Voy Spank

Voy Spank


Voy Spank

By Carl Philip Michaels

When I was growing up, I was no stranger to butt warmings. I was the youngest of three kids, with two older sisters. Since I was the youngest and the only boy, I spent a lot of time over my parents' laps, and my sisters loved to tease me about it.

My parents had these rituals they observed when one of us was being punished. First, they'd send you to your room to put on your pajamas. Even if it was ten o'clock on a Saturday morning, if you committed a "spanking offense," you were required to do this. Unfortunately for us kids, "private" spankings were unknown in our household. It might not seem like much, but believe me, it was always embarrassing to be called out to the family room in your pj's when the rest of the family was fully dressed! Unlike most parents at the time, mine did not believe in dropping spanking from the disciplinary menu just because you reached a certain age. On the contrary, their philosophy was that if spanking was effective on a five-year-old bottom, it was that much more effective on a 15-year-old one! The embarrassment factor, of course, increased exponentially with our ages. My sisters would almost always be present to watch when I got my bottom spanked; of course, I got my revenge when it was their turn, it just wasn't as often as i would have liked. We also got it this way many times over the years in front of aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents.

When you got out there, Mom would give you a short lecture about whatever it was you'd done (or hadn't done, as the case may be), then she'd send you to The Naughty Corner, where The Spanking Stick hung from a hook on the wall. You had to put your hands on top of your head and stick your nose against the wall. Then you had to spread out your feet until they were at least as far apart as your shoulders and turn your toes inward slightly. This posture was uncomfortable to say the least, and had the effect of sticking your bottom out embarrassingly into the room. Mom would set the timer for 30 minutes, and you'd stand there in that humiliating, uncomfortable position for what seemed like forever.

When it was your turn, the other kids would usually stay in the family room for the whole 30 minutes, since few things were as much fun as teasing the kid in the corner! And we had pretty much Carte Blanche to tease (as long as we didn't get overly cruel), because my parents believed that embarrassment was as important a part of the punishment as the actual spanking. You weren't allowed to speak in the corner, and the fact that you couldn't talk back to your tormentors made the teasing that much worse. The penalty for talking in the corner was as follows: Mom would come over and yank your pj's down to your ankles, give you several swats on the behind, and reset the timer so your corner time started over from the beginning! This was a very effective way of preventing corner time talking!

When the timer went off, Mom would tell you it was time to "hang 'em up." This meant you had to take The Spanking Stick off the hook and replace it with your pajamas! God, how we hated having to take our pajamas off in the living room! Especially if there was an audience of cousins, aunts an uncles or whatever! Then you had to come over to the middle of the room and suffer through a lecture in just your underwear while the rest of the family watched.

Next, she'd guide you over her lap, pulling your underpants down to your knees as you went. It was insanely embarrassing to be lying over her lap with your bare butt hanging out for all to see! The lecture would go on for a bit while you were in this position, and you'd have to answer questions and stuff (Do you know why you're being spanked? -- that kind of thing). I'd be like, Come on, just get it over with! but fortunately I was never dumb enough to say that out loud! Then the spanking would start.

Mom would work up a really good blush in your cheeks just using her hand. Once your bottom and the tops of your thighs were a nice shade of pink, she'd pick up the Spanking Stick.

My parents had bought this wooden implement at a novelty shop on one of our family vacations to keep us under control on the road. It was very effective and we all dreaded its sting. It was an inch wide and about 20 inches long, including the handle; painted in red letters were the words "Ye Olde Spanking Sticke" and there was a drawing of a reddened bottom below that. It was designed to cause maximum sting without any bruising. By the time she got to it, your butt would already be sore, so it took no time at all to make you feel like there was a fire in your posterior!

Once your entire bottom and the tops of your thighs were a uniform hot pink, she'd stop and let you hang there for a minute to regain your composure. Then it was "back to the corner" for another 30 minutes. That was HUGELY embarrassing, because you had to hobble back over there with your underpants around your ankles, hands held low. Then you had to assume the same position as before, only now it was your very BARE, HOT PINK bottom that was sticking out for all to see!

What happened after corner time at our house was, I think, what set our family apart from most others. After your spanking, you weren't allowed to put your pajamas or any other clothes on; you had to stay in your underwear until the next morning! There was no hiding in your room, either; you'd have to stay out there with the family. So if your spanking was over at 11 a.m. on a Saturday, for instance (obviously I'm recalling a particular incident here!), you had a full day and evening of embarrassing exposure to look forward to.

It was also a family rule that, just because one kid had disobeyed and gotten spanked, the other kids shouldn't be punished; they were free to have their friends over if they wanted to. This was carefully negotiated terrain among us kids. Yes, it could be very entertaining to have your friends over when your brother or sister was restricted to their underwear; a good time was guaranteed for all (except one)! However, you had to figure in the Paybacks Are Hell factor: If you treated your 12-year-old friend to a close-up view of your big sister in just her bra and panties, you could be certain that next time you were confined to the house in your BVD's, she would have a troop of her girlfriends over to enjoy the view!

Copyright 2010 by Carl Philip Michaels
All Rights Reserved

Last edited by carl35; 10-04-2010 at 04:04 PM .

Wonderful account of shameful discipline, much like I got it growing up!


mmMick66@yahoo.com if you'd care to share more and hear my experiences.

Thanks so much, Marci! Please tell me more about your experiences!



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The predominate theme of this site is spanking and submissive women. This blog is intended for adults 18 years and older. The purpose of this site is to promote criticism, comment, teaching, scholarship, and research.
This fine collection of spanking stories is offered free by the author Abel . There are eighteen stories to enjoy. Our thanks to the author. Tap image to begin.
Before and after her spanking. June 11, 2022 With 3 comments
A spanking before bedtime. June 26, 2022 Similar post
Only read the first story so far. Anna and the Headmaster is very enjoyable. Thank you for sharing it.
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Face Time - by Ed Rider - Mrs. Brown was holding a wooden paddle! It looked just like one for playing ping-pong, but it was a little larger and didn't have any rubber sides on it. Mrs. Brown raised it up and then she smacked Bobby on the ass with it! (Fm, underage, d/s, voy, spank, huml)

Faithful Wife Encouraged - by Hardy - Wife under pressure from husband who wishes to see her expand her sexual horizon. He wishes to observe her having sex with another man. So finally the angry wife decides to teach him a lesson. (MMF, voy, reluc, wife)

Familiar Faces: A True Encounter - by Anon - Hilary and Craig meet in the hallway of an eastern University and rekindle an old relationship that becomes an urgent need that becomes a reckless sexual encounter. (MF, oral, anal, voy, affair, college)

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NEW Family Bonding - by Silver Cunt - Fifteen year old Devin gets an invite to share his parent's bed. What happens changes his life forever. (MFm, ped, bi, inc, mast, oral, anal, voy)

Part 2

Family Care - by dale10 - Uncle Jim takes over his dead brother's family and forces them into perverted incest. (Mmmf, inc, ped, voy, bi, rp, huml, v, tort)

Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4

Family Cats - by Michael Schumann - Teenage geek lucks into front-row seat at catfight between his hot sister and cute cousin. (FF, voy, inc, mild-v)

Family Cuckold, The - by Growing Up Southern - An attractive 42-year-old mom entertains herself by giving a bj to a classmate of her son. Dad and son watch from the shadows. Without ever knowing it, the hot mom fulfills the fantasies of all four, including her own. The story is fantasy, but it is based on a true story. (FMm, inc, voy, oral, wife, cuck)

Family Friend: The Trip - by Paul - Paul and Cindy take a family friend with them on a trip. (MMF, voy, rom)

Family Love - by wyspr26 - This story is about a family started by one man and spans generations. It's told by this man, from his perspective, while trying to encompass the feelings of others in the story. It's a work of fantasy, but may reflect a little reality. (family, extreme-inc, ped, voy, 1st, bi, orgy)

Family Peepers - by Anon - This perverted family would all end up in jail in the real world, but in this virtual world they all have great fun fucking and sucking their way through life. (MFmf, family-inc, bi, voy, exh, mast, oral, anal, orgy)

Family Togetherness - by PeteinWales - A mother and father get involved with their teenage daughter and her boyfriend. (MF/mf-teens, inc, 1st, bi, voy, swingers)

Family Stud, The - by Fast Oeddie - Brother and sister start an incestuous relationship one day that ends up involving their mom and a threesome. (MF-teens/F, underage, inc, threesome, voy)

Family Ways - by Frank McCoy - In an alternate universe where family incest is okay and pedophilia is acceptable, Frank describes a "loving" family and how they bring up their children. (Mmg, extreme-ped, inc, voy, preg)

Fanny and Jeff's Exotic Erotic Thing - by Phil Phantom - A poignant story about a guy hopelessly in love with a prostitute who leads him into a world he can barely cope with. (MMF, bi, d/s, cuck, voy)

Fantasy Fest - by Biker - My wife and I finally visit Fantasy Fest. She lets the mood of the event take over and behaves in a fashion she never would at home. (M+/F, wife-exh, husb-voy, bi, drugs, orgy)

Fantasy In The Woods - by Pallidan - A man discovers two young girls spanking an elderly woman in the woods who he discovers to be his neighbor. He gets so excited watching, he decides to ask them to use him forgetting about his wife still back home. Soon he is turned into their slave too and receives a nice surprise. (FFM, nc, rp, voy, mast, bd, tor)

Fast Date - by Zoo Dough Gymn - After discussing it for months I finally agreed to go with my husdnad to this notorious pickup joint about 50 miles away. (MF, wife-sharing, voy)

Favors - by RomeoWriter - A young son, hot for his beautiful mother, wants to spend 'quality time' with her. He just has to do one simple thing for her first. (F/m-teen/g, extreme-ped, nc, rp, bi, inc, 1st, voy)

Feather Bed, The - by Beating Off Bob - Every year during the family reunion, the cousins always slept together in the big feather bed on the screened in porch. This year they're older - and doing more than just sleeping. (MF-teens, reluc, inc, voy, preg)

Fertility Inn And Resort - by Cumfreak1952 - All three of us were nervous, and yet excited at the same time. Not being used to this sort of thing, we were surprised at how many nude guests there, some walking around, a few kissing and groping, and two couples actually fucking out in the garden. There were a couple of men I noticed that had extremely huge tools on them, I noticed the girls noticing them as well, the possibilities swirled through my head. (M+/F+, exh, size, preg, voy, orgy)

Filipina Internet Wife - by Starfire Mayo - Man flirts with Filipina girl online and encourages her to fuck her ex-boyfriend over the internet. He marries his internet bride but when she comes to live in the UK his wife is encouraged to stray by her Asian hooker friend. (MMF, voy, intr, size, wife, cuck, asian)

Fill Her Up Please - by Shufflespeare - Two gas station attendants end up screwing the hell out of a female patron after spying on her through a peep hole in the restroom. (MMF, reluc, voy, work)

Filling My Daughter - by Doggie2 - This is a story about preteen incest and how it all started between Jim and his nine year old daughter. She was always trying to tease him with her hot little body, until the day she wanted to try having sex with him for real. (MMg, ped, inc, voy)

Filmed With Dogs - by Bob Wallace - "I like anything that will give me pleasure," Felicia purred, "whether it's a man, a woman..." She paused, looking Charlotte right in the eye. "...or animals." (MF/FF/beast, nc, rp, s&m, voy, bd, drugs)

Final Kiss, The - by Spen Sterling - Like many men, I often find myself fantasizing about watching my wife having an erotic encounter with another man. (MMF, wife, reluc, voy, rom)

Finding Answers - by Douglas Fox - [An e-novel] High School Freshman Kyle Martin searches for answers. He and his friends experience the highs and lows of growing up in Paradise, Pennsylvania. (MF-teens, youths, voy, 1st, mast, oral, anal, orgy, preg)

First Ball Bust - by Rachael - Almost a true story in many ways, but more humorous than what really happened. Girls, don't kick boys in the balls too much. Once or twice is fine. You teenage boys reading this: RUN! (fm-teens, school, voy, v, no sex)

First Experience - by Anon - A schoolboy watches an older boy enjoy himself masturbating and gets more involved than he might have imagined. (Mm-teens, mast, voy)

First Time - by Cindy - I help out my cousin with a problem. This story's about good old plain sex, you know in, out, up, down, squelch. (M/f-teen, voy, ped, 1st, true)

First Time Topless In Public - by Snoopy - My first time topless on a public beach. (MF, voy)

Fifty Dollar Fuck - by Author Obscure - Wife seduces her husband's friend right in front of him. (MF, wife-exh, husband-voy)

Flash - by Todd Kasper - A young teen is caught nude by his sister's friends. He get to know his sister and her best friend better than most brothers and sisters. (mff, ped, inc, voy)

FLASH! The Night Erica Took Pictures - by Abdul ben There - My wife's best friend photographs our loving. (MF, exh, F-voy, rom)

Football Surprise - by Hardy -Two Couples returning from a football game have an unusual experience. Would this be a life changing event. (MF-cpls, reluc, wife-sharing, husb-voy, swingers)

Forbidden Fruit - by Kewtieboy - Just straight lads having fun until one realises that his feelings for one of his mates is more than just friendship. There's no way he is ever going to be able to have sex with him... or is there? (MF, bi, nc, voy, 1st-gay-expr, mast, oral, anal, alcohol)

NEW Florida Is For Lovers - by Tony Tiger - A very, very old man learns how wonderful sex can be. (MF, 1st, voy, sci-fi)

Part 2

Forced Love - by Silver Fox - A gunman who forces them to have sex confronts a man and his pregnant neighbor. Surprise Outcome. (MF, voy, nc, oral, mast)

Foster Child - by LWM - A young girl becomes a foster child and finds herself being sexually used and loving it. (F/ffm, voy, ped, bd)

Franny's Family - by Pskao - A motel worker discovers his father-in-law and wife asking for a 'short-term' room and secretly watches them. (MF, inc, voy, cheating)

Fraternity - by Ardent - An older guy uses his younger girlfriend as a passport into a fraternity house party. (M+/F, voy, bi, oral, anal, orgy)

Freak - by Anon - A cheap, dark hotel room. Several candles are burning. It is hot and muggy. The air conditioner gave out in the first hour. This is now the third hour. Sarah is riding Paul. Paul is looking like he has seen better days, but is determined to stay the course. For the past hour Sarah has been in complete and total command. The first two hours had belonged to Paul. (MMF, size, voy, weird)

Freaks And Jocks - by Kristen - This is a story about teenagers and high school, and the things that happen when "freaks" mess with "jocks" and the new girl who gets into the middle of it all. (mf-teens, reluc, voy, v, rp)

Free Body Rubs - by Tinman - The story of how I advertised for ladies who wanted free body rubs and the success that I had with that in Denver. (MF, voy, oral, ws, mc)

French Kiss - by Yarblack - An American couple put two French business
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