Voice перевод с английского

Voice перевод с английского

Voice перевод с английского

Перевод слова voice

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Перевод 'voice' на русский

The sound and tones human beings are able to produce with the vocal cords. Sound uttered by the mouth, especially that uttered by human beings in speech or song; steven; sound thus uttered considered as possessing some special quality or character; as, the human voice; a pleasant voice; a low voice. The faculty or power of utterance; as, to cultivate the voice. Opinion or choice expressed; judgment; a vote. Command; precept; — now chiefly used in scriptural language. One who speaks; a speaker. Sound uttered by the mouth, especially by human beings in speech or song; sound thus uttered considered as possessing some special quality or character. Sound made through vibration of the vocal cords; sonant, or intonated, utterance; tone; — distinguished from mere breath sound as heard in whispering and voiceless consonants. The tone or sound emitted by an object. The faculty or power of utterance. Language; words; speech; expression; signification of feeling or opinion. Opinion or choice expressed; judgment. A particular way of inflecting or conjugating verbs, or a particular form of a verb, by means of which is indicated the relation of the subject of the verb to the action which the verb expresses. In harmony, an independent vocal or instrumental part in a piece of composition. A flag associated with a user on a channel, determining whether or not they can send messages to the channel. To give utterance or expression to; to utter; to publish; to announce. To fit for producing the proper sounds; to regulate the tone of. To vote; to elect; to appoint. To clamor; to cry out. To assign the voice flag to a user on IRC, permitting them to send messages to the channel. To act as a voice actor to portray a character. The tone or sound emitted by anything. A term used in phonetics and phonology to characterize speech sounds, with sounds described as either voiceless unvoiced or voiced. Подобные фразы в словаре английский русский. Aircraft voice communication equipment Бортовая аппаратура речевых сообщений. Enterprise Voice Корпоративная голосовая связь. Enterprise Voice client клиент корпоративной голосовой связи. Outlook Voice Access голосовой доступ к Outlook. Outside Voice Control Управление внешней голосовой связью. The Lonely Voice of Man Одинокий голос человека. The Voice of the Moon Голос Луны. Voice Information Reporting System Речевой информатор. Voice Mail Preview просмотр голосовой почты. Voice of America Голос Америки. Voice of Asia Голос Азии. Voice of Beslan Голос Беслана. Voice of Freedom Голос Свободы. Voice of Russia Голос России. Voice User Interface голосовой пользовательский интерфейс. Voices of a Distant Star Голос далёкой звезды. Yes, we appreciate the views voiced by the delegation of Belarus. Найдено предложения с фразой voice. Найдено за 49 мс. Накопители переводов создаются человеком, но выравниваются с помощью компьютера, что может вызвать ошибки. Они приходят из многих источников и не проверяются.

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