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31 von mehr als 31 Vorstellungsgesprächen gefunden
Ihr Vertrauen ist unser wichtigstes Anliegen, daher können Unternehmen Vorstellungsgespräche weder ändern noch entfernen.
1 - 10 von 31 angezeigt Vorstellungsgespräche
Beliebte Karrieren für die, die eine Stelle bei Extra Supermercados suchen
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Sie arbeiten im Bereich HR oder Marketing? Stärken Sie Ihre Arbeitgebermarke
Vorschläge für Unternehmen, die Sie beobachten sollten
Anonymer Bewerber im Vorstellungsgespräch
Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert bei Extra Supermercados
Foi um processo interessante e uma ótima experiência,o aprendizado foi muito importante,apesar de que já faz muito tempo que participei então as coisas devem estar diferentes atualmente então meus detalhes não servem de muita ajuda
Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert bei Extra Supermercados
Foi tranquilo bem dinâmico, teve várias dinâmicas de vendas , onde todos participaram. Com divisão de grupos , cada grupo teve de criar um produto e fazer a oferta aos demais em sala.
Anonymer Bewerber im Vorstellungsgespräch
Ich habe mich auf anderem Weg beworben. Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert bei Extra Supermercados
Muito atenciosos com a entrevista. Considerando a quantidade de pessoas que aguardavam a entrevista. Durante todo o procedimento de seleção houve retorno das fases seletivas, mesmo quando não houve aprovação para as fases posteriores.
Anonymer Bewerber im Vorstellungsgespräch
Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert bei Extra Supermercados
Bem tranquilo a entrevista, foi um processo seletivo feito em grupo onde falaram sobre os benefícios da empresa jornada de trabalho, treina menti, como funciona o mercado entre outras coisas
Anonymer Bewerber im Vorstellungsgespräch in Brasília,
Ich habe mich online beworben. Der Vorgang dauerte 2 Tage. Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert im Feb. 2021 bei Extra Supermercados (Brasília, )
Fase de grupo, apenas para falar sobre si e suas experiencias anteriores de forma muito breve. Processo vago, sem de fato conhecer o profissional e dar oportunidades de se destacar
Anonymer Bewerber im Vorstellungsgespräch in São Paulo,
Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert bei Extra Supermercados (São Paulo, )
Entrevista em grupo sem muitas perguntas específicas. Não houve oportunidade para demonstrar mais o potencial. Por fim, não recebi retorno ou feedback da entrevistadora. Esperava poder falar mais e entender mais sobre a vaga.
Anonymer Bewerber im Vorstellungsgespräch in Rio de Janeiro
Ich habe mich online beworben. Der Vorgang dauerte 1 Tag. Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert im Jan. 2021 bei Extra Supermercados (Rio de Janeiro)
Apenas perguntou sobre mim, sobre minha formação, cursos que eu já tinha feito, sobre a disponibilidade que eu teria para trabalhar, como eu faria pra chegar até lá, qual tipo de transporte eu pegaria e quantos pegaria.
Ich habe mich online beworben. Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert im Dez. 2020 bei Extra Supermercados (São Paulo, )
Prova fácil, e depois entrevista, se fez a prova é praticamente dado como contratado, é tudo muito fácil, se for, indicado, pode começar a trabalhar em uma semana , porém é difícil se manter lá, com uma salário de 1000 reais, trabalhando dia sim e dia não, 12h/dia, não vai poder ter um futuro bom.
Anonymer Bewerber im Vorstellungsgespräch in São Paulo,
Ich habe mich online beworben. Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert bei Extra Supermercados (São Paulo, )
A entrevistadora foi bem clara cmg me falou sobre o cargo e sobre o curso que tem que fazer durante o serviço, o curso seria de administração. Perguntou meus defeitos e minhas qualidades
Anonymer Bewerber im Vorstellungsgespräch in Brasília,
Ich habe mich online beworben. Der Vorgang dauerte 2 Wochen. Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert im März 2020 bei Extra Supermercados (Brasília, )
Perguntas simples e sobre experiências anteriores, amostra de portfólio, sobre vida pessoal e disponibilidade de horários. Muito atenciosos, a entrevistadora não te deixa apreensivo, muito calma. No fim foi uma experiência tranquila
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Glassdoor bietet Millionen von Jobs sowie Gehaltsangaben, Arbeitgeberbewertungen und Fragen in Vorstellungsgesprächen, die von Bewerbern und Mitarbeitern gepostet wurden und Ihnen die Suche nach Ihrem Traumjob erleichtern.
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Um die Vorstellungsgespräche zu filtern, müssen Sie sich anmelden oder registrieren .
11 von mehr als 11 Vorstellungsgesprächen gefunden
Ihr Vertrauen ist unser wichtigstes Anliegen, daher können Unternehmen Vorstellungsgespräche weder ändern noch entfernen.
1 - 10 von 11 angezeigt Vorstellungsgespräche
Beliebte Karrieren für die, die eine Stelle bei Extra Energy suchen
Sie arbeiten im Bereich HR oder Marketing? Stärken Sie Ihre Arbeitgebermarke
Sie arbeiten im Bereich HR oder Marketing? Stärken Sie Ihre Arbeitgebermarke
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Vorschläge für Unternehmen, die Sie beobachten sollten
Anonymer Bewerber im Vorstellungsgespräch
Ich habe mich über einen Personalvermittler beworben. Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert im Juli 2018 bei Extra Energy
Introduced by a recruiter. Told company were very excited to meet me based on my experience. Was messed about in terms of interview times and these were changed at the last minute no less than four times. Single interview with recruiting manager and resource manager
Anonymer Bewerber im Vorstellungsgespräch in Birmingham, England
Ich habe mich online beworben. Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert bei Extra Energy (Birmingham, England)
Video interview with two team members and was arranged by consulting
Anonymer Bewerber im Vorstellungsgespräch in Birmingham, England
Ich habe mich über eine Vermittlungsagentur beworben. Der Vorgang dauerte 4 Wochen. Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert im März 2018 bei Extra Energy (Birmingham, England)
Had a chat with the hiring manager and a rep from HR. Was a general chat as I was already experienced in the utility field with a few simple SQL related questions. Could have done the job standing on my head but didn't get the offer.
Its a wonder the company has gone bust, incompetent people in jobs they are not suited to do...
Anonymer Mitarbeiter in Birmingham, England
Ich habe mich auf Empfehlung eines Mitarbeiters beworben. Der Vorgang dauerte 1 Woche. Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert im Feb. 2018 bei Extra Energy (Birmingham, England)
One stage interview process with another Team Manager and Operations Manager. Then a role play of line managing a difficult employee who was late yet again and competency based questions on managing an under performing team
Anonymer Mitarbeiter in Birmingham, England
Ich habe mich online beworben. Der Vorgang dauerte 1 Tag. Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert im Feb. 2017 bei Extra Energy (Birmingham, England)
2 step interview process (all on the same day).
Step 1 - Group interview done by someone in the requirement office (10-12 people) where they first talk to you about the company a little and see what knowledge you have although there is not much information about they company as they are relatively new. Questions like, what energy to they supply and to whom do they supply it. Then we get to the tests. ( I done the interview in Feb 17, so I don't remember how long we had for each test). First test was a maths one and the second one was an english one and third one they want to see how we would write an email response to a customers complaint.
This process took 1.5 hours.
After this, we were asked to sit in the cafeteria and we would be called upon one by one to have our one to one interviews or those who did not pass step 1 we taken aside and told so. Around 6/7 candidates had gotten through. We were asked not to leave the cafeteria incase we miss being called for step 2 and that we would only be waiting for an hour max. That was not the case for myself. The individual interviews took a lot longer then that. I had to wait 3 hours for my interview which isn't great when you're starving and have no food with you, luckily I had a bag of nuts. So the next step was took about 15-20 mins. This was held by the person who held step 1 and a manager from the call floor. They ask you the regular interview questions. Strength? Weakness? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Why did you leave your previous job? Describe an instance where you had to deal with a difficult customer. Those are they only ones I remember unfortunately. They confirm your personal details and tell you they will be in contact with you within the next 7 days to let you know if you've got the job. AS my interview was the last one on a Friday, I was emailed on the Monday I had gotten the job but other people who had interviews mid week were told the next day, some even the same evening. Overall not a hard interview, make sure you're interactive because remember the customer can only hear your voice. If you sound bored and monotone in your interview, chances are they will assume that is how you will sound on the phone and you may not get through.
Anonymer Mitarbeiter in New York, NY
Ich habe mich online beworben. Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert bei Extra Energy (New York, NY)
It was an affiliate company based in another EU country. The interview was fairly easy. First, is to test the language ability: German, French, etc. And then, is the hour... how many hours I could work for this internship.
Anonymer Mitarbeiter in Birmingham, England
Ich habe mich persönlich beworben. Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert im Jan. 2017 bei Extra Energy (Birmingham, England)
The interview was positive, they asked alot of questions around my skill set, we dis a lot of role plays and dd some test calls on the telephone and made up our own call script
Anonymer Bewerber im Vorstellungsgespräch in Birmingham, AL
Ich habe mich über eine Vermittlungsagentur beworben. Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert im März 2016 bei Extra Energy (Birmingham, AL)
They ask you to do a phone role play with at least 50 other members of qualified staff who already works there, on the other end of the phone line you have another member of staff pretending to be a potential customer who makes the role as difficult as having your teeth pulled out at the dentist. Not good.
Anonymer Bewerber im Vorstellungsgespräch in Birmingham, England
Ich habe mich über einen Personalvermittler beworben. Der Vorgang dauerte 6 Tage. Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert im März 2016 bei Extra Energy (Birmingham, England)
As a group..a personal introduction, then a group activity,a role play if you didn't do one in the pre screening on the phone then 1 to 1 interview. Job was offered a hour after leaving. No parking at the site!
Anonymer Mitarbeiter in Birmingham, England
Ich habe mich online beworben. Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert im Jan. 2016 bei Extra Energy (Birmingham, England)
The day consisted of an assessment in the morning which was a group activity, followed by a maths and english test. In the afternoon I was invited to a competency interview.
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Glassdoor bietet Millionen von Jobs sowie Gehaltsangaben, Arbeitgeberbewertungen und Fragen in Vorstellungsgesprächen, die von Bewerbern und Mitarbeitern gepostet wurden und Ihnen die Suche nach Ihrem Traumjob erleichtern.
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