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The Aserai is one of the factions in Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord . The Aserai is a group that consists of desert warriors who farm on oases, springs, and shores of the Great Southern Lake. They are fast, cunning, and they specialize in wielding spears with a medium cavalry.
The Empire even at its heights preferred not to send its legions into the army-devouring wastes. Instead, it projected its power into the Nahasa by cultivating clients and allies among the clans, who competed in an endless dance of power. Those clans that could secure a hold on the oases won an imperial subsidy to protect passing caravans and grew rich. Those who could not were pushed into the desert, left to raise goats and camels and raid caravans until they could plot a comeback. Today, with the waning of the empire offering new opportunities and new risks, the Aserai have agreed to form a confederacy under a sultan chosen from richest of the clans, the Banu Hulyan. But everyone knows that the dance has only temporarily been stopped, and at the right moment it will begin again.
To the south of the imperial heartland lies the Nahasa, the Bronze Desert, ringed by mountains, hammered by the sun. A traveler coming over the passes from greener lands would first see fields of dunes broken by gravel plains and volcanic outcrops, shimmering under the heat haze. But there is water to be found underground, trapped in depressions or beneath the wadis where the occasional flash flood rumbles by. It is in these oases that people have settled. They are divided into dozens of clans and sub-clans, each with its elaborate genealogy, but are collectively known as the Banu Asera or the Aserai after the legendary patriarch Asera, whom they all claim as an ancestor.


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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about ancient Assyria. For its geographic and cultural heartland, see Assyrian homeland . For other uses, see Assyria (disambiguation) .
"Assyrian Empire" redirects here. For the most powerful stage of the ancient Assyrian state, see Neo-Assyrian Empire .
Symbol of Ashur , the ancient Assyrian national deity
Map showing the ancient Assyrian heartland (red) and the extent of the Neo-Assyrian Empire in the 7th century BC (orange)
• Assur becomes an independent city-state
• Conquest by the Neo-Babylonian and Median empires
• Sack and destruction of Assur by the Sasanian Empire
Maps of the borders of the Middle Assyrian Empire (left) and the Neo-Assyrian Empire (right) at their respective heights in the 13th and 7th centuries BC
Akitu festival being celebrated in Duhok in 2008 (top) and an Assyrian girl celebrating Akitu in 2019 (bottom)
Three different symbols of the god Ashur from reliefs at Nimrud

^ This date refers to when Assur became an independent city-state, i.e. the beginning of the Old Assyrian period . The Old Assyrian period was preceded by the Early Assyrian period but Assur was not independent during this time and distinct Assyrian cultural and religious practices had not yet fully formed. [1] [2] [3]

^ This date refers to the end of the Neo-Assyrian Empire , when Assyria ceased to be a state. It omits the later post-imperial period when there was no longer an independent Assyrian kingdom.

^ See Neo-Assyrian Empire § Legacy

^ Though often referred to as a satrapy by modern historians, [21] Assyria appears in Achaemenid royal inscriptions as a dahyu ; a term of uncertain implications used to refer to both peoples and geographical locations (not necessarily synonymous with the formal satrapies of the empire). [87]

^ The precise number is far from certain since the massacres were poorly documented by the Ottoman government. The Assyrian population prior to the genocide amounted to about 500,000–600,000 people and the generally accepted estimate is that about 50 % of the Assyrian people were killed. [104]

^ The only example of ancient Assyrian art depicting foreigners with different physical features than the Assyrians themselves is the reliefs made in the reign of Ashurbanipal. Possibly influenced by Egyptian art, which did depict foreigners differently, Ashurbanipal's reliefs show Elamites and Urartians as stockier, Urartians with larger noses, and Arabs with long straight hair (in contrast to the curly hair of the Assyrians). Inscriptions and annals from Ashurbanipal's time however offer no evidence that foreigners were seen as racially or ethnically different in terms of biology or physiognomy . [188]

^ Referring to the sun god Shamash . [186]

^ This phenomenon does not only apply to the Assyrians; the Christian Greek populace of the Byzantine Empire in the Middle Ages overwhelmingly self-identified as Romans ( Rhōmaîoi ) rather than Greeks since the term "Greek" was associated with the ancient Pagan Greeks. [202]

^ For alternate names and the name debate in the Syriac Christian community, see terms for Syriac Christians

^ Jump up to: a b c Düring 2020 , p. 39.

^ Jump up to: a b c Lambert 1983 , pp. 82–85.

^ Jump up to: a b c d Roux 1992 , p. 187.

^ Frahm 2017b , p. 5.

^ Jump up to: a b Hauser 2017 , p. 229.

^ Jump up to: a b c d e Aberbach 2003 , p. 4.

^ Düring 2020 , p. 133.

^ Jump up to: a b c Frahm 2017 , p. 161.

^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Parpola 2004 , p. 21.

^ Frahm 2017 , p. 196.

^ Frahm 2017 , pp. 195–196.

^ Jump up to: a b Kalimi & Richardson 2014 , p. 5.

^ Aissaoui 2018 , p. 22.

^ Jump up to: a b Maul 2017 , p. 344.

^ Lewy 1971 , p. 754.

^ Jump up to: a b Radner 2015 , p. 3.

^ Jump up to: a b Tamari 2019 , p. 113.

^ Rollinger 2006 , p. 284.

^ Rollinger 2006 , pp. 285–287.

^ Rollinger 2006 , pp. 283–287.

^ Jump up to: a b c d Parpola 2004 , p. 18.

^ Widengren 1986 , pp. 785–786.

^ Marciak 2017 , p. 416.

^ Jump up to: a b c Butts 2017 , p. 600.

^ Jump up to: a b Liverani 2014 , p. 208.

^ Liverani 2014 , p. 48.

^ Garfinkle 2007 , p. 61.

^ Lewy 1971 , pp. 729–730.

^ Lewy 1971 , p. 731.

^ Lewy 1971 , p. 745.

^ Jump up to: a b Garfinkle 2007 , p. 63.

^ Foster 2016 , chapter 3.

^ Lewy 1971 , pp. 739–740.

^ Veenhof 2017 , p. 62.

^ Lewy 1971 , pp. 758–759.

^ Jump up to: a b Veenhof 2017 , p. 61.

^ Jump up to: a b c Düring 2020 , p. 34.

^ Jump up to: a b c Garfinkle 2007 , p. 67.

^ Jump up to: a b c d e Radner 2015 , p. 2.

^ Veenhof 2017 , p. 65.

^ Van De Mieroop 2016 , p. 115.

^ Garfinkle 2007 , p. 68.

^ Veenhof 2017 , p. 66.

^ Jump up to: a b Veenhof & Eidem 2008 , p. 30.

^ Jump up to: a b Veenhof 2017 , p. 68.

^ Garfinkle 2007 , p. 69.

^ Yamada 2017 , p. 112.

^ Chen 2020 , p. 198.

^ Bertman 2003 , p. 81.

^ Frahm 2017 , p. 191.

^ Düring 2020 , pp. 41–42.

^ Düring 2020 , p. 42.

^ Jump up to: a b Düring 2020 , p. 43.

^ Jakob 2017 , p. 117.

^ Jump up to: a b c Düring 2020 , p. 45.

^ Jakob 2017 , p. 122.

^ Jakob 2017 , pp. 125, 129–130.

^ Chen 2020 , pp. 199, 203.

^ Jump up to: a b c d e Düring 2020 , p. 57.

^ Jump up to: a b Gerster 2005 , p. 312.

^ Jump up to: a b c Düring 2020 , p. 46.

^ Jakob 2017 , pp. 133–135.

^ Jakob 2017 , pp. 136–138.

^ Frahm 2017 , p. 165.

^ Frahm 2017 , pp. 166–167.

^ Frahm 2017 , pp. 165–168.

^ Düring 2020 , p. 136.

^ Düring 2020 , p. 144.

^ Frahm 2017 , pp. 167, 169.

^ Jump up to: a b c d Frahm 2017 , p. 169.

^ Jump up to: a b c Frahm 2017 , p. 170.

^ Frahm 2017 , p. 173.

^ Frahm 2017 , p. 177.

^ Elayi 2017 , p. 2.

^ Frahm 2017 , pp. 177–178.

^ Jump up to: a b Frahm 2017 , p. 187.

^ Jump up to: a b Frahm 2017 , p. 183.

^ Jump up to: a b Frahm 2017 , pp. 183–184.

^ Na'aman 1991 , p. 266.

^ Frahm 2017 , p. 192.

^ Radner 2019 , p. 141.

^ Frahm 2017 , p. 193.

^ Radner 2015 , p. 20.

^ Hauser 2017 , p. 232.

^ Hauser 2017 , p. 236.

^ Jump up to: a b c d e Luukko & Van Buylaere 2017 , p. 314.

^ Waters 2014 , p. 97.

^ Parpola 2004 , p. 19.

^ Hauser 2017 , p. 230.

^ Jump up to: a b c Hauser 2017 , p. 238.

^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Parpola 2004 , p. 20.

^ Drower, Gray & Sherwin-White 2012 .

^ Jump up to: a b c Harper et al. 1995 , p. 18.

^ Schippmann 2012 , pp. 816–817.

^ Jump up to: a b c d Radner 2015 , p. 19.

^ Radner 2015 , pp. 19–20.

^ Radner 2015 , p. 7.

^ Jump up to: a b c d e Donabed 2019 , p. 118.

^ Jacobsen 2021 , p. 141.

^ Murre-van den Berg 2021 , pp. 27–28.

^ Yapp 1988 , p. 139.

^ Mack 2017 , From the Millet to the Sword.

^ Donabed 2019 , p. 119.

^ Jump up to: a b Gaunt, Atto & Barthoma 2017 , p. 10.

^ Donabed 2019 , pp. 119–120.

^ Parpola 2004 , p. 22.

^ Eppihimer 2013 , p. 43.

^ Jump up to: a b c d Düring 2020 , p. 38.

^ Düring 2020 , p. 37.

^ Jump up to: a b Veenhof 2017 , p. 70.

^ Jump up to: a b Jakob 2017b , p. 143.

^ Veenhof 2017 , p. 71.

^ Chavalas 1994 , p. 117.

^ Bertman 2003 , p. 103.

^ Eppihimer 2013 , p. 49.

^ Veenhof 2017 , p. 74.

^ Jakob 2017b , p. 144.

^ Jump up to: a b c Jakob 2017b , p. 145.

^ Parker 2011 , pp. 363–365.

^ Parker 2011 , p. 365.

^ Bedford 2009 , p. 22.

^ Bedford 2009 , p. 29.

^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g Bain 2017 .

^ Parker 2011 , p. 367.

^ Jakob 2017b , p. 146.

^ Jump up to: a b Reade 2011 , p. 109.

^ Reade 2011 , p. 112.

^ Reade 2011 , p. 114.

^ Reade 2011 , p. 118.

^ Jump up to: a b Reade 2011 , p. 120.

^ Radner 2019 , pp. 140–141.

^ Reade 2011 , p. 123.

^ Jump up to: a b Jakob 2017b , p. 155.

^ Jump up to: a b Fales 2017 , p. 402.

^ Jakob 2017b , pp. 146–147.

^ Parker 2011 , pp. 368–370, 377–378.

^ Frahm 2017 , p. 190.

^ Radner 2017 , p. 213.

^ Oates 1992 , p. 172.

^ Veenhof 2017 , p. 58.

^ Parker 2011 , p. 359.

^ Jump up to: a b c Jakob 2017b , pp. 149–150.

^ Llop 2012 , p. 107.

^ Jump up to: a b Yamada 2000 , p. 300.

^ Parker 2011 , p. 369.

^ Parker 2011 , pp. 360, 370–371.

^ Parker 2011 , p. 360.

^ Jump up to: a b Jakob 2017b , pp. 149–151.

^ Jakob 2017b , p. 154.

^ Radner 2012 , Road stations across the empire.

^ Jump up to: a b Radner 2015b , p. 64.

^ Radner 2012 , Making speed.

^ Jump up to: a b c d e Jakob 2017b , p. 152.

^ Jump up to: a b Dalley 2017 , pp. 526, 528.

^ Dalley 2017 , pp. 526–527.

^ Jakob 2017b , p. 153.

^ Dalley 2017 , pp. 523, 525, 529–531.

^ Dalley 2017 , p. 531.

^ Dalley 2017 , pp. 528, 531.

^ Jump up to: a b c Bedford 2009 , p. 36.

^ Michel 2017 , pp. 81, 83.

^ Jump up to: a b c Jakob 2017b , p. 156.

^ Düring 2020 , p. 101.

^ Jakob 2017b , pp. 156–157.

^ Jump up to: a b de Ridder 2017 , p. 49.

^ de Ridder 2017 , p. 56.

^ Jump up to: a b Michel 2017 , p. 84.

^ de Ridder 2017 , p. 57.

^ Jump up to: a b Michel 2017 , p. 83.

^ de Ridder 2017 , p. 51.

^ de Ridder 2017 , p. 50.

^ Jump up to: a b Michel 2017 , p. 81.

^ Jump up to: a b c Michel 2017 , p. 85.

^ Michel 2017 , pp. 88–89.

^ Jump up to: a b Michel 2017 , p. 100.

^ Jump up to: a b c Jakob 2017b , p. 157.

^ Jakob 2017b , p. 158.

^ Jump up to: a b Svärd 2015 , pp. 163–166.

^ Kertai 2013 , p. 113.

^ Svärd 2015 , p. 167.

^ Fink 2020 .

^ Michel 2017 , p. 80.

^ Garfinkle 2007 , p. 64.

^ Garfinkle 2007 , p. 66.

^ Bedford 2009 , pp. 36, 38.

^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k Novák 2016 , p. 132.

^ Düring 2020 , p. 145.

^ Bahrani 2006 , p. 57.

^ Bahrani 2006 , pp. 56–57.

^ Butts 2017 , p. 599.

^ Jump up to: a b c d Benjamen 2022 , p. 2.

^ Jump up to: a b Parpola 2004 , pp. 16–17.

^ Saggs 1984 , p. 290.

^ Biggs 2005 , p. 10.

^ Jump up to: a b Travis 2010 , p. 149.

^ Jupp 2001 , p. 175.

^ Odisho 1988 , p. 10.

^ Jump up to: a b c Hauser 2017 , p. 241.

^ Livingstone 2009 , p. 154.

^ Jackson 2020 , Chapter 1.

^ Filoni 2017 , p. 37.

^ Cameron 2009 , p. 7.

^ Jump up to: a b c Butts 2017 , p. 601.

^ .

^ Becker 2015 , p. 328.

^ Jump up to: a b Butts 2017 , p. 602.

^ Payne 2012 , pp. 205, 217.

^ Butts 2017 , p. 603.

^ Parpola 2004 , p. 11.

^ Jump up to: a b Garfinkle 2007 , p. 54.

^ Jump up to: a b Luukko & Van Buylaere 2017 , p. 313.

^ Jump up to: a b Deutscher 2009 , p. 20.

^ Jump up to: a b c d e Luukko & Van Buylaere 2017 , p. 315.

^ Jump up to: a b c Veenhof & Eidem 2008 , p. 111.

^ Veenhof & Eidem 2008 , p. 112.

^ Jump up to: a b c d e Radner 2021 , p. 149.

^ Luukko & Van Buylaere 2017 , p. 316.

^ Frahm 2017 , p. 162.

^ Jump up to: a b Luukko & Van Buylaere 2017 , p. 321.

^ Jump up to: a b c Luukko & Van Buylaere 2017 , p. 318.

^ Jump up to: a b Radner 2021 , p. 147.

^ Jump up to: a b Frahm 2017 , p. 180.

^ Luukko & Van Buylaere 2017 , p. 319.

^ Donabed 2019 , p. 117.

^ Jump up to: a b Donabed 2019 , pp. 117–118.

^ Kaufman 1974 , p. 164.

^ Wagensonner 2018 , p. 228.

^ Jump up to: a b Russell 2017 , pp. 423–424.

^ Bagg 2017 , p. 511.
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