Waiting ⏳️ for My Ride

Waiting ⏳️ for My Ride

👓 Willie Simon

Waiting ⏳️ for My Ride

Waiting ⏳️ for My Ride✅ Each day I wake to see 👀 the light 💡 of day. Be it a good 👍️ day or a not ❌️-so-good 👍️ day or a bad 👎️ day, I realize it is the best day of my life 🧬, and ➕ I will rejoice in that day. I will not ❌️ worry about yesterday or tomorrow. Yesterday will never come ⤵️ again 🔂, and ➕ tomorrow will be twenty hours, fifty-nine 9️⃣ minutes, and ➕ fifty-nine 9️⃣ seconds 🥈 away. The closest I will ever get to tomorrow is twenty three 3️⃣ hours, fifty-nine 9️⃣ minutes, and ➕ fifty-nine 9️⃣ seconds 🥈. With life 🧬, all things are possible. If I have life 🧬, I must LIVE.


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