Voyer Hypno Links

Voyer Hypno Links


Voyer Hypno Links

For those who have wondered what turned me into the warped and twisted individual I am today, below you will find a list of some of the hypnofetish scenes that have been my major influences over the decades. There are both movies and television shows, mainstream and porn films. With one or two excpetions, none of these were done specifically to tap into the MC fetish market. And as always, if you seriously want to do any of this in real life, you're an even bigger weirdo pervert than me.

Be aware that I am not saying that all of these films and programs are good . Far from it; some of them are horrifically bad, apart one or two golden moments of MC action. Still, if you like my work, you'll probably enjoy these, too.

Note that I am generally a fan of actual MCing scenes, and not post-hypnotic hijinks, so that's mostly what you'll see here. (Although as discussed below, said hijinks have an effect..)

I have included YouTubeish links where I can, but this is the Internet and things rapidly come and go. And yes, many of these links will not be very Not Safe For Work. And so, in a semi-significant order..

The gold standard. Tanya Roberts gets put in a glass water-filled tank and is brainwashed while wearing a bikini, a moment I have revisted again and again in my drawings. Two lengthy-by-television-standards induction scenes, and a trio of previous victims appear wearing dresses clearly modeled on Roman slave-togas. Roberts was never any great shakes as an actress, but Eric Braeden's evil MCer John Rearden became the template for many of my own bad guys, sophisticated and polite with none of the ugly overt "stoopid bitches MUHAHAHA" misogyny that infests so many stories in our genre. Of course, there is absolutely no reason for Reardon to only use women in his MC scheme, and I'd like to think that he, or at least his nebbish assistant, got up to some extracurricular activity apart from their mainline murder-for-hire plan. (A few years previously, Braeden also played another MCer on an episode of Hawaii 5-0.)

Which leads to the fact that this episode came along at just the right moment in TV history, escaping from the complete overt campiness of the past, meaning there's a refreshing nod or two towards realism, and before.. I hate to use the loaded phrase "political correctness", but that's about as close as I can get.. came to the broadcast industry. For worse and, yes, for better, there will never be another episode like this made for broadcast American television. Or at least it won't be a woman in the tank.
Here is a fine collection of fetish-highlights from the episode, put together YouTubeite xunshang. Thanks to hir for the excellent work, and enjoy/save it while you can. The entire uncut episode is also available to purchase on iTunes for a small fee
The other, earlier, CA episode to deal with hypnosis, The Seance, is worth an honorable mention; the hypnosis is a little too insta-campy for my taste and the only other victim is an elderly woman, but Jacqualine Smith could act rings around Ms. Roberts, and does a nice bit where she walks/drives around entranced while barefoot and wearing a nightgown. And props to the MCer René Auberjonois, who amusingly switches from "solemn spiritualist" to "streetwise bunko artist" at the drop of a hat.

Jennifer gets brainwashed by a beauty-salon owner to steal jewelry from people. Yes, the owner is a woman,
which is not something I do much in my own stuff, but it works well, with the actress Capuchine making
another good MCer. (It's amusing how careful the script is to supply her with a Steady Boyfriend..) Again,
a bit of realism is that the process takes time and involves Jennifer using "vitamins".. Showing how close
to the edge these things cut, I particularly liked the scene where Jennifer shows she's so controlled she can
be made to almost commit suicide. If she'd actually gone through with it.. ugh; this is what absolutely.. well..
kills the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Dead Things", which otherwise would have a place of pride on this list.

Mad scientist Boris Balkinoff uses the castaways to test his mind-control rings. The scene where Ginger reports to him in the cave is a classic; Tina Louise does a perfect little stop-click with her hips. Also nice that Balkinoff is allowed to express an awareness, however tentative, that he has an attractive woman under his complete control. (SMACK! Ah well. 90% complete... )

Boss Hogg has Daisy hypnotized as part of an inheritance scam. Borders on the edge of being too campy, but, hey, it's Catherine Bach sitting hypnotized and at attention in her jeans cut-offs, so I forgive them.

The alien-invasion miniseries, where Fay Grant's character gets put in the Conversion Chamber
by the alien-lizard leader Diana. Probably cuts about as close to out-and-out torture as I'm willing to get,
and it's another female MCer, but still one of my favorites. Nice skin-tight outfit.

The Disney animated series. Kim and Shego both get implanted with mind-controlling computer
chips by Doctor Draken. Probably my favorite cartoon MC moment. As a result,
this is about close as
I have ever come to doing a fanfic drawing. The similarly-themed episode "Emotion Sickness"
is pretty good as well (and intentionally funnier in a mainstream sense), although the control in that one is inadvertent.

Not one of my absolute favorites, but enough of a classic that it earns a listing here. The Scooby gang investigates the nefarious activities of a Ghost Clown at an abandoned circus, and the fellow turns out to be a expert hypnotist. The scene where the Clown gets to Daphne and turns her into a tutu-clad unicycle rider has influenced a lot of people over the years. The particular scene and the whole episode are both easily available on YouTube

My second-favorite cartoon clip , which demonstrates how irrational fetishes are, since the villain is a woman who wants to turn the world's male population into microdots and store them away on a computer. Still, "Medula" is the all-time-best MCing supervillain name, and there's some good "we obey" dialogue from Woman Woman and Jayna.

Speaking of superheroines, there's also the classic 70's series starring Lyndia Carter. She may not have been the greatest actress ever, but boy did she ever look the part. There were a few MCish episodes, but this one is the one I will always remember, if only for the short scene where Mr. Rule hangs out at his pool with his harem of musically-enslaved fan-gals. I do have to say to the casting people, though.. seriously.. choosing Martin Mull to play your charismatic rock star?

And speaking of MCing rockstar supervillains.. there's this episode from Sid and Marty Krofft's one-season wonder. John Mark Robinson may be sporting one of the most atrocious costumes in all of TV history, but at least he looks and acts the part with scenery-chewing enthusiasm. (He probably would have come a lot cheaper than Mr. Mull, too!) Features a good scene where he hypnos the two heroines into doing a zombie-walk.

Only a short scene towards the end of this 60's spy-spoof, but a good one, in which the viewer sees how the evil Galaxy organization creates its Pleasure Units, women turned into obedient sex-slaves. (Or as close as you could get to that concept in 60's mainstream cinema.) Probably the best-ever use of a hypno-spiral machine in said cinema, which I have often copied in my own drawings. If only it had been longer, and it had been Raquel Welsh as the featured victim, as was evidently considered at one point; Gila Golan was easy enough on the eyes, but sadly she has to join Tanya in the acting ranks..

The classic 60's flick , where a hypnotist entrances women who attend his stage performances, and then has fun with them before things turn ugly. As noted above, the only scene I can really enjoy in fetish terms is the one where the heroine gets put under, because she is saved before the final act. But that one scene is pretty good. Finally got a DVD release.

Oy. This is one of the bad ones, as the only thing worth seeing is the scene in question, and even that is campy in the extreme: Warwick Davies, dressed as an evil Leprechaun, pops up in a nightclub and busts some really lame rap rhymes. However.. he mentally enslaves three women while doing it, he's a creepy otherworldly horror, the victims are wearing sorta-uniforms, and they are three different types/ethnicities, which are all pluses. Handily, the whole thing is shown out of chronological order at the end of the film with the closing credits, so it's easy to find.

A very softcore porn flick from the 90s', in which some doofuses get their hands on mind-control helmet technology and use it on various women. It all plays like one of Daphne's Mind Control Theatre productions, only with less sex and roughly 50 times the budget. (Which is a compliment for both.) I particularly like how the female victims are made cheerfully obedient, but not turned into complete bimbos ("I told her she could use my special hair dryer because she's running a little late!") as I have never liked the idea of stupid or miserable slaves. Very rarely turns up in video clip collections, and so is worth seeking out.

A bottom-dredged porn flick from the 70s wherein a loser named Eddie finds a hypnosis book and uses it to turn his comely
neighbor Nora into his personal sex-toy, then adds another neighbor to his harem. My favorite hard-core porn film. In fact,
it's just about the only hard-core flick I've ever really enjoyed, as 95% of the time, I have no real interest in
watching/depicting/writing about people actually having sex. But having Eddie spout his sleazy personal "philosophy"
while his slavegirl silently gives him a blowjob.. for whatever reason, that works. Additionally, the anonymous actress
playing Nora is really cute, and unlike the protagonist in most such movies, she doesn't come across as a slut-in-waiting
from the moment go. (I mean, she refuses to have sex with Eddie until hypnoed!!) Amazingly, the writer(s) even took
the trouble to learn a couple of hypnosis facts, which is highly appreciated. I've seen the long-lost third reel of the
film, which has Eddie send Girl #2 over to one of his skeevy friends, which doesn't work out very well,
and then Eddie himself gets what's coming to him. Nice that it still exists, but doesn't add much to the MC experience

OK, there's one other. Set in San Francisco, this is about a Tough Cop trying to bust a white-slavery ring. No overt hypnosis, but some decent moments where the kidnapped and drugged women are being trained in a stark warehouse-type room. The use of an endowed male mannequin adds some MCish flavor to some of the (numerous) sex scenes. The MCer is another Reardon type, although it's a porn flick, so the acting.. eh.

Then there's this rather atypical skin-flick, which features surprisingly good production values and acting, and is about some female agent-types trying to bust another white-slavery ring. The villain again doesn't use hypnosis, exactly, but more "traditional" cult-brainwashing techniques to turn women into slaves. Worth seeing if you're in the mood for something a little more subtle than the usual fare, both in terms of MC and sex.

A creaky black-and-white flick with Bela Lugosi and John Carradine's talents being wasted as usual. Lots of white-robed female-zombie action, and includes a pretty good voodoo-summoning scene. For the moment, you can watch the whole thing on YouTube here .

Another bad one, and another one that wastes an actor's talents, in this case John Candy. (Poor John..) The nice thing about
the MC in this "comedy" is that there's a little something for everyone, with a platoon of brainwashed female cult-members
exercising in spandex, and Dixie Carter giving Candy's character the treatment. (I, obviously, focus on the former.)
There's also a brief moment where Carter's character is.. influenced.. by the cult's male leader. If you happen across
it, keep the fast-forward button handy.

A weird but enjoyable mainstream flick involving television subliminals and a light-gun that brain-locks the target for several minutes. Most of the action revolves around the latter, but there is one good scene where Susan Dey's character is hypnotized by some of the subliminals while watching ads on a TV in a test-lab. If I had made the film, I would have shot an epilogue after the bad guys were defeated, showing her buying Warrior Floor-Cleaner in the supermarket..

Another film that's pretty good in mainstream terms, although it too features plenty of weirdness. Definitely one of director John Carpenter's better efforts. The MC involves an ancient Chinese wizard hypnoing two women, planning to use them in a ceremony to regain his full corporal form. A rare example of a live-action flick where the last-stage mind-control leads to all-white eyes in the victim. (Gotta have the budget to splurge for those special contacts, I suppose..)

The iconic British spy-series. Many uses of MC, naturally, but my two favorite are "The Return of the Cybernauts", where Emma Peel/Diana Rigg is robotized, and "Love Me Not", where Tara King/Lynda Thorson is made to fall in love via subliminal messages in a book.

Another spy-show episode that never really pushed my personal buttons, but still deserves mention here is the Man From UNCLE episode "Her Master's Voice Affair"; could be that the victims are a little on the young side, and the viewer doesn't see the actual MCing, just the aftermath.

This early-nineties syndicated schlockfest featured several MCish plots. The two I most enjoyed were "Made For Each Other", where a (female) professor turns her (female) students into programmable black widows, and "Yo Superforce", in which a crazed (male) carnival booth-operator collects beautiful women and used a suspended-animation machine to create his own private museum, with the women neatly arranged on display stands. Impressive statue-work by the female extras in the latter.

Two Vincent Price movies from the 60's: "..And The Bikini Machine", "..And the Girl Bombs." Female robots rather than hypnosis, but
obedient women wearing (surprisingly well-designed) bikinis/uniforms, and it's close enough for me. If you ever get the chance,
check out the Italian-language version of DGATGB which is quite different than the English version. Price as always gives it his
all, and especially in the second film, is the only good thing besides the fembots and costumes.

The classic fantasy film with Tony Randell turning in not one but seven epic performances; unlike many items on this list,
well worth watching for its mainstream merits. No MC per se, but earns a place on this list with the scene where Randell's Pan
uses his pipes to get Barbara Eden's repressed librarian character all hot and bothered, and sends her lusting (in a PG sort
of way) after her previously-rebuffed local suitor.

The Best Fetish Porn. We have selected the best Kinky Porn Sites!
Hypno Sites
The hypno fetish has been around for quite some time, but not too many porn networks have the courage to get into such a controversial niche. However, there are still some great producers of hypno porn on the internet and we looked through all of them to put together this collection of hypno porn that will surely satisfy your deepest desires. If you’ve never experienced hypno porn before, let me tell you what you’re missing out. If you have any dom/sub fantasies, this is the ultimate form of domination. In hypno porn, the girls surrender their very will to their hypnotists and the sex is excellent. It has a dose of mysticism that makes everything more thrilling. Now, it’s obvious that these movies are staged, but the sites that we bring you are coming with models who are acting out their role in a convincing way. That was one of the criteria we took into consideration when we put together this list of recommendations. Besides premium sites, our list of recommendations also includes some sources of free porn, some erotica literature sites and even hypno fetish communities where you can get together with porn fans who share the same passion and discuss or exchange content. Check out the following links for the best hypno porn sites. Premium Hypno Porn
As I previously mentioned, there are no big networks to get into hypno porn. But we’ve found some independent sites which took upon the challenge to create this kind of controversial content. The premium sites that we feature in our list of recommendations are coming with excellent porn on this theme. The directors of these collections know what they’re doing, and they knew how to brief the girls into acting exactly like they’re hypnotized. The action of these movies is not ridiculous at all. The hypnotists don’t go overboard with the mind games and the girls are not pretending to be chickens or any other clichés that you usually find in hypno lore. However, there are some baby games combined with the hypno kink in some of these movies. In the lists, we recommend you will find models of all ages. There are lots of babes from UK, but also American chicks, some Asians and a couple of East Europeans. The models aren’t the most famous babes you will find on the internet. In fact, most of them are fresh new faces you’ve never seen before. But they’re all pretty and hot. Free Porn Tubes With Hypno Content
We’ve searched through our list of free sex tubes to find the ones that are offering hypno porn in their collections. You can find them all on this list. The free sex tubes don’t come with hypno porn collections that are as big as the ones you will find on the premium porn sites, and the content is non-exclusive, but you get to experience it for free. Also, most of the hypno porn scenes that you will find on the free sex tubes we feature in this list come in full length. You will also love the impressive variety of scenarios and stories in these movies. From guys who found an interesting way of getting out of the friend some and office workers who finally get to fuck that hot busty boss to dads who are living their stepdaughter’s fantasies and stepsons taking advantage of their new mommy, everything your heart and mind desires can be found here. What’s cool about these sites is the fact that besides hypno porn you will get action from all the other categories, kinks and fetishes. Hypno Erotica and Online Communities
As I mentioned, we also bring you recommendations for some excellent erotica sources. Most of the erotica sites we feature below are community ran, meaning that the members of the site are the ones who are uploading their very own stories. If you have vivid hypno fantasies and you find the time to write them down in a short erotica story, you should totally share it with one of these communities. But even if you don’t share anything, you can still enjoy what others wrote. These sites are free and you can read stories without even creating a member account. But an account will help you interact with the authors and leave feedbacks. At the same time, we even included a link to the best hypno subreddit.Every site that we’ve included in this list of recommendations is coming with a short review, from where you can find out everything that is to know about it before you even click on the link. Choose the source of hypno porn that suits you best and enjoy your fetish tonight!
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