Ways To Masterbate

Ways To Masterbate


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Take your solo sex sessions to the next level.
When it comes to getting it on, you've probably established a few tried-and-true routines. But a healthy sex life means experimenting every now and then — not just with a partner, but during masturbation, too.
"The most sexually arousing experience is newness and novelty," Chris Donaghue, Ph.D., LCSW, CST, a licensed sex therapist and ambassador for the sexy toy company TENGA, tells MensHealth.com. "Habits and patterns kill sexual arousal. When you’re masturbating, try new sexual things that might make you anxious. This will not only increase eroticism, but can help make your orgasms more powerful."
So what can you do to spice up your next solo sex session? We reached out to sex experts and combed some of MensHealth.com's past coverage to put together this master list of masturbation tips and techniques for men. If you want to know how to masturbate to the absolutely best of your ability, keep reading, my friend.
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"Don’t be afraid to explore other parts of your body," Donaghue says. "Our whole body is wired for pleasure. Try touching your nipples, the top of your thighs and your sacrum, and zone in on how stimulating them makes you feel."
"People laugh because I’ll ask them, 'Have you ever masturbated standing?,'" Donaghue previously told MensHealth.com.
It turns out, a lot of guys masturbate in the same position every single time. By switching it up, you can make your solo sessions "more interesting and dynamic," he says. If lying on your back in bed is your go-to position, try doing it sitting in a chair or standing in the shower.
"Your hands are nature's sex toy, so don't underestimate their pleasure power!" Anne Hodder, a sex and relationships educator based in Los Angeles, tells MensHealth.com. "Experiment with your grip; tighten is as you stroke toward the body and loosen it as you move away from the body."
"Think about how many fingers you're using to wrap around your shaft," Hodder says. "All five can cover more surface area, but what would it feel like to make an a-OK symbol with your thumb and pointer finger, and swirl up and down your dick?"
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Here's another new way to use your hands: Take the hand you don't normally use to masturbate, turn it so it slides down your shaft forefinger-first, and twist it as you stroke, sex therapist Emily Morse, Ph.D. previously told MensHealth.com.
Your testicles are loaded with nerve endings, so don't neglect them during masturbation, Morse advised. Lots of guys find their orgasms are more powerful when they pull down on their balls rhythmically before they come — but you should play around to find out what feels good to you.
When you're masturbating, "Don't forget to use both hands," Hodder says.
Her suggestions for multi-tasking? "While one [hand] is stroking, use the other to stroke or cup the testicles. Maybe experiment with applying pressure against the perineum or tickling your nipples while you're stroking with the other hand, especially as you get closer to orgasm — you might experience an even more powerful orgasm!"
Edging is the act of bringing yourself almost to the point of orgasm — and then abruptly cutting off all stimulation until you get your arousal under control.
This masturbation technique can help you train yourself to better control your orgasms and last longer during sex, Morse told MensHealth.com. Plus, think of how good it'll feel when you finally let yourself come.
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If you're going to try edging, you probably want to load up on lube. You don't want to end up with chafing from too much friction.
The 'squeeze' is another masturbation technique that may help you last longer in bed.
When you feel yourself about to have an orgasm, stop what you're doing and squeeze your penis right below the head. Use our thumb and forefinger to apply firm pressure to the urethra — the tube that runs along the bottom of your penis, Ian Kerner, Ph.D., a sex therapist and author of She Comes First, previously advised. By doing so, you'll push blood out of your member and decrease your arousal — which will help you control your orgasms.
Did you know that regular masturbation can give you stronger erections?
Masturbation "keeps the angle of your dangle perky," Gloria Brame, Ph.D., a clinical sexologist, previously told MensHealth.com. Whenever there's a rush of blood to your nether regions — i.e., when you get an erection — the muscle of your penis becomes enriched with oxygen. Masturbation also helps strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which in turn can prevent erectile dysfunction.
"A lot of guys are hesitant to use sex toys, even with their female partners, but they’re missing out on better masturbation and sex," Donaghue says.

A 2018 study by TENGA found that just 53 percent of men were open to using sex toys on themselves — but that 80 percent of men who'd tried them said they improved their sexual experience. The survey was conducted by a sex toy company, so take it with a grain of salt — but there's no denying that it feels pretty damn good to give your wrist a break once in a while.

"The benefits of men using sex toys are simple: stress relief and intense pleasure — coincidentally, the same benefits that orgasms provide!" Brian Sloan, creator of the Autoblow 2, tells MensHealth.com. "Plus, whatever a man learns about what he likes during his solo toy sessions can be communicated to his partner to provide a better experience for both people."
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A penis sleeve like a Fleshlight or TENGA egg can add a whole new level of pleasure to your next masturbation session.
"It can provide a lot of friction and really enhance the feeling of the pleasure," Kerner told MensHealth.com.

For a higher-tech option, try a toy that offers automated hands-free masturbation.
"Products like the Master-Bot Automatic Stroker offer automated swirls and stroke motions at varying speeds (with vibration included!) and transform the masturbation process, especially for anyone who has pain in the wrist of hands, mobility concerns, or difficulty maintaining a tight grip," Hodder says.
If you're familiar with the so-called "male G-spot," you know that stimulating your prostate can feel really good during sex or masturbation. The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located between the bladder and rectum; you can find it by inserting your (clean, lubed-up) fingers about two inches into your rectum, and curving them toward your belly-button.
For more tips on finding your prostate, click here.
If you like the feeling of massaging your prostate with your fingers during masturbation, you might enjoy using a toy for anal stimulation. If you're new to the idea, start small with a butt plug — like the Nu Sensuelle Remote Control 15-Function Vibrating Mini Butt Plug.
If you're ready to take your prostate play to the next level, add a prostate massager to your masturbation routine. This one, the Rocks-Off Rude-Boy Vibrating Prostate Massager, is waterproof and hands-free.
Only 57 percent of men clean their sex toys after they use them, according to a 2017 survey by adult superstore Adam & Eve — and that's a problem. As MensHealth.com previously reported, using sex toys without washing the semen off can lead to skin and yeast infections. And if you share your toys with partners without cleaning them, you could also be at risk for STIs.
Experts say you should clean your toys after every use.
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Sex Tips
The Best Way to Masturbate for Men
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Engaging in sexual self-pleasure, typically until you orgasm — commonly known as masturbation, though it has many other more descriptive names — is both incredibly common and quite healthy. Don’t believe that it’s a very common pastime? Well, some studies suggest that as many as 98 percent of people masturbate at least once in their lives. As for claims to healthiness, masturbation is also proven to carry various health benefits, like reducing stress, reducing your risk of prostate cancer, and functioning as a sleep aid (since post-orgasm, you’ll typically feel relaxed and drowsy).
That's a far cry from the perception that it’s a mere sexual thrill or naughty secret pleasure. In fact, people typically begin masturbating around the onset of puberty and in their teen years, although it’s not uncommon to masturbate in some form or other as a child, or not until they reach adulthood.
It's possible that over the years, you've picked out a tried-and-true favorite masturbation technique that you use when you're touching yourself. Maybe you learned a specific method when you were younger, either from your own trial and error or from another source. And just like partnered sex positions, masturbation can benefit from some variety. It can be fun and even exciting to try masturbating differently than you usually do — that way, you can see how much you enjoy those new styles, and maybe even adopt one as a new go-to technique. 
Regardless, read on to discover a litany of masturbation techniques, gadgets to help you out, and benefits to the practice. You're sure to find something you like.
You might need a small refresher on what parts of your anatomy you're engaging when you are masturbating. “Male masturbation is the act of a male sexually self-pleasuring himself by stimulating or touching his penis and sometimes his testicles, nipples and other erogenous zones on his body, usually to the point of orgasm or ejaculation, for the purpose of sexual pleasure,” says sexuality educator and counselor Kelly J. Connell
Male masturbation, while usually a solo performance done in private, can also be used as part of intercourse with a partner. When done successfully, you'll both experience a new set of sensations. “Sexual stimulation to one’s own body is usually in the absence of others," notes sexologist and sexuality educator Lisa Hochberger. "While it is often a solitary act, it has the power to influence intimacy with others."
More than anything else, masturbation is an effective tool to help you deal with anxieties, build up your endurance and performance, help you understand your own body and your preferences, and keep you healthy and sexually happy. While you might not want to over do it, experts agree there are many benefits to masturbating on the reg.
Here are the masturbation tips experts recommend, and the techniques that will turn your normal whip-it-out-and-get-it-done attitude into a pleasurable, hot and steamy act:
When you want to relieve stress ASAP, you might rush through masturbating as a way to get it finished and move on to your never-ending to-do list. According to Connell, that way of thinking can often extend to the bedroom with your partner, and you're not allowing yourself to truly feel each and every sensation of the movement and experience.
“Men need to slow it down," she says. "Often men masturbate at what seems like the speed of light to get to the end result, ejaculation. It is a means to an end. However, they are actually training their bodies to react to sexual stimulation very quickly and this contributes to premature ejaculation. They do not take the time to explore their bodies, be mindful of the moment and what they are feeling at the time. Do not rush your orgasm but really pay attention to how your body is responding.”
Just like the name suggests, perfecting your ability to keep going even when you are not thrusting or touching will benefit way past your solo act of masturbation. As Connell notes, usually during intercourse, there are moments when you are not moving, pleasuring someone else instead.The stop-and-start method, also called "edging," will help you adjust and prolong the pleasure.
“This technique has been used by men to overcome premature ejaculation, but it can also be used by anyone who wants to learn better ejaculatory control," she notes. "Just like the name says, you start and stop. Start masturbating until you get a certain level or arousal and then stop. Wait a couple minutes and start again and go farther in your arousal and then stop. Continue to do this and go farther into your arousal toward orgasm each time. Stop and let your body regress a bit."
Connell adds, “The idea is to prolong the occurrence of what is known as the feeling of inevitability, which is when a man can feel all the semen moving though his genitals and knows he is going to ejaculate and there is nothing he can do to stop it. The longer you can put this off, the longer you will keep your erection. The better you learn to be in tune with your body, the better able you will be to read the signals that your body is sending you about your level of arousal and how close you are getting to ejaculation.”
If you can learn to stop when inside a toy, you'll have an easier time exercising control when you're inside your partner.
The most neglected part of the male anatomy? Those balls that produce the whole shebang. Connell suggests giving them the love and attention they deserve. Finger them, fondle them, rub them. This will not only help you to have a really great orgasm, but make you more comfortable when your partner is touching them with their hands, mouth, or both.
“A lot of men forget to involve the testicles during masturbation, but touching them at the same time as the penis during masturbation can be very pleasurable," she explains. 
While standing, twist your lubed-up hand (whichever you're most comfortable using) so that your thumb is against your belly button. Wrap your hand around your penis, and rather than stroke with your hand, move your pelvis to pump in and out of your hand.
This masturbation technique functions as a cheap and simple way to approximate the feeling of a real orifice. If you're really determined to find that feeling when you masturbate, there are certain male sex toys, such as Fleshlights, that will do the trick much more efficiently.
The "frenulum" is the fancy name for the small piece of skin connecting your foreskin (if you still have it!) to your penis glans, and it happens to be extremely sensitive. Using the tips of your fingers, gently massage this area, or pull the skin off the shaft of your penis (again, gently!). The key to enjoying this technique is patience, since it will take some time for you to reach orgasm and rushing things can backfire, big time.
You do not want to rush through masturbation. Hochberg encourages men to really, thoroughly consider all of the feelings they have during the process. From how your hand feels, to how fast you want to go and everything in between — take a breather to enjoy everything.
“Use masturbation as a way to become more in touch with your sensations," she says. "Next time you are masturbating, notice what you are doing physically and learn how certain actions increase and decrease arousal. Instead of letting your mind wander, stay focused on what your body is feeling. What is going on when your body is about to have an ejaculatory orgasm?" 
As much as you enjoy taking time to whip it out and get it done on your own, there are many ways that masturbation can be improved upon when you introduce a toy into the mix. While you might traditionally consider sex toys to be more of a girl’s game, there are several items you can invest in that will help make masturbation a more intense experience for you, with or without your partner. If you're particularly adventurous, you might even use these toys to give anal masturbation a try. Here, experts recommend the best:
Before getting into any type of toy play, you should know this: If you want the best masturbation experience, you have to use lube. Water-based lubes work the very best to prevent infections, irritation and give you the most slip-and-slide for your buck. In most drugstores, you’ll find Astroglide or Sliquid H20, both of which are highly recommended by leading sex experts and educators.
Astroglide Lubricant, $8.64 at Amazon.com
If you've never used a cock ring before, it might feel a bit intimidating. Before you freak out and refuse to give it a whirl, consider the multiple benefits: It can help you have multiple orgasms or repeat performances, if it vibrates, it can also stimulate your girlfriend's vagina and clitoris, giving her pleasurable sensations, and it helps you stay rock hard and prolong sexual intercourse. “You can use a cock ring when you are soft or erect," explains Hochberger. "This can be helpful to use after ejaculation when you want to keep going but your body is saying, ‘not yet!’ A cock ring is a flexible strap that can be secured around the base of the penis. It works by allowing blood flow into the penis, but not out. Do not leave it on for more than 30 minutes! But there is lots you can do in that time."
To get you started, try something simple such as a Trojan Cock Ring. You can pick it up when you restock condoms and playfully ask your partner to try it out while you’re making sweet, sweet love.
Trojan Vibrations Hot Spot Vibrating Ring, $34.99 at Amazon.com
If you like it, you can then opt for something a bit more expensive. This one from LoveHoney has several different speeds, a remote control, and ribs to add extra intensity. 
Rabbit Rocker Remote Control Vibrating Cock Ring, $49.99 at Lovehoney.com
For even more intensity, try this vibrating cock ring that takes it to a whole other level. It wraps around your member in two spots with a super-stretchy material, allowing you to grow to maximum length before you finish.
Hoppy Daze Vibrating Cock Ring, $39.99 at Lovehoney.com
Ever heard of a Fleshlight? No? Well,
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Ways To Masterbate

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