Vr Porno Facesitting

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In facesitting VR porn you get to experience the incredible bliss of having a girl sit her slick pussy on your face for hot licking or naughty smothering. It's as close as you're going to get without having a real babe to ride your tongue, and you've never seen such beautiful cunts as the ones here in virtual reality.
There are different types of free facesitting VR porn at XXXReal.com and they're all worth exploring. There's a decidedly femdom version where the girl is using your mouth for her pleasure. She demands you get on your back and she sits on your face with her cunt as you worship her. She grinds her pussy on your tongue and over your nose, leaving you covered in her slick juices and desperate to get another taste. She pulls off and you look up at her. You're totally enraptured with this dominant facesitting girl that has made your purchase of a Samsung Gear VR headset totally worth it. There's also a version of facesitting VR sex where you're just getting her cunt nice and wet before she fucks you. She's gotten you hard with oral sex and now the beautiful girl wants her turn, so she straddles your face and lets you taste her perfect snatch. You lick her clit, suck her labia, and let your tongue dive inside to enjoy how yummy your lady is. Both types of free face riding smut are available here and we add new content with great regularity to keep you stroking and cumming to this thrilling form of adult entertainment.
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