Временные группы Continuous - Иностранные языки и языкознание контрольная работа

Временные группы Continuous - Иностранные языки и языкознание контрольная работа


Иностранные языки и языкознание
Временные группы Continuous

Образование временных групп Continuous; употребление The Present Continuous, The Past Continuous, The Future Continuous Tense, перевод на русский язык. Выбор пропущенных словосочетаний в предложениях; правильные формы глагола; аннотация, деловое письмо.

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

I am (I'm)You are (You're)He/she/it is (he's, she's, it's)We are (We're) You are (you're)They are (they're)
I'm notYou aren'tНе/she isn'tWe aren'tThey aren't
wasn't working(when the phone rang)
weren't working(when the phone rang)
I think we will be working all day. - Я думаю, что мы будем работать весь день.
I thought we would be working all day. - Я думал, что мы будем работать весь день.
She thinks you will be staying in town. - Она думает, что ты будешь жить в городе.
She thought you would be staying in town. - Она думала, что ты будешь жить в городе.
He says he will be reading at that time. - Он говорит, что будет читать в это время.
He said he would be reading at that time. - Он сказал, что будет читать в это время.
Форма Future Continuous in the Past обычно употребляется в придаточных предложениях после глаголов: say, tell говорить, сказать, think думать, полагать, know знать, believe верить, expect ожидать, полагать, hope надеяться и др., стоящих в прошедшем времени.
Аналогично формам Future формы Future in the Past не употребляются в обстоятельственных предложениях времени и условия, вместо них употребляются соответствующие формы прошедшего времени:
· He was afraid that he wouldn't find anybody at home when he came. Он боялся, что он не застанет никого дома, когда приедет.
Прочитайте тексты, вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова и словосочетания, данные под чертой.
Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790), American printer, author, scientist, statesman and diplomat, was born in Boston into a poor family. He learned to read at a very early age, probably though by his father, who destined him for the Church and sent him at eight years to a grammar school. But the expense was too great, and at the age of ten Benjamin Franklin began to work in his father's little soap shop. Disliking this, he was apprenticed at twelve years to his half-brother, James, a printer. Benjamin read whatever book he could lay his hands upon, and by 1722 was writing little essays of his own on various topics.
Constant reading made Franklin one of the most educated men of his time. His activities were varied. In the 1740s he experimented on electricity and invented the lighting rod for the protection of building. In the 1750s Franklin was sent to Britain to defend the interests of the American Colonies before the British Parliament. During the War of Independence he helped to frame the Declaration of Independence. That same year he was sent to France, where he enlisted French help for the American Colonies and later negotiated peace with Britain. After the War of Independence Franklin was chosen as a member of the Convention to frame the Constitution of the USA.
negotiated peace; into a poor; experimented; protection; to frame; his father's; to defend; sent; was sent; proved; too; one of the most; could lay; a very early age; of his own; twelve years; as a member.
Из трех вариантов выберите единственно правильный.
1. I look forward __B__ seeing you soon.
2. It's no __B__ of his how I enjoy myself.
3. Would you __B__ closing the window, please?
4. Do you think one should be __C__ to survive in modern life?
5. The ship sank some where near __C__ Bermudas.
Раскрывайте скобки и употребите правильную форму глагола.
1. In three months she will have been here a year.
2. I was sure that he had been working at the firm for many years.
3. I knew that he would agree to take part in this work if he asked.
4. The question had been discussed for 4 hours when I came.
5. If I were you. I would have visited England years ago.
6. If my brother had time he would help us.
Банки Москвы борются за топ-менеджеров, поскольку они хотят отхватить кусок в обновленном фондовом рынке страны, но множество молодых работников остаются без работы.
Так как фондовый рынок России почти утроился за последние 12 месяцев, банки делают ставку на опыт, так они могут воспользоваться преимуществами обновленного аппетита к рискованным активам.
«Некоторые клиенты нашего инвестиционного банкинга и управления активами снова хотят провести амбициозные бизнес-планы, а это означает наем опытных банкиров», сказал Карл Францман, новый руководитель банковской практики в Antal Russia Recruitment.
Топ-менеджеры, в рамках формирующихся рынков, были приоритетными для российских банков, стремящихся к восстановлению после кризиса, в то время когда компании рады броситься на своих соперников.
«Около 90 процентов соискателей, которых мы принимали, были гражданами России, которые уже были заняты, и мы их переманили из одного банка в другой», говорит Ник Рис, исполнительный директор рекрутинговой компании Star Search.
Когда в 2008 году разразился кризис, банки быстро пожертвовали многими людьми, в тоже время, сохранив свою основною команду, но те, сокращенные, в большинстве своем, также остаются без работы, в то время как банки борются за первые имена.
В банковском секторе до сих пор остается без работы «значительное количество» людей, сказал Рис. «Даже недавнее, как на прошлой неделе, один из крупнейших банков сократил 12 человек».
Некоторые эксперты утверждают, что хотя Россия была на подъеме, все равно оставалась нехватка талантливых банкиров, и кризис дал фирмам возможность сократить сухостой. Теперь, люди только с нужными навыками, будут расхватываться банками, которым нужен работник.
"Российский рынок рос так быстро, и ему так не хватало опытных работников, которые были необходимы, чтобы вырастить этих новичков, которых с удовольствием нанимали на работу фирмы, имеющие долгосрочные обязательства перед российским рынком и уверенным стратегическим ростом» сказал Franzmann.
Аналитики говорят, что большинство новых сотрудников вербуются на позиции, создающие доходы, в частности, инвестиционные работники банка. Но угроза второй волны кризиса еще сидит в умах работодателей, поэтому нужны люди для управления рисками.
Волну новых рабочих мест несут фирмы, начавшие стряхивать пыль с планов, которые были отложены, когда разразился кризис, и новые движения ожидаются на фондовых рынках.
«В 2010 мы наблюдаем не только малые и средние сделки, но, и огромные, такие как первичное размещение акций Русала», говорит Куинн Мартин, глава департамента связей с общественностью Ренессанс Капитал, которая была регистратором листинга Русала.
Другие Российские фирмы, в частности, металлургические и горнодобывающие, уравновешивают свои предложения и банки будут пытаться откусить кусочек этого пирога.
Ренессанс Капитал нанимает от 200 до 250 человек, так как они стремятся извлечь выгоду из наличия опытных менеджеров в то время как «большая часть конкурентов еще не оправилась», не только в России, но и на других развивающихся рынках, говорит Мартин.
«Опытный талант гораздо более доступен, чем это было на повышающемся рынке», сказал Мартин.
Однако, люди, пытающиеся вернуться на работу, будут вдохновлены признаками снижения неустойчивости и надеждами на то, что экономика начала восстанавливается, пока они искали работу.
«Это всего лишь вопрос ожидания новых вакансий, чтобы соответствовать росту, который банки видят в данный момент», говорит Рис, из Star Search. «Банки были очень осторожны, и не нанимали людей из-за слухов о второй волне в первом квартале этого года, которая, к счастью, не случилась».
Moscow's banks are battling it out for top managers as they stake their claims to dominate the country's rejuvenated stock markets, but many more junior employees remain out of work.
As Russia's stock market has almost tripled in the last 12 months, banks are betting on experience so they can take advantage of a renewed appetite for risky assets.
"Several of our investment banking and asset management clients are looking to execute ambitious business plans again and this means hiring experienced bankers," said Karl Franzmann, the new head of the banking practice at Antal Russia Recruitment.
Top managers within emerging markets have been the priority for Russian banks looking to get back on their feet after the crisis, with companies happy to swoop on their rivals.
"About 90 per cent of all the hires we've been involved in have been of Russian nationals who've been employed and taken from one bank to another," said Nick Rees, managing director of recruitment firm Star Search.
When the crisis hit in 2008, banks sacrificed lots of people quickly while retaining their core team, but those cut mostly remain out of work while banks compete for the top names.
There's "a significant amount" of people out of work in the banking sector, said Rees. "Even as recently as last week one of the major banks released 12 people."
Some experts maintain that while Russia was booming, there was a shortage of talented bankers and the crisis gave firms a chance to cut the dead wood. Now, only people with the right skills will be snapped up by banks that are recruiting.
"The Russian market grew so fast and was so short of the expertise it needed to grow [that] these new entrants to the market are eagerly being hired by the firms who have long-term commitment to the Russian market and confident growth strategies," said Franzmann.
Analysts say that most new staff are being recruited in revenue-creating positions, in particular investment bankers. But with the threat of a second wave crisis still in employers' minds, people are needed to control the risks.
The wave of new jobs is being driven by firms starting to dust off the plans that had been shelved when the crisis hit, while new action is expected on the equity markets.
"In 2010 we are seeing not just small and medium-sized deals but jumbo deals like the Rusal IPO," said Quinn Martin, head of communications at Renaissance Capital, which was a book runner for the Rusal listing.
Other Russian firms, particularly those in metals and mining, are weighing up offerings of their own and banks will be looking to take a slice of this pie.
Renaissance Capital is hiring between 200 and 250 people as they seek to capitalise on the availability of experienced managers while "much of the competition is still reeling", not just within Russia but also other emerging markets, said Martin.
"Senior talent is much more available than it was in the bull market," said Martin.
However, people trying to get back into employment will be buoyed by signs of decreasing volatility and hopes that the economy is recovering as they look for work.
"It's just a matter of waiting for new vacancies to match the growth that banks are seeing at the moment," said Rees, of Star Search. "The banks have been very careful not to hire because of rumours of a second wave in the first quarter of this year, which fortunately hasn't happened."
continuous tense глагол аннотация письмо
4. Аннотация к тексту “Is Russia Playing a Fiscal Roullete?”
If the Central Bank of Russia not interfered in the currency trade, the dollar exchange rate would have been based on free market principles - that is, substantially less than 27 rubles per $1. And raw material exporters would have received twice less income.
In order to prevent this CBR regularly issues so-called cash emissions - a practice that is completely beyond public control. And this ensures the maintenance of the U.S. dollar rate on the exchange market.
By keeping the dollar exchange rate at 27 rubles per $1, the financial authorities forced the whole country to buy dollars at double their market value. Thus profiting the raw material exporters.
Above all, the price of raw materials and related resources in Russia tends to exceed the normal domestic market prices by two or three times.
For example, cement in Bulgaria costs $5 per ton, and with the dollar exchange 27 rubles per $1 and with transportation costs, import duties, VAT and other overheads, the cement exported from Bulgaria will be 4, 000 rubles per ton.
As a result of CBR policy, Russians have to pay the raw materials producers double or triple the amount they should. People can not know about this, because they don't buy raw materials, but they pay this price by buying products made of these materials.
Whereas in the world's mean statistical product, the raw material component does not exceed 20 percent, in Russia the figure stands around 50 percent. This makes enterprises to go bankrupt and close, people lose their jobs and that's why domestic economy is suffering, verging on collapse.
As a result, the population overpays another 3 trillion rubles to raw material producers. In 2005, thanks to CBR's efforts, Russia overpaid about 6 trillion rubles, or more than one-third of the nation's GDP that year.
The taxes from the 6 trillion income of raw material producers collected by the Finance Ministry, are given as production taxes, taking there for only 4 trillion rubles. The remaining 2 trillion rubles are shown as a result of their effective operation.
This money does not return to the economy, but only a boom at specific points, such as the stock market, the real estate market, and foreign car sales. This only harms the economy.
The Finance Ministry receives another 2 trillion rubles in taxes and duties from industries unrelated to the raw materials sector.
8 trillion rubles was taken away from the country's population. But the impression is given that that the raw materials exporters feed the whole country.
For starters, let us consider the year 2005. At that time, Russia's exports exceeded $250 billion. The owners of these resources - exporters - sold about $220 billion on the domestic market, at a rate of about 27 rubles per $1, thus receiving about 6 trillion rubles as a result. Had the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) not interfered in the currency trade, the dollar exchange rate would have been based on free market principles - that is, substantially less than 27 rubles per $1. In 2005, it would have been, for example, 14 rubles per $1 and raw materials exporters would have received not 6 trillion rubles but only 3 trillion for the hard currency they sold on the internal market.
To prevent this from happening, the Central Bank regularly issues so-called cash emissions - a practice that is completely beyond public control. In other words, it prints and puts into circulation money that is not covered by goods or services, spending it on the currency exchange as the largest buyer of foreign currency. The level of this intervention is such that it ensures the maintenance of the U.S. dollar rate on the exchange market. For example, in 2005, the Central Bank had to buy about $70 billion for that purpose, paying about 2 trillion rubles. Thus, it was forced to issue an additional 1 trillion rubles.
By keeping the dollar exchange rate at 27 rubles per $1, the financial authorities forced the whole country to buy dollars from raw material producers at double their market value. In other words, in addition to the Central Bank, the country's population directly or indirectly bought another $150 billion from the raw materials exporters for 4 trillion rubles, thus paying them 2 trillion rubles in excess.
It must be said that foreign exchange is bought not only by those who buy it outright, but virtually by all those who pay for related services and goods. Thus, in 2005, as a result of Central Bank manipulation, raw materials exporters were paid about 3 trillion rubles over and above what they should have been paid.
But this is only half the problem. In this context, the price of raw materials and related resources in Russia tends to exceed the normal domestic market prices by two or three times.
In a free market economy, one of the main price regulators on the internal market is the price of analogous imported goods.
For example, if cement imported from Bulgaria costs $50 per ton, with the dollar exchange rate of 14 rubles per $1, it would be 700 rubles per ton of cement excluding transportation costs, import duties, VAT, and other overheads (1,400 rubles per ton including all of these). But with the rate of the dollar twice as high, the price of Bulgarian cement on the Russian market will be in excess of 3,000 rubles per ton, which will enable domestic cement producers to offer it at 3,000 per ton.
Furthermore, due to certain specifics of the Russian market (large distances, artificially sustained local monopolist practices, the private interests of the procuring agencies, etc.), the price of cement can be as high 4,000 rubles per ton, whereas in Bulgaria it will be $5 per ton.
To sum up, as a result of CBR policy, Russians have to pay the raw materials producers double or triple the amount they should. Moreover, sometimes people simply do not know about this because they do not buy the majority of raw materials or related goods directly. Therefore, they are mostly outraged by the soaring gasoline prices. At the same time, they also overpay for natural gas, electricity, mineral fertilizer, and diesel fuel when they buy foodstuffs and pay their utility bills; for aviation fuel when they buy air tickets; for paper when they buy books and newspapers; for cement and other construction materials when they buy or build homes; for heating oil and coal when they pay for heating, and so forth.
A paradoxical situation has developed: Whereas in the world's mean statistical product, the raw material component does not exceed 20 percent, in Russia the figure stands around 50 percent. This makes it impossible for the processing, agricultural and food industries, as well as many service providers, to operate profitably. Enterprises are going bankrupt and closing, people are losing their jobs and wages, while producers are losing buyers. The domestic economy is suffering, verging on collapse.
As a result, the population overpays another 3 trillion rubles to raw material producers. In 2005, thanks to CBR's efforts, Russia overpaid about 6 trillion rubles, or more than one-third of the nation's GDP that year.
Later, the Finance Ministry, as it collects taxes from the 6 trillion that was effectively given away to the raw materials producers, pretends that these are production taxes, therefore taking, for example, only 4 trillion. The remaining "windfall" 2 trillion rubles form "super profits" and are shown in the books as a result of their effective operation, as well as the purportedly natural profitability of Russia's raw materials sectors.
This money does not return to the economy, but only a boom at specific points, such as the stock market, the real estate market, and foreign car sales. This only harms the economy insofar as it creates anti-market imbalances. It turns out that raw materials producers, who incidentally cause enormous environmental damage to the country, not only do not pay any taxes, but on the contrary, receive a subsidy from Russia's poverty stricken population at a rate of approximately 6 trillion rubles a year.
The Finance Ministry receives another 2 trillion rubles in taxes and duties from industries unrelated to the raw materials sector. In other words, in 2005, 8 trillion rubles was taken away from the country's population, whereas on paper it is made to look as though the raw materials producers contributed 4 trillion, with other sectors injecting a mere 2 trillion, thus giving the impression that the raw materials exporters feed the whole country.
What is this if not a fiscal scam of great proportions?
We saw a collection of women's dresses in your October catalogue. The lines you showed would be most suitable for our market.
Would you kindly send us your quotation for clothing that you could supply to us by the end of November?
We would require 1000 dresses in each of the sizes 10-14, and 500 in sizes 8 and 16.
We propose the payment made by Letter of Credit.
1. В.Д. Португалов. Учебник по английскому языку. Economics, Москва 2003 г.
2. С.А. Шевелева, В.Е. Стогов. Основы экономики и бизнеса, ЮНИТИ.
3. Н.А. Самуэлен. English for Banking, Москва. «Менеджер».
4. С.Н. Любимцева, В.Н. Коренева. Курс английского языка для финансистов.
5. G. Tullis, T. Trappe. New insights into Business. Longman.
6. К.Н. Качалова, Е.Е. Израилевич. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами I, II часть. Методика, Киев 1995 г.
7. Т.Ю. Дроздова, А.И. Берестова, В.Г. Маилова. English Grammar.
8. А.В. Аверьянова. Деловой английский банковская переписка. М. 1999 г.
9. Клейменова Е.П. Пособие по обучению реферированию и аннотированию для студентов экономистов. М. 1987 г.
10. Кутузов Л.Ф. Практическая грамматика английского языка. - М. Вече, 1998.
11. Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка. - М., 2006.
12. Moscow News № 08F 2010. 10.03.2010
Открытие скобок с использованием Present Continuous или Present Indefinite. Составление предложений с использованием Past Continuous. Перевод на английский язык предложения в Passive form. Постановка предложений в вопросительную и отрицательную форму. контрольная работа [28,0 K], добавлен 04.04.2013
The future perfect tense is an easy tense to understand. The future perfect tense talks about the past in the future. The Future Perfect is used for an action which will be finished before a stated future time. Usage of Future Perfect Continuous Tense. презентация [136,1 K], добавлен 05.03.2011
Грамматические трансформации при переводе. Проблемы перевода форм Continuous, не имеющих аналогов в русском языке. Способы перевода, связанные с различиями в грамматике английского и русского языков. Конструкция "is going to" и передача будущего времени. курсовая работа [60,2 K], добавлен 21.04.2011
Expressions of future tense. The absolute and relative value of the future tense. Expressing future in time clause or value. Adverb replacement in the future perfect tense. Forming the future perfect continuous with "Will". Future perfect continuous. контрольная работа [23,3 K], добавлен 16.12.2011
Practical English Usage by Michael Swan. English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy The book is intended for students of intermediate level. They both are useful for studying language. Active voice, Passive voice, Future forms and Past continuous. практическая работа [226,5 K], добавлен 06.01.2010
The usage of the Perfect Tenses in different original texts. Investigation of the functioning of the Perfect Tenses in the works of English and American writers. The formation and application of the Perfect Tenses. Analyze the Perfect Continuous forms. курсовая работа [262,9 K], добавлен 14.10.2014
Письменный и устный перевод английских текстов на русский язык. Образование множественного числа существительных. Указательные, неопределенные и притяжательные местоимения. Применение форм глаголов во временах Present Simple, Continuous, Perfect. контрольная работа [25,6 K], добавлен 19.09.2014
Работы в архивах красиво оформлены согласно требованиям ВУЗов и содержат рисунки, диаграммы, формулы и т.д. PPT, PPTX и PDF-файлы представлены только в архивах. Рекомендуем скачать работу .

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Временные группы Continuous контрольная работа. Иностранные языки и языкознание.
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Учет расчетов с поставщиками и подрядчиками в ОАО "Славгородская пивоварня" - Бухгалтерский учет и аудит курсовая работа
Правовая проблематика пресечения недобросовестной конкуренции - Государство и право курсовая работа
Социокультурный статус науки. Специфика научного познания - Биология и естествознание реферат

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