Vore Captions

Vore Captions


Vore Captions
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Vore Captions - Willing Or Unwilling
This contains vore of a minor, a painful digestion, and a disposal scene. You are Daisy, a skinny 13 year old schoolgirl with shoulder length brown hair. The story starts with you sitting in class, the teacher drones on about vore, mainly being swallowed and digested. You sit there bored until he puts on a demonstration video of a young girl being swallowed alive, this seems to peak your interest. That video occupies your mind long after the lesson ended. You even nearly walk into traffic while on your walk home, only being stopped by a friendly passers-by. All the way home you couldn't shake the thought of being devoured. You decide you want to be vored. You know this was a one way trip, so you have to be careful in who you chose, luckily you know just the person. You unlock your front door and enter your home. This is a fairly standard house. A kitchen, a bathroom upstairs and a living room. Your mother rounded the corner, coming out the living room to greet you. You stare at your mother. She is wearing a dark grey suit with a with shirt, the waist on the suit was incredibly thin. "Welcome back Daisy, how was school". "It was fine" you answer simply, you don't want to ask her yet. Your eyes are drawn to her C cupped breasts as you wonder how they'll look later. "That's nice, my day was god awful" she says almost ignoring what you said, "I've had meetings all day today, tomorrow doesn't look any better either". Your eyes drift from her perky chest, down to her flat stomach. "Have you eaten?" You ask. "Nothing since 6 this morning" she responded patting her stomach, "we'll have takeout tonight, I'm thinking Chinese". "Uh, yea, that sound alright" you say with no intention of letting her eat. "I'll order later then, i need to take a nap first" she says turning and walking back into the living room. You walk up the stairs to your room closing the door behind you. You still have some time to spare, you take out your phone and looked for more videos of girls getting digested. You even found even found a video teaching you what to do if you want to be eaten, along with a live demonstration. It was a mother and daughter pair, the mother was wearing nothing but a black set of underwear and the daughter was in a school outfit, she looked younger than you. A voice over started listing of the steps as you watched the two. 1) make sure your desired predator hasn't already eaten. 2) make sure your desired predator is willing to eat you. 3) make sure you remove any clothing with indigestible pieces (i.e. shirts with buttons) On this cue the girl unbuttoned the shirt of her school uniform, discarding it of the side of the screen. The mother lifted the girl swallowing her head, going until they reached her hips. 4) squirm slightly while being swallowed, this will help you slide in easier. The girl wiggled her hips Her legs slide into her mothers mouth. 5) once inside the stomach, curl up into the fetal position. The girl makes a clear outline on the stomach, every detail of her body getting shown off. 6) relax and enjoy, try not to struggle too much as this may cause painful cramps to your predator. There was then a couple of cuts in the video showing the different stages of the gut as the meal inside was digested. By the end of the video, the stomach was once again flat and the mothers chest bigger. You look at the time. The clock reads 7:30pm. You decide it's time for dinner and make your way back downstairs. You found your mother still napping on the couch. You gently shake her awake. She wakes up groggily and confused. "Oh, Daisy, oh shoot i haven't ordered food yet, we still good for chinese" she says, reaching for her phone. "About that...". Your face flushes bright pink. "Whats wrong sweetie" your mother asks concerned. "I want to be food tonight" you mutter quietly. Your mothers eyes goes wide as she hears you. "You what" "I want to be food, i want to be eaten" You say, your face getting hotter. "Sweetie, you dont want to be eaten..." your mother says, trying to convince you otherwise. "I do, i want to be eaten" you say a bit louder this time. "You know you'll be digested right" You nod rapidly. She sighs, "Are you absolutely certain about this". "Yes" you try to say confidently. "Well... alright then" she surrenders. On this you stand up strait and begin to take off your white school top, it has buttons after all. You turn to fade her as she stares at your flat stomach and your A cup breasts covered by a bright pink bra. Your face can't become much pinker now, you decide to keep your underwear and skirt on so you don't pass out from embarrassment. "Open wide" you say timidly. She reluctantly complies and opens her mouth, sticking her tongue out. You bend over and stare into her mouth. Her warm breath blows onto your face. You close you eyes and place your head inside her mouth. She lickes your face all over. Despite not planning on eating you, she was intending on enjoying it. Her soft, red lips fully engulf your head, sliding down you neck reaching your collarbone. Your head was squeezed into the tight throat passage as she opened her mouth wider to shove your shoulders inside. Remembering the video, you squirm, pushing your shoulders into the throat as your mothers tongue reached your breasts. This proved little obstacle as her lips slid down your torso, reaching your waist. Once she was at your hips, she lifted your body in the air, leaving your lower half hanging in the air. Your head had now entered the stomach, it was sticky, hot and reeked of acid. Sliding over your skirt she place your buttcheecks into her mouth. You let out an involuntary moan. With your legs in the air, she slid your thighs in, causing the rest of your torso to join your head in the stomach chamber. It wasn't long before she had passed your calfs, reaching your feet. She gave these a thorough lick, causing you to giggle. With your feet in her mouth, it only took her one more swallow, plus a toe curl from you, to completely engulf your body. Once your feet entered the chamber, you had completely curled into the fetal position, like the video instructed. "Di-Did i taste nice" you say awkwardly. Your mother chuckles. "Yes love, you tasted delicious" Your mother lets out a burp, shaking the stomach. "Oh dear, where are my manners" she chuckles again. "Now for step 6" you think to yourself as your mother relaxs back on the couch. You hear the T.V turn on as your mother holds her protruding gut. You sit inside her, underwear and skirt now soaked, waiting to be digested. While you wait, you reflect on the life you just gave away, maybe you should have gotten a boyfriend, maybe you should have studied harder for school. Not that thinking would help much, you are stuck. 3 hours pass "This is strange" you think. Your mothers stomach has been making groans for a while now, but the acids aren't rising. "Are you going to digest me" you ask your mother. "Sorry dear, i think you've given me indigestion" your mother groans back. "Maybe.." your mother lets out a yawn, "a nice nap will fix this". Just like that, she leans back on the couch and drifts off to sleep. She starts snoring. You hear the T.V turn off automatically, leaving you with nothing but the sound of the stomach. It isn’t long before it's your turn, the gentle kneading of the stomach walls and the low gurgling playing a lullaby of sorts, helps you drift off as well. 8 hours later The indigestion persists through the night, leaving you unharmed come morning. You are woken by a sudden shift in the stomach in the stomach and your mothers frantic muttering, "I'm going to be late". You feel your mother getting quickly changed, then running out the door. All this time she moves your swaying back and forth inside her. She gets in the car, you hear it driving, then stop. "Hey, Daisy, Sweetie, can you hear me". "Yea mum". "I have to go into this important meeting, so please try not to make too much noise" she says panicking. "I'll try". The car door opens and the swaying continues, soon you can hear your mothers coworkers hurrying around. You hear an elavator ding. "Hi Sasha" you hear a nearby voice say. "Hello Patty" your mother responds. You feel another hand touching your back through the stomach walls. "So, who's the lucky snack?" Patty asks, rubbing the stomach. You think back to the video, remembering the outline of the girl, you must be glaringly obvious. The thought of people seeing you like this makes you flush pink again. "It's my daughter" your mother says out of breath. "Oh, how lovely" says Patty, finally taking her hand off you. "She wanted to be dinner last night, got a bad case of indigestion though". "And here i was hoping to be the next snack in your belly" Patty laughs nonchalantly. "Not until your reports are done, your holding up the rest of the office" your mother says crossly. The elevator dings again. "This is my floor" your mother says before the swaying continues. You hear a door close and a group of people talking, the meeting must have just started. 30 minutes pass, it feels like hours though, the meeting is more boring than your classes, until... You feel a stinging creeping up from the bottom of the stomach, the acids had begun to rise. Almost as if to compensate for the indigestion, the stomach was kicked into hogh gear. 5 minutes pass and the acids had risen pass your butt, dissolving yout skirt and underwear. The stinging is extremely painful, you want to scream, but you remember your mother told you to be quiet. Realising digestion had kicked in your mother placed her hand on your back. Another 5 minutes pass, the acid reaches your stomach, all the skin at the bottom of the stomach is peeling away to reveal muscle. The pain caused some involuntary movements, your back slams into the table, shaking it. You can hear you mother apologising profusely. You try to stay as still as possible, the pain is so intense that you feel tears fill your eyes. 10 minutes pass, the acids reach your breasts, burning a hole in the bra stap, causing it to fall in the acid. The stomach starts shaking violently. BBUUUAAARRRP!!!! Your mother belches, out her mouth flies the partly digested remains of the pink bra. It lands in the middle of the meeting table. Frantic swaying begins as she quickly scoops up the bra, throwing it away. The meeting slowly starts up again, not that you really cared, the pain was keeping you occupied. You continue to stay as quiet as you can, the meat from your butt and feet have peeled off, leaving only bone. The acid goes above your shoulders, your previously petite form was half digested. At last the acid covers your mouth, killing you. Over the next hour, your mother sat through the rest of her meeting without any more interuptions. The stomach containing the corpse of her daughter slowly shrinking, crushing your bones. By the end of the meeting, the stomach once flat once more. She runs to the women's bathroom, "good, noone here" she says. Picking a stall she releases you from your confines. She leaves behing a long brown log, containing clumps of hair and nails, as well as the hole ridden waistband of your skirt. She attempts to flush but the toilet clogs. "Shit, i told them to make these predator friendly" she curses as she leaves the stall. She walks upto the sink and looks into the mirror, she suddenly unbuttons her blouse exposing her bare breasts. "Luckily nobody noticed my bra snap" she sighed, squeezing her chest. She looked into the mirror a while longer, admiring her daughters additions to her now D cup breasts. She buttons up her shirt before anyone walked in, washed her hand and left the bathroom to continue her work day, leaving her ex-daughter in the toilet for some poor janitor to unblock.

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For "Real" Vore. You find captions and vore morphs in this folder.

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It was like any other morning when I got up. However, I didn't like having to go through the same thing over and over again. To be completely honest, I find such a thing very boring. Well, who doesn't? I was never really the kind of guy that stuck out. I was just a normal guy that lived with his mother and his older sister.

My sister was only a year older than me and I've heard a lot of people say that she's a beautiful girl. Megan's about my height and has blonde hair that she usually has in a ponytail. We get along pretty well too, so that's nice. Our mother also happens to be very kind to both of us. As soon as I got up, I left my room an
Ava was a sixteen-year-old girl, thin, with pale skin, light eyes and long blond hair. She lived with her family, including her brother, Mason, who had blonde hair and light eyes like her sister. Ava couldn't bear to be with Mason. He was a very troublesome child and did everything he could to annoy his sister. One day, their parents had to leave and left Ava to take care of Mason. She, however, had a perfect idea to get rid of her brother. "Hey, little bro! Wanna see something cool?" she asked him. "What?" he asked. "Close your eyes and I'll show you!" she said. "Why?" asked him. "Just close them already!" she ordered him. He obeyed her and closed his eyes. Just after he did it, Ava started to open her mouth wide. She grabbed her brother's arms and then started to push him inside her mouth. He felt something slimy around her and, when he opened his eyes, he realized he was inside his sister's mouth. Her fleshy, sticky tongue started to lick him and
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