Warlock And Boobs Sex

Warlock And Boobs Sex


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First thing’s first, there are breasts in this game that are bigger than entire fucking human beings. Ok, with that said, let’s talk about less interesting things, like the rest of the game. This is yet another RPG Maker porn game, but wait, don’t run away just yet. This is quite possibly the best RPG Maker porn game out there, by a mile. The kind of quality they’ve managed to cram into this tiny release, boggles my mind, and hardens my erection. Seriously, I am at a loss for words to describe just how arousing everything in this game is.
You play as a motherfucker named Krowly, but I like to call him ThePornDude, because this guy really gets what life is all about. Sure, he’s a little awkward at times, and he’s nowhere near as good looking as me, but the kind of pussy this guy goes through in this game is astounding. He really reminds me of a younger version of myself, albeit with green hair for some fucking reason. He’s the kind of OG cool guy who’ll explore far and wide to plow every single bangable bitch in his hemisphere, or die trying.
His motivations aren’t strictly tied to pussy worship, but he always ends up balls deep inside some wench eventually. It’s almost like he’s not even trying; pussy just falls in his lap. That’s exactly how it is for me! I can’t stop relating to this guy, I swear.
Now, we are different in one way, potentially, depending on how you play the game. I don’t fuck with dudes. I appreciate and respect dudes. You all know these reviews are catered towards dudes, but I don’t engage in swordplay, if you know what I’m saying. Well, Krowley here is such an equal opportunist that he bangs dudes as well, sometimes. Maybe for every 6 chicks he goes through, he also bangs one dude. I can respect that. I ain’t gay or bisexual myself, but I’ll never look down on people looking to polish their flagpole.
The number one challenge that game makers who use this outdated ass game engine run into is making their games actually hot. Some developers pepper their games with titties, others try to cram in as many sex scenes as they can find, but I’ve never seen an entire goddamn RPG Maker title optimized this well across all forms of smut. There’s smut in combat, there’s smut in conversations, and of course, there’s smut during the sex scenes. But it doesn’t stop there, oh no.
Pretty much every single baddie that you fight in this game is also bangable. The way it works is, you run into an encounter and the baddies appear on screen in front of you, in 2D. You use your attacks, special abilities, magic, and item to whack them in the face. So far, so basic. But, the way they’re drawn really does something to my boner. It’s not just that they’re hot. It’s that they’re drawn so meticulously well that I really feel like I’m at the very least playing a current-generation video game. They’re not half-assed sprites from 1998. They’re proper modern porn art, and they make me want to fuck them.
Now, this is where things get interesting. If you defeat an enemy in combat, they die, or maybe they disappear into the void, I don’t know. The point is, they fuck off the screen, and you get experience points. But, if you get downed by them, they rape you. Sometimes they’ll go in one at a time, other times they’ll spitroast you for the hell of it. And, remember how I said that Krowly is an equal opportunity bang bro? Well, he can also get downed and outed by male enemies. Then there’s also slimes, but I won’t get into that. Slimes don’t have a gender, as far as I know. Basically, everyone and their grandmother can down you and fuck you. It’s awesome!
Any way you look at it, combat is fun. It either works in your favor, and you become stronger, or you fail and get rewarded with a sex scene. This is the kind of porn game balance that I live for. I am here to jack off after all. And speaking of jacking off…
You wouldn’t think that this calls for an entire sub-heading, but fuck you, this is my review. Plus, the breasts in this game absolutely do deserve their own detailed breakdown, because someone went out of their way to spend hours to draw them. I love every single pair of tits that appears in this fucking game and not just when they’re being fucked. Take a regular encounter, like say, when you walk into an inn and ask for a drink. You get to see the actual innkeeper on screen, right?
Well, in this game, even though she’s fully clothed and just minding her business, her tits are massive, and it’s a bit of a spectacle. Her tits are so massive; in fact, they’re several times bigger than her head. They’re so massive that they barely fit on the screen. Now, not all titties are created equal. Some are so large they could pressure coal into a diamond overnight. Others could be used to bash your head in if you get too handsy. But the point is, all the tits in this game will eventually make their way into your dreams, because they’re that memorable.
Plus, they’re all kind of handcrafted to be unique. Yes, they’re all large, but they’re also very specific. Their shapes, textures, and all-around vibe are unique. Whoever drew these titties should win a medal for most original tits crammed into a single video game. Hell, check out the banner for the game. You’ll see at least a dozen pairs of tits crammed into wildly insufficient bras and shirts. And these are just the named characters. You don’t even get to see the actual baddies, who also have tits, until you play the game. This game is a titstravaganza.
Unlike real life, this game comes with a gay on/off switch that lets you pretend that you live in a world where gay people don’t exist. On the one hand, jeez, that’s kind of homophobic. On the other hand, well, it’s your choice who you want to fuck. If you don’t want to fuck dudes, that’s your right, my dude. So, by all means, feel free to switch the gay scenes off if you want to. It used to be that they’d get censored, but in newer versions of the game, they actually get skipped entirely. That way, you don’t have to experience them at all. They’re still in the narrative, technically, but you never have to look at them.
Just keep in mind that this will also disable futas. As a life-long appreciator of futa porn, I find this kind of sad. I’d like to opt-out of gay scenes but keep the chicks with dicks. Chicks with dicks are basically women with normal personalities, when you think about it. At the same time, there’s a pair of tits, but also a tangible lack of stupid questions and conversations about feelings.
This is the quintessential RPG porn game, with high-quality modern smut scenes in an old ass engine that is very outdated. Somehow, they made it work, and they’re delivering all of this smutty goodness to you for free. You can download a free copy of the game off of Mega, just check the Patreon for a download link.
The developer, boobsgames, is making over two grand a month at this point simply from tips alone. The game is available for free regardless of whether or not you pledge. That’s a clear indicator of success. This guy is really blowing people away with the ridiculous quality of smut he’s delivering.
I find it kind of funny how there are a few spelling errors here and there, but the story remains consistently great throughout. That tells me that this is a labor of love and not a professional undertaking. This is literally some guy’s wet dream, brought to reality and made public for the world to enjoy fapping to. Porn games that come from the heart are the absolute best.
From what I’ve seen so far, the game is still technically a demo. It’s receiving regular updates, but it’s far from being 100% finished. Yet, even in its current state, it’s absolutely fap-worthy, and I recommend that you get your hands on it as soon as possible. You won’t regret it.
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Amazing unique art style
Very interesting story
Too many tits to count
Optional gay scenes
Available in Russian and English
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Warlock and Boobs v0.340.1 Hotfix 1 by boobsgames, Warlock and Boobs is a game about Krowly always wanted to learn magic, hunt for monster girls, and most of all, get laid. Help guide Krowley in fulfilling his dreams!
Updated: 2021-06-12
Release Date: 2021-06-12
Developer: boobsgames Patreon – Game Webpage – Gumroad (Tip Jar)
Censorship: No
Version: v0.340.1 Hotfix 1
OS: Windows
Language: English, Russian
Genre: 2DCG, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Monster girl, Adventure, Combat, Turn based combat, Futa/transgender, Big tits, Big ass, 2D game, Anal sex, Animated, Gay, Incest, Masturbation, Oral sex, Religion, Titfuck, Vaginal sex
New character – elven blacksmith Rayna plus her smithy as a new location. She is the result of several patreon polls. She replaced the elven milf in elven camp. Krowly can help her in the smithy (day time) and bring her specific items (evening). She can visit the spa or be visited by the wine merchant Dario. In the future she will get the illustration where we will see her huge butt and probably some sex scenes.
Now all the characters in game have custom illustration or portrait. It’s a big milestone for me ^^
Event during the hunt with Juliette that leads to the new sex scene with Eric. Accessible after you got both two events with Juliette during the hunt and if your filter of gay scenes isn’t ON.
Two hidden mini locations with some nonrandom loot. I want to add more of them in the future, it’s always fun to find secrets in games.
Field work. Krowly can expand the amount of plants he can grow at some time by clearing his field. This one needs to be tested – let me know if it’s causing problem with movements.
Stepbro system. Jill now will refer to Krowly as a stepbro by default. When you will meet her first time the game will ask you if you want to keep it this way, or if you want to change it. If you will want to change it you will have to type in the way you want her to call Krowly (and Krowly call her) manually. The words you will type in will be used in all their dialogues.
Later in game you can go to cheat room if you want to make changes. I was thinking about how to make this change less impactful as possible, and I think this solution is good enough Same thing was done for Jenna and Eric.
Let me know if you will notice that something is wrong. I went through all their dialogues and scenes, probably created a lot of bugs, but might miss something anyway.
Please, if you want to leave a comment about this, keep in mind that there are certain words that aren’t appreciated on patreon
Rose pussyfuck. Has a chance to be triggered first time when you help Rose test her potions if your relationship with her is 50 or higher. After that can be triggered during the hunt via sex menu
Jaina handjob. Thursday morning, talk to Rose. Relationship with Jaina should be 20 or higher. Krowly should already have sucked Jaina’s dick. No illustration for now. Scene is written by Idler
Rose pussyfucking + 3 variants
Krowly defeated by an orc +5 variants
Updated pictures:
Futa elf mouthfuck +variant
Fina in the spa + variant
Small thing:
Illustration of Diana without her helmet is used when she is relaxing.
When daytime is changing Krowly mentions if he is hungry or too horny.
After winning a battle against busty fairies Krowly not caw choose to fuck one in the ass or to get a triple titfuck (same scene as when he loses)
Lizzy is now working right when she stays in Krowly’s house
Now you don’t have to trigger Jenna’s topless Friday every time
NOTE: If you’re using old save your Juliette will become naked. To fix it talk to her copy in the cheat room (right down corner of Krowly’s basement)
New randomized dungeon. New dungeon is possible to visit during the hunt if you already completed the first randomized dungeon (the one with Priestess in the last room).
It has new type of puzzles (inspired by the game Immortals Fenyx Rising).
The layout of the dungeon stays the same, but the enemies, loot spawn, exit location and the location of the lever to open the exit are randomized.
It means that you can be unlucky and meet a horde of enemies but no loot xD. Or vice versa.
It also has hidden reference that I found funny. Let me know if you will find it.
This dungeon is the part of Eric’s part of the story.
New scenes:
Krowly’s house got a new look. I’m working on adding second floor to it, but for now only the outside part is ready. For now it’s not matching the inside look (it’s surprisingly hard to draw good looking tiles). In the future we will get a quest to restore the second floor.
Hunt sistem was reworked. Now you can hunt with Eric 3 times a day and also you can choose the dungeon where to go if you have already found it. For example you can fight slime at the first attempt, meet Mable and suck her milk at the second, and find a dungeon at the third (all three are random). Or you can encounter a hard fight during the first attempt and then immediately retreat to the camp because you don’t have enough health to continue.
If you will lose in the battle or successfully clear a dungeon you will automatically return to the camp.
Also every time you discover new dungeon game adds it to the list and next time you can choose an option to go to that dungeon instead of hunting. (The cave with crystals and deep wood don’t count as dungeons)
Krowly’s deaths. Now when Krowly hunger first time reaches more then 50 points he is passing out to wake up in Carla’s tavern. It gives him Malnourishment status (-20% MaxHP and MaxMP) for 3 days. It hurts but the game continues. Passing out from hunger second time will also give -5 MaxHP permanent debuff. (later in game there will be a dish to heal it)
Lizzy and Meril. Krowly can use his monstergils help as the abilities in battles. If Lizzy is with him he will get a healing ability. Meril will provide a big debuff for the enemies, if Krowly knows how to summon her. Each time you use their abilities it will cost 1 SP. SP is Sperm Points for Lizzy, and Soul Points for Meril. If monstergirls have no SP they won’t be able to help Krowly. To recharge their SP you will need to feed them.
You can check SP by talking to monstergirl while being under en effect of the Mind Reading spell. Also now you can use Lizzy’s heal outside the battle, and have sex with Meril as many times a day as you have Lust for. Previously it was 1 time per day thing.
Big thanks to those people who helped with this update:
The November was free month on this patreon, I was trying to relax and take it easy. So this update will be quite small, but I want to publish it anyway. You may want to wait till the next update 
New enemy – Battle nun. After the witches quest the battle nuns can be met in some locations in game world. No sex scenes for now, will be added in the future for sure. It looks like the nuns are searching for something in the darkest places of the frontier…
New small hunt event – abandoned church.
Eric/Astra relationship. Now you can help to progress the relationship between Astra and Eric. First you need Alice to be dancing on the table. Second – Jenna should join topless friday. Third – relationship with Astra should be higher then 0. After that talk to Astra during the topless Friday evening in the tavern. The scene will give the first point to Eric/Astra relationship. Eric will be sitting with Astra in the tavern and at friday night you can see Astra giving him a goodnight kiss near her house (it also gives +1 to Eric/Astra relationship). But if their relationship reaches 10 or more it will trigger the mouth fuck scene during the topless Friday night.
The ways to improve their relationship:
In the future Eric and Astra will have more scenes that will depend on the level of Eric/Astra relationship.
Eric has other scenes that can be triggered at same time. If you don’t see him there, he is maybe having sex with Jenna or being sucked off by Lizzy
During topless friday you won’t be able to flirt or dance with Eric and Astra if they are sitting together, but it’s possible in other days (for now)
What s new:
Eric’s outfits. Now you can change Eric’s outfit during the hunt. He can be wearing his normal clothes, nothing, or black lingerie. The game will automatically change his sprite, illustration, and portraits in all the dialogues. In the future I’m planning to add relationship requirements and his reactions.
Melissa’s quest (+2 new characters). New quest with Melissa that can be started after the quest with magic circle. Talk to her. It focused on the dialogues and lore info, and preparing the background for the future events. The part of the quests can be solved in several different ways. I suggest you to make a separate save before starting the quest so you will be sure that you won’t miss side content.
The TXT file in the attachments contains spoiler info about the quest.
rimjob scene with Jaina in the spa by Idler. No illustration.
oral scene with Drunk Orc. No illustration.
nipplefuck scene. No illustration.
New pictures:
battle background for deserted areas
character illustration for Old man Jason
Fairy scene (bukakke variant)
Melissa huge breasts variant +bimbo lips variant +portraits
character illustration for Velena
character illustration for Sandra
Stoner elf now is a proper character. He got a name (Leaf), illustration, house, job, updated dialogue and bright future. Also he is selling mushrooms instead of Rose now.
Help Rose by testing her potions. During the day, once per day. 5 possible effects (some are for busty Krowly).
Possibility to meet Mabel during the hunt.
The hunt event with wine merchant being attacked by the butt bandits.
Jaina, Eric and Rose got new skills.
It wont work in the old saves by default, but you can update your Eric, Jaina and Rose in the cheat room (it will also destroy all the equipment you gave them, so make a note of it.)
Now you can give Eric, Jaina or Rose a glass of beer, minotaur milk or futa elf sperm or other drink and see their reaction.
Girls’ voices: Several lines and a bunch of sound reactions for Alice, Astra, Juliette, Fina and Sister Elizabth. Oolay-Tiger was directing this small project. I also added the option to disable the voices in the settings menu.
Lust for Jaina and Rose: The lust mechanic now works for Jaina and Rose too. They can be target of lust attacks from monstergirl, they can drink lust potion and become aroused.
When their lust reach 300 they will submit in battle. When Jaina’s lust
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