Warlock And Boobs 18

Warlock And Boobs 18


Warlock and Boobs is a game that follows the adventures of Krowly as he lewds his way through relationships and magic. Your quest, taking the role as Krowly (the “Mage of Boobs”), is to enjoy the simpler pleasures of life whilst also exploring, fighting monstergirls, farming and alchemy!
This awesome game is made by boobsgames on RPG Maker VX Ace.
Starting the game without a guide can be quite overwhelming. There are two bars at the top of your screen. One if your food bar and the other is your lust count. If the food bar runs out, you will get an instant game over. Always keep on top of your food. The lust count gets higher the more lustful encounters you come across. It can also go up when enemies do ‘lust attacks’ on Krowly (or Eric). Having 100% lust does not affect you when wandering around the world, but it will make you lose fights immediately. Before going into battle, always check your lust count. Having a high lust will alter what happens during many of the sex scenes. For example, if you have 100% lust when getting a boobjob from Fina, the option “cum everywhere” will appear as oppose to choosing to cum on her mouth, breasts or face. High lust introduces alternate scenes, so it is sometimes good to have if you are exploring new scenes.
There are several ways of getting food effectively:
-You can buy Dinner from Sebastian in the shop for 5 gold.
-You can buy Good Dinner from Carla in the Inn for 10 gold.
-You can get a free Good Dinner from Carla if you have sex with her the night before.
-If you have a high relationship with Jenna, she will sometimes give you a free Good Dinner before going adventuring with Eric.
-Winning the fight against the Minotaur on Sunday’s and sucking on her breasts for milk. -Sucking dick (not suggested).
-You can make your own Dinner if you have ‘Raw Food.’ Raw food can be obtained from Jenna by doing her chicken mission or bought from Sebastian for 3 gold.
If you wish to lose lust quickly, there are multiple ways in which you can lose lust. The easiest of which is to fap when you go to bed at night. Defeating enemies and using them to relieve yourself is another easy way. The more you progress in the game with character relationships, the more options you will have to lose lust easily (especially with Alice).
If you wish to gain lust quickly, there are multiple events in the game which automatically give you high amounts of lust. Following the main questline makes Krowly extremely horny. To avoid possible spoilers, here are some easy ways to get lust. You can find people bathing at the top of the village, you can find Jaina and Rose behind the Inn every night and you can also look at Fina’s portrait at the top floor on the manor (for a little lust).
Gaining money is an easy way to buy food and not having to worry about starving. With money, you can also buy beer for Jill and potions from Rose. Later in the game, you can also use gold to spend time at the Spa.
You can use the farm out the front of Krowly’s home to farm during morning, day or evening for ‘Ingredients.’ You can sell these are Sebastian’s shop for 6 gold.
This can only be done once a day. Krowly cannot farm whilst it is raining.
You can also make a little bit of money by adventuring with Eric and finding loot to be sold to Sebastian.
You unlocked spells throughout the game as you level up. Some spells appear as you gain more experience as oppose to simply levelling up. When you start the game, the only spell you will have is “Fire Arrow.”
Halfway to level 2, you’ll unlock “Darkness” which inflicts damage to all enemies. Useful against slimes especially. At level 2, you’ll unlock “Icy Needles” which inflicts ice damage. You’ll later unlock Freeze after this.
You can immediately unlock the passive spell “Clear Feelings” and “Reading of the Mind” by going into Krowly’s house and looking at the bookshelf by his bed. Clear Feelings allows you to see how many lust and hunger points you have in total, whilst Reading of the Mind allows you to view how many points of relationship you have with a character.
When you ‘save’ Juliet from the bandit in the forest, you will find a scroll. This scroll, once the magical circle is activated, gives you the passive spell “Return.” Use this spell to fast travel instantly to Krowly’s basement from anywhere.
You also unlock a few alchemy recipes throughout the game which you can brew in Krowly’s basement for a few ingredients. These recipes can be found here:
Lust Potion –> Read the Left Room bookshelf in Ironheart Manor.
Clear Mind Potion –> First bookshelf in the Church
You start the main questline by entering Krowly’s house and going into the basement. By looking at the magical circle, the first objective of the main questline is unlocked. You need to find a book in the village which teaches Krowly about magical circles.
This book is found in Sister Elizabeth’s room in the village church on the bookshelf.
The book will state that magical circles can stay active using slime jelly. However, Krowly will need to find a powerful slime in order to make it work, as weak normal slimes will not be powerful enough. It is highly suggested that time is taken to explore and level up a little bit before going hunting for the slime. At this point in the game, it is fun to explore scenes and get to learn character routines. Adventuring with Eric or studying in Krowly’s bedroom are good ways to earn XP aside from randomly going out and hunting enemies.
Before you set out to hunt the big slime, grab a jar on the table in Krowly’s house.
The big slime is located within a slime-filled cave on the middle right of the forest, next to a pond. This cave is filled with slimes which you should avoid and head straight to the slimegirl in the top-right corner of the cavern. Defeat the slimegirl and you’ll be able to access the summoning circle.
In Sebastian’s shop, there is a red book on the counter. It may take some time to save up to buy it, but purchasing it is the next step in the game. Purchase the book for 50 gold and then proceed back to Krowly’s basement.
In order to summon a succubus, you will need a strong protective barrier (otherwise you’ll end up like poor Sister Elizabeth). You will need to head south of the forest to the old ruined tower. At night, you’ll find a ghost girl here. She is quite a tough fight and it may take many times to take her down. Once she is defeated, you’ll be able to enter the tower.
There is a small puzzle here. Go to the basement and read the inscriptions. Remember the faded words as you’ll need to repeat them at the top floor to activate the portal. This is how you’ll meet Melissa. You will learn how to make a protective circle from Melissa.
Melissa will inform you that you’ll need Elven Roots. The Elves will not give you them, however. What you’ll need to do is go to the fairie glade at the bottom-left of the forest and defeat the plantgirl boss there. Once done, go to the Elf Camp at night and speak to the male elf. His addiction to Fairie Dust will not only give you a little bit of extra gold, but he’ll also be interested in giving you the Elven Roots in exchange for what you got off the plantgirl boss. Return to the summoning circle and try the ritual!
You’ll enter a contract with a demon! Fun stuff!
He’ll request you get panties of three women from your village. Two of these panties you can get from the beginning of the game; Astra’s and Alice’s. You’ll find Astra’s panties in her wardrobe in her room. Alice’s panties can be gotten in daytime off her child whilst he is playing indoors in Alice’s house. You might want to level up enough to get the “Sleep” spell before going after Fina’s panties, however.
Fina’s panties can be nabbed whilst she is at the small waterfall on the middle-right side of the forest. However, whilst you are grabbing her panties, futa elves will attack. Together with Fina’s powerful magic, you can fend off the elves. Fina has healing spells that are extremely helpful in this battle. Sending the futa elves to sleep is a good way of defeating them one at a time and avoiding spamming Fina’s healing spells. Once defeated and the elves get away, you will have Fina’s panties. Take all three back to the demon and you’ll be able to summon a succubus whenever you wish!
That was not the last you’ll see of the futa elves (thankfully).
Going to the Ironheart Manor, Astra will state that her mother has been gone for a little while now. Read over her letters on the table and you’ll find an invitation to the Elf Camp spa in apology of the attack. Going there during the day will wield nothing, but going there at night and looking through the window (the light on the side of the building) will show you a sexy scene! Krowly will begin to plan to save Fina.
In order to enter the Elf spa, Krowly will need to grow boobs. Go back to Melissa in the tower and she’ll teach you an alchemy recipe. This recipe will require Futa Elf sperm, which can only be acquired by defeating a futa elf south of the Elf Camp whilst in possession of a bottle in your inventory. Once acquired with some Mandragora (which is best harvested at night), you can brew the boobs potion.
Once brewed: drink the boobs potion!
Now that Krowly has boobs, he can go to the Elf Spa during the day and ask to enter. The futa elf will allow it and you can ‘save’ Fina. This ends the main questline up until this point.
Some side quests only activate after certain points in the story. I will try and write these in chronological order.
When speaking with Carla in the Inn for the first time, she will tell you that Fina disappears in the evenings. In the evening, go to the middle-right side of the forest and find the small waterfall area. Fina will be bathing in the waterfall and this completes the quest. The Night is Dark:
After completing the “Magic Circle” quest, you may randomly find this or be informed by Sebastian that Sister Elizabeth is acting strange. Visit Sister Elizabeth and she will tell you not to wander outside at night. As any sane person would do, proceed to wander into the village at night. You’ll be attacked by a succubus.
Defeat the succubus and inform Sister Elizabeth. You’ll be rewarded with a big relationship boost and a new church scene on Sundays.
After completing the “Where is Fina?” quest, you can speak with the Futa Manager. She’ll tell you that she is looking for a musician. Proceed back to the village and speak with Elizabeth Darkwood in the Inn. The lovely bard will be happy about the request and she will begin to play at the Elf Spa during the daytime whilst still playing in the Inn at evenings. Visiting Elizabeth Darkwood at the Elf Spa during the day will unlock a new scene and complete the quest.
Jaina and Rose are two adventurers. Jaina seems to be an Amazonian futanari, whilst Rose is a petite beauty. Their schedules are relatively simple. During the morning, Jaina can be found asleep in the top floor of the Inn. Most days, Rose can be found bathing at the most northern part of the village (although sometimes replaced with Eric, in which case, she remains at the Inn).
During the daytime and evenings, both Jaina and Rose can be found in the Inn. Speaking to Rose during this time will allow Krowly to buy potions. If the quest “Where is Fina?” is completed, Jaina can instead be found at the Elf Spa on Saturdays. During the night, both Jaina and Rose can be found behind the tavern. Simply visiting with low lust is a good way to gain lust. Once overlusted, it is possible to replace Rose and suck Jaina’s cock. With this, night turns to morning and a small amount of hunger is restored with lowered lust.
Alice is a hardworking waitress at the Inn. She has a secret past which is not yet revealed in the current story, but it probably has something to do with her liking cum in her ass. Her schedule is perhaps the most interactive as her relationship with Krowly increases. During the morning, Alice can be found washing her clothes outside her house. Helping her with housework is the first step in befriending her and, eventually, fucking her! If relationship is high enough, she will give Krowly a blowjob in the morning. In the afternoon and evenings, Alice can be found in the Inn. During the daytime, she can be visited. If relationship is high enough, she can give Krowly a boobjob or anal. There is a slight chance, if you choose anal, that Carla will comically interrupt the scene. You cannot have these scenes with her on topless Fridays.
In the evenings, it is possible to simply dance with Alice. This is the best way to increase relations with her once her relationship is high enough. At first, she’ll be reluctant, but Carla will assure her it is OK.
Some nights, if you visit Alice’s house, she’ll be masturbating with a toy in her ass. Fapping to this scene will reveal she wants cum in her ass.
Jenna is perhaps the most annoying NPC to have scenes with, but also the most rewarding. Most days, she will be found either in her home or in the chicken coop. Collecting eggs from these annoying and almost impossibly infuriating little bastards will increase Jenna’s relationship with Krowly quite substantially. She’ll also give Krowly free ‘Raw Food’ each time this is done, which can be turned into a Dinner inside Krowly’s home.
Once relationship is high enough, doing the ‘stare at boobs’ option will unlock a scene where Jenna ‘relieves’ Krowly of his lust.
Visiting Jenna during the evenings in her home reveals she is one of only four characters (Agnieszka, Fina and Sister Elizabeth do not attend) that do not visit the Inn. If relations are high enough, she will give Krowly a facial scene here.
On topless Fridays, Jenna can be convinced to go ‘support’ Carla by going to the Inn. Sometimes Jenna will stop Krowly and Eric before they go on adventures. Normally she only does this because Eric forgot his breakfast, but if Krowly has a high relationship with Jenna, she will give the player a free Good Dinner. This is the best way to get free Good Dinner’s aside from having sex with Carla.
Furthermore, if Jenna has cum on her breasts from the morning after the ‘stare at boobs’ option, Eric will pick up on this. Going to Jenna and Eric’s house that night will unlock a new scene between Eric and Jenna.
Some nights, Jenna can be found having sex with her son Eric in Eric’s room in their house.
Eric is the would-be adventurer of the village who has a fancy for Astra. He has gay scenes with Krowly. He is a formidable companion and one of the best ways to get XP in the game. His schedule is easy to follow.
In mornings, Eric can be found attacking a poor scarecrow outside his house. Sometimes, he can be found bathing at the north side of the village in place of Rose.
During the day, Eric goes into the forest (top left-side) into his own little fortress where Krowly can find him to go on adventures with him. These adventures are very expansive and should probably warrant a section of their own. Sometimes you’ll encounter normal enemies, whilst other times you go into a dungeon with loot and fight bosses. One of these dungeons is how you acquire the black lingerie later in the game.
Never forget that Eric can be interacted with when he is your companion by going into the menu and selecting “talk to followers.”
In the evenings, Krowly can be found inside the Inn as he tries to muster the confidence to ask Astra for a dance. He can be interacted with here for a scene.
Sometimes (I believe on Thursdays), Eric will not be in his little camp but instead inside the goblin caverns with a little note stating so in his hunting camp. Going into the caves reveals one of two outcomes: in one, he is fucking a goblingirl. In the second outcome, the goblingirl got the better of him and Krowly could save him. If saved, Eric gives Krowly a blowjob.
If Eric sees cum on Jenna’s breasts on the off chance, she arrives to give Eric and Krowly breakfast before their adventure, this unlocks a scene in their house that night. Try not to miss it as I did before Boobsgames told me about it!
Juliet is a fun, kinky princess scholar who wishes to learn about the sexual culture of the village and surrounding lands. Unlike the other characters, she must first be ‘saved’ in order to join the village. She can first be found at the most southern point of the forest being ‘raped’ by a bandit. Krowly can either defeat or be ‘raped’ by the bandit also. Juliet will then go to the village. Doing so will reveal a new church scene on Sunday.
Juliet’s schedule is dependent on Krowly. In the mornings and daytime, she can be found in the Inn and willing to join Krowly for ‘walks’ through the village where she asks Krowly to “show her something nasty.” Thus far, Juliet can observe Krowy get facial from Jenna and a boobjob from Fina. If this takes place, both Jenna and Fina will have a new scene with Juliet that night in their respective homes. These scenes are very hot~
When a companion around the village, you can use the menu to select “talk to party.” When doing this, Juliet can give Krowly a boobjob.
Sometimes, however, it is impossible to have her as a companion. In my experience, these are Mondays and Fridays when she teaches the village children at the church.
During the evenings, Juliet can be found in the Inn. She can be danced with to increase her relationship level. Some nights, if flirted with, she’ll accept anal also. Beware when Krowly does this, however, he’ll get negative relation with Alice. Jealously, perhaps?
Sometimes when Eric and Krowly are adventuring together, they may come across Juliet in a glade filled with alchemical ingredients. If spoken with, she’ll say she is out finding plants. When Eric warns she may be raped, Juliet states she hopes so.
The cute tsundere daughter of Fina, Astra is in love with Eric. Despite this, there are many possible scenes with Astra when she interacts with Krowly. Her schedule is a bit hard to follow, as most days she can be found doing different things.
Some mornings, she can be found downstairs in Ironheart Manor. On other mornings, Fina will say she has not gotten up yet. You can go upstairs to find her naked. Whilst the game does not tell you, this actually gives you +1 relation with her.
During the daytime, Astra can be found either looking after children just outside the manor or inside the manor doing nothing. On the odd days when Juliet is teaching children in the church, she can also be found in the church and cannot be interacted with. Whenever she is outside the manor, Krowly can offer to look after the children- which gives relationship points.
In the evenings, Astra can be found at the Inn, secretly hoping that Eric will ask her for a dance. She will berate Krowly for approaching her, stating he is making Eric nervous. If relationship with Astra is high enough, you can ask for a dance… or a scene. She offers two scenes here: handjob and
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