

👓 Stokes Jason


✅ Teri is a watcher. Robbed of her mobility by an unforgiving disease she turns to technology as an escape from the confines of her lonely existence. A silent witness to the lives of her neighbors, spying on their most intimate moments, she knows their lives, their hopes and fears and...their buried secrets.Teri never gets involved. Until she witnesses a crime she was never meant to see. One so vicious it will force her to choose between herself and a woman shes never met. One moment of video will thrust her into a race for her life as she evades the citys most powerful elite in a quest to clear her name, prove a crime and catch a killer.


Елена Даровская,Стефано Туркони,Стивенсон Стив; Даровская Екатерина; Туркони Стефано «Агата Мистери. Кн. 26. Сокровища королевы пиратов»
Елена Даровская,Стефано Туркони,Стивенсон Стив; Даровская Екатерина; Туркони Стефано «Агата Мистери. Кн. 26. Сокровища королевы пиратов»
Mark Jones «Jesmond.s Diary»
Mark Jones «Jesmond.s Diary»
Armitage Trail «Scarface»
Armitage Trail «Scarface»
William Hanna «Hiramic Brotherhood. Ezekiel.s Temple Prophecy»
William Hanna «Hiramic Brotherhood. Ezekiel.s Temple Prophecy»
Romana C Guillotte «Lydia.s Family»
Romana C Guillotte «Lydia.s Family»

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