


#一臂之遙 第 97 反送中反23條


Why are Hong Kongers protesting the extradition laws? Hong Kong people have protested the proposed extradition to mainland China for two weeks now. Millions marched for Hong Kong judicial independence.

In 1985, Beijing and the UK signed the “Sino-British Joint Declaration” and established the “One Country, Two Systems” principle for Hong Kong after its handover to China. According to this principle, Hong Kong remains judicially independent and only has extradition agreements with countries that have equal judicial systems. So even if Hong Kong is part of China, there is no extradition agreement between Hong Kong and Beijing.

Beijing has long wanted to change that. It tried to impose Article 23 of the Basic Law to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, or subversion. We all know China is totalitarian state that brutally persecutes pro-democracy activists. Article 23 was basically a way to create political prisoners in Hong Kong. Under Hong Kong people’s protests, Article 23 was shelved indefinitely.

But now the Hong Kong government, with Beijing’s support, thought of a new way to achieve the same goals of Article 23 and more. With the extradition laws amended, Beijing can charge any crimes to the target of their choice and request extradition from Hong Kong. Anyone in Hong Kong, even if just passing through an airport on a flight transfer can face Beijing prosecution.

Hong Kong’s prosperity is based on its free market and common law judicial system. With the extradition amendment, Hong Kong would be no different from any city in Mainland China. Taiwanese social worker Li Mingzhe disappeared in China and then was forced to have a “TV Confession” and sentenced to years in Chinese prison. In a more recent case, two Canadians, (Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor), were arrested under suspicion of spying, but in reality it was out of retaliation for Huwai CFO Meng Wanzhou’s arrest in Canada.

So very clearly, all of us who care about justice and human rights should all support the Hong Kong people’s fight for their city. Lets tune in for No Extradition to China movement.




Name: Yong Li


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