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In Surprised by the Guard, from 1930, a woman doing laundry outside gets interrupted by a soldier with more than clean clothes on his mind. 
Video screenshot by Leslie Katz/CNET

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Some are far less chaste than you might expect from porn of yore, and definitely not safe for work.
Leslie Katz leads a team that explores the intersection of tech and culture, plus all manner of awe-inspiring science, from space to AI and archaeology. When she's not smithing words, she's probably playing online word games, tending to her garden or referring to herself in the third person.
If your idea of good porn involves a randy dandy macking on matrons of the local haberdashery, loosen your bow ties and unfasten your corsets. Things are about to get steamy in the drawing room.  
For its new Remastered project (warning: link leads to NSFW images), adult streaming-video website Pornhub has, with the help of AI, restored and colorized a series of vintage erotic films, some going back more than 100 years, and posted them online. 
"These films show us that human sexuality was alive and well in the early 1900s," Pornhub says. 
It's a fascinating romp through erotic history that's by turns charming, funny, artful and eye-opening. 
The collection of 20 films spans the late 19th century to the 1940s. Some of the earlier offerings are pretty chaste. For example, in The Undressing, from 1896, a Victorian woman dares to show her naked feet. In The Hairdresser, from 1905, a woman styles her tresses, topless, looking like a classical painting come to life. 
But later films are far less restrained than one might expect of ye olde sexy times -- and definitely not safe for (most) work. As early as the 1920s, the films show voyeurism, bondage, spanking and cosplay. There are sex toys, same-sex interludes, threesomes, foursomes and more-somes. 
Long before the sexual revolution, it turns out, porn stars in petticoats engaged in a lot of the familiar erotic endeavors you'd see in adult films film today. "People don't often consider the prevalence of erotic films back then, but they were quite the commodity," Pornhub says. 
In flagrante delicto, in the last century. 
Still, the footage is unmistakably vintage, with jumpy cuts and very little narrative structure. These short films, mostly from France, get straight to business. 
In The Horny Haberdashery, from 1921, a male customer is hardly in the door before he drops his neatly pressed trousers to join two female workers engaged in maneuvers that would greatly concern today's HR. 
In Surprised by the Guard, from 1930, a French farm girl is doing laundry outside when a soldier suddenly saunters up through the trees. It's immediately clear he's interested in more than having his coat cleaned. So is the next soldier who shows up to, well, enlist. 
Adult movies date back to the beginning of motion pictures, when porn films were mostly anonymously produced and known as "stags." The earliest surviving porn movie is believed to be 1896 French film Le Coucher de la Mariée . It stars Louise Willy doing a tame striptease for her new husband as he slyly peeks and giggles from behind a dressing divider. Pornhub includes that early film in its Remastered series, renaming it Bedtime for the Bride. 
Almost all stag productions were silent and black and white, even as the film industry adopted sound and color. 
"This stylistic device contributed to the films' explicit allure," explains New York's Museum of Sex , "suggesting the reality of the sex acts being performed, as well as the underground and illicit nature of the pornographic film industry itself." 
Since standard deep-learning models are trained using safe-for-work images, PornHub turned its AI on its library of 100,000 adult videos and images for a lesson in detecting body parts that take top billing in erotic films. Once the AI had colorized the black-and-white films, the team increased image stabilization, reduced flicker and increased the speed of the film to 60 frames per second. They added audio tracks, like player piano music typical of silent movies, that crescendo in all the right places. 
"We thought it was important to not only preserve but modernize these films," Pornhub said. The relics will likely be a turn-on to porn and history buffs alike. 
In 1896 French film Le Coucher de la Mariée, which Pornhub renamed Bedtime for the Bride, the groom gets a striptease on his wedding night. 

04:52, Sat, Dec 31, 2016 | UPDATED: 14:50, Sat, Dec 31, 2016
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The images, which appear to depict the blonde Braun showing off her curves next to an Alpine lake, give an insight into German despot Adolf Hitler’s sex life.
The Fuhrer’s floozy is seen with her hands behind her head, thrusting her chest out into the German countryside, smiling to herself.
Another shows her paddling in the shores, bending over so the photographer can capture her plump rump.
On the back of one of the pictures it states: “On the secluded beach at the Lake Wolfgang. August 1943.”
Another has the words “Eva Braun” scrawled on the back as well as: “A snapshot. A beautiful day on the Black Lake.”
The photo collector is Bernard S, 30, and he is adamant the pictures depict the Nazi bride.
He said: “I studied all pictures of Eva Braun that I could find. You can clearly see that it is her.”
Bernard S bought the pictures from antiques dealer Stefan Kreuzmayr, based in Salzburg.
He said: “A woman came into my shop came nine years ago. She had a whole box of pictures with her. From an estate. She had found the stuff in her attic and thought that, in two images, Eva Braun was pictured.”
He bought the whole case and never saw the woman again, but now he’s starting to regret selling them on because he admits he did not initially see the words “Eva Braun” written on the back.
The antiques expert said: “If I had I would probably not have sold the images on, or certainly not at the price I was asking.”
Uwe Wasserthal, a publicly appointed and sworn expert for photographs of the 19th century, thinks there is a good chance the pictures could be genuine.
He says the paper they are printed on was popular with Nazi leaders and the white shoes lying next to her in one of the pictures are very similar to ones she has been pictured in before.
Braun was Hitler's long term mistress until they married while in the bunker that would also become their grave in Berlin on the same day they committed suicide in 1945.
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The naughty negatives, which belonged to Lieutenant William Noel Morgan, were never printed but his family, who stumbled across them seven decades later, got them turned into digital images and were stunned
HIDDEN in a biscuit tin, the naughty negatives lay undisturbed for more than seven decades.
They belonged to Lieutenant William Noel Morgan, who never had them printed and kept them a closely guarded secret.
His family only learned of their existence a few years ago when his granddaughter, Fran Gluck, stumbled across the tin and opened it.
Many were innocent pictures of army life and her grandfather with his lost love — the young French girlfriend his family discouraged him from marrying.
But dozens of others show British officers inside a French brothel during World War One.
In one, Lt Morgan leans against a mantelpiece while on the phone, in front of racy drawings on the walls.
In another, similar drawings are pinned up around a battered old piano played by a young officer.
They are said to be the only pictures ever to come to light that were taken inside a brothel reserved for British officers during the conflict.
These are the women history never speaks of — and yet for many fallen heroes they were the last people to show them love and comfort before they died during the Great War.
One corporal recalls the queue outside a brothel as being like football fans waiting to see a cup tie.
Others hoped to pick up a sexually transmitted infection (STI) with the ensuing month spent in hospital delaying the horrors of the front line.
Mindful of social divides there were even “blue lamp” brothels for officers and “red lamp” ones for lower ranks.
Now a short film, War’s Whores, sheds light on the forgotten women who — with the Army’s secret approval — provided an unconventional morale boost to soldiers on the Western Front .
When war broke out in 1914, Lord Kitchener, the Secretary of State for War, issued a leaflet to troops warning them to “keep constantly on your guard against any excesses . . . you may find temptations both in wine and women. You must entirely resist both”.
Yet his words, and the warnings of graphic posters and other literature, fell on deaf ears.
Private Frank Richards, who was called up a day after war broke out, said Kitchener’s guidance “may as well have not been issued for all the notice we took”.
Historian Dr Clare Makepeace told The Sun: “The British Army tended to accept local sexual customs of where they were stationed, so that’s why the British kept the brothels ‘in bounds’ for troops until 1918 .”
Young men, far from home and their loved ones and thrust into the living hell of war, were often desperate for human contact.
Thousands of women are believed to have been sex workers during the conflict. Some in legalised brothels, known as maisons tolérées, in towns across northern France.
Dr Makepeace said: “Regulated brothels have been around in France since the mid-19th century but during the war they flourished in number.
“For some, the brothels were an escape from the carnage of the trenches. Some wanted to lose their virginity before it was too late. It’s a heartbreaking illustration of how the war ripped these men from life when they were so young.” In his autobiography Goodbye To All That, poet and novelist Captain Robert Graves wrote: “There were no restraints in France; these boys had money to spend and knew that they stood a good chance of being killed within a few weeks anyhow. They did not want to die virgins.”
Yet the subject of “war whores” is so taboo that only a handful of men have spoken about their brothel visits.
Dr Makepeace, an Honorary Research Fellow at Birkbeck, University of London, spent years trawling through personal accounts of soldiers and officers from World War One.
Her work inspired the short film War’s Whores, by poet Hollie McNish. It was commissioned by London’s Roundhouse as part of its digital art project Cause And Effect, to mark the centenary of the end of World War One .
Dr Makepeace came across Corporal Jack Wood’s diary, which describes the “great crowd of fellows” outside one brothel that was “about 30 yards in length” and says they were “waiting just like a crowd waiting for a football Cup tie in Blighty”.
He wrote of the scene inside: “There were seven young women, I should say by appearance from 28 to 40, made up in the finest of flimsy silk dresses and then showing the daintiest of lingerie, I suppose for attraction.
“From the passage came an entrance to a flight of stairs. Here stood Madame taking a franc for admission.
“I afterwards found out you paid the lady of choice any sum you cared from a franc upwards.”
Such queues were not unusual. Before one major offensive, 300 men lined up outside one brothel. Other prostitutes would linger outside, plying their trade on the streets, as well as in cafés and bars .
One report says that around 171,000 British troops visited brothels in a single street in Le Havre in a year.
Even in war, there were strict class divides — Cpl Wood and Lt Morgan would never have visited the same brothel. There were the more upmarket “blue lamps” for officers and the cruder “red lamps” frequented by the lower ranks.
Dr Makepeace explained: “It was acceptable for British officers to visit brothels but they weren’t allowed to flaunt it.
This gives some insight into why Lt Morgan, who served with the 175th Company of the Royal Engineers, part of a tunnelling unit that burrowed beneath No Man’s Land to blow up German trenches, was keen to keep the negatives hidden.
Dr Makepeace also discovered just how far the class divide stretched.
Despite refusing to fraternise in the “red lamps”, British officers were happy to take over the Germans’ high-class brothels towards the end of the war.
She said: “It surprised me British officers were more prepared to share the same prostitutes as the German officers but they weren’t prepared to share them with their own, lower-ranking men.
“Class was dividing men more than nationality, even at a time of war.”
Brothel workers had to have regular medical inspections, but even so STIs were rife. In 1916 one in five of all hospital admissions of British and British Crown troops in France and Belgium were for treatment for an STI. Around 150,000 British troops were admitted with venereal disease while stationed in France.
Some brothels employed elderly women to check men on entering in a bid to curb the spread of STIs. But for some, catching a disease was the whole purpose of their visit.
Dr Makepeace said: “There is evidence that some infected prostitutes earned more than uninfected prostitutes because men wanted to catch STIs so they could have an escape from the trenches, which is quite an upsetting indicator of the lengths they would go to.
“This subject can be read in terms of how awful life was in the First World War for these men but these women were also doing incredibly unenviable work and suffered horrible conditions.”
Many of the female sex workers were illiterate and she has so far been unable to find anything written from their perspective.
She said: “The closest I’ve got are the photos found in a biscuit tin.
“These photos are vital because they give us an insight and a more rounded picture of what life was really like on the Western Front.”
Talking about the images his wife’s grandfather, known by his initials “WN”, kept hidden for so long, Jo Gluck concluded: “Maybe WN decided they were better not seen — partly because of the images in the brothel but also because they contained pictures of the young woman he was discouraged from marrying.
“I see no reason why they should not be published now. They show another side of the war, which should also be remembered.”
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