[WP] WPBulky – WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types [villatheme] скачать бесплатно

[WP] WPBulky – WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types [villatheme] скачать бесплатно

WPBulky - это плагин для WordPress, который позволяет массово редактировать типы записей. Он предоставляет удобный и быстрый способ изменить метаданные, такие как заголовок, категории, теги и многое другое. Плагин разработан командой Villatheme и обеспечивает простой и интуитивно понятный интерфейс для управления вашим контентом.

👉 Скачать - [WP] WPBulky – WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types [villatheme]

👉 Скачать - [WP] WPBulky – WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types [villatheme]

👉 Скачать - [WP] WPBulky – WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types [villatheme]

👉 Скачать - [WP] WPBulky – WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types [villatheme]

👉 Скачать - [WP] WPBulky – WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types [villatheme]

[WP] WPBulky – WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types [Villatheme] is a powerful plugin that allows users to easily bulk edit post types in WordPress. This plugin is perfect for anyone who manages a large number of posts and needs to make changes quickly and efficiently.

With WPBulky, users can easily select multiple posts and make changes to them all at once. This can save a significant amount of time and effort compared to manually editing each post individually. Whether you need to update the category, tags, author, or any other post attribute, WPBulky makes it easy to do so in bulk.

One of the key features of WPBulky is its user-friendly interface. The plugin is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, even for those who are not experienced with WordPress. Users can quickly select the posts they want to edit, choose the changes they want to make, and apply them with just a few clicks.

In addition to bulk editing post types, WPBulky also offers a range of other useful features. Users can schedule bulk edits to be applied at a later time, undo changes that have been made, and export a log of all bulk edit actions for reference. This makes it easy to track changes and ensure that everything is done correctly.

To get started with WPBulky, simply download the plugin from the Villatheme website and install it on your WordPress site. Once activated, you can start bulk editing post types right away. WPBulky is compatible with all standard post types in WordPress, including posts, pages, and custom post types.

Overall, WPBulky is a must-have tool for anyone who manages a large number of posts in WordPress. Its powerful features, user-friendly interface, and ability to save time make it a valuable addition to any WordPress site. Download [WP] WPBulky – WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types [Villatheme] today and see how it can streamline your post editing process.

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