


WasteInfonet is the first company to  convert waste using Artificial Intelligence.


WASTEINFONET  is the first company to use Artificial Intelligence, an Application for Android and iOS with scanning devices, data storage, built-in multi-wallets and a central platform with a protocol that allows to achieve total, secure and automatic interconnection, with technology designed in the network, makes it possible in this way to use all available technology and manage to generate and transfer information like we have never seen before.

We have developed innovative projects based on the most modern technologies combining various tools, applications with multi-functional wallets, secure networks for information transfer from the time every household scans the products discarded every day until they are received by our central platform which processes them all. This information is received from various places, whether city, country, or this specific region, using GPS location technology, plus artificial intelligence to classify the information quickly and securely, and then transferred to our future client companies who will receive important data that will enable them. to make a decision, to know the final factors in the chain of production, distribution and consumption, which are the same consumers in each household.


Our business model focuses on basic sources of information that are dumped on a daily basis around the world, getting them from absolutely correct and accurate sources such as the trash cans of every home, wherever they are. so that it is converted into highly useful information so that the client company can make important decisions, not based on projections, or estimates only if not with real, safe, precise, and valuable information.



Currently the average person in the world saves 1.5 kilograms of

waste  every day  , this waste is produced with a variability of 0.70 kilograms to 2 kilograms per day depending on the country, but it is not only useless, if not only there. recycling plant, but no company like us has focused on the value of what we throw away and the great information we throw with our waste.



wasteinfonet, is developing a truly innovative and revolutionary method that will allow the waste that every resident of the world generates on a daily basis to be converted into useful information for making important decisions that will add a lot of value to the company's production, creating new and accurate channels. information that far exceeds all types of surveys, projections, estimates.


The old project used a manual registration system of different waste classifications at home, then this form was submitted using a special model designed by the informants, which meant very difficult, difficult, imprecise and late work. then with the new technologies we have combined, we add accuracy, speed, precision, security and a variety of utilities, to the classification and processing platform.


  • Creation of an APP for Android and IOS devices that are used to scan products and their barcode.
  • Traceability of data transmission and reception networks to the platform.
  • Information processing program.
  • Network operating protocol.
  • Alternative means of payment will be specified for certain places.
  • The platform connection system will be developed with the client company.
  • Artificial Intelligence will be put into use.
  • Creation of a database that will provide the platform and team with contact information for companies in the country of launch, as well as a database with an information generator.
  • A committee is formed which will meet to evaluate and make continuous improvements.

Roadmap Wasteinfonet

K1 2020

Some Research in many countries and cities,

development of our business model.

K2 2020

Countries selected to launch the first phase,

regional and qualitative research.

K3 2020

Contacts with different fonts to create

our ecosystem.

K4 2020


K1 2021

Token Sale, Listing on Exchange, Beta version for

a certain group of countries using the application, android and

our platform.

K2 2021

Launched Mainnet including more countries,

new partnership.

K3 2021

More countries are added to our business, reinvesting

of our money income stream.

K4 2021

Special bonus program for investors

and work to increase income over time,

add new branches in business as

optimization of waste collection.

K1 2022

New businesses are adding IoT (Internet of Things) Sensors that are able to do this

detect the fill ratio and weight of each tray; optimization

from waste collection, truck routes are optimized based on

on the weight and level of contents of containers and traffic,

including control in waste delivery.


Our token has a fundamental use, as a vehicle of interconnection between the circuits in which it is produced and the place where the information arrives. Internally, the team believes that tokens are never as useful as ours, and this is because many crypto projects are looking for a use for their tokens, without owning them and somehow making it up for investors to tell which ones are utility. symbolic. Our (WIF) tokens move in different ways, these are the means of payment to information producers, the means of payment we receive from companies that receive this information, the way investors trust us and store it, and the way we see our market capitalization increase strongly in the near future .


Wasteinfonet, develops methods that are truly innovative and revolutionary

let this waste be generated by every inhabitant of the world every day

turned into useful information for making those important decisions

will add a lot of value to the production company, create a new channel

accurate information that far exceeds all types of surveys, projections, estimates.

This makes us an unnecessary leader in new markets as creators of new markets and, above them

all, find a use for activities like taking out the trash, which is always there

something that is done automatically as other household chores.

More information about Wasteinfon

Website : https://wasteinfonet.com/

Media: https://wasteinfonet.medium.com/

Whitepaper: https://wasteinfonet.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/WHITEPAPER-WASTEINFONET-PDF-FILE..pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WasteInfonet

Telegram: https://t.me/wasteinfonet1

Username: Sukabumie

Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3198758

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