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Parenting memes are the antidote for a tough day (or even an average one), and we’re betting there are a few out there you can really relate to. From “Yes! This happened to me five minutes ago!” to out-and-out guffaws because it happens every night, lock yourself in the bathroom and scroll through the funny parenting memes below. You have time for a laugh!
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My Best Friend Went Down On Me On A Girls’ Night Out & It Didn’t Ruin Our Friendship


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By Tyneka Martin

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Girls’ night is a must for me—there are few things I love more than getting together with my best friend dishing about our latest relationship dramas while eating an insane amount of tacos. However, this particular night was unlike any other. Our weekly ritual of face masks and Gossip Girl turned into the infamous bedroom scene from Black Swan .
Tequila was definitely involved. The night started off just like any other. It was the end to an unusually stressful work week and my best friend and I decided to ditch the wine and go for something a bit more potent. At about four shots and two mixed drinks in, things started to get interesting…
The foreplay was probably the best part. A long gaze turned into a gentle touch, which led to a light peck, and then boom! Full-blown making out. The most intimate thing I’ve ever done with my best friend was probably a drunken birthday kiss, so this was not the norm for our relationship. Her hands went to all the right places and my body responded willingly. Why was she so good at this? I mean, she’s my best friend, so I knew she’d never done anything like this before (I think?) but she was such a natural.
It felt totally natural and unforced. We didn’t talk about it, we just went for it. Our body language was speaking volumes, so I knew this was something we both wanted to do. My first sexual experience with a girl was about to happen and it felt like I was about to go on a shopping spree—I was just that excited. Everything about it was just right . Before I knew it, we were both fully undressed and groping like teenagers.
She was better than any other guy I’ve been with. Guys, please take notes. It’s not a sprint but a marathon. Take your time and really appreciate the beautiful flower in front of your face. Most guys tend to fall short in this department because there’s no dedication. You have to commit to the act at hand while also paying extra close attention to detail. When her lips met my other lips, I knew there was no going back. Her execution was gentle but still so commanding.
When it was my turn to return the favor, I didn’t hesitate. I dived in head first, literally. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to deliver what I’d just received, but I’m no quitter. I was shocked at how fluid all my movements were. We were in sync with one another and it all just flowed. I didn’t feel nervous about whether I was doing a good job or not because her moans told me all I needed to know.
I felt more in touch with myself. Maybe it was the tequila working its magic, but a dormant place had been awakened inside of me and it was singing. I’m usually not that comfortable with letting it all hang out, but none of that mattered. Our two bodies were coming together and it felt totally empowering. Despite having unshaven legs, chipping toenail polish, and hair all over the place, I felt sexier than ever before.
It was so good, we went back for round two. The first time was amazing, but we didn’t consider it a mistake or anything to be embarrassed about. A few more shots re-warmed our bodies and got those juices back flowing. This time around, things were a little more calculated but still fulfilling. I think we both knew this probably wouldn’t happen again, so why not make the most of it?
I slept like a baby. I even remembered what my dream was about—that never happens! Despite what had occurred, there were no anxious thoughts trying to keep me awake and no signs of regret attempting to settle in. I’m no stranger to making terrible decisions when too much liquor starts flowing, but this wasn’t the case. I did start to feel a hangover trying to creep in, so I popped two ibuprofen and was out almost instantly.
The next morning, we talked briefly about what happened over breakfast. It was like talking about the weather, so nonchalant and casual. We were still somewhat in disbelief about what happened the night before but in no way was the conversation awkward. Really, there was nothing to feel awkward about. I complimented her tongue thrusting, she made a comment about my tongue ring, and we raved about how good the pancakes were all in the same breath.
We’re even better friends now. I’m not sure if it’s because we share something together that none of our other friends do or if it’s because we know what each other taste like. She’s always been someone I could tell my deepest darkest secrets to and now we had one of our own together. Bodily fluids were exchanged—how could we not become better friends? Although we’re nowhere near ashamed of what happened, we prefer to keep it between the two of us. It’s better that way.
The fact that my friend went down on me and we actually survived the experience with our friendship intact doesn’t mean I recommend you try the same thing. Here’s why.
Most friendships really won’t make it. The fact that my friend and I are still close is a rarity. The conventional wisdom is always that you should never cross the boundary into the bedroom with your friend if you actually want to stay friends and despite my experience to the contrary, to be honest, I kind of agree. I was the lucky one but I don’t think most other people would be so fortunate.
We had pent-up sexual tension anyway. My friend went down on me because we had a vaguely flirty relationship previously anyway. While we weren’t crushing on each other hard enough to want a relationship or anything, we were curious about one another sexually and took whatever opportunity we could get to pursue that. In other words, it didn’t really come out of nowhere.
We’re both confident in our sexuality. There was never going to be any drama afterward of us worrying what our hookup meant and if we’re lesbians now or whatever. Me and my friend are both pretty confident in our sexuality and how fluid it is. For others, this kind of experience might be pretty intense and confusing , but not for us.
We’re laid-back about sex and don’t take it too seriously. Neither of us believes that we should only sleep with someone we’re deeply in love with or anything. We’re totally into casual experiences and can take them for what they are without thinking too deeply about it.
Things can get messy really quickly. If you’re not prepared for something like this, sleeping with your friend can cause some really big problems. Not only could you lose a friendship but there could be other unforeseen circumstances you may not be prepared for. That’s why I’d advise people not to go there even though it was such a great experience for me.

Tyneka Martin
Ty Martin is a freelance writer specializing in women's health and relationships. She has written alongside many doctoral students during her undergraduate career, assisting in editing and research. Although she grew up in a small town just outside of Chicago, she's obsessed with everything New York and plans on living there one day soon.

By Noelle Devoe Published: Dec 5, 2017
This content is imported from Giphy. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
This content is imported from Giphy. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
This content is imported from Giphy. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
This content is imported from Giphy. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
This content is imported from Giphy. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
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These are all the struggles girls who have super strict parents understand.
You've probably been annoyed at one point or another by your parents breathing down your neck about grades or SATs, or being totally unreasonable about something like curfew. But when you have a super strict parent, it's an everyday struggle. While it may seem like you're the only girl in the world whose parents are this strict, rest assured you are not alone in the parental oppression. Here are things only girls with super strict parents understand.
1. Anytime you go shopping with your friends, you have to hide any new clothes your mom wouldn't approve of. Because if she sees the cute new mini-skirt you bought at the mall, she'll never let you out of the house again.
2. But that's never stopped you from wearing them. Whether it's on the ride to school or in the bathroom before homeroom, you've taken changing clothes on the sly to ninja levels.
3. Your parents don't understand sleepovers. You have a bed at home. Why do you have to go over a friend's house to sleep (other than to rob, cheat, and steal behind their backs)? The only way you're ever allowed to go to a sleepover is if your parents are going out of town, your grandparents aren't available to "babysit," and they know your friend's parents. And even then, they still need to talk with them on the phone for 20 minutes to make sure they have an itinerary of the night's events.
4. Your parents have to meet any boy you want to "hang out with"... even when it's not a date (because you're not allowed to date).
5. If you're allowed to date (and that's a big if) finally, your parents want your date's phone number. And his parents' numbers. And the address of the movie theater you'll be going to. And the name and showtime of the movie you're seeing. And the precise moment you'll be home. And his zodiac sign (just in case).
6. You're the only person you know who actually has to wait until you're 17 to see an R-rated movie. Your mom wouldn't even make an exception so you could see JLaw's Oscar-winning performance in Silver Lining's Playbook . And she's your fave actress!
7. Your friends think you're trying to get out of hanging with them. Your friends give you major side eye because no parent can really be that strict. But they've clearly never dealt with your parents.
8. You have to call your friends' parents Mr. and Mrs. even if they insist that you call them by their first names: "Mr. and Mrs. makes us feel old." Because ~respect~, man.
9. They stalk your Facebook and Insta. You laugh in your friends' faces when they tell you to just unfriend your parents so they won't be able to see your profile. What they don't know is you won't be able to use Facebook at all if you did that... because your parents would promptly take your computer and phone away.
10. You get in trouble if your phone ever dies. Because clearly, you let your phone die on purpose so that you would have an excuse not to tell your parents exactly where you were every hour on the hour and return their five billion texts and voicemails—not because your battery is just really crappy and dies after you post one selfie on Insta.
11. Your parents won't let you stay home alone. Even if your parents are just going out for the night, they INSIST on calling your grandparents to "babysit." Because only one of two things could possibly happen if you were given that much freedom : 1) You'll throw a raging house party and burn the house down, or 2) Some big baddie will choose that weekend to come kidnap you (and all your siblings) in your sleep.
12. You know those teen girl rights of passage, like dying your hair, or getting your ears pierced? Nope. Totally out of the question—unless you want to try to do it yourself behind their backs (which never turns out well).
13. Your parents insist on driving you everywhere. Your friends think they're super nice for driving you to the movies all the time, but you know it's just so they can constantly keep tabs on you.
14. And getting your license doesn't change anything. You're not allowed to drive with friends in the car, after dark, if it's raining, or on highways. Basically the only time you are allowed to drive is when they need you to run an errand.
15. There's no way they're letting you go far away for college. You've tried to bring it up as gently as possible, but if it were up to them they would homeschool you for college if they could. Even though they're super not into it, you still might have to force their hand someday.
16. And staying in a dorm? OUT OF THE QUESTION. They always tell you that you'll commute in to your dream school aka they will drive you everyday to the school closest to your house where they can see your classroom from their bedroom window.
17. But in the end, you know they only do it because they love you. And they're right... sometimes.
When I'm not holed up in my room going on a completely unproductive Netflix binge or Tumblr stalking Timothée Chalomet, I'm searching for awesome celeb news stories that Seventeen readers will love!
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13 Struggles Before You "Define the Relationship"
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9 Things That Are The Most Mortifying To You
7 Times Your Summer Job Was The WORST
13 Prom Struggles, as Told by Disney Princesses
16 Struggles All Girls Who Work Retail Understand
11 Struggles Every Student Who Goes to a Small College Understands
17 Struggles Only Girls With Unusual Names Understand
12 Annoying Struggles of Carrying a Clutch
Seventeen picks products that we think you'll love the most. We may earn commission from the links on this page.
©Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Losing a loved one can be devastating and extremely difficult for most people to deal with. However, many people believe death is not the end, and that loved ones can communicate from beyond the grave.
Mediums, psychics, authors, or even ordinary people believe they have experienced something that meant a loved one was near. These unexplained experiences and feelings may be a sign of communication from the beyond.
There is no scientific proof of communication after death, nor can there ever be, but there are some signs that show up time and time again. One may have even experienced one of these signs and not known what it meant.
We associate people with smell, thus catching the scent of your family or friend after they have passed is a sure sign they may be nearby in spirit. It could be their perfume, cologne, cigarette smoke, or even the person’s favorite food.
Dreaming is the perfect time for the loved one you lost to make contact. Many people will dream about friends or family they lost, and this may mean that they are nearby and trying to communicate with you. Some even receive reassuring messages that their loved ones are okay and happy where they are.
If objects seem to move on their own into one’s path, it may be a sign a lost loved one is near. This is especially true if the object that moved has sentimental value or is in some way attached to the person one lost. Moving things is something a spirit can do without much effort.
After one knows somebody for a long period of time, they can typically tell when they are close. This is also true for a loved one’s spirit after they have passed. Many people sense family members or friends after they pass.
Another sign a loved one could be close by is music. Specifically, a song that is meaningful to the relationship you shared. It is common to hear these types of songs over and over after a loved one passes and many people believe this is a sign that they are still around.
Strange electrical activity is commonly seen in ghost movies, but it may also be a real sign that a lost loved one is close.
These bizarre occurrences can take many forms, such as a flickering light or television set, an appliance suddenly turning on, or an electronic device inexplicably beginning to beep or make noise. Some go as far as to report phone calls with no one on the other end of the line.
( Little Things )
Numbers are commonly considered a way for loved ones to communicate from the beyond. These could be favorite numbers, anniversaries, ages, or any other number that has to do with the person one lost. Some believe this is a coincidence, but many don’t.
The feeling of being touched when no one is around is a common and disheartening occurrence. It is also a really strong sign that a lost loved one is trying to make contact. It could be a touch to the shoulder, a kiss, or a pat on the arm. Also, it is common for the energy of the room to change and to feel a sensation of someone being near.
Loved ones, who have passed on, can sometimes use animals to make themselves known. A bird, dragonfly, or any othe
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