Во сколько начинает работать транспорт

Во сколько начинает работать транспорт

Во сколько начинает работать транспорт

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Moscow Welcome to the heart of Russia Where Location, area and population Picks top picks and useful information Entries entries Numbers best places and outstanding people. One of the world largest cities, a modern metropolis, the capital and ancient center of the Russian state with a history going back many centuries. It is the city, which everyone should visit. Moscow today is a fast growing European metropolis with modern architecture, a sophisticated transport infrastructure and the most beautiful metro in the world! It is a city that never sleeps. Until today, the ancient layout of the streets has been preserved, the unique monuments of ancient Russian architecture and the baroque, masterpieces of Russian classicism and art nouveau, extremely rare properties, which had belonged to the nobility and the Tsars. It is a city unlike any others. The Soviet period gave Moscow broad avenues, large squares, a uniquely beautiful and functional metro, avant-garde and constructivist masterpieces, areas with experimental buildings and the legendary Stalin skyscrapers. The city is a garden. In Moscow, you will find objects of cultural interest known all over the world, including the famous Bolshoi Theatre, where everyone wants to go. More than theaters, an incredible number of museums, exhibition halls, festivals and cultural awards for all tastes. It is a city of great culture. Bears, caviar, vodka, Matrioshkas? Street festivals dedicated to Russian holidays are regularly held in Moscow. Do you want to feel like late 17th century boyars or maybe ride on a 'troika with bells? It is a city where everything is possible. Welcome to 'Discover Moscow' — a collaborative project of the Department of Education, Department of Cultural Heritage, Department of Culture and Department of Information Technology. TOTAL AREA sq mi. POPULATION within city limits. Ways to get to Moscow. Moscow is the main transportation hub of Russia, so to get to the city is quite easy by any means of transport. You can reach the Russian capital with full comfort, no matter how — by plane, by train, by bus or by car. Hunting for a visa. To enter the Russian Federation, citizens of foreign countries need a visa, with an exception for the citizens of the states, which have signed agreements with Russia on mutual visa-free entry. Consular departments of Russian embassies and travel agencies are dealing with the visas to Russia. Moscow without anxiety and danger. Moscow is one of the safest European capitals for tourists. You can walk day and night in the main city of Russia without thinking continually about the risks and dangers. Nevertheless, here are a few simple rules, which work in any modern metropolis, you should follow in Moscow also. Moscow is undoubtedly a city of contrasts. Here you can still feel like boyars of the 18th century, with all these 'Gypsies and bears. Tasty food in Moscow. But the capital of Russia as a normal metropolis may surprise on many sides: Below you will find the gastronomy possibilities that guests of Moscow can enjoy. Moscow public transport consists of a metro service and ground transport - trams, trolleybuses and buses. Commuter trains with stops within the city run from all urban railroad stations — they can also be a convenient means of transportation.

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