Voltage OS v3.5

Voltage OS v3.5


OSS vendor based:
• Use latest MIUI 14 firmware according to your region.
• Vanilla Build. (use gapps provided in support grp's note : Recommended is MTG)
• Reporting bugs without proper logs will be considered as feature :)
• MIUI Camera included
• Motorola Dolby included
• Anything that's not part of rom.zip have no support.
• Use the recovery mentioned in notes on support group.
• Check support group for screenshots.

• Clean flash needed

Source Changelog

Almost all the goodies from v3.4 with additions being

 - Signed Builds

 - Redesigned VoltageOS recovery

 - Disable Smart Pixels on UDFPS

Device side Changelog:

- sepolicy: Move common wakeup nodes to qcom sepolicy

- Switch to common compatibility_matrix.xml

- Drop prebuilt display stack

- Kang libsdedrm.so from Nubia Z20

- Redo libsdmcore shim

- Drop soundtrigger and hotword enrollment blobs

- Build missing libraries for 14 QPR3

- Build missing VNDK libraries

- Partially revert "Move to QTI health AIDL service"

- Use common libqti-perfd-client and power-libperfmgr

- Use the common excluded-input-devices.xml

- Drop power AIDL extension

- sepolicy: Label double_tap sysfs node

- Set permissions for double tap to wake node

- Set double_tap mode via powerhint

- Switch to common compatibility_matrix.xml

- sepolicy: Move common wakeup nodes to qcom sepolicy

- merged LA.UM.9.1.1.r1-04800-RENNELL.QSSI12.0 Caf tag in kernel

- fixed 60 hz stuck after restart

@kanishk, @shuttercat, (for helping) ❤️

@earslan0, @Alen2_4 (for server ❤️)
@Rc200044 ,@earslan0, @virtualord, @bnexus (for testing) ❤️


Report Page