Watch The Secret Online Free Full Movie

Watch The Secret Online Free Full Movie


Watch The Secret Online Free Full Movie
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For the first time in history leading scientists, authors, and philosophers will reveal The Secret, a secret that utterly transformed the lives of those who lived it. Now YOU will know The Secret, and it can change your life forever.
Directors Drew Heriot Starring Rhonda Byrne , John Assaraf , Michael Beckwith Genres Documentary Subtitles English (US) [CC] , English (France) [CC] Audio languages English
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Secure69 Reviewed in the United States on July 2, 2022
There will be religious devotees that will tell you this is a hoax, for various reasons. They believe what they have been taught, โ€œlife is hard,โ€ โ€œYou must work very hard to overcome,โ€ โ€œGod rewards only the pure and righteous,โ€ and this is the life they experience. So of course they believe what they think, because what they think and feel, becomes their life. Physicists define the law of attraction thus: โ€œlike things attract like things.โ€ I learned that in high school chemistry when our teacher was explaining how chemicals were attracted to each other at the atomic level. You attract to yourself those things you have thoughts about, the attraction is intensified with strong feelings about those thoughts. If you want, โ€œlife is hard,โ€ โ€œYou must work very hard to overcome,โ€ โ€œGod rewards only the pure and righteous,โ€ then have those thoughts and feelings. If on the other hand . . . . My entire life has been incredible starting at age four when I chose to avoid religious entanglements. I have reveled in the magic of the sweet spot of the generous present moment. Since learning recently about the law of attraction, I have grown to comprehend many of my lifeโ€™s events, particularly the event at age four. I remember now, who I am. And my life has only gotten better, far beyond my wildest dreams. You have been using the law of attraction all your life to draw that which your have already experienced . . . good, bad, or indifferent. Donโ€™t believe me though, go to the web site, the secret .tv and read the testimonials of tens of thousands of people who have transformed their lives in so very many ways after learning how to maximize their use of the law of attraction. World wide, there are tens of millions doing the same. It is so simple and easy to use the law of attraction, you are using it all the time anyway, why not experience all the best of the good you desire? You are unconditionally supported in your life regardless of ANY actions and you are worthy of any thing you want to be. You are worthy of anything you want to do. You are worthy of anything you want to have. Think like the innocent child you once were, believe you can do anything you want, believe you can and you will.
Kindle Customer Reviewed in the United States on August 16, 2022
The best primer into the the law of attraction that exists! I don't think anything else will positively impact your life more than adopting the beliefs & strategies recommended in this film. It doesn't necessarily matter if you believe in the law of attraction either. Most people don't understand that you can decide HOW you will feel about any given thing. I thought my feelings existed independently, that they were just a reaction to things. Fortunately through practice & focus you CAN completely alter your inner world. You can erase negatively, not a hundred percent, but enough so that you view life dramatically different ! Even if you don't believe it's possible to manifest physical realities through belief, you'll come to understand that if you gain control of your emotional reactions, that won't matter ๐Ÿ˜‰
Hunter Page Reviewed in the United States on July 19, 2022
Darla D. Prado Reviewed in the United States on August 3, 2022
I enjoyed watching the video as much as I enjoyed reading the book. A very positive experience.
Teamlopez Reviewed in the United States on July 27, 2022
This is a great movie. Great to give as a gift. Any age appropriate.
Elizabeth K. Reviewed in the United States on March 5, 2007
I am utterly disgusted by some of the reviews I have read on this page, esp. the one that is entitled " Satan is doing Cartwheels'. This is a sick, sick person/reviewer. This DVD is so potent and lifechanging ( AND NON-DENOMINATIONAL) that for some religious nut to insult it so easily after the message of hope and empowerment it instills-it is downright disgusting. I don't care who you are or what you do. Whether you work a 9 to 5 that you hate, or are the most successful person on earth. This DVD will teach you how to shift your chain of thought and put you in control of your life. It will show you how thoughts ( or as people from my spirituality call it, 'postulates', or intentions) rule our lives and if you have a plethera of negative ones, you will attract negative things. The DVD mentions the oddity that we have in the world, where the sick are the ones who speak so frequently of illness and the healthy virtually never obsess over it; like so many things, those who focus on the not desirable end up unintentionally causing it to take over their lives. How I heard about this The Secret is when I went to a costume fitting for a shoot a few weeks ago and I had to wait for someone in the waiting area. I began chating with the girl that greeted the actors and took our measurements. As she was taking mine, I told her my stats and sort of joked about how overweight I am. This kind woman began to tell me about how she weighed the same amount as I did but was shorter. I couldn't believe her, as she looked tiny! SHe then told me how fantastic I looked, and how amazing I was. I was shocked! And she truly meant what she was saying! I told her how amazing she looked ( it was true) and she said ' I know. I have accepted that I look fantastic' and she said this in the most kind, honest way, not in an egotistical sense. What she said stuck with me, and my husband and I watched The Secret to see what had inspired her. You know, people seem to for some reason want to shift the blame onto other people, and believe that they are not in control of their lives. When I attended Catholic school as a kid, we were told that god was in control of our destinies; no one ever mentioned that WE were the shaper of our lives. If someone questioned this, they were told sternly that 'god has a plan for everyone'. Think again. 'God' or life or infinity is a part of us. We are 'god', or part of the power that some deify and give that name. Our thoughts control our lives, and if we don't start living with a positive attitude, we will not succeed at all. Buy this DVD right now, and then USE IT. Don't be scared off by people in your church or clique that tell you not to watch it because it is 'the work of satan' or some psychotic thing like that. THESE ARE EXACTLY THE TYPE OF PEOPLE WHO DON'T WANT YOU TO SUCCEED! I believe that everyone is great. Not that they can be, but they ARE RIGHT NOW. This DVD helped me realize that. NOTE: I just read a 'message' from someone who responded to this review, and as I knew would happen, they attacked it. What inspired me about the costume woman is how she believed in herself, and how she accepted who she was as being great. Many woman ( if not all) and men question the way the look talk, act. We all do. I work in a very mean industry, where there is a set standard of how we should look and act. I would like to say it hasn't affected me in the past, but is has. And when one takes the careeer path of an actor or artist, one is frequently told they are not good enough and won't succeed. This DVD helps me to accept my potential and the potential of others. I am no longer going to focus on the negative facets of my life and self and refuse to take personally any insults I may get ( here or elsewhere)! So, if anyone wants to 'challege' my review, that's fine! I am not going to waste my time debating what you think is right and what the DVD says, or what my opinion is. But, I wanted to put a little blurb here ( on my actual review) to expand on why I was attracted to The Secret. Good luck to everyone who embarks upon this journey of self-empowerment!!
Amazon Customer Reviewed in the United States on July 5, 2022
This documentary is primarily an infomercial for New Thought teachers and writers. Tried to apply the material mentioned and gotten little to no results.
John Mahler Reviewed in the United States on November 21, 2008
I have read self help and prosperity books for forty-five years. "Think and Grow Rich", "The Richest Man in Babylon","See You at The Top", "The Science of Getting Rich","Psycho Cybernetics","The Power of Positive Thinking", "The Seth Material", "The Peter Principle",Tibetan Book of the Dead, and several books by L. Ron Hubbard which didn't impress me enough to recall their titles. In all of these titles, I found a nugget or gem of truth, but because I could only appreciate them intellectually and compare each with other works of a similar nature, I never got beyond a "reviewer's perspective". I could argue the merits and demerits of each volume. Yet, my life was not better for my intellectual appreciation. Then one day, out of nowhere, steped a little Australian blond named Rhonda Byrne who opened her hand to reveal an encrusted ancient key saying, "Were you missing this, mate?" Tears welled in my eyes because I was missing that key! What's the key? I suppose I could say the key is revealed in the work entitled "The Secret"; get a copy. But I won't do that because you might be like me and desperately need this information. Get this now! The key to "The Secret" IS DOING IT AND LIVING IT! Keep the Gratitude Diary every day. Meditate. Take time out to just go out and walk and breathe deeply. Don't appreciate this secret intellectually by comparing it to other tomes and self help works. LIVE THE SECRET. When you get the "gratitude attitude" and realize just who you are instead of who you are told by science and religion you are, you will turn your life around setting course for new vistas of happiness and prosperity. Realize first, happiness and joy must come before any material benefits you anticipate or desire. As Jack Canfield says, "If it ain't fun, don't do it." Never truer words were spoken. The point to get is really going to rough up your fur; especially if your are religious or skeptical. No matter that science says you evolved from a gob of goo or that religion says you are an unworthy sinner needing repentance and salvation; when you "GET"(comprehend) The Secret, you will realize God isn't OUT THERE God is YOU!(in here). You are God. God is eternal. God comes into form, moves through form, and moves out of form eternally. If you also get the CD "What the Bleep Do We Know?" and "What the Bleep Do We Know...Down The Rabbit Hole?" you will find physicists beginning to agree that quantum physics points to the reality of the Universe being THOUGHT. In the billions and billions of light years of cubic space extending forever in all directions away from our planet Earth, there has never been found any other life or life forms for the last fifty years of NASA investigations,Seti radio astronomy, and space probes. Despite the fact that Science earnestly desires to find intelligent life in the Universe, it won't. Despite the fact that fundamentalists of every religion propound salvation comes only to true believers and ardent upholders of faith, salvation comes when humanity realizes the ideal of godhood manifesting everything by the power of pure thought. Sounds like I am a new convert to a new and very subtle religion, doesn't it? Yet, I am only explaining what an impact this volume has had on my life. Americans are performance driven. Not seeing immediate results always gives the lie to such claims by this perspective. Yet, performance varies with experience and skill. No, I am not yet rich. But, I will be. And, it will come by my perfect understanding of and practice living the Secret. The really funny thing is the secret has been revealed in every one of the books I mentioned above. It is in the Christian Bible, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Koran, and Vedas. It is out there for anyone to see. But, I didn't see it until that little Australian blond, Rhonda Byrne had the faith and guts to publish "The Secret". The CD is simply a mind blower. She got all the great minds together who really understand who they are and what the secret is in practice. If you want to change your life and prosper, say "Yes" when that little Australian blond comes to with her hand outstretched saying as she reveals a beat up old key in the palm of her hand, "Missing this, mate?" Get"The Secret", Live "The Secret", and prosper by "The Secret".

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In his quest to overcome his challenges international best-selling author, John Assaraf discovered a unique passion for brain research and quantum physics as it relates to achieving success. His expertise has landed him on television shows worldwide. John also appeared in the hit movie The Secret and is here with the resources you need to understand and live the principles taught in the film.
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