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Вся правда о наркотиках в Испании

Вся правда о наркотиках в Испании

Вся правда о наркотиках в Испании

Рады представить вашему вниманию магазин, который уже удивил своим качеством!

И продолжаем радовать всех!)

Мы - это надежное качество клада, это товар высшей пробы, это дружелюбный оператор!

Такого как у нас не найдете нигде!

Наш оператор всегда на связи, заходите к нам и убедитесь в этом сами!

Наши контакты:



ВНИМАНИЕ!!! В Телеграмм переходить только по ссылке, в поиске много фейков!

HQ Cannabis Association opened in Barcelona six months ago. Its creators are extremely serious about their favorite cause. Once you are there, you will feel at once that in HQ put soul in your club and to all parts come with the utmost seriousness. This is not just another association, a club VIP with a very serious approach to their work. The HQ team has several departments are staffed by people who are professionally engaged in genetics and cultivation of marijuana. The most powerful and unique brands that we recommend to try: There are also available Iceolator - is the essence of which is obtained by filtering marijuana, if you want to smoke a hundred percent THC. At the bar of the club you can taste freshly squeezed juices from different fruits, exclusively crafting varieties of German beer and shotandskogo, ecological tea and wine at reasonable prices. For special aesthetes are Wostok soft drinks and cakes from the Russian bakery, including fresh, melt in your mouth Napoleon, honey cake and other pleasures for those who like sweet. The HQ has a team of hard-core fetish, so here are invited DJs who play only on vinyl. By design, the creators of the room came with a special thrill - all the furniture, lamps and interior details made the Barcelona blacksmiths to order. Lamps on the ceiling are the same as in the movie Inglourious Bastards. Each month, the club changed the art projects are exhibited all sorts of artists whose work you see on the walls of the club, and will be able to purchase if desired. The HQ has a room with Playstation and a cinema, which hosts shows of all football matches. In addition, the club is held only in Catalonia championship Russian billiards, where the winner gets a trophy and the official product of the club bonus. All members can try their hand at this unusual sport. Location of the club is excellent, on a pedestrian street Enric Granados many excellent bars and restaurants. Once you are there, you Club La Mesa marijuana smokers in the heart of the Born in front of the French station. It has existed for several years and firmly Cannabis bars on the map. Каннабис клуб La Mesa Born.

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