Vintage History

Vintage History


Перевести · Vintage History - Home | Facebook. Vintage History. 213,051 likes · 5,026 talking about this. My love of All things Vintage History, Old Or Unique …
Перевести · Written by Josh Robertson. The bold, the talented, the beautiful and, alas, the doomed -- their photos intrigue and haunt us. Discovering a shot of a star we'd never seen before is like hearing a new secret from an old friend. We know the iconic photos -- the magazine covers and movie posters and publicity stills that go everywhere.[0]=68.ARC2ZROU7POITmdsRFDkdl0...
Перевести · Vintage History - Home | Facebook. Vintage History. 213,066 likes. My love of All things Vintage History, Old Or Unique items, Antiques …
Vintage, in winemaking, is the process of picking grapes and creating the finished product—wine (see Harvest (wine)). A vintage wine is one made from grapes that were all, or primarily, grown and harvested in a single specified year. In certain wines, it can denote quality, as in Port wine, where Port houses make and declare vintage Port in their best years. From this tradition, a common, though n…
Vintage, in winemaking, is the process of picking grapes and creating the finished product—wine (see Harvest (wine)). A vintage wine is one made from grapes that were all, or primarily, grown and harvested in a single specified year. In certain wines, it can denote quality, as in Port wine, where Port houses make and declare vintage Port in their best years. From this tradition, a common, though not strictly correct, usage applies the term to any wine that is perceived to be particularly old or of a particularly high quality.

Most countries allow a vintage wine to include a portion of wine that is not from the year denoted on the label. In Chile and South Africa, the requirement is 75% same-year content for vintage-dated wine. In Australia, New Zealand, and the member states of the European Union, the requirement is 85%. In the United States, the requirement is 85%, unless the wine is designated with an AVA, (e.g., Napa Valley), in which case it is 95%. Technically, the 85% rule in the United States applies equally to imports, but there are difficulties in enforcing the regulation.

The opposite of a vintage wine is a nonvintage wine (often seen on a wine list as NV), which is usually a blend from the produce of two or more years. This is a common practice for winemakers seeking a consistent style of wine, year on year.
Перевести · Epic and vintage slideshow …
Перевести · The only unsolved skyjacking case in U.S. history might have a break; Kurt Gödel became too …
Перевести · We have prepared detailed historical fashion information for you. Select a decade, search or browse all the articles below. Contact us to learn more about writing articles for us. 07 Apr. Hollywood Style, Movie Star Dress Up Ideas, Vintage …
Перевести · Lyra spends her days exploring all shades of history. In her writing, she covers topics ranging from the …
Before the rise of industrial manufacture, construction of most articles of clothing required extensive hand labor. Clothing worn by farmers and laborers was more a matter of practicality than fashion. In order to maximize value, clothing was repaired when worn or damaged, sometimes with layers of patching. Used clothing, in reasonable condition, could be tailoredfor a new owner. When too ta…
Before the rise of industrial manufacture, construction of most articles of clothing required extensive hand labor. Clothing worn by farmers and laborers was more a matter of practicality than fashion. In order to maximize value, clothing was repaired when worn or damaged, sometimes with layers of patching. Used clothing, in reasonable condition, could be tailored for a new owner. When too tattered to repair, an article might have been taken down to scraps for use in a quilt or braided rag rug, or used as rags for cleaning or dusting.

During World War I, the United States launched a conservation campaign, with slogans such as "Make economy fashionable lest it become obligatory". One result was an approximate 10% reduction in wartime trash production.

The tides of popular fashion create demand for ongoing replacement of products with something that is new and fresh. This is due in part to increased visibility, as vintage clothing was increasingly worn by top models and celebrities. Popularity of period pieces set in the mid 20th century in television and film have also contributed to vintage's popularity.

There was resurgent interest in environmental sustainability in terms of reusing, recycling and repairing rather than throwing things away. Sometimes vintage items are upcycled via changing the hemline or other features for a more contemporary look. Vintage items in poor condition are also salvaged for reuse as components in new garments. Throughout the world, used apparel is reclaimed and put to new uses. The textile recycling industry is able to process over ninety percent of the waste without the production of any new hazardous waste or harmful by product.

Historically based sub-cultural groups like rockabilly and swing dancing played a part in the increased interest in vintage clothes. In Finland the vintage scene resulted in a registered non-profit organization called Fintage, from common interest in the preservation of material culture and the environment.
Перевести · Welcome to the official Vintage Story Wiki Vintage Story is a survival sandbox game that is currently under development and available for purchase as an early access title. …
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The bold, the talented, the beautiful and, alas, the doomed -- their photos intrigue and haunt us. Discovering a shot of a star we'd never seen before is like hearing a new secret from an old friend. We know the iconic photos -- the magazine covers and movie posters and publicity stills that go everywhere. But we're fascinated by the stolen moments, undocumented episodes and revealing outtakes. The time when the rock star grew a beard or wore cutoff shorts that were a little too short. The sex kittens and he-men of cinema before they were household names. The odd couples and unexpected couplings. They're all entrancing and enchanting -- taking us back while showing us something new.
Here's another shot from the photo session with Bruce McBroom that yielded Farrah Fawcett's red swimsuit poster -- the best-selling poster of all time, according to the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History. There's an odd thing about this shoot, though -- why did Fawcett wear a bikini? Charlie's Angels wasn't even on TV yet, and the poster company wanted to sell posters -- and Farrah is wearing a one-piece? McBroom would recall years later that the poster company had of course asked for a bikini shot, but Fawcett didn't own a bikini. McBroom snapped her in numerous poses with various outfits she owned, but wasn't feeling he'd nailed it yet. He sent her back into her closet one last time, to find something she felt sexy and comfortable in, and she emerged in the soon-to-be famous red swimsuit.
Josh Robertson is a freelance writer who lives in the past -- and likes it there. He's a former Playboy and Yahoo! Internet Life editor and current social media whiz/hack. He prefers Martin Denny to Herb Alpert, still reads his Kurtzman-era Mad magazines, thinks margarita mix is an abomination and believes Lazenby was the second-best Bond, deal with it.

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