VoidUI Tiramisu | Android 13 Stable Release

VoidUI Tiramisu | Android 13 Stable Release

VoidUI Team & @johnmart19

VoidUI Tiramisu Project is back!

Based on Android 13 QPR1 Release 30


* GameSpace

* Own Updater & OTA updates

* Included ART fixes for best device CPU support & Kryo585 optimizations

* Per-app volume control

* Full Screen Navigation mode

* Full working AOD & Smartspace

* GameProps with hides for popular games

* Custom QS Tiles

* Burn-in protection for status/navbar

* Latest Crowdin tranlsations for all system customizations

* Ignore window secure flags (Can make screenshots in any app)

* And way more...

Device Side Features implemented for Alioth/in by VoidUI Team:

* DC Dimming - Less hurt for your eyes

* TouchFeature - Control your touchscreen in best way for your apps and games! Available in Gaming and Benchmark Profiles.

* Qualcomm Perfomance System & Perfomance mode

* DisplayFeature Service & Support of Vivid, Saturated, Original, P3 and sRGB Display Modes

* Xiaomi VibratorFeature for proper device Haptics

* Advanced Dolby Support (Miui Dolby Engine + OnePlus App to control + Dolby AC3 Works with Apple Music)

* Fixed for Modem crashes in specific environments

* Using latest Snapdragon LLVM OEM Compiler for kernel compilations

* And way more...

Also available Device Side Features:

* High Brightness Mode

* MiSound

* Refresh Rate QS Tile

* And More...

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