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Oh no ! It seems that Lothar was too much hungry, and he ate your dragon friend ! You stare at him and his completely swollen, dragon-shaped belly. Lothar licks his snout with his blue slobbery tongue, then turns his head at you and says naturally: "Hurry up, my stomach digests quickly." His words are immediatly followed by a long and loud gurgle, his gut starts its work already. You hear a muffled voice coming from the inside, a voice that you recognize well. Yup.. it's definetely your dragon friend turned prey and begging for some help..! But how could you help him now he's tightly sealed in that fleshy prison ? Lothar blinks eyes, and sees your hesitation, or.. maybe your fascination, as the gurgling becomes a lot more frequent. "Time flies..."

Lothar is © to Me .
Artwork made by Vivamus_Lican .



What to do.. what to do...? Join them, of course!



The sound of my digestive tract is the best music.


If you don't mind getting swallowed whole, yea you can!


Yes!! Please do!! But first let me hug his thigh leg and feel his dragon weight gain :3

Not sure how i can help the dragon friend outta there, don't think Lothar will let him out easy


Lothar will let him out... At dragon toilets..

How about instead of digesting my dragon friend, I cook up something else for you to eat?






Heyy keep your maw away from me ! :O


I'll put my maw where i want, you already took a derg!



I think you're the one who needs to be more worried!

Is rubbing that wonderful bulge a good way to "help him"? ;3


Oh yes it will help~ It will help him digesting even quicker


*rubs the belly alot* to bad for that friend, all he is now is fat



Well there goes my dragon right where he belongs.


My stomach will take good care of him

I don't mind him being digested, at least he is doing some good for someone, *rubs his belly to help him digest faster*



ya know, I might just climb in after it.

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Not mine but really good Vore by krishna3ca "Oh! crap, what I do now?" you say. Your name is Timothy and you are 21 year old. Until now, you had a flawless career in the field of biophysics. You have graduated 1 year ago from the university and you were immediately hired by the government to work on top secret projects. Since your have been hire, you have been assigned to the quantum-field project, unofficially known as the shrinking machine. But now you are a little frightened. As you were approaching a breakthrough, you were so exited that you forgot to close correctly the test chamber. As the test was in progress, you were hit by some kind of radiations coming from your experience. The effect was immediate. You lost roughly 2 feet in two seconds. You were already a short guy before the accident (about 5 feet tall), but now you are so short that you can't reach the controls or the phone. Back to the present. You cannot stop thinking how stupid you were to expose yourself to the radiations. While cursing yourself for your current situation, you try to find some solutions for your little problem. Since there is no "growing machine" and no one around to help you (that what you get for working on the weekend), your options are very limited. Since you cannot do anything here about your size, and you don't want to pass the rest of the weekend here, you decided to leave the building. By luck, your half sister lives just two blocks away from the lab. You should have no difficulty to get there and since your clothes have shrunk with you, you may pass as a child. As you walk to your sister house, the world around you seem to be a lot bigger. It is not the first time that you go to your sister's house, but it was with your current size. Normally, you can reach her house in 15 minutes, but this time, even in hurry, you reach your destination in 30 minutes. When you faced the door, you try to reach the door knot, but your size don't allow you to do that, so you knock on your sister's door and impatiently wait for an answer. After have waited for 5 minutes, you knock again. You sincerely hope that your sister is there, because, if she isn't, you don't know what to do. After another 2 minutes, the door in front of you open, reveling your sister in the hallway. Laura is a very tall woman, about 6 feet tall, but for you she was a giantess. You always were a little jealous of her size. You may have the same mother, but her father gave her better genes in that area. Since she was born a few years before you, she always had been your big sister. When she opens the door, your sister looks around and was stun by surprise when she saw you. "Oh my god!, Timothy, is-it really you?" she says. "Hi Laura, yeah it's me." You respond. "What append to you?, you are so small" she says. "There been a accident at the lab, can I come in? I will explain all what append once inside, I don't want to be seen by anyone else." You say. "Yes, sure, enter." She says. You enter her house and she closes the door behind you. The two of you enter her living room. As you try to sit on the couch, your new size is causing some problems. Your sister cannot refrain herself to laugh when seeing you trying to get on the couch. "Here, let me help you." She says while helping you to get on the couch. "Thank" you say. As you sit down, you notice that your sister seem to find your situation amusing. You are not surprised by this because Laura is a light hearted woman, she always have fun, regardless of the situation or the consequences. That characteristic makes your sister a little strange and child-like. After Laura sits down, you start to recite your little adventure. You have no choice but to talk about the secret project you are working on. After you finish your story, your sister asks : "So?, what happens now?" "I don't know. I will go to the lab Monday. I don't know if they will able to restore me to my original size. The machine is still in the experimenting stage, and we don't know how to reverse the process. I might be stuck at this size for a while." You respond. "That not so bad, it will be like old times, I will get my little brother back." She says with happy tone. "Maybe, but I'm a little worried about the government. I don't think they will be happy if one of their secret programs is brought to the light. I fear that they may try to erase the evidence." you say. "Enough dark talk, it is almost dinner time, what do you want to do to pass the time?" she says. Before you could think of an answer, Laura says: "I know!..., we could play hide and seek! With your size, you could easily hide somewhere. Go hide, I will start chasing you in 30 seconds. This will be fun!" You are a little surprise by her idea. You are not sure what to do. Your sister puts her hands on her blue eyes and start counting. After Laura counts to three seconds, you decide to participate to her little game, beside your situation cannot get worse. You get down from the couch and start looking for a place to hide. You may be small, but it is not that easy to find a good hideaway. You enter your sister room when Laura reach 22. As you look around to find a good place to hide, you cannot miss to notice the huge aquarium on the back wall of her room. Your sister is the only girl that you know that keep a 3 meters boa in her bedroom. She even names it Bill, in honor of the founder of the company that tries to swallow everything that is smaller than them. You continue to hear your sister counting, you have to find a place to hide and fast! It is then that you find a place to hide behind the television, beside the aquarium. As you squeeze yourself behind the tv, you can hear Laura finish counting and start searching. You can easily say that she is having a great time as she can't seem to stop giggling while searching you. As you quietly wait behind the television, you hear some movement from the aquarium beside you. You turn you head and look at the aquarium. From your position, you can't see a thing except some leafs moving. You start thinking about changing of hideaway when you see your sister enter her room and say: "Hehehe, where are you little one?, come on, there is no hiding from me." You bend a little your knees and hope she doesn't see you and that Bill doesn't attract her attention. As Laura searches her room, you can hear some increase activities coming from the aquarium. You turn you head to look when you see Bill pushes the cover of the aquarium. The snake's head is almost the same size as your head. You can see its tongue flickering in the air, smelling you. Without anymore thoughts, you get out of your hiding place in hurry. "Oh!, there you are! It seems that little Billy here has forced you out of hiding, hehehe" Laura says. "Well, yeah, if I had stayed there he could have bitten me." You respond. While putting Bill backs in its aquarium, Laura says: "Don't be angry at Bill, he just though that you look tasty." "That reassuring!" you say. "Well, you are about the same size as its meal. You are so small than even I can swallow you." She says. "Yeah, very funny" you say. "No, it's true, I can swallow you." She responds. "Come on Laura, I'm maybe small, but I'm still too big for you swallow." You say. "No, I'm pretty sure that I can. I have already swallowed a melon big as you once." She says. "That impossible." You say. "Yes I can. I will prove it to you. Remove your clothes" Laura says. "What!, you can't be serious" you say. "Yes, I'm. I can't swallow you with your clothes on. You can keep your underwear. Come on, it will be fun!" she says. After a few seconds of hesitations, you finally say ok and do what she asked. "Cool, It will be fun!" she says. Few seconds later, you stand shrunken before your half sister while weary only your underwear. "Oh, you are so cute!" Laura says while picking you up. She then put you down on her bed and sits beside you. "Hmmm, it is true that you are big." She says. "I told you that you can't swallow me." You say. "You migh
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