Volunteer - Code of Conduct

Volunteer - Code of Conduct

Dharma Bharat Foundation

The purpose of this Code of Practice is to ensure consistent application of the Values and ethos of the Foundation by all Volunteers.

Volunteer shall –

1. TAKE CARE of personal safety and use personal protective equipment as needed.

2. BE POLITE, courteous and treat all people with respect and dignity. Act / behave without caste, creed, color, race or religion during Seva / service / official duties.

3. ACT with probity, due prudence and should take and follow the advice of the Foundation.

4. AVOID carrying personal belongings / valuables during their seva / service duration. During inevitable circumstances, if they were to carry, to be kept in the place authorised by the Foundation.

5. PERFORM their official duties only in the area allocated and take due care to restrict services only to the duty allocated.

6. BE provided with the support needed to do the service, including necessary equipment, supplies, workspace and helpful supervision and guidance.

7. NOT ACT in a manner to gain financial or other material benefit for themselves, their families, their relatives or their friends from the Foundation.

8. NOT PLACE oneself under any financial or other obligations to outside individual organisations that might influence him / her in the performance of his / her duties / services to be performed.

9. CONDUCT oneself in a manner, which does not damage or undermine the reputation of the Foundation or in conflict with the Objects which might damage the reputation of the Trust.

10. NOT encourage, entertain, and accommodate one’s family members, friends, relatives etc. in the Foundation premises during their official service timings other than the Object of the Foundation. Relatives can also serve as Volunteers. They will not be placed for service / position directly under the existing volunteer.

11. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for their actions while discharging or carrying out services / official duties.

12. TAKE ACTIVE PART in nominated teams / programs & initiatives and take all reasonable steps to ensure that other Co-Volunteers are kept fully up-to-date with the information provided by the Trust.

13. SINCERELY co-operate with other volunteers, staff, and Board members etc. during official duties. When called, shall attend all meetings regularly.

14. MAINTAIN confidentiality on the matters discussed in the meeting with the Foundation.

15. ENSURE entry & exit timing is recorded by the Volunteers as per the system provided. Follow access control. Not stay or remain in the premises other than the service timings allocated.

16. ALWAYS bear Volunteer Identity Card, as provided, by the Foundation during the service period.

17. NOT RECEIVE any remuneration or reimbursement for one’s services / official duties, from whomsoever.

18. FOLLOW dress code. Wear appropriate clothing that protects human dignity during service timings.

19. PAY due compensation for any act, which results in damage of any article, machinery or property of the Trust.

20. RAISE concerns, if any volunteer, working against the interest of the Foundation, its Objects, purpose, programmes & initiatives.

21. FOLLOW all policies, processes, guidelines of the Foundation. Sign code of conduct, intellectual property & confidentiality agreement.l, as appropriate. Observe confidentially when needed, and engage in appropriate public behavior at all times.

22. PARTICIPATE in the feedback process of your volunteering experience. Give constructive suggestions for improvement in your assigned or any area.

23. UNDERGO orientation / training to help to perform your job / services. Suitable assignment shall be provided based upon your interest, skills and capabilities and availability as well as needs.

24. GET an opportunity to work as part of a team, to contribute to the welfare of the Trust and community as a whole.

25. DEVELOP skills & capabilities by participating in learning and development opportunities. Learn as much as you can to do the best job / service possible.


I, ……………………………………………………………… S/o | D/o | W/o ………………………………………….

I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood the Code of Conduct / Practice as mentioned above and abide by the same.


(Signature with Name & Date)

Volunteer - SatyaDharma Pramanam

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