Watching My Wife With Another Man

Watching My Wife With Another Man


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I like watching my wife getting pleasure from another man
because he is enjoying something that i have, that i get sleep with
at will. It is a great turn on for me and her, and she never has to
do it behind my back because she can do when ever she wants with me
there. It is a way of relieving the boredom that comes with years
of marriage. It only works with a strong marriage and someone you
can trust completely. Once you have set guide lines with the other
man that what ever she decides is the way it will be. If you don't
trust your wife, don't try it. Its all about trust, but so is a
lasting marriage. Its a way of giving your wife ultimate sexual
Based on my own experiences, I love watching my wife making out with other men.
I read about the fact that this may be a kind of humiliation feeling that I need to go through and so many other theories. The fact is, when I see or just the fact of knowing she is with another man, I feel proud of being the man she chose to be her husband, and once she had her fun, she shares it all with me and we make love with an intensity far greater than any other time.
She has made out with over hundred different men, some have been regular partners with whom she has regular nights and in many cases she has gone away with them for weekends of pleasure.
All I want if for her to be happy and for me to feel that she loves me and she loves sharing her sexuality with other men.
It turns me on watching my with another guy and she knows it so she takes advantage of it.

Is it normal to enjoy watching your wife flirting with other men?
Lives in New Jersey ( 1957 – present ) Β· Author has 146 answers and 256.7K answer views Β· 1 y Β·
My wife keeps teasing me telling me about flirting or having sex with other men, would she do it?
My wife and I were at a bar last night. I left to use the restroom and when I returned, I saw a guy flirting with her and she was flirting back. This excited me beyond belief and I wanted to see them do more than flirt. Is this normal?
I would very much like my wife to flirt with other men is this wrong?
Why do I love it when my wife flirts with other men?
My husband and I went to a bar last night and he let a guy hit on me for over 5 minutes without stepping in. Does this mean his isn't proud to call me his wife?
My wife keeps teasing me telling me about flirting or having sex with other men, would she do it?
My wife and I were at a bar last night. I left to use the restroom and when I returned, I saw a guy flirting with her and she was flirting back. This excited me beyond belief and I wanted to see them do more than flirt. Is this normal?
I would very much like my wife to flirt with other men is this wrong?
Why do I love it when my wife flirts with other men?
My husband and I went to a bar last night and he let a guy hit on me for over 5 minutes without stepping in. Does this mean his isn't proud to call me his wife?
Why do I love it when my wife flirts?
Do you enjoy watching your wife flirt with strangers in public? Has she ever introduced you to someone she was flirting with? What did you do?
Why do I like to see my wife flirting and touching tall and handsome guys?
Why do I like watching my wife flirt in pubs?
How does your wife tease other men?
My wife and I were at one her girlfriend’s parties, and my wife started to flirt with one of the guys there right in front of me by dancing and moving sexily in front of the guy. Why did my wife do this? Was she joking?
What will be your reaction if you see that your wife enjoys flirting with other men?
I love watching my wife dance, tease, and flirt with other men. Is this okay?
Why does my wife flirt with other men? Is it me?
I snooped on my wife of 5 years, and found her flirting with other guys via texts and Facebook. This has happened over and over again. We’re in our late 20s and have children. How do I deal with this?
My wife keeps teasing me telling me about flirting or having sex with other men, would she do it?
My wife and I were at a bar last night. I left to use the restroom and when I returned, I saw a guy flirting with her and she was flirting back. This excited me beyond belief and I wanted to see them do more than flirt. Is this normal?
I would very much like my wife to flirt with other men is this wrong?
Why do I love it when my wife flirts with other men?
My husband and I went to a bar last night and he let a guy hit on me for over 5 minutes without stepping in. Does this mean his isn't proud to call me his wife?
Why do I love it when my wife flirts?
Do you enjoy watching your wife flirt with strangers in public? Has she ever introduced you to someone she was flirting with? What did you do?
Why do I like to see my wife flirting and touching tall and handsome guys?
Why do I like watching my wife flirt in pubs?
How does your wife tease other men?
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I love it. We were at a local bar one night and my wife was openly flirting with a man sitting next to her. She was wearing a sundress and made sure that when she turned around in her seat to face him that the dress rode up around her thighs. She also would lean in close to him so that he could talk into her ear since the bar was noisy. When she would slide in close she made sure that one of his legs got between her legs with his knee pressing against her cunt. I just stood there behind her and enjoyed this. He got friendlier and friendlier putting one of his hands on her shoulder when he woul
I love it. We were at a local bar one night and my wife was openly flirting with a man sitting next to her. She was wearing a sundress and made sure that when she turned around in her seat to face him that the dress rode up around her thighs. She also would lean in close to him so that he could talk into her ear since the bar was noisy. When she would slide in close she made sure that one of his legs got between her legs with his knee pressing against her cunt. I just stood there behind her and enjoyed this. He got friendlier and friendlier putting one of his hands on her shoulder when he would lean into her, then on her bare knee, and ultimately up on her quad, well up under her dress. Their conversation became much closer also, with her lips pressing against his ear when she spoke to him, and him doing the same when he spoke into hers. Unfortunately things never got to the point of them going out to either his car or ours, but when she and I finally got to our car and my fingers found her cunt, she was soaked.
I don’t think it’s normal or common. In my case, I have been handling that kind of situation with ease for a long while so for me it’s okay. My wife is fit and quite attractive and friendly so it’s usually the guys who start flirting with her. She does not shy away from the attention. It has never bothered me even when it’s extreme. Karen will flirt openly and allow (even encourage) men to touch her. If we go to a bar or a party, she will start dancing and carrying on with any men she finds attractive. She will take their hands and place them on her body so of course they get turned on. If she
I don’t think it’s normal or common. In my case, I have been handling that kind of situation with ease for a long while so for me it’s okay. My wife is fit and quite attractive and friendly so it’s usually the guys who start flirting with her. She does not shy away from the attention. It has never bothered me even when it’s extreme. Karen will flirt openly and allow (even encourage) men to touch her. If we go to a bar or a party, she will start dancing and carrying on with any men she finds attractive. She will take their hands and place them on her body so of course they get turned on. If she feels like taking things further, she will ask me to go home while she stays behind. It doesn’t happen often but it has happened at least three times. She has no inhibitions - none - even when we are out with friends. It’s not that I’m really tolerant or a cuckold. It just doesn't bother me. I’m monogamous and she is not and that’s fine. She is not a slut and I love her deeply and I know she loves me too.


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Jun 20, 2018

To be clear, we are separated. We have been going to marriage counseling and "dating". My wife didn't cheat on me (technically). She hasn't "had" another man since we started marriage counseling.

I'm going to be blunt, with full likelihood of sounding like a ****. We had a ****ty sex life. We'd have sex once a month, if that. I always had to initiate. My wife laid there motionless and lifeless. She didn't enjoy it at all, nor did I. She would never do anything for me, except be a hole to ****.

After 4 months without so much as a touch we got into a fight in front of my friends. Everyone was drinking, someone complained about their sex life and I made a comment about my wife in front of her and 11 of my friends. That fight (and other buildup) led to us being separated for 6 months now. 4 months totally separated, 2 months in marriage counseling.

3 weeks after we separated my wife went and ****ed a "friend" of mine. A guy who I'm not very close with but he is a friend. He's a player and frequently has multiple "girlfriends". Now any time he will be around I get to remember that he's ****ed my wife, when she wouldn't even **** me. I keep playing it over in my mind what they did, even though I don't know. "Seeing" my wife on top of him makes me want to puke. He gets the satisfaction of another "score" and having told everyone that he ****ed my wife. I didn't even hear it from her. I heard it from the **** that was in her. While I will never invite him over or out, he is friends with many of my friends and I likely will have to see him at some point.

Here's the thing, my wife isn't just some bait and switch *****. She has ALWAYS been the same regarding sex. So yeah, my bad as I knew what I was marrying. We didn't even have sex until we had been together for 16 months. She took OVER A YEAR to have sex with me, yet went and ****ed another dude, that she had met twice. We haven't had sex since separating. She won't **** me but will **** 3 other men. Or maybe she had been ****ing others during or marriage.

She always use to say that sex was "special", yet goes and ****s someone she KNOWS is a player and wants nothing more than sex. Goes and has two one night stands. "To see if she could". Once wasn't enough she had to keep "seeing if she could"?

My wife was raped in her teens as a virgin. That's the "reason" we took so long to have sex and "why" our sex life sucked. Up until our separation I was the only person she had consensual sex with. Quite frankly I'm having a hard time believing that she'd have so much trouble having sex with her own husband, but can go **** 3 random men like it's nothing.

We separated because she wouldn't have sex, then she turns around and has sex with other men. Nice. In a counselling session she basically blamed me for it. She said it was her choice but what I said to her in front of friends (including the one she ****ed), and how I acted "made" her want to do it.

How the hell do you get over that and let it go? The marriage counselor is all about putting everything on the table, and starting fresh. It's not that ****ing simple. She still won't have sex with me "because she isn't ready" yet went and had a sex spree with strangers? How does that make sense? Maybe our marriage counsellor is a quack, I don't know. Either way I'm pissed AF over here. Maybe I'm being an irrational ****, and if so, please tell me. Or if I should be running for the hills, tell me that also.

We are trying to stay together because our sex life was the only large issue in our marriage, all other problems seemed to stem from it. We have 3 kids together, and while I am not going to "stay for the kids" I am going to try harder for them. We separated because it was "easy". We were fighting non-stop and hated being around each other. I had the opportunity to do a 4 month business trip, and took it. During that time we were totally separated and free to do whatever we wanted. We wanted to take that time to see if we wanted to be separated permanently or not. We both want to try and be together again and put in the effort. Having a "friend" tell everyone that he ****ed my wife, spread that to me, then have my wife (in counseling) tell me she ****ed two other men is changing that.
If sex with her is so bad, @cole8 ~ then why hang on to her? Any loving married husband deserves better than that!

And in my book, a "friend" who does that to another friends wife, married or separated, is certainly no "friend!"

And a wife who lets a "friend" do that with her is definitely not wife material!
Her having sex with your friend pretty much pretty much made sure that you could (as a human being) never ever forget/forgive her. It also sounds like she did it to intentionally hurt you and blow up any chance of R. You have to make your own decision about living with someone that mean.

With respect to the 'friend', don't hide his inappropriate behavior....a friend should have supported and encouraged your marriage if only for the sake of your kids. Announce to everyone that he stabbed you, your wife, & your kids in the back - which in turn makes sure you two could never reconcile. Let everyone know that he is nobodies friend and should be avoided!
Guess she put a nail in it. Quit thinking your wife is the only path to happiness. Dump her, there is a big beautiful world out there. She withholds sex then has an affair, your wife sucks. Seriously you probably wouldn't wish her garbage on a total stranger, why would you want to stay marred to this cruel person. And I know this hurts to read but she probably just isn't that into you, doesn't mean someone else won't be. Alone is better trust me, and the others who are going to echo what I wrote.

Side note, this is why I could never be a marriage counselor because at the point she told that story I would be telling you you can do better and you should let the marriage die.

Robert's right expose these *******s for who they are at the very least so people can protect themselves from them.

Seriously if you lie with Dogs you are going to get fleas. You need a better class of women.

Maybe you should get some IC to find out why you are willing to put up with such disrespect.

[Unless you have cheated on her in the past] then this would make more sense.
You hear all the time that the BS has to eat a **** sandwich, but most of the time the WS -- IS the **** sandwich.

Discussion Starter



Jun 20, 2018

To clarify, prior to my wife sleeping with him I used the term friend loosely. He had always been more of a "friend of a friend" who I saw a few times a year. He wasn't someone I'd personally invite out but he'd tag along with someone else occasionally. I think my wife had only met him twice. He isn't someone that I want to be around anymore, and I have made that known. My friends do know that he slept with my wife, it's not something he ever hid. No one agrees with that behavior.

Our sex life was terrible, no denying that. The other parts of our marriage were good, before the frustration took over. She has said that she wants to work on her "sex issues" and that she will go to sex therapy to work on it. I don't really see how she needs "sex therapy" when she was fully able to spread her legs for three other men. I appreciate your opinions. My judgement may be foggy, hence wanting to reconcile.
I don't see anything to save here.

"Breaks" don't work. Couples work out problems together - if you are able and willing to walk away from your spouse. If your love is not strong enough, if your communication skills are not strong enough, if there isn't enough desire to stay together and work things through.... Then its done.

Breaks do nothing but prolong separation.

So basically sex always sucked, you two had an embarrassing blow out fight, separated, and she went off the deepens while "single".

Figure out how to coparent, and put this relationship to rest, it has run its course.
Sounds like you're trying to make every excuse in the book for her but there aren't any.

Indecision is not your best friend and will keep you in this mess.
She did it to spite you. Spite her, file divorce and start dating. No sex for you, then she bangs another? Let the divorce shock her ass, and let your friends know. Let everyone know. Let her deal with it. A client agreed to a temporary separation. His wife said she needed space to β€œfind herself” Two weeks later he heard that she had slept with a coworker. Instead of confronting he made inquiries, made sure it was true. His wife carried on as if every
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