Waves X

Waves X


Waves X

Waves X is cryptocurrency created as a result of Hard Forks Waves. The Waves X team uses the basic principles of digital resources such as openness, decentralization and community involvement in project development. This will take the original Wave project code as a basis and make changes to it, making this platform faster, safer and more decentralized and will become Wave X.

The development of the crypto currency industry requires a separate platform that allows many new users to create tokens for their needs and support their project activities. Waves and Ethereum today is a platform that makes it easy for you to share and use your own tokens. Both platforms have many positive aspects, but at the same time offer their own views about certain moments. Waves has a very important service for the crypto community because of its technological solutions, but technology is evolving and fans can offer their improvements to genuine products. The main goal of the Waves X project is to improve the original product, to solve all problematic problems while maintaining its superiority that cannot be denied.

The purpose of Waves X

make exchanges faster, but the risk is serious: indeed, as soon 

as it is launched the platform is hacked, resulting in theft of $ 6 million. 

The centralized structure of the DEX Waves also allows the system to 

run orders in advance, resulting in large profits. Basically what happened was that when 

the exchange operator saw that a large purchase order had been placed, they placed 

their own purchase orders and pushed them to the front of the queue (because the order of execution was determined by the 

exchange), making temporary purchases the price was still low. Then they let 

larger third party orders go through, which increases prices; Furthermore, the selling market is what it is

just bought – but at a higher price. Leading orders are very common practices 

for centralized exchanges and brokers; this is also a form of market manipulation and 

therefore dishonest.

Waves X will take advantage of the old Waves for the founders of the blockchain project to a new level. A true decentralized economy requires that all visionary creators, innovators, and promising writers can launch their projects without excessive costs. However, the actual situation in the ICO market stems from these ideals: doing ICO in many cases consumes a lot of money so most teams cannot afford to buy it without funds from angel investors or venture capitalists. The problem is very acute in Ethereum. On Waves X, issuing new tokens will be more affordable than the old Waves; and the smart contract function, with the template database (see below) will provide the founders with ready tool boxes to build functional MVPs. Newly issued tokens can be included in the internal decentralization exchange right after ICO with nominal fixed costs. What’s more, founders will be able to find supporters for their projects right on the platform. To ensure that only the best projects get funding, the community will be able to vote for all ICOs, evaluate and audit their smart contracts, hold question and answer sessions with the founders, etc. A series of KYC / AML options will be available in partnership with external providers. evaluate and audit their smart contracts, hold question and answer sessions with the founders, etc. A series of KYC / AML options will be available in partnership with external providers. evaluate and audit their smart contracts, hold question and answer sessions with the founders, etc. A series of KYC / AML options will be available in partnership with external providers.

Smart contract

Waves X aims to be a user-friendly platform for launching new projects, which will meet the needs of founders and large, self-funded teams that include professional coders. Smart contracts are an important element of such a system: indeed, while someone can issue tokens and collect funds without a smart contract, people certainly cannot build applications that function without it. The fact that a smart contract has not been on the Waves Platform for two years has led to the emergence of dozens of useless and low-quality tokens that are not needed by anyone. By introducing a fully functional smart contract as soon as the platform is launched and pairing it with a community voting mechanism, we can ensure that only feasible projects will issue tokens and make dApps on Waves X. Unlike the original Waves platform, Waves X will use neutral language, which means that it will be possible to compile new smart contracts in the Turing-complete programming language, including JavaScript, Solidity, C ++, Simplicity, Python, Vyper, and RIDE. It is also possible to migrate the existing dApp to the Waves X platform quickly and easily. New functions will be added continuously, starting from a large introductory package that will include blocks and ready templates. In this case, the Waves X development team was inspired by a successful WordPress model – a website creation platform. On WordPress, users can get free access to a large number of blocks, widgets, and extras that have been compiled before, with more advanced functionality available at a cost as a premium package. In general, the better the code, the less premium is needed.

Why does Waves do Hardfork?

Well, first of all, we know that Waves did a number of very good indicators and received significant ratings, released many tokens and also received many thanks from the ICO project, namely in the simplicity of creation and accessibility. However, if you see the current situation of all tokens, news, attacks, security holes, then you need to take action and therefore  WAVES  decides to make a difficult fork, which will change serious and significant changes in the system.


Advantages of Hardforka Waves X:

Troubleshooting and we were offered a Wave version that was significantly improved and optimized, i.e. (  Wave X  ).
  • Fully decentralized (maximal)
  • Democrats.
  • High speed – Transaction speed is a Wave of 1000 TPX per second, which is higher than Bitcoin (less than 10tps) and Ethereum (25 tps). However, this Wave X will not stop and will increase the transaction speed to 10,000
  • Useful for the crypto community and the ICO project.
  • A very important advantage of WAVES X – Deploying blockchain projects of all complexity!
  • Accessible and acceptable – We all know that the Waves platform doesn’t use GAS, unlike Ethereum, and this is an advantage in accessibility. That is, the Waves X commission is 0.001 WAVES
And yes, additions such as fundraising, that is, every user without knowledge can make tokens and start raising funds – this is a prostate use and a significant advantage, but as written in technical documents, the list of possibilities is limited.

At the launch of the Wave of Decentralization Exchange X.

Waves X  – offers us the necessary and convenient tools that are clear and easy to use, which will be significantly successful in trading for crypto traders. Yes, I want to tell you that there will be a very important part for traders, the following funds will be included in the exchange (ERC-20, BTS, Ethereum, etc.). In addition, users will be given high-speed P2P exchanges. 

Waves X  – future plans for creating derivative trading and providing margin loans.

Why Waves of Decentralization X, and not other competitors, and what are the differences?

The fact is that Waves X will implement matching orders without chains, that is, users of the Waves X platform will be able to send their orders to the entire network without recording them on the blockchain, thereby reducing delays in time and transaction costs. 

Conversely, look, the network elements in which all transactions through exchange will not have access to the matching process, so Waves X will make it possible to decentralize the trading process, while maintaining its speed and availability. Also, misuse of forms (frontline orders) would be very possible with Wave X. And hacking exchanges is almost impossible – this is a strong advantage of Wave X


My withdrawal, custody and promise of Hardfork Waves to Waves X. I support these people, and my score is 10/10! Join now!

Bounty Waves X: December 30 – January 17, 2019

Site   https://waves-x.com

Telegram  https://t.me/wavesx

ANN  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5091265.0

White paper   https://waves-x.com/whitepaper.pdf

GitHub  https://github.com/waves-x

Twitter  https://twitter.com/wavesx_platform

User Name: YosietoQingge 

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