Waitress Sheets With Her Pussy On Her

Waitress Sheets With Her Pussy On Her


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The Waitress, a Biker and a Cuck
Cucked and humiliated by my cheating girlfriend.
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Thanks to lovesexandmore for helping to edit this story.
I could see my girlfriend Tammy quite plainly through one of the restaurants big plate glass windows facing the parking lot.
Five days a week she served waffles and Southern style breakfast here. She was good at her job, always knowing just how much or how little to flirt with a man to get the best tip. She laughed a bit as she poured hot black coffee into a customer's cup. I couldn't hear what was being said, but I saw the truck driver type customer smile and chuckle. Tammy would get a good tip out of him. But it wasn't the trucker I was interested in. It was the big biker with the long ponytail and tattoos at the coffee counter that looked like her type.
Tammy and I'd been together for years, but it wasn't until the last 2 years things got bad enough between us that she'd cut me off sexually. Still, every night after her shower she'd walk through the living room naked, crossing right in front of the television so there was no way I could miss seeing her go by on her way to the laundry room to get her pajamas. Tammy loved to workout and to keep her rockin body tight and in shape, so despite our problems I couldn't help it when my mouth watered and my dick stirred when she made her nightly "cat walk". She'd toss her long wavy brown highlighted hair as she went by, the light from the TV reflecting off her D cup tits and shaved V between her legs. Even though we weren't talking or touching every night I would wait for that cat walk. But then on the way back to the bedroom she'd be covered up in her pj's and I knew I wouldn't see her naked flesh again until the routine was repeated again the next night. No, it wouldn't be me that would be touching Tammy's bare flesh. It would be him, the biker at the counter.
I knew Tammy well enough to know that even though she was punishing me by withholding sex, she'd be getting her needs met somehow, from someone. Waitresses get hit on all day, and I'd seen the coffee cup full of names and phone numbers she kept in the console between the seats of her car. So about a month ago I had begun to discreetly park outside the restaurant where she worked for about an hour before her shift ended to see if she had someone meeting her needs. Sure enough, it wasn't long before I began to see the biker come in and sit at the coffee counter where they would flirt a bit. Then Tammy would put down her dish towel, give him a look and head to the back to clock out. She'd leave first and wait by her car. He's finished his coffee, leave a couple of bucks on the counter and leave out the front. The first time I saw this I began boiling with anger as I followed them to a nearby motel. I watched from my truck as they climbed the second story stairs up to a room and disappeared inside. Thoughts and feelings swirled inside me as I contemplated what I would do and what I would say when I confronted them. Why wasn't I good enough for her? Although I'd always known I'm on the smaller side down there but Tammy seemed to love it. Before things got so distant between us she used to ride me and cum over and over, or so I thought anyway.
All this and more was going through my mind the first time I walked across the motel parking lot and up the stairs. As I raised my fist to beat on their door I heard something that stayed my hand in mid air. It was Tammy. Moaning in a way I'd never heard before. Low and guttural, and then louder. Faster. I could hear her cry in time with the bed springs squeaking as if they were being pressed flat and then rebounding. I could hear the headboard hitting the wall too. The moans and squeaking and the knocking of the headboard held me transfixed for a long moment as I thought to myself.
"We've never fucked like that. And I've never heard her (or made her) moan that way."
As I stood outside the room listening noticed too that my cock was straining against the fabric of my jeans. All four inches of me was rock hard as I listened to another man fuck my girlfriend! I dropped my hand as the cries got louder and the squeaking and knocking of the bed got faster and faster. As I stood transfixed outside the door, it was like someone else was in control of my body. I wanted to beat on the door and make them stop. Confront her for cheating and lying. I wanted to just leave and not listen anymore, but I couldn't move. My rock hard cock was aching as I listened to Tammy's cries come faster and faster and louder and louder. Suddenly she let out a series of short, sharp cries and then one long moan of ecstasy as the biker cried out.
"Oh Fuck Yes Baby! Take My Cum Bitch! Take All My Cum!"
As it grew quiet inside the room I found I could move once more, but all I could do was walk away with my heart was racing and thoughts swirling. I did nothing to stop her. Soon she'd be home from being freshly fucked and what would I do?
My emotions were high when I shut the truck off in the driveway. With trembling hands, I unlocked the door and practically ran inside. I couldn't get my pants unzipped fast enough as my dick had been aching and throbbing for the last 45 minutes.
I ripped down my pants right in the foyer and as soon as my underwear came down it happened. The sperm came flowing out of my four inch peter like a fountain!
I dropped to my knees from the intense orgasm and realized the sounds of my cheating girlfriend getting her brains fucked out just made me shoot cum half-way across the room and my knees to buckle!
I knelt there in bewilderment for a few moments and then slowly got to my feet. As if almost in a trance I wiped off my cock and zipped up my pants. I got a paper towel and wiped my cum off the floor of the foyer. In a semi daze I made it to the couch and just sat there, my mind a cloud of confusion.
It wasn't long before the sound of Tammy's keys hitting the counter startled me from my fog.
"It smells like cum in here. Have you been jacking off again you bastard?
Not "Hello, How was your day?" Not even pretending to play it cool because she just might feel guilty from just having come from having her pussy pounded and her brains fucked out. Not her. She just went right on the offensive.
"You better have cleaned it up you cocksucker."
She hardly gave me glance as she breezed by on her way to the bathroom.
I listened to the sound of running water coming from the bathroom as I contemplated what to do next.
"I'm going to confront that bitch. I'm going to tell her I know everything. What she did where and with whom!"
But as I heard the sound of the shower running my resolve began to slip as my cock stirred in my pants.
"Holy shit I thought." I was getting turned on as I thought about the way she moaned.
When she came parading by with just a towel wrapped around her head, all I said was,
"Fine." she answered. "Did you get us something to eat because you know I'm not cooking after being on my feet all day."
And that's how it began. And now for the third time I find myself outside a motel room door listening to Tammy's moans as she was once again getting her brains fucked out by her biker buddy. I was so engrossed I didn't take note of it when the sounds inside grew still.
Suddenly the door came flying open and a naked Mr. Biker sprang out. Grabbing me by the throat he dragged me inside and held me against the wall. Jesus this guy was big! He must have had 65 pounds on me.
"What the fuck are you doing here fuckface? Listening? Were you going to do something pervert? He said as his grip tightened on my throat.
I could only shake my head a little bit as his big hand on my throat was cutting off my air.
"Don't hurt him!" I heard Tammy cry. "Thats my boyfriend."
'What the fuck Tammy! This guys a pussy! Look at him, his dick is hard!"
It was true. My dick had gotten rock hard as I stood outside listening, and even all the aggression had not softened it.
His grip slowly relaxed as he pushed me into a nearby chair.
"Sit down fucker. What are you doing? Spying on us? You think you're going to be some kind of Billy badass and come in here and do something about it?" he growled.
I could see a small smirk cross Tammy's face as I shook my head "No."
"I don't think you can do shit, you pussy. Especially with that." as he pointed to my crotch.
Still standing there in the nude this guys cock must have been 4 inches soft! He grasping his dick in his big hand and hold it in front of my face he said.
"Now do you understand why I'm fucking your girlfriend and you aren't?"
Tammy's smirk got much bigger as again all I could do was shake my head.
"This is Skulls." she said as she pointed her thumb towards him.
Skulls turned to me. "I've heard of you, and now I gotta see this. Drop your drawers Bitch." He said as he grabbed the front of my shirt and shook me like a rag doll.
Real fear began to grow in the pit of my stomach and I knew my hardon was no more.
"Better do it." She said. "He's been to prison and He'll slap the shit outta you bitch."
I looked at her with a pleading look in my eyes, I unbuckled my belt, his grip still on my shirt. I unzipped my pants and pulled them down just above my hips.
"All the way down fuckface!" his voice rising.
I pushed my pants and underwear down to my knees, exposing my now fear shrunken button dick and tight ball sack that looked like I just got out of a cold shower.
He smirked as he looked over at Tammy and said.
"I can't believe you see anything in this pussy."
"I quit fucking him two years ago. Now you understand why?" she replied as she looked at me.
Turning back to me he said, "Now you're going to see how to really fuck. Not that you're ever going to be able to, your too much of a pussy. This is as close as you'll ever get to her pussy again."he said as he grabbed Tammy's panties and shoved them in my mouth.
"Don't you move! I'm going to show you how it's done." He said as I sat frozen in the chair with my pants down to my knees, my shrunken dick and balls exposed and with Tammy's soiled panties in my mouth.
He moved to the bed and grabbed a handful of her hair. As his cock moved towards her he steered her head right down to his crotch.
"Start by licking my balls bitch." Tammy's face disappeared into his pubic hair and I could hear her tongue moving back and forth over his nut sack.
"Yeah, lick those balls good!" I could only stare as it crossed my mind that she had never licked my nuts, at all.
"That's enough bitch, now suck on this dick." Incredibly his cock had grown to at least twice its size soft, at least 8 inch long and thick.
Still holding Tammy by the hair he put his cock head into her mouth, and began moving her head up and down his shaft, slowly sliding his thick member in and out of her throat.
Grabbing either side of her face he rocked his hips back and forth fucking her mouth faster and faster.
"Take that dick bitch! Don't stop." he commanded.
I marveled at Tammy's ability to swallow a cock like that. I had no idea. But how could I have known? Having my dick in her mouth must have been like sucking a Dum Dum lolly pop to her compared Skull's cock. Water began to form in the corner of her eyes and drool ran down her chin as the fat dick pumped her face.
"That's my girl. Suck that dick." "See how it's done pussy boy?" "Watch, because you'll never match this!" As if I could take my eyes off the scene taking place in front of me.
Skulls pulled his dick from Tammy's mouth with a pop and pointed at me.
"Look baby, little dick must like what he sees. His little boner is leaking!" At which point they both burst out laughing.
I looked down and it was true. Precum had leaked out and started to run down my dick.
"Don't let it go to waste. Have a taste!" Tammy laughed as reached over and pinched a big drop between her thumb and finger and wiped it on my lips.
It was then that Skull's reached over and flipped Tammy on her stomach like a rag doll.
Looking at me he said, "Now this is how to fuck. Watch and learn."
With Her feet on the floor and her ass in the air Skulls took her from behind, doggie style. First the thrusting started slow and short until gradually his dick was bottoming out against her ass while her moans grew louder. Soon all that could be heard was the sound of his heavy balls slapping Tammy's pussy over and over and the sound of her moaning. With her back arched and the sheets bunched tightly in her fists the first of her orgasms hit.
"Oh fuck yes. I'm cumming! Don't stop! Don't stop!" she cried.
Wave after wave of pleasure seemed to flow over her as she pushed back against his cock in rhythm with his thrusts. While still ramming her pussy Skulls looked over at me.
"I know you never seen her like this before, because ain't no way your little pecker could pull it off. Stroke that little stick fag. Cause you ain't getting your little pecker in this pussy again."
As I began two finger stroking my four inches Skulls let out a big groan as he blasted his seed deep in Tammy's hot hole.
"Yeah! Oh fuck Yeah! Now that's how it's done boy." Skulls said as he pulled out of Tammy and roughly flipped he on her back and spread her legs wide.
Skulls then pulled Tammys now soaking panties out of my mouth and said, "C'mere pin dick. Taste your girlfriends pussy after it's had a real mans dick in it."
. As my pants were still bunched up around my ankles, I had to shuffle my way over to the bed. Skulls pushed me face down between Tammy's legs into her sopping wet pussy. As my tongue probed her cum covered pussy Skulls began to spank my bare ass. Hard.
It almost took my breath away as he yelled "That's for sneaking around while I fucked your girlfriend!"
Again and again he rained down blows on one ass cheek and then the other.
Still slamming my ass with his bare hand he yelled, "Are you going to do that again pin dick?"
I could only get a out a muffled "No." as my face was deep in Tammy's pussy.
The beating stopped as I continue to lick Tammy's cum leaking hole.
"That's better. You call me Sir from now on."
My ass felt like it was on fire as I continue licking Tammy's clit and probing her hot hole with my tongue.
"Get something straight pussy boy. From now on no more motels. When me and "Your" girlfriend get together, it'll be at your place from now on. And you will like it! Right?"
"Good. Now get the fuck out of here." Skulls said as he pulled me from between Tammy's legs by the back of my shirt and shoved me out the door with my pants still around my ankle, my little boner sticking out and my ass cheeks throbbing in pain.
I hurriedly pulled up my pants and hobbled towards the truck. I drove home carefully, as I could barely sit my ass hurt so bad from the beating Skulls gave it.
I was sitting on ice packs when Tammy got home hours later.
What could I really say? I had been totally humiliated and beaten while she fucked another guy. But she was just as sweet as sugar as she handed me a small box.
"I stopped on the way home and got you a gift. Luckily they had one in extra small." she laughed.
Wondering what it could be after all that had happened, I thought to myself, "Maybe she does love me after all." Until I unwrapped the box. It was a chastity device with a tiny padlock!
With a big grin on her face as I held it in my hands she said, "Go lock it on. NOW!"
After that day Skulls was true to his word. A couple of times a week he would come by, and he and Tammy would fuck on our bed while I was either in the other room listening, or tied to a chair in the bedroom. Locked in the small chastity device I could only watch and do clean up duty when Tammy or Skulls wanted me to, which was most of the time. After the first day the chastity device stayed on almost all the time. Skulls friend at the health clinic gave him a supply of Testosterone blocker I was required to take daily and Depo shots that I got every two weeks. Even when the Chastity cage did come off there was nothing I could do with a little dick rendered limp from the drugs.
My life had become one of sexual frustrations and that of cuckold voyeur.
Tammy eventually left me and moved away. The drugs wore off and things worked again.
She had taken my chastity device key!
The author would appreciate your feedback.
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Great story of reluctant submission and chastity. Loved it!
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