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Tom Cruise stars in this spectacular version of the legend that has fascinated cultures all over the world since the dawn of civilization: The Mummy.
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Supporting actors Jake Johnson , Courtney B. Vance , Marwan Kenzari , Russell Crowe Producers Alex Kurtzman , Chris Morgan , Sean Daniel , Sarah Bradshaw Studio Universal Pictures Rating PG-13 (Parents Strongly Cautioned) Content advisory Alcohol use , foul language , sexual content , violence Purchase rights Stream instantly Details Format Prime Video (streaming online video) Devices Available to watch on supported devices
DemonViewLLC Reviewed in the United States on August 15, 2022
I know there was a lot of negativity when this movie was first released (and it killed any hopes of a franchise) but honestly, the movie isn't that bad at all. In fact it's kinda fun. I think the reason it fails is that those expecting a Tom Cruise "Hero" actioner didn't get that movie at all. In this movie Tom Cruise actually plays a bit of a con man/thief/chicken. He's the guy who runs away from a fight. Kind of the same character from the start of Edge of Tomorrow really. There are a few plot points that don't work with one needless explanation at the very end regarding why a character has returned. However all in all, I think this was killed way too quickly, it's a fun film, some great set pieces and it really set up some interesting threads that could have been explored in future movies.
Ovid Reviewed in the United States on July 14, 2022
This movie is recently lambasted by critics as "a bad movie" but it's not at all. The production values are the highest, they clearly had the budget they needed, and they hired top screenwriters at the time. The story, particularly in the first half, is quite strong. The second half does degenerate into cliche a bit, but I found the Mummy truly scary. The director pulls back twice to show the Mummy in a full-body shot. This was a mistake as my wife pointed out the actress who plays the Mummy "has short legs" and no longer appears scary when you see her walking in full-body shot in the frame. But as long as you are just looking at her face she is all-together frightening. This is a horror movie, it's too scary to be mainstream, so that's the only reason it wasn't a hit for Universal. Cruise is a great actor as always.
The King of Pain Reviewed in the United States on June 17, 2018
This is one of those rare movies where you find yourself criticizing every detail albeit so totally consumed with snarkery you are unable to turn away from the screen. More! you exclaim. More! I watched it from frame to frame and still not sure exactly what it was about. Something about some mummy who used to be a princess who whacked her father and brother for the throne. One of the cut scenes illustrating the father; henceforth to be known as "Pharaoh smalls" stands with his son, henceforth we shall call him "the prince of plot devices" together they survey the great Egyptian horizon as if to say we rule all of this. First off, they can have it. Miles upon miles of sandy dunes to rule over. So princess makes a deal with some thing that is regarded as the most evilest of evils. Kind of funny right there in that she just kind of "poof" suddenly dialed up this demonic evil and knew just what to do to solidify herself as the queen of evil. Yep, you guessed it. She was required sacrifice a man by the edge of an all powerful pocket knife with a gem in the hilt- however, at the moment she was supposed to sink the pocket knife into the mans chest she is stopped by what we later learn to be some ancient shadow cult that has existed from time immemorial with the sole purpose of stopping evil. So yeah, they .. wait for it... wait for it.. They lolz mummify her alive. Let that sink in for a second. Pretty sure Russel Crowe decided to wing it during his extended narration because the act of mummifying it to remove the blood and organs from a body and fill it with some innocuous substance thus preserving the corpse from rot. So, theres no such thing as mummifying someone alive they are mutually exclusive. So, for the purpose of this review lets ignore Russel's claim to have mummified her alive and say "they wrapped her with some already stanky bandages" and tossed her into some ornate, in a spartan sort of way, sarcophagus. So lets stop right here for a second shall we? They have gone to the trouble to stop her evil plans but instead of burning her to ash at the stake or some similar destructive method they haul her and a bunch of Egyptian statues to Mesopotamia and burry her in a pool of shimmery mercury a hundred feet or so into the ground. Remember that pocket knife? Well the jewel in the hilt is something of an artifact something akin to the ark of the covenant in an all powerful smite you death sort of way and like the 3rd cousin of Robert the Bruce ended up with that thing while campaigning in the crusades. Go figure. So I made that part of, about the 3rd cousin of the Bruce but not the part about the gem making it back to England with the crusaders. Ultimately the gem was buried in a Templar crypt in downtown London. You know, for safe keeping right? So to put this in perspective. If the pocketknife and the gem are ever reunited the mummy will have great power over life or death and the secret shadow cult cant be having any of that. So, yeah, instead of destroying the items they just kind of chill and wait to see how things play out. So, it turns out Russel Crowe is Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde and they have grand designs to kill Tom Cruise because Tom is, wait for it.. because Tom is... haha lolz Tom is of course the "chosen one" quite possibly the biggest movie cliche ever. There have been so many Chosen Ones throughout cinematic history its hard to find an actor who hasn't already played "the chose one." So yeah, Tom was chosen by the Mummy. Anyway, the mummy is partially filled with mercury before she eventually talks some cockroach into skittering across the floor and into the ear of some guy sitting behind a Pack Man arcade game. Ok, it wasn't Pac Man but it might as well have been. The movie to this point was so campy my brain inserted the Pac Man dot chomping sound effects at about this point- where Pac Man just gets to a "powerup" then immediately turns from hunted to hunter and dispatches a couple of ghosts. From here, we have zombies that break dance while the learn to walk, comic relief in the form of Tom's buddy who I think is one of those Pac Man ghosts as he periodically has to force the plot along by showing up and telling Tom where to look next and.. Oh wait. Lets gosub a little here. Did I mention Tom and his buddy- before Toms kills him of course, happen upon the Mummy's tomb by calling in a Hellfire missile strike on a hapless village filled with insurgents of some sort. Not sure what they are insurging but they seem angry as they fire hundreds if not thousands of rounds at close range yet still manage to miss hitting Tom or his sidekick while they flee the scene. We are never quite sure of why they were being shot at if other than just being garden variety toilet seat covers but i suspect it might have had something to do with the village elders' daughter I'm sure. So back to the action where Tom saves the life of the shadow cult spy in his midst by strapping a parachute on her and letting it rip. Meanwhile, Tom goes down with the aircraft but wakes up in the morgue in a scene right out of "this is definitely the case of some some Hollywood veteran with way too much creative control over Universal flicks. As I was saying Tom wakes up naked in the morgue and in bursts the spy, er, love interest, whatever she is. The scene is cringeworthy. Old Tom stands there naked and is flexing every muscle in his body to pose for the camera. Literally pulling out the Mr America pose to the point of rigidity when his body should be fluid based on the scene movement and requirements. Not only does he pose but the scene keeps the camera on him for so long during the pose you can tell, Tom himself must have had way too much control either overtly or sinisterly behind the scenes because the camera action during the scene was like no other scene in the movie. It paused far to long. So, yeah mix in the occasional zombie scene filled with special effects for the sole purpose of having special effects and don't forget the sand storm in downtown London that takes the shape of the mummy's face- it's like, uh.. wheres all that sand coming from? Did it suddenly fly in from that scene in Egypt where king smalls is admiring his extensive kingdom of desert nothingness? But wait there's more. This was supposed to be the start of some Dark Universe anti x men answer to the Marvel Universe or something. Lols not so much. Not a single scene in this mashup was unique or otherwise original in any way. A complete waste of time in a let's watch this thing just to see how bad it gets sort of way.
Jeff Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2022
It was a good movie for what it was I thought the original was better with Brandon Frazier I don't know why they felt they had to make another one especially since the original has 3 sequels ? Fun watch but not worth 20 or even 15 bucks for a revamp especially since the original was so good.
Banana Man Reviewed in the United States on July 30, 2022
This movie turns into a collosal trash fire by the end. But it's still fun to watch if you are drunk.
Blarghhhh Reviewed in the United States on October 14, 2017
Spoilers ahead. Overall production values 4.5/5. This was quite well made really; good SFX, makeup and costuming, real actual sets, cool action sequences and great stunts. Don't know why people insisted the FX were bad, they most definitely were quality work. A few rough spots but nothing major., but not terrible; the “adventure” tracks in it were great but criminally underutilized. Also, this film is NOT a rip-off of the '99 movie, the giant dust-cloud face notwithstanding. That would require it to have more than five minutes of Egypt in it. And the lost city of Hamunaptra. And Medjai. You get the idea. Storyline/Characterization 3/5. This was actually a fairly coherent action/chase film with horror elements, but it suffers somewhat from several issues. It was too short, for one. It needed like another forty minutes to develop properly. Maybe too much chasing, not enough worldbuilding. Trying to balance a Mummy story, an introduction to an anti-monster organization, and a Cruise run-a-thon in less than two hours hurt the thing. I think maybe the modern setting pulled things down a bit because with Internet and cell phones and satellites, there’s not so much mystery/adventure anymore like in previous movies. England isn’t really the best location for this kind of story. There wasn’t enough Egypt or Iraq. Needed more exploring through ancient ruins and stuff, maybe there should have been booby traps and complex catacombs in the tomb. There can never be enough booby traps. Don’t let Indiana Jones hog the concept! The anti-monster guys, “Prodigium”, were an interesting idea but needed more fleshing out, they were a bit too enigmatic and undefined. Like, who funds these people? Bringing Crusaders into the plot overcomplicated things and wasn’t explained well at all. Also, isn’t the Mummy supposed to have more nuance? This isn’t much like the 1932 movie that it’s supposed to be a remake of. It did look like she got possessed by a demon and therefore wasn’t really evil, just needed an exorcism but the narrator was insistent that she was totally bad which is kind of a cop-out. What’s wrong with more complex villains? I wonder why the anti-monster organization didn’t try giving her a shot of the anti-evil serum that Russell Crowe kept sticking himself with. Didn’t she basically have the same issue as he had? Could be a good sequel hook. Either way, she was pretty cool and I felt bad for her ‘cause she got mauled something fierce (getting riddled with harpoons, mercury IV poisoning, etc.) and those clearly hurt, it was a bit discomfiting. Imhotep never got messed up that much back in ’99. Jarring non-ending. Wasn’t this movie supposed to be starting a “monster” version of the Avengers/League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, with five main characters, including both Cruise and the Mummy as protagonists? Seems like a good idea (Marvel Avengers bores me), so why not follow through with exactly that? Anyway, this played out in a really awkward cheesy fashion what with Cruise riding into the sunset like it’s the ’99 version and it just fell on its face in the last five minutes. It’s like they couldn’t decide whether to create a stand-alone movie, or a series starter, and kind of spun around in a circle instead. It ended without any real closure. Acting/Casting 5/5. Everyone’s acting in this was very good. Tom Cruise was not too old for this part; he runs like a madman in a marathon, good stunts too, this was some of his better work of late. Sofia Boutella gave an impressive performance, very atmospheric. Solid work by Russell Crowe (didn’t care for Jekyll, but his Mr. Hyde persona was amusing). Annabelle Wallis was fairly competent also. Universal/Tom Cruise factor ??/5. According to an article in Variety, Cruise and his people took over this movie and gave his character more of the screen time. He apparently had near-total control over rewriting, directing, and editing. With Universal’s blessing, no less! How strange. Gun Battles 1/5. The first two Fraser movies had some sweet shootouts, this film hardly had anything by comparison. Final thought – this could really use a sequel to clear up some of its loose ends, it left a lot of questions unanswered and felt like half a story. It was also a bit too dark/tragic, given my view on the mental condition of the Mummy, so it wasn’t the best ending in that regard. I generally enjoyed the film, though.
James J Stahl Reviewed in the United States on August 17, 2022
If you like movies about stuff, you will love this movie because a lot of sutt happens
Scott Bloomquist Reviewed in the United States on July 4, 2022
I have a love hate relationship with 4k. This format rides the edge of too dark. The black level is great but if a movie has alot of dark scenes like this movie does you best watch it at night or in a blacked out room cause you'll miss alot but again it's a love hate

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A group of archaeology students awaken an ancient mummy. After being trapped in a time loop, the only way they can escape, is to defeat the mummy. As the body count rises, it seems the Mummy has to collect the souls of those who woke him to be able to walk the earth - for good.
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