Виды Эссе За И Против

Виды Эссе За И Против


Виды Эссе За И Против

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Брыксина Наталья Семеновна , учитель английского языка


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Вначале мы внимательно читаем тему и проверяем,
каких аргументов требует данная тема: аргументов
общего характера или есть возможность высказать
свое собственное мнение.
Затем обдумываем содержание, полноту
выполнения задания. При планировании эссе с
аргументацией “за” и “против” располагаем
материал в четырех абзацах:

Первый абзац – вступление – включает в себя
несколько предложений, которые представляют
тему и выражают ее двойственный характер.
Можно использовать следующий языковой

Работая над аргументами, помним, что аргументы
“за” и “против” пишем в отдельных абзацах.
Сбалансированная аргументация требуется для
письменного высказывания данного типа.
Высказывая несколько аргументов “за” или
“против”, мы ставим их в логической
последовательности, соединяя их союзами или
союзными словами. Второй, третий аргументы,
подтверждая и расширяя первый, водят следующие
союзы и союзные слова:
Extreme sports are very popular nowadays. (+) (положительный
In addition to this, they are so romantic and thrilling. (+)
What’s more, you will get unforgettable impressions and a lot of exercise.(+)
Moreover, you will get unforgettable impressions and a lot of exercise.(+)
Dogs are trained to guard places and find drugs. (+)
As well as this they are kept as pets. (+)
Apart from being trained to guard places, they are kept as pets. (+)
Besides being trained to guard places, they are kept as pets. (+)
They say computer games are violent. (-) (отрицательный аргумент)
In addition to this they can be addictive. (-)
What’s more, they can be addictive. (-)
Moreover, they can be addictive. (-)
Для введения контрастирующих аргументов
используются следующие союзы и союзные слова: but,
however, on the other hand, yet, although, though, in spite of/despite, in contrast.
They say that fewer people read books nowadays. (-)
On the other hand, books still remain one of the most popular presents for birthdays.
Nevertheless, remain one of the most popular presents for birthdays. (+)
However, remain one of the most popular presents for birthdays. (+)
The train is much cheaper than the plane. (+)
Despite/in spite of the fact that the train is much cheaper than the plane, it is
relatively slow. (-)
В основной части эссе мы также употребляем
союзы и союзные обороты, выражения: so, as a result,
therefore, thus, to begin with, firstly (secondly, thirdly), in my opinion, as far as I am
concerned, for example, for instance (such as, like).
В последнем абзаце следует обобщить
высказанное и сделать заключение: снова пишем
предложение, отражающее противоречивость темы,
но в то же время, дающее надежду на нахождение
компромисса. Если тема позволяет, здесь четко
можно выразить свое мнение. Используем
выражения: in conclusion, to sum up (finally, therefore), in general, in summary,
all in all.
При написании эссе с аргументами “за” и
“против” мы помним –

Present advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city.
There have been a lot of arguments about where it is better to live: in the country or
in town.
According to the poll, a lot of people move to bigger cities. But surprisingly, the
opposite process has been going on, too. More and more often the inhabitants of big cities
are looking for a house or an apartment out in the country. Apparently, there are both
positive and negative things about living in a big city.
First of all, it is appealing to live in a big city because there are more
opportunities for the ones who are looking for a job or a college. Besides that, living in
a city allows us to meet more people than we can in a small town. The architecture of the
city is also very beautiful.
On the other hand, when looking for a job, one can face a bigger competition in a big
city. More than that, a lot of people feel lonely in big cities. And finally, the
ecological misbalance in the cities is obvious. The air and the water is very polluted and
it might be dangerous for people’s health.
In conclusion, there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages about living in a big
city. It is up to an individual where to live, depending on their preferences and needs.
In 2007 the honour to host 2014 Winter Olympic Games was awarded to Sochi, Russia. Even
though thousands of people were celebrating this victory on the squares of Russian cities
there is still a dispute over the advantages what hosting the Olympiad gives to Russia
One major advantage is that the region of Sochi will be greatly developed. It includes
building new sport and tourist facilities, road-building as well as repairing a great
number of city services. In addition to it, hosting the Olympiad will bring a lot of
foreign investment into the Russian economy. As a result, the budget of the country will
go up. Moreover, the Olympic will stir up the patriotic feelings of Russian people and
raise the prestige of our country on the international arena.
The development of the region will unavoidably lead to the growth of the cost of
living. A big amount of foreign companies might bring down small local businesses. And the
last but not least, rapid changing of the environment is very harmful to the ecological
balance in the region. Nevertheless, most people are happy and proud to be hosting the
Olympic Games in their home town.
To sum it up, both the advantages and disadvantages of hosting the Olympiad are
significant. Still, it cannot be denied that being the host of 2014 Winter Olympic Games
is a great honour for Russia.
In today’s world of fierce competition it is very important for our country to hold
the Olympics in Sochi in 2014. It can be regarded as a step in the right direction, though
it is also not without problems.
Hosting the Olympics brings up the prestige of the country, gives it a lot of new
international business offers, and draws foreign investments into domestic economy.
That’s why the Games are so appealing to many countries. Besides that, a lot of new
touristy and sport facilities are built in the region, which provides people many work
However, as critics are quick to point out, the cost of living of Sochi’s dwellers
will rise by far. Apart from this, the development of sports can provide a great
ecological damage to our country.
There are a lot of things against and in favour of the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014.
But I personally believe that the main positive aspect about it is the growth of patriotic
feelings in the country, which is very important nowadays.
By Alexandra Milyakina (11 th form)
In 2014 our country is holding the Olympics. This has both advantages and
Russia will profit from investments of foreign companies. Furthermore, a lot of money
will be obtained from foreign tourists who are going to visit the Olympics and are already
booking the places. Also thanks to the Olympiad many places will be made up: all the
stadiums, sport facilities, hotels need the staff. So, in this case Sochi will get rid of
unemployment. Moreover, the Olympics are believed to raise the prestige of Russia. I think
people can be proud that their country is going to be the capital of sport in 2014.
However, some people think that the Olympics can significantly damage the economy of
our country. Russia has to invest money from the national budget in order to build new
sport facilities and stadiums. Moreover, lots of hotels for sportsmen and their fans have
to be constructed. In this case, the expenses made by the country are likely to be rather
considerable. Furthermore, the Olympics can do harm to the ecology of the world-known
To sum it up, we can say that all the losses of Russia are going to be compensated by
the enormous profits. However, there are some disadvantages that should be taken into

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