Volentix : Ecosystem of Digital Assets

Volentix : Ecosystem of Digital Assets


So happy to call each and everyone attention to the most straightforward, extensible and unbreakable stage. At this point you should know that the digital money business has been drawing sincere ecumenical consideration as of late? Such a significant number of individuals have put resources into the digital currency showcase and amplifying gains. It's qualified to take note of that crypto speculations which are online ventures predicated on the blockchain innovation is genuinely especially profitably rewarding. Individuals are continually testing for venture extends that especially dependable and have an incredible future. Presently recall how I let you know folks that the world is essentially led by business, and business then again is led by data in this age, reality whoever, is that the measure of data you have about a business decides how effective you'll be in that business. Furthermore, this is the reason we are here to convey to our perusers crypto speculators reports on world most prominent ICOs. I have dependably observed cryptographic money news, and today I ran over an exceptionally spellbinding venture with great digital currency future. Give me a chance to acquaint you with one of best digital currency decentralized venture Volentix https://volentix.io/

EOS.IO is a structure like a framework that can manufacture conveyed applications. This item gives accounts, check, databases, offbeat correspondence, bundles between gatherings. Segments and conventions have been incorporated with the stage, and you can just utilize a subset to meet VDex necessities. VDex first can appreciate all the exceptional standard capacities EOS.IO brings to the table, for example, making notes and wallets and recouping stolen keys. Thus, we will understand a convention for making dispersed exchanges through contracts. 

About Volentix 

Volentix is a Project that is building synergistic programming that can expand digital money utilization. Volentix biological communities as of now incorporate decentralized digital money trades that don't have client individual resources or data, multi-cash crypto wallets, cash crypto investigative machines with positioning dashboards upheld by man-made consciousness. Volentix develops and is bolstered by VTX tokens issued on the EOS blockchain and Volentix is as yet developing. 

An agreement among digital money clients is that taking care of monetary standards must be disentangled and moved forward. What's more, as a result of the intricacy of a decentralized framework, clients and financial specialists have minimal other approach to increase adequate learning to decisively gauge their venture. The interface offered by the earth is tokenized and dApps they can advance better client suggestions by introducing data in a progressively ergonomic, well-known and educational way. Along these lines, VDex is a decentralized trade in view of clients and networks. Utilizing probably the most recent ideal models and set up conventions for security, usability and multi-resource bolster, these low-grinding shared trades hold fast to open norms and guarantee a smooth and agreeable stream between decentralized applications. 

Using Verto, the flexible and exceedingly adaptable crypto wallet, VDex gives simple to-utilize alternatives to security, obscurity and speed of installment. Open request books bolster joining with other decentralized trades, which essentially results in huge scale decentralized trade trades, adding to the liquidity and adequacy of every single associated trade. VDex is likewise a column in the Volentix biological community, the DApps arrange that synergizes to advance more noteworthy liquidity for clients while improving and enhancing client encounter, giving comfort to clients, and amplifying client exchange security.

Four types of Volcanic Ecosystems are below:

VENUE is a dynamic network stage that initiates and fits individuals from the VOLENTIX people group to help the appropriation of local VOLENTIX computerized resources known as VTX. 

VERTO is being worked as a multi-money wallet to encourage individual supervision and nearby administration for private and open keys to be utilized in distributed exchanges, with the point of disposing of the danger of extensive misfortunes identified with offers related with horrendous disappointments of focal administrators. 

VESPUCCI is a work in progress as a scientific motor that can be gotten to through an easy to use interface with fortunes of ongoing and verifiable market information, including computerized resource evaluations and supposition investigation 

VDEX is envisioned as a disseminated and decentralized advanced resource trade with an accentuation on client encounter, security, speed, confirmation, usability, adaptability, multi-resource support, and network improvement and administration completed by decentralized self-governing associations (DAO) based on applications made explicitly utilizing EOS.IO shrewd contracts and related advances.

Token information

Token VTX

Platform EOS

Type EOS Price in ICO 0.3300 USD

Average price 0.00 USD

ROI - 100.00%


In the formal sale, it is currently planned that bonuses will be offered through a progressively adjusting algorithm based on scaled pricing (see below). There is also a 200 VTX bonus currently available simply for successfully completing the whitelist approval process.

Tokens for sale 1,619,000,000

Investment info

Accepting BTC, BCH, EOS, ETH

Distributed in ICO 78%

Soft cap 3000000 USD

Hard cap 48500000 USD


February 2014 MtGox Hacked.

November 2015 Cryptsy Disappears.

Q2 2016 A Storm is brewing.

Q3 2016 Pythagoras Systems.

Q4 2016 Serious talks begin.

Q2 2017 Founders agree on the need for an R&D partner in Canada.

Q3 2017 Startegic partnerships are formed in London, UK and Istanbul, Turkey.

Q4 2017 Decentralized from inception.

Q1 2018 Volentix Labs is growing.

Q2 2018 And so it begins.

Q3 2018 Present day.

Q4 2018 Everything Changes.

Q1 2019 Ready for market.

Q2 2019 Vespucci Beta.

Q3 2019 VCard white paper.

Q4 2019 VDEX.IO Launch.


For more information click below useful links:

Website: https://volentix.io/

Greenpaper: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwGIInwwYid4ZVRnZVc0M1VUM25CcjRCRVpIaGk1NTJzOGFj

Whitepaper: https://s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/volentix/VDexWhitePaper.pdf?

Telehram: https://t.me/volentix

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Volentix

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Volentix/

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5048597

Github: https://github.com/Volentix/venue-client



Bitcoin Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2274930

ETH: 0x1b8E697dA9D4b6687B8a6Ad8a3bF351d3C29dFFe

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