Warlock And Boobs Game

Warlock And Boobs Game


Krowley always wanted to learn magic, hunt for monster girls, and most of all, get laid. Help guide Krowley in fulfilling his dreams!
New scenes:
Alice handjob in the church. No illustration.
Taisha cleavagefuck
Diana titfuck
New pictures:
Wine merchant
Taisha topless + sperm variants
Taisha cleavagefuck + sperm variant
Futa Fina fucks Juliette +2 variants
Diana topless + sperm variants + no helmet variants
Astra peeping
Updated scenes:
Fina and Juliette. Added illustrations, added Astra’s illustrations, added chance for Fina to pull out and cover Juliette in her sperm.
Small thing:
Taisha now can join topless friday
New quest about restoration of Krowly’s house second floor. Just go upstairs to start the quest. You will need to bring Taisha in town to progress this quest and completing the quest “Lost delivery” will help you to save money. After finishing new quest you may want to talk to Jill. During the quest it’s possible to repeat oral scene with Derek.
Field work. Krowly can expand the amount of plants he can grow at some time by clearing his field. This one needs to be tested – let me know if it’s causing problem with movements.
Stepbro system. Jill now will refer to Krowly as a stepbro by default. When you will meet her first time the game will ask you if you want to keep it this way, or if you want to change it. If you will want to change it you will have to type in the way you want her to call Krowly (and Krowly call her) manually. The words you will type in will be used in all their dialogues.
Later in game you can go to cheat room if you want to make changes. I was thinking about how to make this change less impactful as possible, and I think this solution is good enough Same thing was done for Jenna and Eric.
Let me know if you will notice that something is wrong. I went through all their dialogues and scenes, probably created a lot of bugs, but might miss something anyway.
Please, if you want to leave a comment about this, keep in mind that there are certain words that aren’t appreciated on patreon
Rose pussyfuck. Has a chance to be triggered first time when you help Rose test her potions if your relationship with her is 50 or higher. After that can be triggered during the hunt via sex menu
Jaina handjob. Thursday morning, talk to Rose. Relationship with Jaina should be 20 or higher. Krowly should already have sucked Jaina’s dick. No illustration for now. Scene is written by Idler
Rose pussyfucking + 3 variants
Krowly defeated by an orc +5 variants
Updated pictures:
Futa elf mouthfuck +variant
Fina in the spa + variant
Small thing:
Illustration of Diana without her helmet is used when she is relaxing.
When daytime is changing Krowly mentions if he is hungry or too horny.
After winning a battle against busty fairies Krowly not caw choose to fuck one in the ass or to get a triple titfuck (same scene as when he loses)
Lizzy is now working right when she stays in Krowly’s house
Now you don’t have to trigger Jenna’s topless Friday every time
Juliette’s outfit system. Now you can change Juliette’s outfit when she’s is following you. As Rose or Eric, she can be wearing her normal clothes, nothing, or black lingerie. The game will automatically change her sprite, illustration, and portraits in all the dialogues. Also the game will be showing matching illustrations in her titfuck scene.
NOTE: If you’re using old save your Juliette will become naked. To fix it talk to her copy in the cheat room (right down corner of Krowly’s basement)
New randomized dungeon. New dungeon is possible to visit during the hunt if you already completed the first randomized dungeon (the one with Priestess in the last room).
It has new type of puzzles (inspired by the game Immortals Fenyx Rising).
The layout of the dungeon stays the same, but the enemies, loot spawn, exit location and the location of the lever to open the exit are randomized.
It means that you can be unlucky and meet a horde of enemies but no loot xD. Or vice versa.
It also has hidden reference that I found funny. Let me know if you will find it.
This dungeon is the part of Eric’s part of the story.
New scenes:
Carla’s nipplefuck scene. Can be triggered for the first time via her chat menu if the relationship with her is higher then 25. After that it becomes accessible via flirt menu. Starts the quests that will be added in the future.
Eric fucks Jenna in the butt. The variant of Jenna’s full nelson scene with Eric. Uses same illustrations. Sunday’s morning in Jenna’s barn, before the Sunday sermon 😉
Carla’s nipplefuck scene +3 variants
Eric fucks Jenna in the butt + 3 variants
Juliette naked +variant
Juliette in a black lingeie +variant
Juliette titfuck naked +2 variants
Juliette titfuck lingerie +2 variants
Jenna and Eric at night. Added illustrations and sound effects.
«Defeat» status now will be auto removed after battle. There was a issue where it wasn’t possible to heal defeated party member even if you have potions. Now should work.
Mushroom respawn is fixed. Again.
In the event with the abandoned church and battle nuns the entrance to the church is now hidden.
Krowly’s house got a new look. I’m working on adding second floor to it, but for now only the outside part is ready. For now it’s not matching the inside look (it’s surprisingly hard to draw good looking tiles). In the future we will get a quest to restore the second floor.
What s new:
New quest «Show must go on». Can be triggered started at sunday if your relationship with Elizabeth Darkwood is higher then 11 and the quest «Futa music» is finished. Talk to futa manager during the day or to Carla at the evening. Also you can just find Elizabeth on the map. (save before the quest and during it, it has a hard battle)
Hunt sistem was reworked. Now you can hunt with Eric 3 times a day and also you can choose the dungeon where to go if you have already found it. For example you can fight slime at the first attempt, meet Mable and suck her milk at the second, and find a dungeon at the third (all three are random). Or you can encounter a hard fight during the first attempt and then immediately retreat to the camp because you don’t have enough health to continue.
If you will lose in the battle or successfully clear a dungeon you will automatically return to the camp.
Also every time you discover new dungeon game adds it to the list and next time you can choose an option to go to that dungeon instead of hunting. (The cave with crystals and deep wood don’t count as dungeons)
Krowly’s deaths. Now when Krowly hunger first time reaches more then 50 points he is passing out to wake up in Carla’s tavern. It gives him Malnourishment status (-20% MaxHP and MaxMP) for 3 days. It hurts but the game continues. Passing out from hunger second time will also give -5 MaxHP permanent debuff. (later in game there will be a dish to heal it)
Lizzy and Meril. Krowly can use his monstergils help as the abilities in battles. If Lizzy is with him he will get a healing ability. Meril will provide a big debuff for the enemies, if Krowly knows how to summon her. Each time you use their abilities it will cost 1 SP. SP is Sperm Points for Lizzy, and Soul Points for Meril. If monstergirls have no SP they won’t be able to help Krowly. To recharge their SP you will need to feed them.
You can check SP by talking to monstergirl while being under en effect of the Mind Reading spell. Also now you can use Lizzy’s heal outside the battle, and have sex with Meril as many times a day as you have Lust for. Previously it was 1 time per day thing.
New scenes:
buttfuck with Elizabeth Darkwood (+ repeatable version of the scene in the spa). For those who don’t know Elizabeth wrote all the music in game and the players suggested to add her as the bard character.
gangbang scene with the bandits. No new illustrations
New pictures:
buttfuck with Elizabeth Darkwood (+2 variants)
Rose blows Jaina behind the tavern (+2 variants)
Updated scenes:
Rose blows Jaina (added possibility to fap and enjoy the show)
Rose isn’t using Krowly’s equipment anymore
Cooking should be working in the russian version now
Teleport to locations was fixed
Maximum amount of save files increased to 30
The save files from version 0.337 should work.
Big thanks to those people who helped with this update:
Idler – scene with an orc.
The November was free month on this patreon, I was trying to relax and take it easy. So this update will be quite small, but I want to publish it anyway. You may want to wait till the next update 🙂
What s new:
New enemy – Battle nun. After the witches quest the battle nuns can be met in some locations in game world. No sex scenes for now, will be added in the future for sure. It looks like the nuns are searching for something in the darkest places of the frontier…
New small hunt event – abandoned church.
Eric/Astra relationship. Now you can help to progress the relationship between Astra and Eric. First you need Alice to be dancing on the table. Second – Jenna should join topless friday. Third – relationship with Astra should be higher then 0. After that talk to Astra during the topless Friday evening in the tavern. The scene will give the first point to Eric/Astra relationship. Eric will be sitting with Astra in the tavern and at friday night you can see Astra giving him a goodnight kiss near her house (it also gives +1 to Eric/Astra relationship). But if their relationship reaches 10 or more it will trigger the mouth fuck scene during the topless Friday night.
The ways to improve their relationship:
If Astra notice sperm on Eric’s face it will make her more horny (+1)
If Astra and Eric are sitting together in the tavern they will join the dance if you will invite somebody else (+1)
Dancing during the topless Friday gives bigger bonus because of Astra’s jumping breasts (+3)
The kiss scene (+1)
The facefuck scene (+5)
In the future Eric and Astra will have more scenes that will depend on the level of Eric/Astra relationship.
Eric has other scenes that can be triggered at same time. If you don’t see him there, he is maybe having sex with Jenna or being sucked off by Lizzy
During topless friday you won’t be able to flirt or dance with Eric and Astra if they are sitting together, but it’s possible in other days (for now)
New scenes:
Krowly rides an orc after defeating him. The scene is written by Idler. No illustration for now.
Eric facefucks Astra. Topless friday night, near Astra’s house. Eric/Astra relationship should be 10 or more.
New pictures:
Eric facefucks Astra. +1 variant
Battle nun.
Updated scenes:
Carla’s buttfuck scene. Krowly now can pull out and cover her ass with his sperm
Updated pictures:
Carla’s buttfuck scene (+2 new variants)
Small things:
The food is shown on the tables in the tavern when needed
Rose’s outfits. Now you can change Rose’s outfit during the hunt. As Eric, she can be wearing her normal clothes, nothing, or black lingerie. The game will automatically change her sprite, illustration, and portraits in all the dialogues. In the future I’m planning to add relationship requirements and her reactions.
Astra’s handjob scene is now animated 🙂 As previously it can be triggered in the flirt menu at evening.
Cooking. I have added 6 basic cooking ingredients: eggs, vegetables, fish, meat, mushrooms, bread, cow milk, cheese.
Bread, milk and cheese Krowly can eat as is, other are considered as a raw food an it’s better to cook them first.
When cooking Krowly can choose “simple” option and choose one of the raw ingredients to cook.
Also I have added 4 beginner level recipes that Krowly can cook combining the ingredients.
Omelette (Milk+Egg)
Fish with vegetables (Fish+Vegetables)
Sandwich with cheese (Cheese+Bread)
Sandwich with meat (Meat+Bread)
“Raw food” item was deleted from the game, but now different characters sell different raw ingredients. Jenna sells eggs, Jason and Taisha sell vegetables, Carla and Sebastian – bread, Derek sells fish, Agneshka – milk and cheese, Leaf – mushrooms, Drunk Orc — meat. Ingredients also added in game world as loot.
Krowly sucks Sister Elizabeth breasts. Wednesday evening, 30+ relationship. She starts lactating if you suck her breasts enough times (5 and 10 for more lactation.). Her milk causes lactation for busty Krowly.
Krowly plays with Alice’s butt. During the day when Krowly’s eats Carla’s dinner. 35+ relationship points.
Juliette is talking about what she have seen in the wood. (triggers if Krowly had sex with the Drunk Orc). 30+ relationship points. In the tavern, at Thursday morning. Written by Jack White. No illustrations.
Krowly fups on the busty statue in the church at night. Has small consequence next morning. No illustrations.
Krowly sucks Sister Elizabeth’s breasts +5 variants
Krowly plays with Alice’s butt. +3 variants
Rose in black lingerie +variants
A bunch of variants of Astra’s handjob illustration for the animated scene
Naked variant Sister Elizabeth’s character illustration. Temporary
Small update of Meril’s handjob scene. New dialogues and Krowly is now visible, not just his flying dick
Scenes with Meril give bonuses that are recovering MP and HP now. Previously it wasn’t working as intended
Krowly’s basement entrance fix
What s new:
Eric’s outfits. Now you can change Eric’s outfit during the hunt. He can be wearing his normal clothes, nothing, or black lingerie. The game will automatically change his sprite, illustration, and portraits in all the dialogues. In the future I’m planning to add relationship requirements and his reactions.
Melissa’s quest (+2 new characters). New quest with Melissa that can be started after the quest with magic circle. Talk to her. It focused on the dialogues and lore info, and preparing the background for the future events. The part of the quests can be solved in several different ways. I suggest you to make a separate save before starting the quest so you will be sure that you won’t miss side content.
The TXT file in the attachments contains spoiler info about the quest.
New scenes:
rimjob scene with Jaina in the spa by Idler. No illustration.
oral scene with Drunk Orc. No illustration.
nipplefuck scene. No illustration.
New pictures:
battle background for deserted areas
character illustration for Old man Jason
Fairy scene (bukakke variant)
Melissa huge breasts variant +bimbo lips variant +portraits
character illustration for Velena
character illustration for Sandra
Repeatable variant of the scene with Fina in the church. Talk to Sister Elizabeth after Sunday’s sermon to repeat the scene if you already seen it. (Relationship with Elizabeth >30)
Variant of the scene with Fina in the church where she fucks sister Elizabeth. Triggers instead of original scene if filter of gay scenes is on. No illustrations and can’t be repeated for now.
Full nelson buttsex with Jenna. Flirt menu during the day, 50 relationship point.
Scene where Krowly and tree lady. 2 variants
Scene where Krowly sucks the sap from tree lady’s breast
Scene with Fina in the church +5 variants
Full nelson buttsex with Jenna +2 variants
Variant of Iss’ illustration with slipped nipple
Variant of Iss’ illustration with slipped breast 😀
Krowly can collect elven milk from busty elf if he has empty flacon. No milking scene for now.
Taisha is naked when it’s raining. She just doesn’t want to ruin her dress ^^
All music were converted to Ogg format. It should help to fix the issue with glitching music
UPD: Hotfix1 was added. It fixes the scene with Fina in the church not triggering when the filter of gay scenes is ON. And some other problems
What s new:
Girls’ voices: Several lines and a bunch of sound reactions for Jill, Carla, Jenna, Rose adn Jaina. Oolay-Tiger was directing this small project.
Cooking system. Not Krowly can use recipes he will find to cook special food.
First recipe – “Goblin’s stew”. This food will add you 3 maximum mana point permanetly. This recipe can be looted from the thick goblins (you can find one of them on the old place or in the dungeons)
New dungeon with the goblins including the thick ones. Use it to test the way sex scenes with goblins work if Eric is in the party. I recommend you to try “spitroasting option” 😉 Also if you will defeat a gang of goblins there will be a small orgy if you have enough lust . In the future I want all mobs in game to work this way.
Krowly’s portraits. If Krowly has different clothes on, the game now will be automaticaly showing the matching portraits in all dialogues, including the ones that I will add in the future. It may sound simple, but it’s a big achievement for me.
New scenes:
Thick goblin titfuck (after defeating her in battle)
Leaf buttfuck. If you will sell him more then 10 fairy dust it will enable the flirt menu.
New pictures:
Thick goblin titfuck (+1 variant)
Updated pictures:
Carla titfuck (update of the variants with the sperm)
Astra handjob (update of the variants with the sperm)
Lizzy titfuck (update of the variants with the sperm)
Small things:
A dialogue with Jill about Krowly’s parents. Finaly some lore info about them 🙂
some scenes were slightly changed here and there. Mostly scenes with goblin girls.
Jill’s scenes now have easily accessible short variants in the flirt menu
After first time triggering scene with Fina at the waterfall Krowly can just show himself when he want to start the scene. Nor random chance after first time.
“In church” variant of Sister Elizabeth oral scene now has “animation” too
Sexy decorations. In some dungeons and ruins and also in the goblin village and church you now will naked statues as sexy decorations. I’m very proud of these ones 🙂
Mouse fix. Hopefully it will fix an old time bug where game crashed if you spam mouse click right before the battle.
What s new:
Stoner elf now is a proper character. He got a name (Leaf), illustration, house, job, updated dialogue and bright future. Also he is selling mushrooms instead of Rose now.
Help Rose by testing her potions. During the day, once per day. 5 possible effects (some are for busty Krowly).
Possibility to meet Mabel during the hunt.
The hunt event with wine merchant being attacked by the butt bandits.
Jaina, Eric and Rose got new skills.
Shield bash – for Eric and Jaina, only if the shield is equiped. Deals demage and 70% chance to stun.
Precise hit – for Jaina. This attack ignores armor
Dirty move – for Jaina. Jaina throws dirt into enemy face to temporary blind it.
Jump attack – for Jaina. Strong attack but makes Jaina’s defence lower, temorary.
Kick – for Jaina. Deals less demage but adds agility debuff. This skill cost 0 TP.
Mighty slash – for Eric, only if the mighty sword is equiped. Strong attack.
Call to battle – for Eric. Adds buff to the party’s attacks for 5 turns.
Sticky potion – for Rose. Adds agility debuff and makes the target very vulnerable to freezing.

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