Wall Of Pussies

Wall Of Pussies


Wall Of Pussies
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Sharing vulva diversity since 2006!
Sharing vulva diversity since 2006!
Showing at MU S-E-X in Lisbon, Portugal from June 25 2022
Amor Veneris - Palácio Anjos, Algés, Lisbon, Portugal
The Great Wall of Vagina is made from casts of 400 women's vulvas. Spectacle and education combined. Knowledge is power. Freedom from genital anxiety is the purpose.
British artist Jamie McCartney rose to the challenge to create a monumental wall sculpture all about this most intimate and mysterious of places.
For 400 women their privates parts have gone public.
In a reaction against labiaplasty, Jamie was adamant that women are not defective and do not need ‘fixing’ so he decided to do something about it. This sculpture was his response.
Jamie’s exhibition is controversial - there is no doubt about that. As a piece of art, it fulfils all the most basic criteria - a multi-layered experience it informs, it questions and it provokes a reaction, both emotional and academic. Like Jeff Koons and Damien Hirst… the world will be talking about Jamie McCartney for a long time to come.
Please consider making a small contribution to support our genital diversity projects
These projects & website are entirely self-funded through sales of artworks, gifts & the generosity of patrons
For updates, exhibition invitations & special offers
All text, images and content are © Jamie McCartney and may not be downloaded or reproduced for any purpose without permission

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The female body is a specimen worthy of great works of art, and these depictions of the vagina represent that well. These pieces can liven up a home office or form the backdrop to your den. Each of these photographs of the vagina will heighten your senses and help you to develop a deeper appreciation for women everywhere.

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1 - 72 of 1,437 vagina photos for sale
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1 - 72 of 1,437 vagina photos for sale
The female body is a specimen worthy of great works of art, and these depictions of the vagina represent that well. These pieces can liven up a home office or form the backdrop to your den. Each of these photographs of the vagina will heighten your senses and help you to develop a deeper appreciation for women everywhere.
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The British artist also wants a set of vagina casts from each of the 50 states.
In 2008, British artist Jamie McCartney cast over 400 women’s genitalia in plaster of Paris for his artwork The Great Wall of Vagina . Due to popular demand, he kept going.
His next project, Mondcivitano (which means “world citizen” is Esperanto) will aim to cast women’s genitalia from every single country in the world. He will later produce a United States-focused piece featuring one woman cast from every state.
“Scarcely a week goes by when someone doesn’t ask to get involved,” he told the Independent .
The 30-foot sculpture, which is broken into ten panels, has been exhibited at the Brighton Fringe Festival, London’s Hay Hill Gallery, and La Triennale di Milano. McCartney says he’d love to see it join the permanent collection at someplace like the Tate Modern.
Jamie McCartney, The Great Wall of Vagina (2008). Detail. Photo: Courtesy of the artist.
“It was really important that nobody got paid to model for me, ” he said. “That might be really unfair but a man who pays 400 women to get their vagina out is not nearly as interesting as 400 women endorsing the project and believing in it enough to do it.”
The sculptor, who admits that he “didn’t go to art school to cast people’s private parts,” was originally inspired by the rise of cosmetic procedures that dictate how a woman should look—not just in terms of her face or her figure, but even in her most intimate areas. He refers to it as “body fascism.”
“The vagina became this whole new place to shame women around, because there’s money to be made in shaming people,” he says. “There’s a whole industry base set up to persuade women they’re defective.”
Before creating The Great Wall of Vagina , McCartney enacted a similar project using male genitalia. He was commissioned by the now-defunct Amora Academy of Sex and Relationships in London to cast 17 men’s penises—including his own. He describes it as a liberating exercise.
“Having only had pornography as a reference before, the result was like getting a weight off my shoulders,” he says.
Despite the fact that he’s already cast identical twins, transgender individuals, pre- and postnatal women and pre- and post-labiaplasty patients, for Mondcivitano , McCartney is looking for an even wider anatomical and aesthetic range than in his prior projects—one that truly represents the diversity of the world. For example, he would like to find a volunteer who has undergone female genital mutilation/cutting, but that has proven difficult thus far.
As the artist’s website proclaims, “It’s not vulgar, it’s vulva!”

Lorena Muñoz-Alonso ,
May 9, 2016

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