Water World as Another Home for English Nation Reflected in the English Folklore (english)

Water World as Another Home for English Nation Reflected in the English Folklore (english)


A study of the English language folklore as a reflection of the water world, made by an ethnographic approach, has been carried out in the town of Legnago in Italy. The study has been done in order to understand the relationship between the English folklore and the Italian folklore. The results of the study have been analyzed in relation to the different types of myths as well as to the use of symbols to express the meaning of water in the everyday life.
The English folklore reflects the national character of English people and that of their ancestors. It is often used to reveal the essence of social, cultural, political, and religious values of the nation. The English folklore also reveals the way of thinking and feeling of the English people.

The English folklore is the most well-known and most widespread in the world. It is a part of the national culture of the English people. The folklore of England is an important element of modern culture. English folklore reveals the main features of life in England and its main characteristics. English folk literature is a great source of information about the history and culture of England. The English folklore contains many records of ancient customs and traditions.
Water World as Another Home For English Nation Reflected In The English Folklore

Water World as Another home for English nation reflected in the English folklore

One of the most interesting aspects of the English folklore is that it has its own unique image of the world. This image is formed on the basis of a number of religious, philosophical and historical factors. To a great extent it is shaped by the beliefs and traditions of English people. The English folklore reflects the worldview of the people who lived in the British Isles throughout their long history.

Water World as another Home for English National Reflected in English Folksongs


The English folklore is a part of the English nation, a manifestation of the unique character of the nation. The English folklore has its own peculiarities, and it is quite impossible to describe it in a single book. But in this book we have tried to give a brief view of some of its main features. The aim of this book is to present the folklore as a distinctive part of English national character.
English folklore is a rich and varied source of information about the history and culture of the country. It is also a source of material on the evolution of society, economic relations, and the lives of individuals. In this respect, English folklore can be considered as a mirror image of English society.
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