Waking Up ⬆️ from the Cancer ♋️ Trance. The Truth about Preventing and ➕ Healing Cancer ♋️

Waking Up ⬆️ from the Cancer ♋️ Trance. The Truth about Preventing and ➕ Healing Cancer ♋️

👓 Judith Lee Dew
Waking Up ⬆️ from the Cancer ♋️ Trance. The Truth about Preventing and ➕ Healing Cancer ♋️

Waking Up ⬆️ from the Cancer ♋️ Trance. The Truth about Preventing and ➕ Healing Cancer ♋️

✅ The author studied the works ⚙️ of early doctors 😷, scientists 👨‍🔬 and ➕ genius laypeople who spent years studying different theories about the nature of cancer ♋️. Many of them ➡️👥 had high success rates 🐀 with patients whod been sent 📦️➡️ home 🏠️ to die ☠️ after being exposed to conventional therapies.Then, she 👤👩 found 🔍️ doctors 😷 who have studied the work ⚙️ of these early (and ➕ later) cancer ♋️ pioneers who have high success rates 🐀 in their cancer ♋️ practices now. When cancer ♋️ is not ❌️ a mystery, it does not ❌️ have to be a death 💀 sentence....


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