Warm Welcome Ch. 04

Warm Welcome Ch. 04

Gretel gulped.

The sorority witches exchanged sly grins.

"Kisses!" Claire sang, advancing.

"Kisses!" Abril cooed, bouncing towards him.

"Kisses!" Maye cooed, gliding forward.

In a panic, Gretel carved a wide arc through the air, and shimmering magical lines fell like raindrops from the arc, forming a glistening silver shield. He instantly regretted this as his mark tingled with excitement at the magic it was channeling, and his knees quaked and wobbled. "I-I—"

Maye blinked at the shield, then up at him, innocently. She mouthed a question.

Gretel swallowed. He knew she'd stop if he asked.

If only he admitted... admitted...

Instead, he turned and bolted up the stairs, nearly tripping on the last few steps.

"Kisses!" echoed the three witches, and he could feel them easily unweaving his paltry hastily-woven magic, hear them rushing up after him. "Kisses!"

Gretel bounded up the stairs and ran into the first room with an open door. Gretel was horny and confused and dazed and panicked and so horny and it was the only thing he could think to do.

Gretel turned immediately after closing the door and, not even thinking, ran around and put all his weight into the nearby dresser, struggling to push it towards the door. His years in the Tower had done nothing to prepare his arms for this kind of exertion, and indeed, they ached with the effort—but his adrenaline gave him strength.

His heart was racing like a thousand horses. He had to hold off half the horny sorority on his own. At least until he could think of a way out of here. It wouldn't be only half of them soon. The commotion the witches were about to make was bound to awaken the last two. Not to mention the scraping of the dresser.

This was bad. He gave one final push, barricading the door with the armoire.

This was very, very bad.

Gretel leaned against the dresser, panting. He needed to get a grip, and fast, or else these gorgeous sex-crazed sorceresses were going to break in here, tackle him to the ground, and kiss his brains away until he was pleading for more, and then they were going to push him down into the bed of whoever's bedroom he'd run into, and then he'd—

Gretel froze.

And as the bangs on the door and echoing taunting moans for kisses, kisses, kisses began ringing in his ears from outside, a single thought slowly traveled through his mind, the clock's gears slowly clicking into a dreadful knell.

Whoever's. Whoever's... bedroom... he'd...

Gretel's eyes slowly traveled up to the walls, as he finally noticed the girly pink wallpaper. Finally noticed the little cat and sheep scrimshaw carvings resting on the dresser, the cute painted lettering on each side of the dresser—glowing in the dim light, since the curtains were closed, like they always had them closed—giving a name indicating the side's owner, since this particular dresser was shared by two very close friends indeed.

Gretel swallowed, heart sinking deep, as he heard a little, "Mmaah?" from behind him...

...followed by the creaking of bedsprings, a little "Mrrew?"...

Two almost identical yawns...

Gretel turned to see two pairs of gleaming eyes from the darkness beneath the Whisper Twins' blankets: one pair bright green, one luminous gold.

"H-Hi, Jane," Gretel squeaked, meeting the sleepy green eyes. "H-Hi, Juuni," he added, looking into those drowsy gold eyes. "Um, so, um... I'll just be, um..."

"... going?" Jane asked sweetly, tilting her head to the right.

Gretel's voice failed him.

"Or coming?" Juuni asked sweetly, tilting her head to the left.

Gretel trembled.

~ ~ ~ ~

Maye knew immediately which door her Gretel had chosen when she saw the hanging sign still swinging, knocked askew by the force of the door slamming.




"Oh, poor, sweet boy," Maye trilled softly, smiling as she leaned against the door and listened intently.

"L-Listen, girls," Gretel was stammering, "I didn't mean to—"

Giggling drowned out his meek little voice.

"Aww, I guess, like, he didn't see the sign!" she heard Juuni coo, her voice as wispy-sweet as spun sugar. There came the windchimes of her cotton-based whispermagic, and a satisfying squeak from Gretel.

"Or he did," Jane added, giggling, "and he wants kissiiies!"

"N-Noo! I-I don't—mm! MMMMM!!!" The thrumming of Jane's purring-based whispermagic emitted as Maye heard Gretel fall with a soft, cushioned whump—and then both sounds, and his quavering voice, were all alike drowned out by the kittenwitch's lips on his.

"Kissies!" Juuni cooed, and Maye grinned at the sound of the Whisper Twins' planting loud, doubtless exquisite kisses on the thrashing body of their very most favorite boytoy. Gretel's squeals and cries as what Maye guessed were his robes thwumped against the door were adorable. "Lickies!"

"N-No, please, not there—"

"Bad boys—*mwah*—get melty kissies!" Jane purred. "And here kitty's kissies come for Gretel's faaavorite place~"

Gretel's voice broke and shattered into squeals and squeaks at every kiss. "P-PleEEeeEEase, I-I'm just h-heEEre t-to—t-to hiiide from—"

"Aww, is—*mwah*—someone—*mwaaah*—looking for you?" Juuni cooed between smooches.

"Um. I-I mean—n-no! NO! NononoNONONONO—"

"Better let them in!" Jane sang, and there came another vibrant purr, and to Maye's glee, the door and dresser beyond phased into wispy ghost-versions of themselves to allow entry.

And the whole sorority descended on their captive plaything.

~ ~ ~ ~

Gretel was in heaven and hell and he barely knew the difference.

The kittenwitch and lambwitch had moved quickly. Too quickly for him to think to react, even if his brains weren't so very... mushy. Now they had him squirming and thrashing in the fuzzy cotton 'handcuffs' Juuni had spelled onto his wrists and ankles, which seemed to stretch only when they wanted to spread his arms and legs for something, snapping back into place the second the whisper witches were through with him.

And now they'd whispered away his only protection against the whole coven.

Juuni beamed down at him and planted another loving kiss on his panting lips. Her face was positively angelic in the room's twilight glow, her curly black hair framing brilliant golden eyes and plump, dimpled cheeks. A pair of silvery lamb's ears flopped and twitched with excitement as she stroked and kissed and licked all over his sensitive body.

Jane giggled up at him, dark feline ears twitching amid her long wavy black hair, emerald-green eyes complementing subtle pale freckles. The kittenwitch kissed and licked with an intense focus, never taking her eyes off his flushed face as she lapped at his sensitive sides, sucked on his fingers, smacking her lips and letting out lewd moans. She was so close to his cock right now, and his cock was totally exposed. And so was he. Exposed and helpless between the two insatiable temptresses.

And he knew from that glow in her pretty green eyes that she knew how helpless he was, and would delight in teasing her kittytoy until he begged to be suckle-edged by the two of them, shared between them like a delectable treat, like their adorable, submissive slave. And a part of him was giddy at the thought.

Claire entered his field of vision, and he stared up at her uncertainly. The brunette smirked down at him, bent down... and the next thing he knew, he was in her arms.

Grteel found himself being carried into bed, squirming helplessly, thrashing in her embrace, whimpering as the witches cooed at how cute and obedient and adorable and helpless he was. His cock twitched and his mark tingled at the intoxicating praise.

Gretel was overwhelmed by kisses, by strokes, by teasing, by the hypnotic eyes and tingly magic. The sorority had him now, and it was all he could do to thrash and plead for mercy. Just like they liked him.

"There we go!" Claire cooed, giggling. "Now, let's get him nice and warm..."

Gretel blinked. And he started thrashing harder. "No!" he squealed. "No, please, I c-can't—"

"Shh," Claire whispered, "shh, sleepy boy, be a good boy~"

"Nnnn—" His cock twitched and throbbed at her achingly sensual voice. "I-I mean, no, I—you mustn't—y-you don't know how—"

And then he was being wrapped up in Claire's blanket, in his blanket, in his wonderful, soft, fluffy warm blue blanket so very tightly, and Gretel felt even his will to squirm helplessly melting from him as cozy, luxurious comfort oozed in from all around.

His muscles went limp. His limbs went slack.

And his heart sank as he saw, over Claire's shoulders, Juuni and Jane grinning down at him.

With identical twirls of their fingers, the cuffs faded, no longer needed.

He sank into the bed, panting, drooling with pleasure as the whisperwitches kissed and sucked and licked, as Claire cradled his head in her lap and stroked his hair fondly. "Good boy!" Claire cooed. "Such a good boy. See, what's the harm in staying just one more night?"

Gretel mewled.

"You're blushing so bright," Claire added with a wink. "And you know what that means! What a good boy!"

"He is a good boy, isn't he?" bubbled a voice of syrup and honey, and Abril appeared above him. The shortstack giggled, clearly gleeful at his state, and hopped up to straddle his hips—wriggling so that he wasn't quite inside her, so she could squirm in his lap, pinning his needy little cock beneath her plump ass... "Such a good boy deserves a kiss..."

"Nnnnooo," Gretel mewled, too weak and sleepy to argue even as he knew the trap, letting Abril help him to sit up as she moved in for the kiss, and oh, gods, he wanted that kiss so badly he couldn't think, he just parted his lips—

—only for her to pop a delectable cherry cream puff right into his open mouth.

"Good boy!" He squirmed faintly and moaned as she cooed her praise, helped him close his mouth, encouraged him to chew, swallow, to let the molten creamy sugary mindless bliss ooze into his mind...

And Abril's voice was even creamier and sweeter. "Suuuuch a good boy! Soooo oh-bee-dee-ent~" He whimpered as Abril began guiding his gasping lips to her massive breasts, as she tugged her lacy nightgown down to reveal she was ready for him... already lactating, dripping, so sweet and enticing, so addictive...

"Oh, I think such a good boy," purred Maye, as the gorgeous redhead bounced into bed next to him and smirked down triumphantly, "deserves soooo much more, don't you girls?"

Gretel stared up at her and whined. His mind was... was melting like butter in the oven. And he couldn't think of a hotter oven than here, in a sorority bedroom, squirming weakly beneath the affections of five drop-dead gorgeous temptresses, lost in the cozy warmth of Claire's blanket, the delectable scent of Abril's milk, the addictive taste of the creampuff, the unbearable sensations of the whisper witches' kisses, the exquisite glow of Maye's gorgeous eyes.

Everywhere around him lay temptation. Maye's soothing, drowning spirals. Abril's bouncing, enticing breasts. Claire's lulling, singsong coos and soft, luxurious headpets. Jane's and Juuni's bright smiles, filled with wicked suggestions Gretel longed to beg for.

His whole world was pudding. Sweet, decadent pudding. Or a bouquet of sweet wildflowers smothering him in a thousand scents. Or a valley of thick rosy-pink fog. He felt so pliable. So docile. So deeply under their spell. He knew he needed to fight, but all he could do was dreamily squirm, moan, whimper. All he could think about was obeying. All he could think about was how good being a good, obedient boy would feel. How maybe they wouldn't edge him if he was a good boy. How many they'd edge him lots if he was a very good boy.

The sorority witches giggled and nodded, Juuni and Jane moaning as they suckled on Gretel's fingers and kissed and licked him all over, Claire sighing happily as she kept giving him headpets, praising her good blushy brainless boy, Abril's eyes shining with anticipation as she guided him closer, closer to his suckling surrender...

"I think Gretel deserves a kiss for staying with us an extra night!" Maye sang, winking at him. She leaned in close. Gretel trembled, feeling her breath on his neck, his mark still so, so sensitive from the magic cast earlier... "Don't you, sugar?"

Gretel's lips quivered. He felt two sources of hot breath breezing his cock and heard Juuni and Jane giggling, realized with dread what was about to happen as he watched the breast coming closer, watched Maye leaning in close...

"Y-Yes, Maye," he whimpered, trembling in needy, desperate, submissive ecstasy.

"And what happens when a pretty girl kisses a silly, subby boy?" Maye cooed in his ear.

Gretel blushed.

"Good boy!" Maye cooed. Down below, he felt Juuni and Jane give him two dainty little kittenish laps at the tip of his little cock. Like he was a bowl of cream for the cats. Gretel whined. "And... what happens when a silly, subby boy... gets blushy?"

Gretel was drooling, he realized numbly, staring at Abril's massive breasts, trembling under the endless, unbearably exquisite sensations. He felt so soft. So weak. So helpless. So... squishy...

"cheeks get blushy," he mewled, "brain... gets... mushy..."

"Good boy." Maye's voice oozed sexuality, seduction, smug triumph. She had him now. They had him now. Maybe he'd never leave. Maybe he'd never want to. Gretel whimpered at the thought.

"And," she asked sweetly, "would you like that, pet?"

Soft headpets. Two more licks. The nipple was so close. Gretel drooled and moaned and nodded docilely, obediently, mushily.

"Ask nicely."

Gretel panted. "P-Please, Maye—"

And Maye kissed his mark hungrily, passionately, possessively, lips and tongue working in delicate harmony to draw out Gretel's cries of bliss.

Moments later, he was pressed to Abril's breast, suckling hungrily, needily, drinking down the milk that wouldhttps://www.fime.me/members/qoqetaxo/










make him a good boy, melting into Abril's and Claire's coos of praise at how easily he'd given in and how brainless and dreamy and sweet and obedient they were going to make him.

And then Juuni and Jane were licking his cock eagerly, lavishing it with love, kissing and sucking and lapping and moaning as if he were the most delicious candy they'd ever found, and Gretel was squealing, mewling, moaning, screaming, crying out in utter bliss as he finally came

and came

and came

and came like the obedient boytoy he was, like a cum-dumb obedient boy, bucking helplessly in the arms of the witches who had so easily drawn him back into their wonderful, adoring clutches. He loved being their boytoy, loved being toyed with, loved being played with, used, pampered, ordered around, indulged, rewarded, loved having his brains fucked into molten gooey mushy lovey-dovey mess while he came his brains out like a good boy—

a good boy

a... a...

"Sleepy boy," Maye cooed, continuing to kiss and lick and stroke his mark as Gretel, still recovering from the afterglow, started to cum again.

"Sleepy boy," Claire sang, wrapping the blanket tighter around him, oozing energy from him until all he could do was squirm and buck weakly and moan in their embrace.

"Sleepy boy!" Abril cooed, she and Claire stroking his hair as he mewled and mewed and suckled and filled himself with Abril's addictive ambrosia.

"Sleeeeepy boy," Juuni and Jane cooed in unison between their licks and kisses as they drew out a second orgasm, and he knew they wouldn't stop, they'd just keep making him cum and cum, and this was his punishment, they'd make him cum and cum until he was just brainlessly babbling, until he was begging for mercy, begging for rest, and he was too drunk on pleasure and dumb withh lust and stupid with need to do anything but drool at the thought.

Sleepy boy.

Sleepy boy.

Sleepy boy.

Such a good, brainless, sleepy boy.

Gretel's thoughts oozed into syrup as he began to cum a third time, and all thoughts but pleasure left him for a while.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nicole's Note: Thanks for reading! This was a Patreon request, and started as a non-canon Bad End to Chapter 3 before going a little overboard and basically becoming its own full canon chapter. That's why, in case you noticed, the start of this chapter bears such a resemblance to the start of the last!

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