BY, Alex Delarge

This story is just fictional entertainment

“holy shit, bro you make one scary-looking fag!” Kurt blurted out laughing at Gunther as he appeared in the bathroom doorway. Gunther’s cheeks swelled red with anger and embarrassment for the ridiculous disguise he was wearing. Kurt went on, not sensing his brewing rage. “seriously, you like some rioded out tranny…and that makeup job, haha, looks like you did it at a truck stop between hits of meth”. Before Kurt could continue mocking, Gunther’s right hand blasted him in the chest, sending him crashing back off the motel chair. A smile cracked across the stone face of Gunther for the first time since reluctantly putting on his ridiculous disguise.

Marius sat on the other side of the room, his ever-observant green eyes calmly looking on as the two comrades tried to strangle each other before breaking his silence. “Alright! that’s enough guys; save the energy for tonight… things rarely go as planned.” pulling out a black hoodie with an antifa logo out of a duffel bag, Marius when on addressing the two comrades ” with out good a disguise theirs no plan” then slipped it over his wiry-muscled frame. “TC just messaged me on telegram… the blm riot is now in full swing the police have already begun to retreat,” he said, reading off his phone. Then took black baklava out of his pocket and pulled it over his dirty blond hair, leaving only his intense emerald eyes showing.

“Remember what we went over…. in and out,” he stressed, knowing how emotions can sometimes take over actions. “There’s going to be plenty of scum, so don’t lose your head and stick to the plan.” Kurt did the same, dressing in all black and putting on an assortment of BLM and AFA pins on his sweater.

Gunther still perplexed looking at himself with his disguises in the motel mirror “I don’t get why I got to dress like a tranny, and you guys like fuckin ninjas,” he complained while fixing his wig. Marius rubbing his forehead since explaining the reason for the 8th time, he sighed deeply “We went over this already; it’s going to suspicious to have three in shape white guys walking together… and as big as you are, we would get attention, Antifa are drugged out and dorks not buff white guys. So better you as a scary bodybuilding tranny that will take the attention of Kurt and me.” He paused for a second then added, “also, not a single person will ask us shit because you look fuckin insane with your hairy arms and a wig” Marius reassured Gunther with a clasp on the shoulder.

The three of them headed out to meet with TC they sent to downtown Portland earlier when the riots just started kicking off. His objective was to stay undercover, and scout out all the Antifa organizers. They made their way down the chaotic city streets, the smell of smoke and tear gas filled each breath. Marius surveyed the surroundings like he’d been trained in his past life. Billowing black clouds of smoke poured out of burning cars as the street lights flickered overhead, reminding him of his tours in Iraq. It was the liberal dystopia coming to life before him as people ran in all directions, smashing into stores taking whatever they can grab before setting fire to the structure. He looked at the anarchy around, not a cop in sight….just as he hoped.

They finally spotted TC, who was helping some blacks load their car with boxes of Nike sneakers. ” It looks like your taking this blending-in thing seriously,” Marius whispered to him. “ah fuck all these corporations they’re or enemies too, you know!” TC said joyfully, handing the drunken black looter another box of sneakers. “thanks, white boy,” the shirtless looter muttered, closing the trunk with the stolen goods.

Across the street, an old white man was trying to put out his business as it was getting swallowed in flames. A mob of leftist quickly surrounded him on seeing this, and set upon the man. Skateboards, fists, and bottles rained down till the attackers quenched their blood lust. “fuckin racist,” one assailant shouted before spitting on the unconscious body. Gunther’s eyes burned hotter than the flames pouring out the buildings. Witnessing the brutal display before him, his hand twitched towards the knife in his waistband, and unconsciously began taking a steps towards the mob. “hey, we’re not here for that,” Marius commanded, grabbing Gunther by the shoulder “stick to the plan.”

TC updated the three of them on their target. “There’s a guy Lenny Satanberg at some makeshift first aid station in a parking lot, it’s about two blocks up... well find him there.” Adding with a mischievous smile, ” someone accidentally dropped a brick on his foot earlier, so he won’t be going anywhere.” TC continued, “this Lenny is the on the ground coordinator for this demo and runs a few Antifa blogs where he doxxes our guys and coordinates riots, along with a host of other anti-white activities. He’s our target.”

TC laid out the details and strategy to the others. The four made their way down the street to the location which was little more than a van next to a camping tent in a parking lot. As they got closer, they began to perform their roles Gunther acting wounded with Kurt and Marius holding him up. TC walked ahead and with a panicked voice about the incoming wounded. ” Help! we have a sista here whos badly maced,” he said, dramatically pointing the burly Gunther in a wig and dress. A mulotto kid came over to assist them, carrying a gallon of milk ” don’t you worry, baby girl, I’m here to help,” he said, invoking a devilish smile to smear across Gunther’s face. Marius spotted the curly-haired Antifa organizer Lenny leaning against the van smoking a joint with a grotesquely obese girl in a crop top and nurse hat.

Marius seeing the target gave a low whistle that signaled show time. Without a second’s warning, the four of them unleashed a blitzkrieg of ultra-violence that could have been a scene from Clockwork Orange. Gunther braced himself on his comrade’s shoulder’s to deliver a powerful spartan kick to the Carmel-skinned kid’s sternum, sending him sprawling backward, cracking his skull on the pavement. “what the fuck” some freckled kid with a ponytail yelled. Another guy in a Lil peep sweater tried to rush Gunther with a skateboard, only to be intercepted by Kurt. jab-cross-jab-cross the well-trained combo of punches unleashed into the scums faces spurting blood as each hit exposed red meat under the battered flesh.

Upon seeing the display of ultra-violence, the rest of the protestors took off running in fear. “stop as many of them as you can so they don’t alert more of them,” Marius ordered to the others. Kurt grabbed the skateboard from the moaning pony-tailed hippie before giving chase to those fleeing. Marius now turned his sights on the fleeing Lemuel. “Where you limping to comrade Lenny,” Marius said playfully. Lenny’s beady eyes froze with fear seeing the black-masked figure before him.

The whale of a woman in the nurse hat began shouting like a pig before slaughter, “helpppp!!! help, there are nazis here!!”.

She went to scream again but was cut short with an uppercut that landed on her third chin, sending her eyes rolling back. Gunther gave a few more hits to her jelly gut as if she was a punching bag, each hit rippling waves of fat. “see we’re like you, equal rights for all!” TC joked, giving a playful punch to Lenny’s arm.

The three surrounded him like hungry wolves stalking their prey. “wait,” Lenny screeched out, trying his best to keep his composure. “I can get you money name your price I can get it tonight!” he exclaimed. But Lennys pleas for mercy were met only with eyes seeking retribution. Marius pulled Lenny by his throat to close the distance “now Lenny, do we look like fuckin prostitutes to you? …. I take that as an insult “. Marius slipped on the pair of brass knuckles from his pocket “..and that’s not very nice of you to insult us.”

A puddle of teeth along with shattered glasses was left behind as the four comrades quickly took off on foot.

They could hear the mob shouting, and Marius looked behind to see people rushing towards the first aid station. TC lead them to his getaway route he mapped out earlier, and the four made their escape.

Once back at the motel, they uploaded the go pro footage they took. Now was the final stroke of the plan. To cause fear and distrust in their enemy’s ranks, Reaching Lenny wasn’t the grand plan, just a small part. As the video went viral, reaching millions, the plan came to fruition. Infighting divide and paranoia swept through the left-wing protest. White leftist protesters became constant targets of suspicion many times leading to them chased out, beaten, or humiliated as hundreds of videos would later surface. In effect, this became a brain drain on the left’s ground movements as fewer whites showed up to the protests turning every demonstration into an aimless looting spree. Of course, now other nationalist groups did the same. Even guys who were just posting a photo of themselves dressed as Antifa made headlines. Mission one was complete for the crew, but there is a lot more work to be done…

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