who writes this stuff! I still cannot read it the way it is in the original document (last sentence looks incorrect)... Put the jumper on 1-2 to disable SSC Would that be so hard to say?
In rare situtions where there might be a frequency issue based on country, with stuff similar to this (not nessiarily this) they will often ship to that country with it set to work in that country or location.
Last week there were several posts on problems with SerialATA hard drives with SSC (Spread Spectrum Clocking) enabled when using the onboard G5 SATA and with some (not all) Mac PCI SATA cards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
We and Firmtek have found problems with certain SATA drives which have SSC turned on and therefore will NOT work
Users thinking thier Seagate hard drive is Dead or DOA in situations, they used a Segate utility to disable SSC.
Some users have been using other brands of HDD’s (in RAID configurations) on the Intel Matrix Storage with the ICH7R on the 945 and 955 chipset and have reported that the system crashes during the installation with a BSOD. They have blamed the motherboard and memory but this is not the case. This is because SSC is disabled on the HDD.
It seems as if all the controllers that have problems with SSC-enabled drives are RAID controllers
Psycogeek 8,677●66 gold badges●4747 silver badges●7070 bronze badges
17.5k●1414 gold badges●5555 silver badges●6868 bronze badges
It really depends if you need to use it or not. If you will be using sensitive equipment such as in a lab with the computer then you should use the SSC. Otherwise it will not really make a difference for you and you'll sacrifice a bit of speed.
kobaltz 14.6k●33 gold badges●3434 silver badges●5757 bronze badges
"Spread spectrum clocking" (SSC) lets a SATA-III (default 6 Gb/s) HDD be recognized by a SATA-I (1.5 Gb/s-only) computer. The drive manufacturer has to provide this capability to claim SATA compliance, but computer and OS vendors don't want people to know it's there, so the manufacturer uses obfuscating terminology and doesn't document SSC's real purpose anywhere.
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Why is WD hiding the Spread Spectrum Clocking info on the ...
Spread Spectrum Clocking - Microsemi
Spread Spectrum Clocking - Dell Community
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Spread spectrum - Wikipedia
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Wd Spread Spectrum Clocking

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