Ways To Make Her Cum

Ways To Make Her Cum


Ways To Make Her Cum

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The mystery of the female orgasm is one that most men think will remain unsolved… well, forever.
Sure, study after study has found that there are many different ways to make a woman orgasm — but there's no one technique that's going to work on every woman.
On top of that, this recent study discovered that straight women experience fewer orgasms than straight men, and even lesbian and bisexual women.
I know — as if you didn't have enough to worry about already, right?
But what's interesting about the data in this study is that it revealed something else:
There were a few things that the women who experienced the most orgasms had in common, that the other women didn't.
And if you know what these things are, then you can use them to your advantage…
So the odds that the next woman you take home will have an orgasm with you skyrocket .
With that in mind, here are 5 of the easiest and most effective techniques that will help you give the next woman you sleep with an orgasm:
The first one is likely a piece of advice you’ve heard before — but it rings true nonetheless.
Always, always, always go down on her during foreplay.
According to the study, the women who experienced the most orgasms also received more oral sex.
This is probably not a coincidence.
Even if you don’t feel like you know what you’re doing, necessarily, the fact that you’re making the effort will a) turn her on more, and b) encourage her to return the favor.
I know we here at Gotham Club mention this piece of advice more often than probably any other… but there’s a reason for it.
Communication is the #1 key to a happy and healthy sex life — for both you and the woman you’re with.
You don’t even have to take my word for it; the study backs me up as well. The women who experienced the most orgasms also communicated with their partners in several key ways.
So basically, they were more open in bed — and because of that openness, their partners were able to give them the pleasure they truly wanted.
If your lady is on the shy or quiet side, then communication is definitely not out of the question.
All you have to do is ease into it. Don't make her feel like you're putting her “on the spot.” You could say something like,
“I really loved what you did to me in bed last night… is there anything like that you want me to do to you?”
“What are some of your favorite turn-ons during sex?”
It's simple, but it's also incredibly effective. And because most men don't think to ask their partners about what they want in bed, she'll be impressed that you're making an active effort.
It might not make the most sense, but stick with me for a second:
One of the easiest ways to give a woman orgasm during sex is to have a long, slow buildup of pleasure beforehand.
Most men assume this only means foreplay, but the truth is that this “buildup” can begin even earlier in the day.
Let's say you know she takes her lunch break at 1 p.m. every day. At around 1:15 , you could text her:
“I know you're on your lunch break right now, but all I can think about is eating you. ;)”
While not outright saying, “Let's have sex tonight,” this reminds her of your sexual desire for her, and will almost certainly get her revved up and ready to go for the next time she sees you.
If you're more of an email-minded kind of guy, you could also find an article about sex and send it to her. She'll get the point — trust me. 🙂
Another shared commonality between the women in the study who orgasmed most often?
They acted out sexual fantasies with their partner.
Now, this doesn't necessarily mean that they went all out — costumes, role-play, the whole shebang — and it doesn't mean that these fantasies were super “cliche” either.
It also doesn't mean that acting out a sexual fantasy is required for a woman to have an orgasm.
However, acting out a fantasy together can make the two of you feel closer to each other, and more intimate — and that increases the chances that she'll have an orgasm.
Because study after study shows that women are more likely to have an orgasm if an emotional connection involved. And acting out a fantasy is a great way to establish that kind of connection.
So the next time you're about to get intimate with her, why not ask:
“Hey, do you have any wild fantasies you want to act out?”
“I had this really hot dream the other night… would you want to act it out with me?”
You might be surprised by how open she is to the idea, and how much better the sex is as a result.
These are all really great tips and tricks to make her orgasm more likely… but you might be wondering:
“Is there something more specific that I can do during sex to take her over the edge?”
In my experience, the answer is definitely “Yes” … here's something that works really well on me:
When you’re having sex with a girl…
… there’s something you can do that gets her to come way faster… and it makes her orgasms WAY more intense too.
It’s called the “Deep Spot” technique … and it works like this:
When you’re inside her, you do this simple “grinding” move with your hips…
… and because you’re hitting her from a very specific angle, this works to stimulate her “Deep Spot” … which is COVERED in orgasmic nerve-endings…
… so if you keep doing it, after a few minutes, it’s kinda like opening a bottle of champagne…
… you’ll start to feel the pressure build inside her, and then , surging ecstasy explosion. 😉
It’s the easiest way I know to give a girl more powerful orgasms, and better orgasms in general…
And you can check out this video to see more detailed instructions about how to do it–but be warned: you might want to watch this somewhere “private” 😉 :
If you’re a human being who has sex, or who talks about sex, or who reads about sex, or watches films about sex—you get my drift…
… then you probably already know that it’s darn hard to get women to orgasm.
Okay, I’m not talking about porn, where everyone is screaming and rolling around within seconds of penetration.
That’s all fun and games, but any real woman can tell you it’s rarely real life.
In real life, it’s tough for women to orgasm! They need your help and attention to get there.
According to a recent survey of 52,000 women and men, heterosexual women orgasm less often than heterosexual men, homosexual men, lesbian women and bi women.
So basically, straight women get the short end of the stick–not literally, but you catch my drift.
In fact, stick size has little to do with whether or not a woman has an orgasm. Instead, it all has to do with the moves her partner uses.
The survey revealed that there are 3 specific moves that almost always give hot girls an orgasm.
Trust me… if a woman has an orgasm during sex, she’s much more likely to come back for more.
So how can you make sure your partner has a happy ending?
Yes, that’s one word repeated three times—because it’s that important.
Foreplay isn’t only fun—especially for women—it’s necessary. Just ask physics.
Foreplay gives a woman a chance to get wet.
If she’s not wet, and you’re trying to cram something in there, it’s going to hurt.
You might not mind it, but she will, and she’s very unlikely to have an orgasm that way.
Foreplay makes everything work better mechanically. But it also gets her closer to orgasm mentally.
For many women, having an orgasm requires a lot of concentration.
She can’t just go from 0 to 100 in five minutes. She’s not a sports car, even if she is as sexy as one.
Instead, she needs to be warmed up. How can you do this?
Maybe you’re worried your foreplay skills aren’t up to par.
(By the way, if you want an easy way to turn foreplay into full-on sex then click here now… )
Researchers show that one method of foreplay is almost guaranteed to help a woman have an orgasm:
This trick is called “deep kissing.” And it’s exactly what it sounds like.
Pretend you’re 17 sneaking off in the back of your Ford and spend some time making out.
If you do, the payoffs for her, and therefore for you, are guaranteed to increase.
That’s right. Women who received some extra stimulation, either by their partner’s hand or mouth, are more likely to orgasm once you move on to the real deal.
Women in this study listed some other things that helped them achieve orgasm.
( Note: This 5-finger “tantra” technique is known to give girls multiple O's… click here to see exactly how it's done. )
These included being satisfied with the relationship (if you had a great date beforehand, the sex is guaranteed to be better!)…
Teasing via call or email about sexy plans in advance…
Yet the women asked always came back to one thing:
Something else very simple that helped women reach the big O every time?
That’s just what it sounds like–having sex for longer.
While you might be eager to race to the finish, if you do, you’ll leave your lady in the dust.
So pay attention to her while you’re having sex.
Not only will taking your mind off your own pleasure help you last longer, but you’ll also be able to tell what she’s really enjoying.
If she seems really into a position, stay there for longer.
Staying in a position that’s working really well is usually how a woman can have an orgasm. If you just go blasting on to the next one, she might miss her chance!
In fact, that’s another thing women reported:
When their partner asked what they liked, and then did it, they were a lot more likely to climax.
Remember, it’s not a race, and you’re not a jackhammer doing construction on concrete.
But at the end of the day… there is ONE surefire way to make sure your woman is always satisfied between the sheets, no matter what…
So let’s say you use a combination of oral, and certain fingering skills to continuously get a woman off… that’s great!
Women will ALWAYS desire the feeling of a penis inside them, especially if it’s from a man who has already made her come. *mmmm*
This is why sexual stamina is so important.
Even if you made her come 20 times, made her squirt, and gave her such intense orgasms that she fainted…
… the experience WILL be cheapened, if your manhood doesn’t perform to the best of its abilities…
Luckily science has discovered certain foods that can easily get you hard… keep you hard… and potentially even boost your sex drive. 😉
These foods have been used in an ancient Vietnamese virility dish, that’s been around for THOUSANDS of years…
And in fact these foods work so well, that they were even a well-kept secret among male porn actors, to help get harder faster & perform like a stallion…
… DECADES before that little blue pill was invented:
[ Note: This post was updated by Gotham Club on December 4, 2019.]
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How to make a woman orgasm? Dr. Phil says it takes a woman 14 minutes to have an orgasm… well I feel bad for Dr. Phil. Thing is, he’s not alone with this number… I’ve seen numerous sources say that it takes a woman anywhere between 15 to 20 minutes to have an orgasm.







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Well, one thing is for sure… unless you have delayed ejaculation, a woman generally does take longer to orgasm than men do.
And if you don’t warm her up, and penetrate her properly, it probably WILL take her 15 – 20 minutes to get off… and most men don’t know what the hell they’re doing when they’re in the bedroom, so either 1) the girl naturally has quick/easy orgasms, or 2) she’s putting on a performance to please her man’s ego.
Thing is, it’s not that hard to even the playing field, and make a woman orgasm simultaneously, or even before you.
My experience with the female orgasm was not always good… in fact it was terrible – trauma-causing terrible.
I had the love of my life leave me due to my inability to satisfy her in bed. And had MANY women that left my bedroom feeling like “this guy sucks”, and never came back.
The female orgasm was a mystery to me. A code that I couldn’t crack. Something I thought was reserved for stronger, higher-level men in the food chain, from a Darwinistic point of view.
Either I wasn’t large enough, or just couldn’t last long enough… that was it. I wasn’t built to satisfy women.
After that girl left me, it became my life mission to be able to make a woman orgasm. Or die trying.
Any free time I had, I obsessively researched on the female orgasm… oral sex tactics, books on the clitoris, sex forums, guides to different penetrative techniques.
I “over-studied”… and put off sex or dating for a long time before I felt I was fully ready.
When I finally had a chance that was too good to pass up and felt I was ready, I went down on her and penetrated her to TWO powerful orgasms in under 10 minutes.
But I have concerned it was a fluke. I repeated this with the same girl several times, but worried if I would be able to repeat the results with other women… but I did.
And over the last 10 years or so, I’ve made somewhere between 20 and 30 women have multiple orgasms in just a few minutes… (I’m not a male gigolo; just a very horny man in Miami, a city with plenty of “resources” in the female department).
So 20 minutes to orgasm? C’mon man… here’s how to make a woman orgasm quickly.
A woman’s mind plays a very strong role when it comes to her orgasm.
A TLC episode of Strange Sex reported on a woman who was able to “think herself” into orgasm, without any physical touch at all.
Scientists put her in an MRI like a machine, studying her brain waves, and they were, in fact, identical to the overwhelming hurricane of brain activity that occurs during orgasm. She was having an orgasm just from thought.
While it took 30 minutes or so, and most women will NEVER come to this level of “self mental stimulation” necessary to have an orgasm, it does show how strongly her thoughts will influence her orgasm.
SO… send her texts telling her specifically what you’d like to do to her, throughout the day… build the anticipation. Talk dirty during foreplay, and during sex… when her mind is into it, and she lets loose, then orgasm will occur quicker, like with an elixir stimulating experience for extended pleasure .
This is also a great way to know what she likes. have you ever asked what turns her on? Different strokes for different folks. This might be shocking news but newsflash, vaginas are not made from cookie cutters, each one is unique in its own way.
Not only on a physical level is each woman different but there is also the mental aspect to consider. If she has in her mind something that she wants but isn’t getting, her body might not respond the way either of you wants. So, just ask.
Your own libido will influence her levels of arousal. If you need a little boost in the area, there is a plant called Butea Superba that is backed both by science and centuries of eastern tradition, well-known for improving men’s sex drive and overall libido.
This tip is especially important if you have problems lasting long .
Your tongue is the perfect tool to stimulate her clitoris as it has no “time clock” before it’s set to go off. Plus, the soft, warm physical sensation it provides… women love it.
Combined with some breaks for occasional dirty talk , going down on your lady will get her much closer to orgasm, so when you do penetrate, it won’t take that many stroke before she’s “gone off”.
Some women can only come with a clitoris, enjoying penetration afterwards, without a climax. Nothing wrong with that! If your partner prefers clitoris orgasm, don’t rush and make her scream just by touching and licking her tiny clit.
Ask her about her preferences. From my experience slow regular moves, without rushing nor pushing too hard works best.
No matter if you touch it or lick it, one thing is crucial: your PERSISTENCE. Repeat the same move between her legs continuously and patiently. Make her feel that you won’t stop until she screams with pleasure. She must feel it that it’s fun for you to take care of her and you will not finish in the middle of doing that. She must feel that she is melting with each stroke of your finger or tongue and slowly falling into the deep hole of pleasure.
Extra tip: finger her upper wall with two fingers, with a “come here” motion, at the same time as performing oral… this will put pressure on her g-spot, which in reality, is the internal part of the clitoral cluster.
In case you haven’t noticed, the clitoris is key to the female orgasm… if you don’t put pressure on the clit, you won’t be getting her off.
Unless a woman’s clitoris is close to her vaginal opening, the doggy style will just be a fun position for you… while it will feel good for her, without a doubt, it will most likely not provide enough stimulation to make a woman orgasm… at least not anytime soon.
One of the best “you on top” positions to get a woman off is a missionary while putting pressure on the clitoris with the lower pelvis/area right above the base of your penis. Rub hard into it on the in- and out-stroke.
It’s more like a very quick up-and-down rubbing against the clit, rather than an in-and-out “banging”.
Does she know how to get herself off when on top? Just watch her, and try to duplicate a similar motion when YOU’RE on top.
Or let her get herself off on top! If she just follows her instincts, and she’s hot and horny enough, she’ll ride herself off into orgasm in just a couple of minutes, and you can get off simultaneously, or right after her, in the position you choose!
It’s important that you pay attention to all of her erogenous zones as well… it’s kind of like entering a cheat code to skip levels.
If you are already penetrating correctly, or she’s on top, then sucking, pulling, spanking her “sexy parts”, preferably a few of them simultaneously (ask her what she likes; I’m sure she’ll point you in the right direction), combined with some dirty talk, and she’ll be tightening up, gyrating and vibrating into orgasm in no time.
It’s funny… when I start really putting this kind of pressure on my girl, she starts telling me “don’t finish yet”… when in reality I’m not even close!
I just play nice and say “okay, I won’t…”.
A woman will stay in a relationship with a broke, abusive, a-hole of a guy, as long as the sex is good, much longer than she’ll stay in a relationship with the perfect man if he sucks in bed.
Good sex is the glue that keeps a relationship together, and a fundamental part of good sex is two happy customers.
Whether you want a long-lasting relationship or a friend-with-benefits that keeps on coming back, it’s important that you learn these skills… practice them, perfect them, and you’ll have a fundamental skill needed to keep women… and that most men are lacking.
If your lady does not seem to be enjoying herself as much as she could be in the bedroom, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Ask yourself what might be going on and take some time
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