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CF Lounge: Weekly post Mar 08-Mar 14
CF4CF: Monthly post for March, 2021
People mock us for having lots of pets, but will congratulate Karen for her 5th pregnancy.
Therapist insinuated that because I had a hysterectomy I'm not a woman anymore
oMg yOu aRe hAviNg tHe uRgeS tO hAvE bAbEzzzzZzZ
I figured out that my previous supervisor disliked me because of my childfree stance as well as my achievements so far
Discussion topics and links of interest to childfree individuals. "Childfree" refers to those who do not have and do not ever want children (whether biological, adopted, or otherwise).
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My partner and I are 26 and we love animals, especially rodents. We currently have 7, all rescued, and they take a very big place in our hearts and everyday lives. We've had rats, Guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils and mice. Before getting any of them we have spent weeks looking for what was the best for them. We've built big, almost 2 meters long terrariums for our lil' diggers from some ikea glass displays. We've bought a 200€ cage for our rats. We order the best artisanal food online for them, an expensive brand. We buy them lots of toys, hammocks, etc., always looking online to see if that's dangerous or not for them. We talk to them a lot, pet them, they get out of their habitat for a freewalk everyday. We have 2 vet clinics who know us and our furballs very well and we keep an very high emergency fund in case someone needs a surgery or any other expensive vet visit (which has happened a lot along the years). Last week alone we've had a 110€ vet bill because one of our gerbils had broken his upper tooth and needed some surgery and meds.
We love them so much. We even have an emergency plan in case we have to evacuate the building. My babies were born in awful places, treated awfully by awful people. They deserve the best stuff, the best love and the best peace we can give them.
Yet, we often get mocked by stupid people because we treat our pets "too well". "You have way too many of them", "they don't need cages that big" (spoiler: yeah, they do), "why do you talk to him, he's just a hamster", etc etc. It never ends. People especially freak out when we tell them we've 7. They think we're crazy. But yet we still live in a very nice 2 bedrooms clean apartment; even with the amount of money we have to spend monthly for our fur babies we still have way more than enough to buy ourselves nice stuff, fill the fridge, our two cars, video games, books, and, before covid, travel as much as we want. And keep in mind that we're not rich either, I'm a teacher so I don't earn that much money really.
So people will mock such a way of life, financially and emotionally stable, ask us when we are going to have "real" children, but will congratulate fecking Karen who is pregnant with her 5th kid and have no job nor any money? Feck breeders and this natalist mentality.
This happened earlier this week and I've sat on it long enough to write calmly, like a normal, perfectly sane person. I'm going to include a trigger warning (sexual assault, I'll put it under a spoiler). It's relevant information to my situation.
I recently started seeing a trauma therapist because I was repeatedly raped by a guy who was my roommate at the time and shortly thereafter sexually assaulted by a close friend . It destroyed my self image and I really let myself go after that. I didn't want to be considered desirable anymore. I stopped wearing dresses and nice clothes. I cut my hair. I gained weight. I told this to my therapist on our initial consultation and she acted like she understood.
The next session we had (a few days ago), I briefly mentioned that I'd had a total hysterectomy + bi-salp related to endometriosis. She asked me if I found that devastating, and I was honest (as I felt I could be with her) and said not at all. I told her not only did it alleviate the immense pain I'd been having for 10+ years but it also solved my concerns of ever becoming pregnant (tokophobia + fear of being raped again + long list of reasons why I don't want kids).
She then asks if that's the reason why I dress like a boy (my hair is short, I was in denim shorts and a nerdy T-shirt). I gave her a confused look because I was genuinely baffled since we'd already discussed this the week prior. "Do you think that you feel you're no longer a woman because you can't have children anymore? If that was me I would be so devastated. I don't think I'd be able to consider myself a woman after that."
Am I getting worked up over nothing? I just feel like that was an incredibly insensitive thing to say.
Opened up Facebook just now to be greeted by this meme - not sure if any of you have seen it. It's a picture of two kids with $1400 stamped over their faces and the accompanying text reads as follows:
....And we're the bad guys for calling them "crotch goblins" and "breeders".
Yesterday at work (we are going with a lot of precautions here) I was getting ready for my shift and my cool coworker also arrived. After chatting a bit she told me she was quite sad for some things.
We were minding our own business and I was trying to listen and comfort her until another annoying coworker listen a part of our conversation.
(The annoying cw is a hardcore natalist and is aware of my cf position)
She listened to me saying "yes, I get you, In a while I have the urge to-"
I was going to say "urge to cry but I hold back" since this nice cw was having many problems AND she looked hurt.
Now this annoying cw dashed to us and loudly says something like "oMg I knew you will eventually have THOSE urges! See?! Every woman has them-"
Having a headache I just responded with a casual "yes, urge to take my bat and smash someone's head. Im glad EVERY WOMAN has that urge!"
I left this job a month ago and recently caught up with my colleagues for drinks yesterday and may have discovered something.
A bit of background, I worked as a legal support person and my supervisor seemed to seriously dislike me over my colleagues. I never knew why she disliked me when I always completed my work on time and the lawyers I worked for always praised me in comparison to my colleagues who were lazy and incompetent. My position was mostly administrative based, so my supervisor and my team members did not have degrees and were/are not studying. I’m 23 with a bachelors degree in business and currently in my final year of law.
After being mistreated so much, I went job hunting and got accepted as a judge’s assistant in the Supreme Court. All the lawyers were so happy for me and told me how much of a good gig it was and how I’ll go far etc. My supervisor didn’t even leave me a message on my final day at work (she was working from home on that day).
Fast forward to my catch up with my previous colleagues yesterday they were talking about said supervisor. One mentioned how she is such a miserable and negative person who has never moved on (she’s worked there for 20 years). He also asked her why she doesn’t just find another job if she’s so unhappy and her response was “no I can’t. I don’t have any qualifications. I’m a single mother and you don’t understand how hard it is to study and work and care for a child. I don’t have the luxury to study and get better jobs as other women who don’t have kids” (her son is my age and healthy, I don’t understand why she thinks she can’t pursue studies?).
Another lawyer was in our conversation and said “maybe that’s why supervisor disliked you so much. Because you’re a young woman with nearly 2 degrees who is loved by everyone at work, you look great and have the time to spend money on clothes and your appearance and she sees you as a threat. That’s why she liked your lazy colleagues over you, because they’re not studying and going places like you are”.
This is SO bizarre. How is this my fault? I chose my life, you can choose yours. And I’ve seen single mums become lawyers, doctors, CEOs (heck, Obama’s mother was a single mum and raised a president), NOTHING stops you just because you’re a single mother!
I seriously cannot believe that despite being a dedicated hard worker, I was disliked because of my life choices that she couldn’t have.
Access to the list of doctors who accepted to sterilize young, childless adults with minimal fuss. The list is international.
Feel free to add your doctor too if you had a good experience! If you don't have access to editing, please modmail the team. We'll be more than glad to do it for you.
Not sure how to address the issue with your doctor or how to ask for a referral to your general practitioner? Here are some tips and some facts that can help you.
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