Violated Hero 4 Hentai

Violated Hero 4 Hentai


Violated Hero 4 Hentai

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As for those who want the stories, I will do them as I get more time, but for now I will work on the main content of the game that everyone is really here for.
How to use Kikiriki:
1. Open a command prompt and run “ kikiriki.exe -i data.xp3 -o data” This will extract and decrypt the game files.
2. Rename or delete data.xp3 to prevent conflicts with the extracted files.
3. Now open the rar and click through the folders until you see DATA. Copy everything from the DATA folder into the directory, which kikiriki put out, overwriting all files.
Alternative if it won’t work with the above method:
⊗Don’t forget to change the username and folders appropriately.
1. Kikiri and its plugin should be in the same folder as VH4.
3. cd C:\Users\never10release\Documents\vh4
4. kikiriki.exe -i data.xp3 -o data
5. CMD will start spitting out files let it run.
6. When it is done, take the DATA folder you downloaded from mega, copy and paste it into VH4.
7. Replace all files, only H-Scenes and UI are translated currently.
I will probably be easier to reach at for updates/questions/concerns rather than waiting for a reply here.
Thank you for everything you are doing and thank you for translating VH5 later on. ;D I am excited about that one! I will download your final patch for VH4 when you finish it, it will have everything translated, yes? :)
Story scenes items shop skills, basically things needed to get through the game. All other fluff will be completed when I’m not 2 games behind
i have a full save for VH5 for those that need it
yes please, can you post a dl link?
The dl link is dead, can you repost it? :3
Wow thanks so much for your work so far Never :)
Fantastic work as always, many thanks or your hard work. Also, this a bad news the FCC is trying to charge us for using the internet. Sign the petition and let your voice beheard –
Thank you so much sir hoping to see you completing the translation of this game. More power to you sir!
RIP but nah, I only had 4 free days for the entire month( I switched weekends so I had to work 3 weekends to cover my switch) and I chose to play FF14 on them that’s why I said expect it in a month or two. I will probably finish both scenes this weekend though because I’m off and wordwrap soon, maybe next time I’m off.
But anyways, if anyone is on Balmung feel free to leave info and stuff. I just finished the relic quest and am starting HM Dungeons. Granted I will probably level crafting so I can get some talons of the vortex and I’m anti social as fuck anyway.
Thanks for continuing to translate.
Thanks, hopefully things start to settle down now! I missed translating a lot.
Will you be doing any more translation of VH4 besides the H scenes?
Yes, 0.50 will be the final release. I will release 2 story patches aftere h-scenes, basically in the same vein as VH3 where it’s before and after the castle. Other things will be done as I bounce between story and items. when I’m done and caught up with everything 0.60 will be released containing fixes and things of that nature.
I take it that the story patches will also include the database. Am I correct in this assumption?
can you do anua translation aswell? please?
Next patch (0.30) will be everyone that is missing so Anua will be in that one so far.
Thank you for the work you do, and shame you are not on Hyperion in FF14 would be easier for me to thank you :D Do what’s fun for you, and if/when translation gets done, it will be much appreciated.
Yea, I can do Coils and stuff now but I don’t have time to grind for ilvl which is a shame since I wanted to at least be a ilvl130 monk but I don’t think thats going to happen before sward drops.
Sorry just to be clear, when you say everything should be done by next update, you mean the h-scenes only right? or does that include the story part as well? Thanks again for all your hard work! :D
Word wrap and past translations, H-scenes has 1 more patch left, story will come in 2 seperate patches.
Just out of curiosity what server are you on in FF14 since it would be fun to play together sometime/whenever I actually have the money to play a bit more again ( damn video game developers making me want to play all there games lol)
I play on Balmung iirc, the RP/ERP server despite not doing either of them and I have no interest in either. Other than that it’s a nice server since every zone is always full.
And yeah I’m getting a backlog now, I have DQ Heroes, Ar No Surge, DQ 7 3ds in my backlog with Bloodbourne, DQ Theatryum, Senran Kagura Estivale Versus, and Myster Dungeon x Etrian Odyssey coming. The bright side is I have lots to play and no need to buy any new games. The downside is they all cut into translating. Especially FF14, Since when I played on my days off it was like a 18hr session each time.
Darn I’m on the server Fearie I think it was spelled probably not but oh well.
Also I of course have a backlog of RPG games meaning it will take a while for me to finish them all, including the two Tales of Xillia games that I need to play and finish +The guided fate paradox, Disgaea D2, Fairy Fencer F the Witch and the hundred Knights, and other games that I really need to play and finish lol.
Clearly we both have a lot of games to finish playing :) anyway good luck with your future translations (I can’t wait for VH5 personally)
Hey I torrented my version so I kinda have some difficulty using kiri. also i’m a noob with a computer. Can u help
It’s no different if you got it legal or illegal, I can’t make it any simpler unless someone is willing to teach me how to make it into an auto patcher .bat or makes one for me.
Most of the older versions have the solutions anyway posted by people, mostly it just dumps the DATA folder into a random area if you don’t put the output correctly from what I remember.
And if anyone knows a way to make it drop a dummy email or private message me? (IDK if wordpress has private messages) You’d get to play the patches before anyone else :\/
Oh sorry for the late response, its working now, my bad.
Nice job man, have to say. But are u gonna translate the second scene with fenrir along with the other minor bosses?
um, where’s the download link for this patch?
It’s not out just yet, I believe that it says in the description that he will be doing it on the weekend aka the 21st and 22nd. Or something like that I think it says
v0.l15 is in previous post. IM trying to get 0.20 out by this weekend, the differences between the 2 are word wrap and 2 more scenes.
I need help on this issue
Everytime i run command prompt to run kikiriki, it doesn’t let me because i either changed or deleted the data.xp3 file. I can only run kikiriki when i leave it as data.xp3 and after its finished i copy and paste the data folder into my vh4 folder (Originally, the vh4 i downloaded does not have a “Data” folder). But when i run the game, nothing has been translated at all.
Help please! :(
I don’t understand what you mean at all, check the previous topics for help as everything has already been solved by other users if the pictures I made didn’t cover it.
that doujin happens to be one of my favorites so I’m excited to see the rest translated
I’m baffled as to why no one else has done it or the original TL didn’t continue.
Thanks for your work? Which MG are you working on next?
i don´t knoe how to install. The two listet methodes dosn´t work. PLEASE HELP.
For reference, where could we learn how to insert scripts/edit them? I dont think googling ‘how to insert scripts in violated hero’ would be very useful :S
Same way you apply the patches, its why I’m not teaching its such a barebones thing that I should only have to explain one thing about notepad++ to whomever may get it if I find someone.
All of it is literally drag and drop.
Thanks for continuing this. I really wanted to play this as well. Gonan wait for the final release before I jump into it. ˇˇ
I’m glad Anubis placed first. She look awesome XD
I can see why, I’m so-so with that too. But there’s at least her scene 1-2 XD.
Yeah… kinda have to agree with u on that one.
Dargoth knows about the word wrap I’ll see if I can get him to contact you.
I assume you’re using the kirikiri word wrap from insani?
I had to update it for VH2 and VH3, but hopefully the VH3 version works for VH4 as well. You will need Python 2.7.3 installed to use it (or make further modifications to get it to work with Python 3…).
You just run it from the command line with “python xp3 inputfile.ks outputfile.ks ” Making a batch file or other automation is recommended. My batch file I used:
FOR %%F IN (“./towrap/*.*”) DO (
python xp3 “./towrap/%%F” “./wrapped/%%F”
Think rpg maker with the word wrap thing. Lines cut off because your box is limited to certain amount of characters thus no word wrap. You just have to figure out how much text you can fit in a line and continue in a new line. Just speculating!
Waiting eagerly and patiently. Please do not give up. Lost all hope last year, and than was so happy to find that someone is translating this.
Ya I’m just slow as of late but I hope I’m done by September as I will be traveling internationally for October/Novemeber/December much like last year.
yay for you, have a wonderful trip.
Hey Never sorry for asking this but I was curious about two things
1 I was wondering when you think you might be able to start working on VH5 and 2 I was curious if you translate the entire game or just h scenes
Vh5 is after VH4 dlc. I plan to translate everything. I’m hoping by the years end I have everything done relating to VH4 so next year is just vh5
As always. keep up the good work, little by little. Also, there is a manga titled KAGAKU NA YATSURA, the original translator’s site went down due to lack of funding. Maybe you can take a crack at it?
My manga slot is already taken by Karakuri Circus, I don’t care much for it but my best friend loves it so if I did do a manga series that would be what I would start with.
Oh I know that manga they even made a ova for it as well, I like it a lot :)
btw I am the person who made the last anonymous comment about VH5
P.s Thank you for responding back :)
Ya I try to respond to everyone that isn’t a repeat question answered in the same topic or one that’s been asked numerous times.
Hey Never, dunno if u responded to this yet, but yeah.
I know you did the whole poll thing to see who wanted what, but which one do you like the most?
I started the project solely for Marietta but Makina is probably my favorite now. If Selene had a more appealing scene 2 she would def come out ontop for me though.
If you are talking about this batch for the poll, none of them really. But if I had to choose it would be plant cause I’m not into the skewer stuff slime does despite slime girls being my favorite mg.
You know what, but I just noticed “focusing on Ashikoki”
(Don’t feel bad about the little follows on twitter or the whole thing with the stream not working out.)
I don’t feel bad at all, the stream was a long shot since I gave it a days notice and while people did join no one talked.
Twitter I’m just using for smaller frequent updates for people who regularly check here as an ease of access thing for both myself and them, mainly because I only check and update here every week to 2 weeks or so now. Its more of fluff filler if you want to know when to expect an update to here.
In general I’m more than happy with the amount of people that stop by and check in since I did no advertising at all for this besides a single post and like I’ve previously said its you guys who have made this a bigger scope for me so I’m doing my best to not disappoint!
Besides the above, we do pretty ok for being on 3 completely different time zones I think.
Cut out part of my post, below is whast is missing:
I’m still kind of looking for a tester since right now It’s more or less just me doing everything since my friends wife is busy, my friend started a fulltime job so now none of our time zones sync up together anymore for real time discussion which was fairly crucial for most of the image editing as he doesnt know any japanese at all.
I would do diagrams much like I do here to piece it together for him and he likes to show me the font sets style and stuff he is going to use so everything is correct.
The grammar side was pretty much always a rush job since I would just drop like 4 scripts at a time and have her notepad me back possible changes.
Besides the above, we do pretty ok for being on 3 completely different time zones I think.
are those out yet? cuz i dont see a dl link? or are you waiting to finish all those things before you decide to put it out here?
Those are whats going to be in the next patch.
hmmm do you have a guess around when will be your next update?
Dunno, I make small comments on twitter instead of here on what I did when I actually do something.
To be totally honest I’m prob gonna stop translating Anua for now since I hate every single line that stems from her scripts and that’s why progress is non existent, because I’m not having any fun with her.
I also imported the XenobladeX Limited Ediition console set so that has factored into it as well a small bit, combined with social life. However my plan for tonight (5/21) since I’m off I’m just gonna burn through 4-5 scripts hopefully so I’m where I shouldve been if these scripts weren’t butts.
Are you going to post a patch with these 2 updated scenes or will it just come later in 1 big update?
Haven’t decided yet, was gonna release for every girl that was done but I flip my thoughts as much as a pendulum swings.
Is it possible that you can make a quick list of the monster girls with their corresponding names? I dont know about everyone else but I have no idea who you are referring to whenever you mention names
Knowing who you are talking about makes each update more interesting to read!
Or could you just say the monsters they represent in place of their name as you did in this post?
It just makes the other updates a bit more confusing since you used names in those
Thanks for all your hard work and good luck in those Amiibo Giveaways!
I mostly just try to use their names when I start working on them like dog turns into Fenrir because I stuck with the poll result order strictly and left the poll results and crap up /most/ of the time. For this one though I absolute loathe the winner and I stated it numerous times sine I started but she won so there wasn’t much I could do sides skip her last scene to be very last as I always intended.
And thanks, I don’t need them since I have waves 1-7 all done/preorderd so I mostly just try to get it for my friend so he doesn’t have to pay the ludicrous prices they go for. The amiibo hype is real, I saw them sell out on amiami in under 2 minutes.
Just found this page so wanted to say thank you so much for doing this <3, now maybe I can play VH4 since theres no point without text, text in games like this makes 50% of the game :)
Hope you enjoy the completed work whenever it drops :\/
I’ve been wanting to get into translating for a long time and I think I decided to go with VH5, I know you plan to work on it and by all means please do, I’m doing it more as a learning experience, I hope people can use it but I can’t give them full confidence in my translation, I’m around JLPT N4 level so really not that great. I’ll eventually put it up on some site like this but for now it’s still in the early stages, working on the Options screen actually, text is easy since I have a lot of previous translations to reference but the image editing is time consuming to get perfect.
Why all this? Just wanted to let you know about it since you and Dargoth have dedicated to these games for a long time and I just found out they existed last week, I felt like some kind of heads-up was in order.
Enjoy the ride, good luck! I’ll be around for /some/ help if you need it with finding the files and such.
Ugh.. really liked the Anubis girl? dno her name the only one that has 4 legs? anyway in her last scene where shes smothering the player was awesome… until the point where she relase a yellow liquid I assume is pee? really ruined that scene with that :/
been away for a bit, what is the most up to date patch so far and where is the link? last one I see is still 0.15, thank you
version .15 is the last one I released!al1EmKzY!O-2GMzGwbO0iU5f6eCrNdk1zhyLRROBoo56hb7HhrVI version ?????? is next which should be soonish.
Any chance you could release what you’ve currently translated, or is that too big a task? There’s basically only one girl who’s scene I care about…
I was thinking about doing that, granted what I would release is unrevised scripts but I don’t think anyone cares about that much.
I care! Please, at least for Anubis.
I’m not good at English but there’s some error I saw on the patch that I can help you correct if I got the script.
There are a lot of errors in sentence structure I am already aware of, even from the first patch some errors still made it in and I have no plans to fix them until the final release (0.5)
never10release are you planning to translate the story aswell?
There’s a scene in which its all 5 of the final bosses.
R u gonna do that one too?
Oh yeah,
And there’s a bonus scene for after u complete all scenes.
I want to say thank you for doing Anubis scene although you hate. I very much enjoy the scene, although I can see why she’s not for everyone.
Someone else is doing VH5 now, they posted above. I’m doing the DLC next than that Eroico(sp?) looking game.
The twins are not translated. It says they are translated in the notes however O.o still, great job! :D
never10 i love you. thanks so much,
hey i just downloaded the unedited files but the text still appears in japanese. ive already downloaded the english patch and just assumed that all i had to do was put the new files in there what am i doing wrong?
wow you’re already looking toward translating more games outside of violated hero, I love it!
I hope you dont feel burned out along the way or something
Oh and in regards to your latest tweet about posting it in vg.. maybe you should? More exposure might lead to potential canidates helping you translate + more feedback?
Although I dont go on 4chan at all so idk how benefical it would be [these are 4 chan boards right?]
Yes but I probably won’t just cause.
Hey never was wondering if you wanted to add like a small % bar or something to a side of the blog listing current translation progress? etc 65% 100% being full translation maybe 70% would be all scenes are translated etc? if you make progress but not enough to release something pherhaps just add some % to that bar to 67% for example that way its easier to track if pro
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