Visible Dust products

Visible Dust products

Visible Dust products

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Please login or register. Hi I am thinking of cleaning my sensors as they are getting very dirty. I was looking at Visible Dust products and was wondering what peoples experiences are a Artic Butterfly - This looks great on paper - is it effective in real life b Quasar Loupe - This is quite expensive - is it worth the money - well built etc. There is a fair bit of choice her which is confusing. Are the liquids effective and do they evaporate off cleanly. I could be imagining but I think banding is more of an issue at wide aperatures since I clean the sensor previously d Sensor Brush - how do you clean them? I have used Visible Dust Swabs these ones http: I bought my brush a while ago and promptly dropped it which slightly bent the spindle, despite getting it as straight as possible, it still runs out slightly causing the brush to work its way off the spindle whilst spinning to clean and charge the bristles. So take great care not to drop it! No experience with the other items. Edit, Note you do not spin the brush to clean the sensor, only to prepare the brush for cleaning. July 27, , The best resolution is having more camera bodies to avoid changing lens outdoor frequently. Now you can never have enough bodies so sensor cleaning is needed. I use the following product from amazon and it has been great for me. You can read the reviews yourself. I always have a desk lamp next to me. And I wear a surgical mask and gloves while clean the sensor too. I have their Arctic Butterfly and their sensor loupe. Neuro, is there a reason you chose the Dust Aid sensor stamps over Visible Dust or other brands? Have any 1DX owners had problems with oil? Thanks for all the replies. Being more careful switching lens would help in my case. The 7DII is the cleanest because I do change it the least. Thanks for the link Neuro - it contains good advice.

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Visible Dust

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Средства для чистки оптики Visible Dust

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Visible Dust

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Visible Dust

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Visible Dust

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Visible Dust

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Visible Dust

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Visible Dust

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Visible Dust

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Visible Dust

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