Vlora Hydroponics

Vlora Hydroponics

Vlora Hydroponics

Vlora Hydroponics



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Vlora Hydroponics

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Vlora Hydroponics


Vlora Hydroponics

The first group of three digits is the code for the species; the second group represents the пате of variety provided under the code. In absence of 'Sel. Registration: Indicates the first year of registration in the of:ficial register of species and cultivated varieties, which is va1id for а ten year term. Re-registration: Indicates the year of re-registration of variety, which is va1id for а term. Grupi i рагё prej тге shifrash jep xcdin е species; grupi i dуtё рёrfаqёsоп emrin е varietetit tё dhёпё пё kod. Varieteti: specie. Regjistrimi: Shёпоп vitin е рагё tё regjistrimit пё геgjistriп zyrtar tё specieve е varieteteve tё kultivuar, regjistrim i cili ёshtё i v еfshёт рёг пjё регiudhё deri 10 vjet. Riregjistrimi: Shёпоп vitin е гiп;gjistгimit tё varietetit, i cili ёshtё i vlеfshёп рёг fljё periudhё deri 1О vjet. Avena byzantina К. Plloidia: Tetrap. Рёппеп зеl Xh. Gozhita зеl М. Gozhita V. Malo M. Shima M. РеПТlеti 5е! RegJI- R Instltutt strlml gjistriml Kodl Emri Тip! Gоzhitэ 5el Univers. P6rmeti 8el а. К liтоп! Kokrra: Bardh е Ьагdhё d. Тipi: К. Fasulja qorre т. Walp var. Kikiriku Arachis hypogaea L. Poly 2Е Poli Tribel njiёfar. Germiteti Nje - Njёfaгёsh Sh. ВаЬо J. Muzaka, N. Karsteex Farw. Kutrolli M. Hallidri 1. Hill Trifili i kua Trifolium incarnatum L. Маffз Pitau Instituti Pyj. Kull Inst. Hyssopus officinalis L. Lаvапdulа angustifolia. Sinapis alba L. Ervum lens L. Walp - Fasulja qorre С - Kolza vajore Gossypium spp. Merrill - Soja Helianthus anuuus L. Lotusi Lupinus albus L. C -Lakra foragjere. Atropa belladona L. Brassica nigra L. Koch - Sinapi i zi. Carum caгvi L. Coriandrum sativum L.. Chrysanthemum cineraria var. Lavandula angustifolia Miller - Livandoja. Majorana hoгtensis L. Malva silvestris L. Маtпсагiа chamomilla L - Kamomili. Mentha р. Ocimum оазшсшп L. Pimpinetla anisum L. Rozmarinus officinalis L. Salvia officinalis L. Salvia sclares L. Satuгea hoгtensis L. Thymus vulgaris L. Valeriana officinalis L. Neni 1 Kushte tё рёгgjithshmе tё regjistrimit tё varieteteve пё Shqiрёгi Regjistrimi i пjё varieteti пё regjistrin shqiptar tё varieteteve tё specieve tё kultivuara kёгkоп: 1. Оё пjё varietet i ri tё kеtё tipare tё dallueshme nga varietetet е tjегё tё njohur tё regjistruar пё katalog. Оё tё kеtё identitet tё рёгсаktuаг miгё, tё jеtё varietet i fiksuar, homogjen dhe stаьёl. Тё kеtё vlera рёг рёгdогim е kultivim. Nёsе shfaqet interes рёг zgjatjen е регiudhёs sё regjistrimit tё пjё varieteti, kёгkеsа i paraqitet KSHAV. Кёгкева paraqitet dy vjet рага skadimit mbarimit tё afatit tё regjistrimit tё mёрагshёm sipas Direktivave tё Кёshillit tё Komunitetit Euгopian пг С. Кёгkesаduhеt tё paraqitet пё dy kopje пjёга prej tё cilave пё formularin lеgаllёshuаг nga Enti Shtеtёгог i Fагёгаvе dhe Fidапёvе Тiгапё ESHF dhe duhet рёrfuпdimisht tё mьёггijё пё ESHF brenda 15 janarit е 15 korrikut tё 9do viti respektivisht рёг varietetet qё mbillen пё ргапvегё dhe рёг ato qё mbillen пё vjеshtё. Nё kёгkеsёп рёг regjistrim рёг tё сilёп Ьёп fjаlё neni 2 i kёsаj rregulloreje duhet tё precizohen: а. Gjeneralitetet е seleksionerit qё kёгkоп regjistrimin е varietetit аро gjeneralitetet е peгsonit juridik tё autorizuar prej tij рёг tё paraqituг kёгkеsёп рёг regjistrim sipas nenit 5 tё ligjit пг. Еmёгtimi i varietetit с. Еmёгtimi ferma аро institucioni ku mbahet ruhet раstёгtiа е vaгietetit. Nёsе рёг tё пjёпjtiп vaгietet ёshtё paraqituг kёгkеsё рёг regjistrimin пё regjistrin е varleteteve tё псогпё shteti tjеtёг, апёtаг i Unionit Europian dhe tё tjегё, пё сiliп shtet dhe сна eshte pergjigja е kёгkеsёs. Ripгodhime fotografike пё shkаllёп е Ыmёs ose рjеsёvе tё saj qё shёгьеjпё рёг tё identifikuar sаktё varietetin dhe eventualisht riprodhime grafike tё karakteristikave tё уесагпа. Rezultatet е provave eksperimentale zyrtare, ku jапё kгyer. Рёг krijuesit kёгkuеsit е huaj ёshtё i пеvоjshёm caktimi i пjё рёrfаqsuеsi пё Shqiрёгi те mandat zyrtar. Рёг varietetet е specieve perimore duhet precizuar пё kёгkеsёп е paraqitur пёsе kёгkоhеt regjistrimi i varietetit пё seksionin 'а' ose 'Ь'. Nё seksionin 'а' рёrfshihеп vcjrietetet, fara е tё сilёvе duhet tё. Nё seksionin 'Ь' рёrfshihеп varietetet, fara е tё сilёvе nuk kontrollohet те 'fагёп е mоstгёs Neni4 Ваshkёпgjituгkёгkеsёs рёг regjistrimin рёгmепduг пё nenet 2 dhe 3, krijuesi i varietetit duhet tё рагаqеsё kopje tё tё dгеjtёs sё krijuesit tё varietetit рёг tё сilёп kёгkоhеt regjistrimi пё regjistrin zyгtar. Кёгkеsёп рёгkаtёsе рёг njohjen е tё dгеjtёs sё krijuesit tё varietetit рёг tё сilёп kёгkоhеt regjistrimi пё regjistrin е varieteteve пjё kopje е kёгkеsёs duhet tё paraqitet пё formularin ligjor. Shёпim: Ку formular i Ьаshkёпgjitеt kёsаj rregulloreje. Рёгshkгimi i varietetit: еmёгtimi i pгopozuar i рёгshkгuаг те hоllёsi, тёпуга те tё сilёп ёshtё krijuar varieteti dhe tiparet е ndгyshme tё паfугёs mortologjike dhe fiziologjike qё е Ьёjпё аtё tё dallohet nga varietetet е tjera tё njohura tё ngjajshme те tё. Kur рёг prodhimin е пjё varieteti nevojitet рёгdогimi i рёгsёгituг i пjё varieteti tjеtёг duhen рёгshkгuаг edhe tiparet е kёtij tё fundit. Relacion i shkuгtёг qё ilustron stгukturёп, organizimin dhe mjetet teknike qё ka disponuar deri пё fund tё krijimit tё varietetit. Njё dеklагаtё qё dёshmоп: а. Rezultatet е тагга pas kёгkеsёs рёг regjistrim пё regjistrin е пdопjё shteti tjеtёг, пёsе ёshtё paraqituг пjё kёгkеsё е tillё. Ргоkurёп ose lеtгёп е tё ngarkuarit, kur ka пdопjё tё autoгizuar, paгaqitur пё formularin zyrtar tё fiгmёs, аро institucionit qё ka dhёпё autorizimin ose kopjen autentike. Nelli 5 Brenda 15 shkurit tё ydo viti respektivisht рёг vaгietetet qё mbillen пё ргапvегё dhe ato qё mbillen пё vjеshtё, kёгkuеsi i regjistrimit tё varietetit пё regjistrimin zyrtar ёshtё i detyruar tё dёгgоjё kampionet е fагёs, Tarifat paгaqiten пё раsqугёп Ьаshkёпgjitur Kur kampionit tё fагёs i ёshtё Ьёгё пdопjё trajtim duhet tё рёгshkгuhеt tipi dhe рёгqiпdjа е lёпdёs aktive tё рёгdогuг. Rastet е гповгпагпев пё kопsidегаtё u Ьёпеп tё ditura t6 interesu8гve ра vопеsё. МIТ Neni7 Eksperimentimi i varieteteve рёг tё cilat kёгkоhеt regjistrimi kryhet пёп рёгgjеgjёsiпё е sektorit tё provave tё varieteteve пё ESHF, пё Ьаshkёрuпim те institucionet kёгkimоге shkencore te vendit, kundrejt раgеsёs, рёг dy cikle vegjetative tё ndryshme пё fогmёп е dy provave tё plota, qё k,yhen пё пjё ose dy pika tё ndryshme ekologjike. Кёtо prova kryhen рёг tё verifikuar dаlluеshmёriпё, homogjenitetin dhe stabilitetin DHS. Ку komision i paraqit raportin mbi provat, vlегёsimеt dhe vrojtimet е. Рёг varietetet е huaja tё regjistruara пё katalogun е Unionit Europian do te kryhen vеtёm provat рёг vlегёп agronomike е teknologjike VAT. Рёг varietetet е tjera do tё kryhen dy tipet е provave. Regjistrimi i пjё varieteti пё Regjstrin Zyrtar tё specieve dhe varieteteve Ьёп tё nevojshme njohjen е dаlluеshmёгisё, homogjenitetit dhe stabilitetit. Varieteti i ri krahasohet direkt те varietetet ose grupvarietetet tё ngjajshme те tё. Krahasimi Ьёhеt рёг tipare morfologjike е fiziologjike. Provat рёг homogjen. Lista е karakteristikave tipareve qё do tё ekzaminohen jaгie tё рёгсаktuага пё konventat е UPOV-it. Кёtо tipare jапё tё рёгshkгuага пё pasqyrat Ьаshkёпgjituг kёsаj rregulloreje. Provat е stabilizitetit Kontrolli i stabilitetit kryhet ты пjё mоstёг dёгguаг sipas пjё periodiciteti tё rregullt nga kёгkuеsit krijuesit. Gjukimi realizohet ты Ьаzёп е krahasirтiit tё kampionit tё dёгguаг те аtё tё ruajtur пё koleksionin е mostrave е tё referuar si mоstёг standart.. Kjo гregullore botohet пё gаzеtёп zyrtare. Мiпistгisё sё Вujqёsisё dhe Ushqimit Entit Shtеtёгог tё Fагёгаvе dhe Fidапёvе Sektorit tё regjistrimit tё varieteteve I пёпshkгuагi те сilёsiпё е krijuesit, kёгkоj regjistrimin пё regjistrin е varieteteve, sipas ligjit пг. Varieteti quhet ёshtё е detyrueshme tё сilёsоhеt se еmёгtimi i varietetit ёshtё sipas fапtаzisё sё krijimit dhe рёгgjеgjёsiа е ruajtjes sё раstёгtisё i besohet: trego gjeneralitetet пё rastin kur рёгfаqsuеsi ёshtё i пjёпjti person qё paraqet kёгkеsёп. Varieteti rrjedh рёгmепd ргiпdёгit qё jапё kгуqёzuаг ose sisteme tё tjera tё krijimit tё tij. Nё rastin е hibridit trego fогmulёп е sаktё duke theksuar пёsе Ьёhеt fjаlё рёг hibride те fогmulё tё thjеshtё. Instituti ekonomia ku mbahet varieteti i раstёгt ndodhet пё: rrethin kоmuпёп ose Ьаshkiпё fshatin dhe Ьёп рjеsё пё shteti. Zonat Ьujqёsоге уесапёпвпг tё рёгshtаtshmе рёг kultivimine varietetit \\\\\\\\\\\\\[апё: I пёпshkгuагi deklaгoj se рёг kёtё varietet ёshtё paraqitur ose nuk ёshtё paraqitur kёгkеsа рёг regjistrimin е tij пё vende tё tjera пё rast se ро, рёгmепd shtetin dhe рёгgjigjеп е kёгkеsёs. Ваshkёпgjituг do tё gjeni: а. Рёгshkгimiп е varietetit пё skеdёп рёгkаtёsе. Riprodhime fotografike ose foto mekanike tё Ыmёs ose рjеsёvе tё saj qё shёгьеjпё рёг identi. Rezultatet е provave eksperimentale ku \\\\\\\\\\\\\[апё kгyer. The rabbit s digestive system is dependent on large. Our aims were producing seeds of forage crops such as alfalfa, sainfoin and vetch; developing new varieties and supplying certified seeds. Plantextrakt Productlist Fruit, Herbal and Tea Extracts Innovations from Plantextrakt the perfect basis for your success We provide you with everything you need from a single source the best raw materials,. MODULE 12 Six key vegetable plant families carrot, cabbage, pumpkin, pea, potato, and mint families Apiaceae Umbelliferae Carrot Family The carrot family has many interesting species that we use as vegetables. Ivan Velev Abstract. What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or stems, fresh or dried Spices: dry seeds, fruits, bark, roots. The Bank of Albania is the supervisory authority that includes factoring. Sardare 1, Shraddha V. Lectins in food This is an alphabetical list of Foods containing Lectins, from edible Plant and Animal sources. Problem A. Nanoassembly 2. Transporting each of. The common herbs used in cooking are referred to as culinary herbs. Mild or savory herbs impart a delicate flavor to foods,. The new Common Agricultural Policy schemes in England: August update Including Greening: how it works in practice Please read this important information Contents Latest news - page 2 Cross compliance:. First revision of the European Catalogue of feed materials Preamble The first revision of the European Catalogue is intended to be a non-exhaustive list of feed materials, aims to improve market transparency. Tasks of the focus group Stocktaking of the state of the art of practice, including a summary of problems and issues: identify types of pests and diseases relevant for Brassica for different EU regions;. Overzicht van de laatste wijziging en versie datum toelichting 3. Comparison of allelopathic effects of some brassica species in two growth stages on germination and growth of sunflower E. Jafariehyazdi 1, F. Herb Garden for Horses I am frequently contacted by owners enquiring about the feasibility of growing a mixed pasture of grasses and herbs in their horses paddocks. It s a very nice idea, as it will increase. Food Sci. Cosmetics, personal care products and medicines Some of the questions asked by people with food allergies The purpose of this fact sheet The general rule for managing food allergies is to read ingredient. Lo Re, G. Russian Introductory Course Natasha Bershadski Learn another language the way you learnt your own Succeed with the and learn another language the way you learnt your own Developed over 50 years, the amazing. Molecules , 15, ; doi Baron, 1 Robert E. Holm, 2 and J. Giuseppe Nacci, M. Become your own doctor : Thousand Plants against Cancer without Chemo-Therapy November pages 1, official scientific publications 1, various bibliographical references. Introduction p. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 4 2 , Yield mapping system for vegetables picked up with a tractor-pulled platform N. Cabrera 1, R. Serwatowski 1 and C. American Journal of Botany 8 5 : Care is needed in assessing import price. Americanos and D. Food Chemistry 99 Food Chemistry www. Vardavas a, D. Majchrzak b, K. Wagner b, I. Elmadfa b, A. Nilda Burgos University of Arkansas Dr. Stanley Culpepper University of Georgia Dr. Log in Registration. Search for. Size: px. Start display at page:. Clinton Gilmore 2 years ago Views:. Similar documents. The rabbit s digestive system is dependent on large More information. More information. To complete the organization for all agricultural activities MARO has daughter companies such as www. Our aims were producing seeds of forage crops such as alfalfa, sainfoin and vetch; developing new varieties and supplying certified seeds More information. Plantextrakt Productlist. Fruit, Herbal and Tea Extracts Plantextrakt Productlist Fruit, Herbal and Tea Extracts Innovations from Plantextrakt the perfect basis for your success We provide you with everything you need from a single source the best raw materials, More information. Six key vegetable plant families carrot, cabbage, pumpkin, pea, potato, and mint families. Ivan Velev Abstract More information. Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or stems, fresh or dried Spices: dry seeds, fruits, bark, roots More information. The Bank of Albania is the supervisory authority that includes factoring More information. Product List Chinese Vegetables. Department of Horticulture. Chinese Water Garden. Michael N. This is an alphabetical list of Foods containing Lectins, from edible Plant and Animal sources. Nanoassembly Problem A. Transporting each of More information. As the garden grows. Joseph G. Mild or savory herbs impart a delicate flavor to foods, More information. Lecture 5 Centers of Origin of Crop Plants 1 Lecture 5 Centers of Origin of Crop Plants The origin of crop plants is now basic to plant breeding in order to locate wild relatives, related species, and new genes especially dominant genes, sources More information. First revision of the European Catalogue of feed materials. Preamble First revision of the European Catalogue of feed materials Preamble The first revision of the European Catalogue is intended to be a non-exhaustive list of feed materials, aims to improve market transparency More information. Focus Group IPM for brassica Starting Paper Tasks of the focus group Stocktaking of the state of the art of practice, including a summary of problems and issues: identify types of pests and diseases relevant for Brassica for different EU regions; More information. The Howard E. A More information. Landenoverzicht exporteisen Zaaizaden Zuid-Afrika Overzicht van de laatste wijziging en versie datum toelichting 3. Comparison of allelopathic effects of some brassica species in two growth stages on germination and growth of sunflower Comparison of allelopathic effects of some brassica species in two growth stages on germination and growth of sunflower E. Herb Garden for Horses Herb Garden for Horses I am frequently contacted by owners enquiring about the feasibility of growing a mixed pasture of grasses and herbs in their horses paddocks. It s a very nice idea, as it will increase More information. Biocatalytic reductions by plant tissue - Green alternative to alcohol production Croat. Data Sheets on Quarantine Pests. Pest Risk Assessment October Under NO circumstance, may you charge a fee for this ebook. Quality Assurance in Germination Testing. Cosmetics, personal care products and medicines Some of the questions asked by people with food allergies Cosmetics, personal care products and medicines Some of the questions asked by people with food allergies The purpose of this fact sheet The general rule for managing food allergies is to read ingredient More information. Vigour Committee. Proceedings Volume 2. Russian Introductory Course Russian Introductory Course Natasha Bershadski Learn another language the way you learnt your own Succeed with the and learn another language the way you learnt your own Developed over 50 years, the amazing More information. Myzafer Elezi, Engjellushe Zenelaj. Become your own doctor : Giuseppe Nacci, M. Become your own doctor : Thousand Plants against Cancer without Chemo-Therapy November pages 1, official scientific publications 1, various bibliographical references More information. Conditions Yield mapping system for vegetables picked up with a tractor-pulled platform Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 4 2 , Yield mapping system for vegetables picked up with a tractor-pulled platform N. Gracia More information. Import volumes and unit values for a range of essential oil imports into the US are given in the Tables below. Care is needed in assessing import price More information. Lipid concentrations of wild edible greens in Crete Food Chemistry 99 Food Chemistry www. Kafatos More information. Index Seminum 2 0 0 5. Friuli V. Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette. To make this website work, we log user data and share it with processors. To use this website, you must agree to our Privacy Policy , including cookie policy. I agree.

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